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Periodical articleKayira, Gift Wasambo; Banda, Paul Chiudza; Robinson, Amanda Lea (2019)
See this publicationEthnic associations and politics in contemporary Malawi
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 13 #4. p. 718-738.

Periodical articleGaye, Sahite (2017)
Pour une approche formelle des phénomènes de communication dans les organisations au Sénégal: esquisse et pertinence d'une démarche en sciences de l'information et de communication
Revue africaine de communication: nouvelle série. #3. p. 137-152.

BookAny-Gbayere, Sahou (2016)
Méthodologie de la consultance et de l'expertise
Paris: L'Harmattan. 180p.

Periodical articleMcKinley, Dale (2016)
See this publicationLessons in community-based resistance? South Africa's Anti-Privatisation Forum
Abstract presentJournal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 34 #2. p. 268-281.

BookAdetunmbi, Seye (2015)
Èkìtìpanúpò: indigenous think-tank and intellectual roundtable: historical excerpts of Ekitipanupo deliberations 2005-2015
Lagos: Mindscope Africa. 382p.

Periodical articleFoda, Omar (2015)
See this publicationAnna and Ahmad: building modern temperance in Egypt (1884-1940)
Abstract presentSocial Sciences and Missions = Sciences sociales et missions. Volume 28 #1-2. p. 116-149.

Periodical articleNorglo, Benhardt Edem Kofi (2015)
See this publicationThe African diaspora's public participation in policy-making concerning Africa
Abstract presentDiaspora Studies. Volume 9 #2. p. 83-99.

BookRay, Nivedita (2015)
India's engagement with East Africa: opportunities and challenges
New Delhi: Vij Books India Pvt Ltd. 180p.

BookSaizonou, Joachin Nounagnon (2015)
La gestion interprofessionnelle de la filière coton au Bénin
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines, Série agriculture. 167p.

Periodical articlevan der Walt, Freda; de Klerk, Jeremias J. (2015)
See this publicationThe experience of spirituality in a multicultural and diverse work environment
Abstract presentAfrican and Asian Studies. Volume 14 #4. p. 253-288.

BookRodrigue, Sedjro Agbe (2014)
Manuel de protection des enfants par les Associations d'Enfants et Jeunes Travailleurs (AEJT)
Senegal: Associations d'Enfants et Jeunes Travailleurs (AEJT). Série Jeuda. 99p.

BookUnited Nations. Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa (2014)
See this publicationThe ECA knowledge management strategy: managing the knowledge of a knowledge organization
Addis Ababa: ECA. 49p.

Periodical articleMcLaren, Linde; Heath, Ernie (2013)
Towards a framework for identifying and engaging rural tourism route stakeholders in southern Africa
Abstract presentAfricanus. Volume 43 #1. p. 18-32.

BookStrauhs, Doreen (2013)
African literary NGOs: power, politics, and participation
New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. 243p.

Periodical articleAndersson, Gavin; Richards, Howard (2012)
Bounded and unbounded organisation
Abstract presentAfricanus. Volume 42 #1. p. 98-119.

BookSalgon, Jean-Michel (2012)
Dictionnaire de l'islamisme au Maghreb
Paris: L'Harmattan. Histoire et perspectives méditerranéennes. 316p.

Book chapterBreemer, Hans P.M. van den (2008)
Conservation of nature and rural development in south-eastern Senegal
Abstract presentIn: Dilemmas of development: conflicts of interest and their resolutions in modernizing Africa. p. 19-38.

Periodical articleKonings, Piet (2008)
See this publicationPrivatisation and Labour Militancy: The Case of Cameroon's Tea Estates
Abstract presentJournal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 26 #1. January. p. 51-70.

BookSchiefer, Ulrich (2008)
See this publicationIntegrated Evaluation of Change: a new perspective for planning and evaluation in multiple intervention environments
Lisbon: Periploi. 91p.

Book chapterAbdullah, Hussaina J. (2007)
Women as Emergent Actors: A Survey of New Women's Organizations in Nigeria since the 1990s
In: Cole, Catherine M. and Manuh, Takyiwaa and Miescher, Stephan (eds.). Africa After Gender? Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press. p. 150-167.

BookAdams, S. (2007)
'Aunties' for Sexual and Reproductive Health: How Unwed Young Mothers Become Advocates, Teachers and Counsellors in Cameroon
Eschborn, Germany: Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). German HIV Practice Collection. July. 35p.

Periodical articleBayat, A. (2007)
See this publicationA Women's Non-Movement: What it Means to be a Woman Activist in an Islamic State
Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Volume 27 #1. p. 160-172.

