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Search: su=parliamentarians
Found: 45 Record 1-45

Periodical articleKasoma, Twange; Pitts, Greg (2017)
See this publicationThe Zambian press freedom conundrum: reluctance rather than resilience
Abstract presentJournal of African Media Studies. Volume 9 #1. p. 129-144.

Periodical articleEkanjume-Ilongo, Beatrice; Seepheephe, Nts'oeu (2016)
See this publicationThe use of intertextuality by males and females in South African parliament
Abstract presentLanguage Matters: Studies in the Languages of Africa. Volume 47 #2. p. 166-183.

BookNtewusu, Samuel Aniegye (2016)
See this publicationBetween two worlds: a biography of Honorable chief Nana Obimpe of Ghana
Leiden: African Studies Centre. ASC working paper #132. 30p.

Periodical articleAtanga, Luc Armand (2015)
La pratique politique des microprojets parlementaires: stratégies de re-légitimation et hypnose des députés par l'exécutief au Cameroun?
Abstract presentRevue africaine d'études politiques et stratégiques = African Journal of Political and Strategic Studies. #1. p. 105-134.

BookDiallo, Mamadou Saliou (2015)
El Hadj Boubacar Biro Diallo: au perchoir de l'Assemblée nationale multipartite de la République de Guinée: 1995-2002
Paris: L'Harmattan. 328p.

BookFélix-Tchicaya, Jean (2015)
La parole est à Monsieur le Député Jean Félix-Tchicaya: interventions à l'Assemblée nationale française, 1945-1959
Paris: Paari éditeur. 209p.

Dissertation / thesisGoede, Meike de (2015)
See this publicationConsuming democracy: local agencies & liberal peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Abstract presentLeiden: African Studies Centre. African Studies Collection #57. 207p.

BookMavoungou, Élie (2015)
Jean Félix-Tchicaya (1903-1961): premier parlementaire du Moyen-Congo et du Gabon à l'Assemblée constituante et à l'Assemblée nationale française
Paris: L'Harmattan. 181p.

Periodical articleOsei, Anja (2015)
See this publicationElites and democracy in Ghana: a social network approach
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 114 #457. p. 529-554.

PeriodicalCentre for Parliamentary Research and Development--Ghana (2014)
The parliamentary diary, Ghana
Accra: Delink Services.

BookThiam, Iba der (2014)
La révolution de 1914 au Sénégal, ou, L'élection au Palais Bourbon du député noir Blaise Diagne (de son vrai nom Galaye Mbaye Diagne)
Dakar: L'Harmattan. Mémoires & biographies #13. 408p.

BookTurok, Ben (2014)
With my head above the parapet: an insider account of the ANC in power
Auckland Park: Jacana Media. 219p.

Periodical articleVliet, Martin van (2014)
See this publicationWeak legislatures, failing MPs, and the collapse of democracy in Mali
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 113 #450. p. 45-66.

BookAnonymous (2013)
Guillaume Soro à Gagnoa: pour la vérité et la réconciliation
Côte d'Ivoire: Service de communication du Président de l'Assemblée nationale. 114p.

BookKawesa, Helen N.; Katamba, Mohammed G. (eds.) (2013)
Parliament since 1962: our story
Kampala: Parliament of Uganda. 144p.

BookKenya National Commission on Human Rights (2013)
See this publicationFunctions and responsibilities of elected state officers
Nairobi: Kenya Human Rights Commission. 28p.

BookVieta, Kojo T. (2013)
Know your MPs in the 6th Parliament: (2013-2017)
Accra: Flagbearers Publishers. 156p.

Dissertation / thesisGoede, Meike J. de (2012)
See this publicationConsuming democracy: local agencies & liberal peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo

BookUganda. Parliament, 9th: 2011-2016 (2012)
A directory of the Ninth Parliament of Uganda: 2011-2016
Kampala: Parliament of the Republic of Uganda. 216p.

Periodical articleGoeke, Martin; Hartmann, Christof (2011)
See this publicationThe regulation of party switching in Africa
Abstract presentJournal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 29 #3. p. 263-280.

Periodical articleIshiyama, John; Backstrom, Jeremy (2011)
See this publicationReconciliation and conceptual complexity: the case of post conflict Kenya
Abstract presentAfrican and Asian Studies. Volume 10 #4. p. 366-386.

Periodical articleMohamed-Gaillard, Sarah; Romo-Navarette, Maria (2011)
See this publicationLes représentants de l'Outre-mer dans les assemblées de la IVe République (1946-1958): approche prosopographique
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 99 #370-371. p. 135-147.

Periodical articleShehu, Ajepe Taiwo (2011)
See this publicationConstituency control of legislators: lessons from Nigeria
African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 19 #1. p. 124-144.

