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Found: 78 Record 1-78

Periodical articleMcFaul, Kelsey (2020)
See this publicationBurcad Badeed as Grounds and Method in Literary Expressions of Somali Piracy
Journal of Indian Ocean World Studies. Volume 4 #1. p. 32-51.

Periodical articleBeukelaer, Christiaan De; Fredriksson, Martin (2019)
See this publicationThe political economy of intellectual property rights: the paradox of Article 27 exemplified in Ghana
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 46 #161. p. 459-479.

Periodical articleBruwer, Carina (2019)
See this publicationTransnational organised crime at sea as a threat to the sustainable development goals: Taking direction from piracy and counter-piracy in the Western Indian Ocean
African Security Review. Volume 28 #3-4. p. 172-188.

Periodical articleJeong, Keunsoo (2019)
See this publicationPiracy and Crime Embeddedness: State Decay and Social Transformation in Somalia
African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review. Volume 9 #1. p. 72-99.

Periodical articleBrits, Pieter; Nel, Michelle (2018)
See this publicationAfrican maritime security and the Lomé Charter: Reality or dream?
African Security Review. Volume 27 #3-4. p. 226-244.

Periodical articleVick, Brian (2018)
See this publicationPower, Humanitarianism and the Global Liberal Order: Abolition and the Barbary Corsairs in the Vienna Congress System
The International History Review. Volume 40 #4. p. 939-960.

Periodical articleGale, Caitlin M. (2016)
Barbary's slow death: European attempts to eradicate North African piracy in the early nineteenth century
Journal for Maritime Research. Volume 18 #2. p. 139-154.

Conference paperAbdillahi Ahmed, Achaa; Chitou, Ibrahim; Smeesters, Bernadette (eds.) (2015)
Stratégie logistique et de transport au service du développement en Afrique: Université de Djibouti, colloque international 15 & 16 décembre 2013
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. 272p.

Periodical articleDua, Jatin (2015)
See this publicationAfter piracy? Mapping the means and ends of maritime predation in the Western Indian Ocean
Abstract presentJournal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 9 #3. p. 505-521.

Periodical articleElmi, Afyare A. (ed.) (2015)
See this publicationPiracy in the Horn of Africa waters: definitions, history, and modern causes
Abstract presentAfrican security. Volume 8 #3. p. 147-165.

Periodical articleHastings, Justin V.; Phillips, Sarah G. (2015)
See this publicationMaritime piracy business networks and institutions in Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 114 #457. p. 555-576.

Periodical articleJones, Stephanie (2015)
See this publicationThe absent pirate: exceeding justice in the Indian Ocean
Abstract presentJournal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 9 #3. p. 522-535.

Periodical articleSmith, Nicholas W.S. (2015)
See this publicationThe machinations of the Majerteen Sultans: Somali pirates of the late nineteenth century?
Abstract presentJournal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 9 #1. p. 20-34.

Bookvan Nieuwkerk, Anthoni; Moat, Catherine (eds.) (2015)
See this publicationSouthern African security review 2015
Maputo: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Mozambique Office. Southern African security review #2015. 209p.

BookVreÿ, Francois; Mandrup, Thomas (eds.) (2015)
Towards good order at sea: African experiences
Abstract presentStellenbosch: Sun Media. 281p.

Periodical articleChilaka, Edmund (2014)
Piracy and Nigeria's national security in the early 21st century
Abstract presentLagos Historical Review. Volume 14. p. 55-76.

BookChopra, Jarat (ed.) (2014)
See this publicationReport of the Monitoring Group on Somalia and Eritrea pursuant to Security Council resolution 2111 (2013): Somalia
New York: UN. 460p.

BookEngel, Ulf (2014)
See this publicationThe African Union, the African Peace and Security Architecture, and maritime security
Addis Ababa: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. FES peace and security series #13. 29p.

Periodical articleEngel, Ulf (2014)
See this publicationThe African Union, the African Peace and Security Architecture, and maritime security
Abstract presentAfrican security. Volume 7 #3. p. 207-227.

BookFantaye, Demessie (2014)
See this publicationRegional approaches to maritime security in the Horn of Africa
Addis Ababa: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Regional Office. FES peace and security series #16. 40p.

BookFox, Justin (2014)
Whoever fears the sea
Cape Town: Umuzi. 261p.

DVD / videoGreengrass, Paul; Hanks, Tom; Jackman, Henry (eds.) (2014)
Captain Phillips
Abstract presentHilversum: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment.

Periodical articleNdendé, Martin (2014)
Le Code de conduite de Yaoundé et la stratégie de lutte contre la piraterie et la criminalité maritimes dans le Golfe de Guinée
Revue africaine des affaires maritimes et des transports = African review of maritime affairs and transportation. #6. p. 10-19.

BookPersson, Henrik (2014)
See this publicationNigeria: an overview of challenges to peace and security
Stockholm: FOI. FOI report. 66p.

BookBereketeab, Redie (ed.) (2013)
The Horn of Africa: intra-State and inter-State conflicts and security
Abstract presentLondon: Pluto Press. 208p.