Periodical articleBenjamin, S. (2007)
The Feminization of Poverty in Post-Apartheid South Africa: A Story Told by the Women of Bayview, Chatsworth
Journal of Developing Societies. Volume 23 #1-2. p. 175-206.

Book chapterBritwum, Akua O. (2007)
The Gender of Trade Union Democratic Participation in Ghana
In: Kester, Gerard and Britwum, Akua O. (eds.). Trade Unions and Workplace Democracy in Africa. Aldershot, Great Britain/Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate.

BookCole, Catherine M.; Manuh, Takyiwaa; Miescher, Stephan (eds.) (2007)
Africa after Gender?
Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press. 328p.

Book chapterDibie, Josephine; Dibie, Robert A. (2007)
Current and Future Roles of NGOs in the Empowerment of Women in Africa
In: Dibie, Robert A. (ed.). Non-Governmental Organizations and Sustainable Development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.

Dissertation / thesisEverhart-Valentin, Kira (2007)
Empowering Participation: NGOs and Women's Political Participation in Uganda, Kenya, Cote d'Ivoire and Mali
M.A. Thesis: Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas. 63p.

Book chapterGilman, Sarah E. (2007)
Feminist Organizing in Tunisia: Negotiating Transnational Linkages and the State
In: Moghadam, Valentine M. (ed.). From Patriarchy to Empowerment: Women's Participation, Movements, and Rights in the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia. Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press.

BookGunn, Shirley; Visser, Rachel (eds.) (2007)
Labour Pains for the Nation: Eight Women Workers Share Their Stories
Cape Town: Human Rights Media Centre. 254p.

Periodical articleHermanson, Judith A. (2007)
Violence, Poverty and Survival in Darfur, Sudan
Development. #50. p. 154-159.

Book chapterKamuzora, Aurelia; Makusora, Faustin (2007)
Analysis of Factors Influencing the Survival of Women's Economic Groups of Tanzania
In: Lucas, Linda E. (ed.). Unpacking Globalization: Markets, Gender, and Work. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.

Book chapterKopf, Jennifer (2007)
Women in Colonial Regimes - Repression of Muslim Women's Movements in Colonial East Africa
In: Morin, Karen M. and Guelke, Jeanne K. (eds.). Women, Religion, and Space: Global Perspectives on Gender and Faith. Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press.

Periodical articleLandolt, Laura K. (2007)
See this publicationUSAID, Population Control, and NGO-Led Democratization in Egypt: The Fate of the ICPD Programme of Action
Democratization. Volume 14 #4. August. p. 706-722.

Book chapterManuh, Takyiwaa (2007)
Doing Gender Work in Ghana
In: Cole, Catherine M. and Manuh, Takyiwaa and Miescher, Stephan (eds.). Africa After Gender? Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press. p. 125-149.

Periodical articleMendenhall, E.; Muzizi, L.; Stephenson, R.; Chomba, E.; Ahmed, Y.; Haworth, Alan; Allen, S. (2007)
Property Grabbing and Will Writing in Lusaka, Zambia: An Examination of Wills of HIV-Infected Cohabiting Couples
AIDS Care. Volume 19 #3. March. p. 369-374.

Periodical articleMichau, Lori (2007)
See this publicationApproaching Old Problems in New Ways: Community Mobilisation as a Primary Prevention Strategy to Combat Violence against Women
Gender and Development. Volume 15 #1. March. p. 95-109.

Periodical articleMiruka, Okumba (2007)
Combating Gender-Based Violence in Kenya: The Experience of 'Men for Gender Equality Now'
Critical Half: Bi-Annual Journal for Women International. Volume 5 #1. Winter. p. 21-25.

BookMoghadam, Valentine M. (ed.) (2007)
From Patriarchy to Empowerment: Women's Participation, Movements, and Rights in the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia
Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press.

Periodical articleNageeb, Salme A. (2007)
Appropriating the Mosque: Women's Religious Groups in Khartoum
Abstract presentAfrika Spectrum. Volume 42 #1. p. 5-27.

Periodical articleOswin, Natalie (2007)
Producing Homonormativity in Neoliberal South Africa: Recognition, Redistribution, and the Equality Project
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. Volume 32 #3. Spring. p. 649-670.

Book chapterSeidman, Gay W. (2007)
Institutional Dilemmas: Representation versus Mobilization in the South African Gender Commission
In: Cole, Catherine M. and Manuh, Takyiwaa and Miescher, Stephan (eds.). Africa After Gender? Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press. p. 30-47.