BookZvoma, A.M.; Mashingaidze, Dumisani (2011)
See this publicationBaseline survey of capacity of parliamentarians for legislative analysis in Zimbabwe
Harare: Parliament of Zimbabwe. 62p.

Periodical articleLindberg, Staffan I. (2010)
See this publicationWhat accountability pressures do MPs in Africa face and how do they respond? Evidence from Ghana
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 48 #1. p. 117-142.

DVD / videoNg'weno, Hilary; Dias, Lorna (eds.) (201*)
J.M. Kariuki
Abstract presentNairobi: Kenya History & Biographies Co., Ltd. Volume 30.

Periodical articleTrasi, Reshma; Orza, Luisa (2008)
See this publicationLeadership for Women's Health in Africa: The Parliamentarians for Women's Health Project
Gender and Development. Volume 16 #3. November. p. 495-508.

BookAboubacar Yenikoye, Ismael (2007)
Démocratisation et fonction parlementaire au Niger: répertoire des lois adoptées par les Assemblées et publiées de 1993 à 2005
Paris: L'Harmattan. Ecrire le développement. 234p.

Periodical articleGouws, Amanda; Kotzé, Hennie (2007)
See this publicationWomen in leadership positions in South Africa: the role of values
Abstract presentPolitikon: South African Journal of Political Studies. Volume 34 #2. p. 165-185.

Periodical articleAtanga, Lem Lilian (2006)
Across literacies: a study of gendered oracies and literacies in the Cameroonian parliament
African Studies Bulletin. #68. p. 59-69.

Periodical articleSpieß, Clemens; Pehl, Malte (2004)
Floor crossing and nascent democracies: a neglected aspect of electoral systems? The current South African debate in the light of the Indian experience
Verfassung und Recht in Übersee. Volume 37 #2. p. 195-224.

Periodical articleHawker, Geoffrey (2003)
Missing Cadres? List Voting and the ANC's Management of its Parliamentarians in the National Assembly, 1999-2003
Abstract presentJournal of African Elections. Volume 2 #2. October. p. 97-115.

Periodical articleKankeu-Taghedjo, Joseph (2002)
L'acquisition de la qualité de député en droit camerounais
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 56 #1. p. 88-100.

Periodical articleSakoane, Sakoane (2000)
The Latimer House guidelines on preserving the independence of parliamentarians: constitutional and legal guarantees in Lesotho
Abstract presentLesotho Law Journal: A Journal of Law and Development. Volume 13 #1-2. p. 39-69.

BookMaman, Chaïbou (200*)
Répertoire biographique des personnalités de la classe politique et des leaders d'opinion du Niger de 1945 à nos jours
Niamey: Édition Democratie. 465p.

Periodical articleHornsby, Charles (1989)
See this publicationThe Social Structure of the National Assembly in Kenya
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 27 #2. June. p. 275-296.

Periodical articleBinoche-Guedra, Jacques (1988)
See this publicationLe rôle des élus de l'Algérie et des colonies au Parlement sous la Troisième République (1871-1940)
Abstract presentRevue française d'histoire d'outre-mer. Volume 75 #280. p. 309-346.

Periodical articleAgeron, Charles-Robert (1985)
Un rapport inédit de Louis Massignon à la Commission du Centenaire de l'Algérie
Abstract presentLes cahiers de Tunisie: revue de sciences humaines. Volume 33 #133-134. p. 37-47.

Periodical articleKotzé, H.J. (1983)
Die politieke oortuigings van Suid-Afrikaanse volksraadslede
Abstract presentHumanitas: tydskrif vir navorsing in die geesteswetenskappe. Volume 9 #4. p. 481-494.

Periodical articleAbiabag, Issa (1982)
Reflexions sur le regime camerounais des immunites parlementaires
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 36 #3-4. p. 947-955.

Periodical articleGounelle, Max (1981)
Les effets pervers du multipartisme constitutionnellement limité
Abstract presentPenant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 91 #774. p. 44-52.

Periodical articleKotze, Hennie J. (1981)
On Princes, Pawns and Power: An Exploratory Survey of Opinion Leaders in South African Politics
Abstract presentSouth Africa International. Volume 11 #4. April. p. 228-239.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1979)
Loi no 79-01 du 9 janvier 1979 portant statut du députe
Abstract presentIntégration: revue du C.M.E.R.A. #12. p. 181-186.

Periodical articleMbaye, Saliou (1976)
La réprésentation du Sénégal au parlement français sous la Seconde République (1848-1851)
Abstract presentBulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Série B: Sciences humaines. Volume 38 #3. p. 517-551.

Periodical articlePorter, A.T. (1960)
The social background of political decisionmakers in Sierra Leone
Abstract presentSierra Leone Studies. #13. p. 2-13.

Search: su=parliamentarians
Found: 45 Record 1-45

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