Periodical articleBiziouras, Nikolaos (2013)
See this publicationPiracy, state capacity and root causes
Abstract presentAfrican Security Review. Volume 22 #3. p. 111-122.

BookBorges Coelho, João Paulo (2013)
See this publicationAfrican approaches to maritime security: Southern Africa
Maputo: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. FES peace and security series #12. 19p.

BookLeonard, Emma; Ramsay, Gilbert (eds.) (2013)
Globalizing Somalia: multilateral, international and transnational repercussions of conflict
Abstract presentNew York: Bloomsbury Academic. New directions in terrorism studies. 321p.

BookOkafor, Ifesinachi (2013)
See this publicationMaritime security challenges in the gulf of Guinea
Nairobi: African Leadership Centre. African Leadership Centre Monographs #33. 68p.

BookUkeje, Charles; Ela, Wullson Mvomo (2013)
See this publicationAfrican approaches to maritime security: the Gulf of Guinea
Abuja: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Regional Office Abuja. FES peace and security series #11. 48p.

Periodical articleWay, Lyndon C.S. (2013)
Orientalism in online news: BBC stories of Somali piracy
Abstract presentJournal of African Media Studies. Volume 5 #1. p. 19-33.

Periodical articleD'Auzon, Olivier (2012)
La piraterie maritime: le nouveau danger
Géopolitique africaine. #42. p. 159-167.

BookHarper, Mary (2012)
Getting Somalia wrong? Faith, war and hope in a shattered state
London: Zed Books, in association with the International African Institute. African arguments. 217p.

Periodical articleMwangi, Wambui; Mphepo, Tiyanjana (2012)
Developments in international criminal justice in Africa during 2011
Abstract presentAfrican Human Rights Law Journal. Volume 12 #1. p. 254-291.

Periodical articleObuah, Emmanuel (2012)
See this publicationOutsourcing the prosecution of Somali pirates to Kenya: a failure of international law, or a response to domestic politics of states?
Abstract presentAfrican Security Review. Volume 21 #3. p. 40-61.

Periodical articleDubois, Anaïs (2011)
Dossier sécurité
Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 66 #3264. p. 6-16.

BookGroenink, Evelyn; Rukani, Charles (eds.) (2011)
See this publicationPirates, smugglers and corrupt tycoons: social bandits in Africa
FAIR Transnational Investigation. 16p.

BookHurlburt, Kaija (2011)
See this publicationHuman cost of Somali piracy
Oceans Beyond Piracy. 33p.

BookMurphy, Martin N. (2011)
Somalia, the new Barbary? Piracy and Islam in the Horn of Africa
London: C. Hurst. 277p.

Periodical articleOlagunju, Gbadebo A. (2011)
Piracy 'jure gentium': resurgence of the old problem as a new challenge in international maritime law
Abstract presentJournal of African and international law. Volume 4 #2. p. 309-325.

BookPandya, Amit A.; Herbert-Burns, Rupert; Kobayashi, Junko (2011)
See this publicationMaritime commerce and security: the Indian Ocean
Washington, DC: Henry L. Stimson Center. 150p.

BookSörenson, Karl (2011)
See this publicationWrong hands on deck? Combating piracy & building maritime security in Eastern Africa
Stockholm: Division of Defence Analysis, Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI). FOI report. 51p.

BookTarrósy, István; Szabó, Loránd; Hydén, Göran (eds.) (2011)
The African state in a changing global context: breakdowns and transformations
Abstract presentBerlin: Lit Verlag. Afrikanische Studien #42. 216p.

Periodical articleBienvenue, Emily (2010)
The safeguarding of international shipping: a solution to Somali piracy?
Australasian Review of African Studies. Volume 31 #2. p. 30-50.

BookBoogaerde, Pierre van den (2010)
Le grand livre des épaves de Madagascar
Chevagny-sur-Guye: Orphie. Le grand livre. 343p.

Periodical articleDiop, Djibril (2010)
La Somalie entre terrorisme et piraterie: un État en faillite
Abstract presentRevue africaine: philosophie/art, littérature/linguistique, sociologie/économie. #4. p. 81-92.

Periodical issueHesse, Brian J. (ed.) (2010)
Somalia: State collapse, terrorism and piracy
Abstract presentJournal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 28 #3. p. 245-362.

BookHoffmann, Elias P. (ed.) (2010)
Somalia: economic, political and social issues
New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers. Countries, regional studies, trading blocks, unions, world organizations. 232p.

BookIbrahim, M.K. (2010)
See this publicationRepublic of Kenya in the High Court of Kenya at Mombasa: Misc. application no. 434 of 2009: judgement
Mombasa: High Court of Kenya. 31p.

Periodical articleMahé, Richard (2010)
La piraterie, un nouveau défi pour l'Afrique
Géopolitique africaine. #36. p. 209-235.

Periodical articleNyakwaka, Dorothy A. (2010)
The third United Nations Law of the Sea Treaty and the piracy question: the case of the East African Coast
Africa Insight. Volume 40 #2. p. 74-84.

Periodical articleOnuoha, Freedom C. (2010)
See this publicationPiracy and maritime security off the Horn of Africa: connections, causes, and concerns
Abstract presentAfrican security. Volume 3 #4. p. 191-215.