Periodical articleSieveking, Nadine (2007)
'We Don't Want Equality; We Want to be Given Our Rights': Muslim Women Negotiating Global Development Concepts in Senegal
Abstract presentAfrika Spectrum. Volume 42 #1. p. 29-48.

Dissertation / thesisStrydom, Irene (2007)
Labouring for a Better Life: The Struggle of Anna Scheepers and Lucy Mvubelo for Better Labour Conditions, 1960-1980
M.A. Thesis: University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa. 217p.

Dissertation / thesisTonge Akwo, Ida (2007)
The Role of Non Governmental Organisations in Fostering Women's Economic Empowerment and Development in Cameroon: The Case Study of the Mbonweh Women's Development Association
M.Soc.Sc. Thesis: University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa. 133p.

Periodical articleWaylen, Georgina (2007)
Women's Mobilization and Gender Outcomes in Transitions to Democracy: The Case of South Africa
Comparative Political Studies. Volume 40 #5. May. p. 521-546.

Book chapterAhmed, Shahira (2006)
The Babiker Badri Scientific Association for Women's Studies and the Eradication of Female Circumcision in the Sudan
In: Abusharaf, Rogaia M. (ed.). Female Circumcision: Multicultural Perspectives. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Periodical articleAyanwale, Adeolu B.; Bamire, Simeon; Alimi, Taiwo (2006)
See this publicationPoverty Reduction, Gender Equality and Micro-Credit Administration in Nigeria: The Case of the Farmers Development Union
Ghana Journal of Development Studies. Volume 3 #1. May. p. 1-15.

Periodical articleBesser, Mitchell (2006)
Mothers 2 Mothers
South African Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Volume 12 #3. November. p. 122-128.

Periodical articleBritton, Hannah E. (2006)
See this publicationOrganising against Gender Violence in South Africa
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 32 #1. March. p. 145-163.

Periodical articleGarta, Solomon Tizhe; Ilesanmi, Felix Aromo (2006)
Community participation in water resources development in Michika Local Government Area, Adamawa State, Nigeria
Abstract presentAnnals of Borno. Volume 23-24. p. 19-40.

BookGurung, Jeanette D. (2006)
See this publicationGender and Desertification: Expanding Roles for Women to Restore Drylands
Rome International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). 32p.

BookJoint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) (2006)
Organisations Working in Kenya to Address HIV and AIDS in Women
Nairobi: Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). Global Coalition on Women and AIDS. 94p.

Dissertation / thesisJonikaite, Greta (2006)
See this publicationAddressing Violence against Women in Uganda: Approaches and Strategies of Civil Society Organizations
M.S. Thesis: Florida State University. 246p.

Periodical articleKayitesi-Blewitt, Mary (2006)
See this publicationFunding Development in Rwanda: The Survivors' Perspective
Development in Practice. Volume 16 #3-4. June. p. 316-321.

Book chapterKiriti, Tabitha W.; Tisdell, Clement A.; Roy, Kartik C. (2006)
Institutional Deterrents to the Empowerment of Women: Kenya's Experience
In: Roy, Kartik C. and Sideras, Jorn (eds.). Institutions, Globalisation and Empowerment. Cheltenham, Great Britain/Northampton, Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing.

BookLeslie, Agnes N. (2006)
Social Movements and Democracy in Africa: The Impact of Women's Struggle for Equal Rights in Botswana
New York: Routledge. 213p.

Periodical articleMabawonku, Iyabo (2006)
The Information Environment of Women in Nigeria's Public Service
Journal of Documentation. Volume 62 #1. p. 73-90.

Periodical articleMustafa, Hudita N. (2006)
See this publicationEros, Beauty and Crisis: Notes from Senegal
Feminist Africa. #6. September. p. 20-32.

BookNdungo, Catherine M.; Alemu, Abraham; Leon, Matagi (2006)
The Image of Women in African Oral Literature: A Case Study of Gikuyu Oral Literature /Oral Narratives as an Ideological Weapon for Subordinating Women/Gender-Friendly Human Resource Management and Organizational Commitment: A Study of Organizations in U
Addis Ababa: Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa. Gender Issues Research Report Series #23. (Three Documents). 157p.

BookNyajeka, Tumani S.M. (2006)
The Unwritten Text: The Indigenous African Christian Women's Movement in Zimbabwe
Mutare, Zimbabwe: Africa University Press.

BookOrr, Liesl (2006)
Labour Pains: Women's Leadership and Gender Strategies in Cosatu
Johannesburg: NALEDI. 219p.

