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Search: su=New International Economic Order
Found: 39 Record 1-39

Conference paperFondation Gabriel Péri (FGP), Pantin (2008)
Afrique et Europe: néocolonialisme ou partenariat? Actes du colloque
Pantin: Fondation Gabriel Péri. 263p.

BookAdar, Korwa Gombe; Ajulu, Rok (eds.) (2002)
Globalization and emerging trends in African States' foreign policy-making process
Abstract presentAldershot: Ashgate. The Making of Modern Africa. 357p.

Periodical articleAyodele, A. 'Sesan; Adeeko, Matthew A. (2002)
Reflections on Africa's historic and current initiatives for political and economic unity
Nigerian Journal of International Affairs. Volume 28 #1-2. p. 16-34.

Periodical articleTaylor, Ian (2001-2002)
New World Orders without End? An Intellectual History of Post-War North-South Relations
Abstract presentAfrika Zamani: revue annuelle d'histoire africaine = Annual Journal of African History. #9-10. p. 1-18.

Periodical articleMartin, G. (1998)
The re-marginalization of Africa in the new world order: the clash of civilization and the remaking of world order
Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 14 #1. January. p. 91-93.

Periodical articleBarro Chambrier, Hugues-Alexandre (1997)
La globalisation de l'économie: nouvelles chances, nouvelles opportunités pour l'Afrique
Abstract presentÉtudes et statistiques: bulletin mensuel. #238. p. 243-256.

Periodical articleTandon, Yash (1997)
Globalization and the South: the logic of exploitation
Abstract presentInternationale Politik und Gesellschaft. #4. p. 389-398.

Periodical articleHoriuchi, S. (1996)
The secret behind the miracle of south east Asia and Japan economic boom
Accountant (Nairobi, Kenya). April-June. p. 11, 13, 15, 19.

Periodical articleMonsengwo Pasinya, L. (1996)
Un nouvel ordre économique mondial: jalons éthiques
Revue africaine de théologie. Volume 20 #39. avril. p. 25-36.

Periodical articleRamdaursingh, R. (1995-1996)
An overview of global economic trends
Business Year Book (Port Louis, Mauritius). p. 14-21.

Periodical articleBreytenbach, Willie J. (1995)
South-North Bargaining: What Role for South Africa?
Abstract presentAfrica Insight. Volume 25 #4. p. 231-235.

Periodical articleAdejumobi, S. (1993)
Economic issues and Nigeria's foreign policy in the emergent new world order: some consideration on the next decade
African Journal of Political Economy. p. 95-106.

Periodical articleEchezona, N. (1993)
Plural politics, African security and the new world order
African Journal of Political Economy. p. 55-63.

Periodical articleIhonvbere, J.O. (1993)
The African crisis, regionalism and prospects for recovery in the emerging global order
African Journal of Political Economy. p. 9-33.

Periodical articleNyahoda, P.T. (1993)
Challenges of a changing global order: implications for African communication networks
African Journal of Political Economy. p. 65-86.

Periodical articleGupta, Vijay (1992)
Africa: The Post Cold War Era
Abstract presentIndian Journal of African Studies. Volume 5 #1. p. 1-13.

Periodical articleMulala Atenyi, S. (1992)
New world order and its implications to poor nations
Resistance (Kampala, Uganda). Volume 2 #5. April. p. 20-21.

Periodical articlePausewang, S. (1992)
Brauchen Afrikas Bauern eine neue Weltordnung? Antworten aus der Perspektive äthiopischer Bauern
Abstract presentAfrika Spectrum. Volume 27 #2. p. 187-205.

Periodical articleVieira, S. (1992)
No fim da bipolaridade notas para uma reflexao nos países da periferia
Estudos moçambicanos. #10. p. 41-61.

Periodical articleAyari, C. (1991)
Le monde arabe et l'enjeu economique du ordre mondial
African Journal of Political Economy. Volume 3. p. 94-108.

Periodical articleHenni, A. (1991)
Nouvel ordre international ou prodromes de l'etat mondial
African Journal of Political Economy. Volume 3. p. 109-112.

Periodical articleMakosholo, P.P. (1991)
A synoptic view of the post-NIEO declaration experience and future scenarios in international economic law
Lesotho Law Journal: A Journal of Law and Development. Volume 7 #1. p. 135-153.

Periodical articleTevera, D.S. (1991)
What's the role of international trade in African development?
Geographical Education Magazine. Volume 14 #1. March. p. 25-31.

Periodical articleKendie, Daniel (1988)
See this publicationNortheast Africa and the World Economic Order
Abstract presentNortheast African Studies. Volume 10 #1. p. 69-82.

Periodical articleCampbell, H. (1986)
The IMF debate and the politics of demobilisation in Tanzania
Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 2 #2. June. p. 56-76.

Periodical articleMorrison, K.C. (1986)
The New International Economic Order and Africa
Abstract presentThe African Review: A Journal of African Politics, Development and International Affairs. Volume 13 #2. p. 33-52.

Periodical articleMorrison, K.C. (1984)
See this publicationThe New International Economic Order and Africa
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 9 #1. p. 5-30.

Periodical articleRembe, N.S. (1984)
Prospects for the realisation of the new international economic order: an African perspective
Abstract presentThe Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa. Volume 17 #3. p. 322-339.

Periodical articleBenedek, Wolfgang (1982)
The Lomé convention and the international law of development: a concretisation of the New International Economic Order?
Abstract presentJournal of African Law. Volume 26 #1. p. 74-93.

Periodical articleKiros, Fassil G. (1981)
See this publicationWhat is in a New International Economic Order for the Least Developed Countries in Africa?
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 6 #4. October-December. p. 16-34.

Periodical articleAmin, Samir (1980)
See this publicationDu rapport Pearson (1970) au rapport Brandt (1980) our la crise de l'ideologie du développement
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 5 #3. p. 5-20.

Periodical articleMkandawire, Thandika (1980)
See this publicationThe new international economic order, basic needs strategies and the future of Africa
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 5 #3. p. 68-90.

Periodical articleAmin, Samir (1978)
New international economic order and strategy for the use of financial surpluses of developing countries
Abstract presentAlternatives: A Journal of World Policy. Volume 4 #4. p. 477-485.

Periodical articleBlasius, Mark; Falk, Richard A. (1976)
State of the globe report 1975
Abstract presentAlternatives: A Journal of World Policy. Volume 2 #3. p. 217-364.

Periodical articleErasmus, M.G. (1976)
The new international economic order
Abstract presentSouth African Yearbook of International Law. Volume 2. p. 111-127.

Periodical articlePioro, Zygmunt (1976)
Nation building in tropical Africa as a precondition of the new international economic order
Abstract presentAfricana Bulletin. #24. p. 17-34.

Periodical articleRenninger, John P. (1976)
See this publicationAfter the Seventh Special General Assembly Session: Africa and the New Emerging World Order
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 19 #2. September. p. 35-48.

Periodical articleSenghor, Léopold Sédar (1976)
L'Afrique et le nouvel ordre économique mondial
Abstract presentRevue française d'études politiques africaines. Volume 11 #128. p. 80-90.

Periodical articleFalk, Richard A. (1975)
State of the globe report 1974
Abstract presentAlternatives: A Journal of World Policy. Volume 1 #2-3. p. 155-463.

Search: su=New International Economic Order
Found: 39 Record 1-39

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