Periodical articleSamatar, Said S. (2010)
Why America should leave Somalia to its own devices
Horn of Africa. Volume 28. p. 83-104.

Periodical articleCormier-Salem, Marie-Christine; Dahou, Tarik (2009)
Dossier 'Gouverner la mer: États, pirates, sociétés'
Abstract presentPolitique africaine. #116. p. 5-119.

Periodical articleGibson, John (2009)
See this publicationMaritime security and international law in Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Security Review. Volume 18 #3. p. 60-70.

Periodical articleHoman, Kees; Kamerling, Suzanne (2009)
Piraterij vaart wel bij Somalisch vacuüm: bestrijdingsnetwerk in de maak
Internationale spectator: tijdschrift voor internationale politiek. Volume 63 #9. p. 455-458.

Periodical articleLeurdijk, Dick (2009)
Strijd tegen piraterij voor de kust van Somalië in nieuw vaarwater
Internationale spectator: tijdschrift voor internationale politiek. Volume 63 #4. p. 216-218.

Periodical articleN'Gouya, Marcel (2009)
La criminalité en mer
Revue africaine des affaires maritimes et des transports = African review of maritime affairs and transportation. #1. p. 37-43.

Periodical articleNincic, Donna (2009)
See this publicationMaritime piracy in Africa: the humanitarian dimension
Abstract presentAfrican Security Review. Volume 18 #3. p. 2-16.

Periodical articleNyakawa, Dorothy (2009)
The challenges of piracy in Africa's maritime zones
Africa Insight. Volume 39 #3. p. 11-22.

Periodical articleOnuoha, Freedom C. (2009)
See this publicationSea piracy and maritime security in the Horn of Africa: the Somali coast and Gulf of Aden in perspective
Abstract presentAfrican Security Review. Volume 18 #3. p. 31-44.

Periodical articleOnuoha, Freedom C. (2009)
Violence at sea: the ramifications of maritime piracy in Nigerian and Somali waters for human security in Africa
Abstract presentResearch Review. Volume 25 #2. p. 21-46.

Periodical articleVrey, Francois (2009)
See this publicationBad order at sea: from the Gulf of Aden to the Gulf of Guinea
Abstract presentAfrican Security Review. Volume 18 #3. p. 17-30.

Periodical articleWambua, Paul Musili (2009)
See this publicationEnhancing regional maritime cooperation in Africa: the planned end state
Abstract presentAfrican Security Review. Volume 18 #3. p. 45-59.

BookSörenson, Karl (ed.) (2008)
See this publicationState failure on the high seas - reviewing the Somali piracy
Stockholm: Defence Analysis, Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI). FOI Somalia papers #3. 46p.

Periodical articleGupta, S. (2007)
See this publicationPiracy and trade on the western coast of India (AD 1-250)
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 42. p. 37-51.

Periodical articleHinz, Almut (2006)
Die 'Seeräuberei der Barbareskenstaaten' im Lichte des europäischen und islamischen Völkerrechts
Verfassung und Recht in Übersee. Volume 39 #1. p. 46-65.

Periodical articleBialuschewski, Arne (2005)
See this publicationPirates, Slavers, and the Indigenous Population in Madagascar, c. 1690-1715
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 38 #3. p. 401-425.

Periodical articleJónsson, Már (2005)
La faible participation des morisques expulsés dans la course barbaresque
Revue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 32 #119. p. 7-16.

Periodical articleMosuro, K. (2001)
Handling pirates and piracy
African Publishing Review. Volume 10 #4. p. 1-2.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1998)
Software piracy: pirated software can ruin a company, warns Mr Frederick Jonker of Microsoft
Prosi. Volume 30 #349. févr.. p. 42-44.

Periodical articleMdluli, Z.F. (1995)
Causes, extent and effects of pirating in the taxi industry
Economic Digest (Mbabane, Swaziland). Volume 6 #2. June. p. 32-44.

Periodical articleNwankwo, V. (1995)
The role of government in rights protection
African Publishing Review. Volume 4 #1. January-February. p. 10-12.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1993)
Pill piracy on the increase
Southern African Economist. Volume 6 #5. June. p. 16-17.

Periodical articleMolet-Sauvaget, A. (1991)
Madagascar et les colonies d'Amérique pendant la grande période de la piraterie européenne (1680-1700): contexte et documents de base
Abstract presentÉtudes océan Indien. #13. p. 7-63.

Periodical articleMunro, Alan G. (1988)
The British in the Barbary through the Records of an English Church in Algiers
Abstract presentMaghreb Review. Volume 13 #3-4. p. 183-190.

Periodical articleObeidat, Marwan M. (1988)
Two Lost American Plays: Ideas of the Muslim Barbary Orient
Abstract presentMaghreb Review. Volume 13 #3-4. p. 191-198.

Periodical articleBachrouch, Taoufik (1983)
Les Barbaresques en Tunisie au XVIIe siècle; mythes et interprétations
Abstract presentRevue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 10 #31-32. p. 85-99.

Search: su=piracy
Found: 78 Record 1-78

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