Dissertation / thesisPaulsen, Desiree (2006)
Community Adult Education: Empowering Women, Leadership and Social Action
M.Phil. Thesis: University of the Western Cape, Bellville, South Africa. 152p.

Periodical articleRamirez, Angeles (2006)
Other Feminisms? Muslim Associations and Women's Participation in Morocco
Etnográfica. Volume 10 #1. p. 107-119.

Periodical articleRosato, Mikey; Mwansambo, Charles W.; Kazembe, Peter N.; Phiri, Tambosi; Soko, Queen S.; Lewycka, Sonia; Kunyenge, Beata E.; Vergnano, Stefania; Osrin, David (2006)
Women's Groups' Perceptions of Maternal Health Issues in Rural Malawi
The Lancet. Volume 368 #9542. September 30. p. 1180-1188.

BookSouth African Women Entrepreneurs' Network (2006)
'Akhona': South African Women Entrepreneurs' National Directory, 2006
Pretoria: South Africa. Department of Trade and Industry and the South African Women Entrepreneurs' Network. 140p.

Book chapterSteady, Filomina (2006)
Women's Associations and Female Education in Sierra Leone
In: Dixon-Fyle, Mac and Cole, Gibril R. (eds.). New Perspectives on the Sierra Leone Krio. New York: Peter Lang. American University Studies, Series 9 Volume 204.

BookSteady, Filomina (2006)
Women and Collective Action in Africa: Development, Democratization, and Empowerment, with Special Reference to Sierra Leone
New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 208p.

Periodical articleTamale, Sylvia (2006)
African Feminism: How Should We Change?
Development. Volume 49 #1. March. p. 38-41.

Book chapterTshoaedi, M.; Hlela, H. (2006)
The Marginalisation of Women Unionists during South Africa's Democratic Transition
In: Buhlungu, Sakhela (ed.). Trade Unions and Democracy: Cosatu Workers' Political Attitudes in South Africa. Cape Town: Human Sciences Research Council.

BookVerellen, Emily (ed.) (2006)
LightBox: Expressions of Hope from Young Women in the Kiberia Slum of Nairobi
New York: Binti Pamoja Center. Carolina for Kibera. 132p.

Dissertation / thesisWeert, Frank H.A. v. (2006)
Gender Mainstreaming Activities of Simavi at Partner Organisation Level in Bangladesh and Tanzania
MSc. Thesis: Larenstein University, Wageningen, Netherlands. 95p.

BookWere, Elizabeth A.M.; Swallow, Brent M.; Roy, Jessica (2006)
Water, Women, and Local Social Organization in the Western Kenya Highlands
Nairobi: World Agroforestry Centre. ICRAF Working Paper #12. 36p.

BookWomen in Law and Development in Africa (WILDAF) (2006)
Strategic Plan, 2006-2008. Women in Law and Development in Africa-Zambia
Lusaka: Women in Law and Development in Africa (WILDAF). 55p.

BookWomen's Law and Human Rights Institute; Ark Foundation, Ghana (2006)
Women's Law and Human Rights Institute: (Established February, 2000): (A Training and Capacity-Building School for Women's Leadership, Human Rights and Social Development in Ghana)
Accra: The Ark Foundation, Ghana. 55p.

Periodical articleYengo, Patrice (2006)
See this publicationBrazzaville's Marche Total: Women's Alliances during the Civil War in Congo
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 46 #182. p. 333-346.

Periodical articleAbelMagied, Ahmed; Salah, Wifag (2005)
Perception and Attitudes of Religious Groups towards Female Genital Mutilation
Ahfad Journal. Volume 22 #2. December. p. 53-63.

BookAbrahams, Elizabeth; Patel, Yusuf; Hirschsohn, Philip (2005)
Married to the Struggle: 'Nanna' Liz Abrahams Tells Her Life Story
Bellville, South Africa: University of the Western Cape/Diana Ferrus Publishers. 73p.

BookAbrahams, Liz; Patel, Yusuf; Hirschsohn, Philip (2005)
Married to the Struggle: 'Nanna' Liz Abrahams Tells Her Life Story
Bellville, South Africa: University of the Western Cape/Diana Ferrus Publishers. 73p.

BookAction Aid (2005)
The Status of Women in Ghana: Action Aid's Intervention
Accra: Action Aid International, Ghana. 16p.

BookAction Aid Ghana (2005)
The Status of Women in Ghana: Action Aid's Intervention
Accra: Action Aid International Ghana. 16p.

Periodical articleAlexander, Amanda (2005)
See this publicationThe Africa Social Forum Feminist Dialogue: Power, Feminisms and Mobilisation
Feminist Africa. #4.

BookBakpa, C.O. (ed.) (2005)
History of the Catholic Women Organisation of Benin City Ecclesiastical Province (BEPCWO)
Benin City, Nigeria: Justice Jeco Press and Publishers. 98p.

Book chapterBaron, Beth (2005)
Women's Voluntary Social Welfare Organizations in Egypt
In: Okkenhaug, Inger Marie; Flaskerud, Ingvild (eds.), Gender and Change in the Middle East: Two Hundred Years of History. Oxford/New York: Berg.

Periodical articleBasu, Amrita (2005)
See this publicationTransnational Feminism Revisited
Feminist Africa. #5.

Conference paperBergstrom, Kari L. (2005)
Reformulations of the Global and Competing Local Discourses: Human Rights and Gender in CARE and UNICEF, Niger
Paper presented at the 104th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), November 30-December 4 2005, Washington, D.C. Arlington, Virginia.

Dissertation / thesisBitangaro, Barbara K. (2005)
The Role of Gender Relations in Decision-Making for Access to Antiretrovirals. A Study of the AIDS Support Organisation (TASO) Clients, Kampala District, Uganda
M. Public Health Thesis: University of the Western Cape, Bellville, South Africa. 55p.

Conference paperBourdon, Natalie J. (2005)
Mediated Norms: Results and Processes of Localizing Human Rights and Feminism
Paper presented at the 104th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), November 30-December 4 2005, Washington, D.C. Arlington, Virginia.

Book chapterBrocato, Vanessa (2005)
National Human Rights Commissions: Ghana, Uganda, Tanzania
In: Voices of African Women: Women's Rights in Ghana, Uganda, and Tanzania. p. 391-401.

Conference paperBurnet, Jennie E. (2005)
Gender, Amplified Silence and the Politics of Memory in Post-Genocide Rwanda
Paper presented at the 104th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), November 30-December 4 2005, Washington, D.C. Arlington, Virginia.

BookCentre for Advanced Social Science (2005)
Enhancing the Capacity of Women Leaders of Community Organizations Toward Peace Building in the Niger Delta Region
Port Harcourt: Centre for Advanced Social Science. 106p.

BookCoalition on Violence Against Women - Kenya (2005)
Coalition on Violence against Women, Kenya: Strategic Plan, 2005-2008
Nairobi: Coalition on Violence Against Women (Kenya). 36p.

Periodical articleConnell, Dan (2005)
Redeeming the Failed Promise of Democracy in Eritrea
Race and Class. Volume 46 #4. April. p. 68-79.

BookCornwall, Andrea (ed.) (2005)
Readings in Gender in Africa
Abstract presentBloomington, IN; Oxford: Indiana University Press; James Currey. 247p.

BookDanbolt, Iselin L.; Gumbonzvanda, Nyaradzai; Karame, Kari (2005)
See this publicationTowards Achieving the MDGS (Millennium Development Goals) in Sudan: Centrality of Women's Leadership and Gender Equality

Conference paperDavis, Susan S. (2005)
Moroccan Women's Agency and the 2004 Personal Status Code
Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA), November 19-22, 2004, Washington, D.C. Tucson: University of Arizona.

BookDiop, Marieme; Diaw, Maty; Ba, Cheikh T. (2005)
Evaluation of Senegalese NGOs' Contribution to the Beijing Plan of Action
Dakar: Agence Our la Promotion des Activites de Population. 88p.

Periodical articleEdemikpong, Hannah (2005)
Widowhood Rites: Nigeria Women's Collective Fights a Dehumanizing Tradition
Off Our Backs. Volume 35 #3-4. March-April. p. 34-36.

Periodical articleEssof, Shereen (2005)
See this publicationShe-murenga: challenges, opportunities and setbacks of the women's movement in Zimbabwe
Abstract presentFeminist Africa. #4. p. 29-45.

BookFleischman, Janet (2005)
See this publicationStrengthening HIV/AIDS Programs for Women: Lessons for U.S. Policy from Zambia and Kenya. A Report of the CSIS Task Force on HIV/AIDS
Washington, D.C.: Center for Strategic and International Studies. May. 23p.

Dissertation / thesisGarrow, Stephanie S. (2005)
Mapping the Gendered Nature of Inter-Organizational Relationships in Girls' Education: A Case Study of the Alliance-Uganda Partnership
Ph.D. dissertation: McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

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