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Found: 89 Record 1-89

Periodical issueFujioka, Yuichiro (ed.) (2017)
See this publicationSpecial topic: 'Plant uses, livelihoods, and sustainability in Africa'
African Study Monographs. #38. 62p.

BookAbbiw, Daniel K. (2015)
Traditional and religious plants of West Africa
Accra: Smartline Limited. 694p.

Periodical articleMsomi, Zuziwe Nokwanda (2015)
See this publicationProtecting indigenous knowledge using intellectual property rights law: the Masakhane 'Pelargonium' case
Abstract presentAfricanus. Volume 45 #1. p. 71-86.

Periodical articleAuala, H. (ed.) (2014)
Alien invasive 'Prosopis': a curse of a blessing?
Abstract presentJournal - Namibia Scientific Society. Volume 62. p. 83-128.

BookAlkarim, Awad; Schlee, Günther (eds.) (2013)
Pastoralism in interaction: with other forms of land use in the Blue Nile area of Sudan II: herbarium and plant diversity in the Blue Nile area, Sudan
Halle/Saale: Department 'Integration and Conflict', Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology. Field notes and research projects. 91p.

Periodical issueTakada, Akira (ed.) (2013)
See this publicationSpecial issue: 'Vitalizing indigenous knowledge in Africa'
Abstract presentAfrican Study Monographs. #34. p. 139-183.

Periodical articleMaroyi, Alfred (2012)
See this publicationLocal plant use and traditional conservation practices in Nhema communal area, Zimbabwe
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Renaissance Studies. Volume 7 #1. p. 109-128.

BookOlupot, William; Plumptre, Andrew J. (2010)
Conservation research in Uganda's forests: a review of site history, research, and use of research in Uganda's forest parks and Budongo Forest Reserve
New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Wildlife protection, destruction and extinction series. 169p.

Periodical articleCampbell-Barker, T. (2009)
See this publicationThe Horizontaloe
The Society of Malawi Journal. Volume 62 #1. p. 19-24.

Periodical issueLefèvre, Gabriel; Fuller, Dorian Q. (eds.) (2009)
Plantes et sociétés
Abstract presentÉtudes océan Indien. #42-43. 416p.

Periodical articleTabuti, John R.S.; Lye, K.A. (2009)
See this publicationFodder plants for cattle in Kaliro district, Uganda
African Study Monographs. Volume 30 #3. p. 161-170.

Periodical articleAlpern, Stanley B. (2008)
See this publicationExotic plants of West Africa: where they came from and when
Abstract presentHistory in Africa. Volume 35. p. 63-102.

BookKouakou, Jacques (2008)
See this publicationDeveloppement d'une zone humide simulee plantee avec Amaranthacea et Capri: aridacea pour le traitement des eaux usees domestiques
Nairobi: African Technology Policy Studies Network. African Technology Policy Studies Network, Working paper series #50. 46p.

Periodical articleLefèvre, Gabriel; Randrihasipara, Marie-Laurent; Velonandro (2008)
Les fleurs de Tselatra: symbolique des fleurs et condition humaine chez un poète malgache du début du XXe siècle
Abstract presentÉtudes océan Indien. #40-41. p. 101-137.

Periodical articleVan Damme, Patrick (2008)
From African ethnobotanical biodiversity to domestication of new crops for development
Abstract presentBulletin des séances = Mededelingen der zittingen. Volume 54 #2. p. 197-211.

Dissertation / thesisBanda, Tasila (2007)
Effects of land protection strategies on forest conservation in the miombo ecoregion of Western Tanzania
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 116p.

Periodical articleAgnew, A.D.Q. (2006)
See this publicationA field key to upland Kenya grasses
Journal of East African Natural History. Volume 95 #1. p. 1-86.

Periodical articleBarnes, R.F.W.; Hema, E.M.; Doumbia, E. (2006)
Distribution des éléphants autour d'une mare sahélienne en relation avec le cheptel domestique et la végétation ligneuse
Pachyderm. #40. January-June. p. 35-41.

Periodical articleHenschel, J.R.; Pallett, J.; Berry, C.; Griffin, M.; Hachfeld, B.; Makuti, O.; Seely, M. (2006)
Checklists of the flora and vertebrates of Gobabeb
Journal - Namibia Scientific Society. Volume 54. p. 31-58.

Periodical articleAdeyeye, E.I. (2005)
See this publicationDistribution of major elements (Na, K, Ca, Mg) in the various anatomical parts of fadama crops in Ekiti State, Nigeria
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia. Volume 19 #2. December. p. 175-183.

Periodical articleDesalegn W.; Zerihun W. (2005)
See this publicationVegetation of Chencha highlands in Southern Ethiopia
Sinet. Volume 28 #2. December. p. 109-118.

Periodical articleDoyle, Shane (2003)
See this publicationThe Language of Flowers: Knowledge, Power and Ecology in Precolonial Bunyoro
Abstract presentHistory in Africa. Volume 30. p. 107-116.

Periodical articleKakudidi, Esezah Kyomugisha (2003)
Crafts-making plants from in and around Kibale National Park, Western Uganda
Abstract presentUganda Journal. Volume 49. December. p. 46-55.

Periodical articleMusselman, Elizabeth Green (2003)
See this publicationPlant Knowledge at the Cape: A Study in African and European Collaboration
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 36 #2. p. 367-392.

Periodical articleMuzumanga Ma-Mumbimbi, Flavien (2003)
La symbolique végétale dans la mystique de Béatrice Kimpa Vita (1682-1706)
Revue africaine des sciences de la mission = African review of mission studies. Volume 10 #19. déc.. p. 143-167.

Periodical articleOfori-Sarpong, E.; Adu-Prah, S. (2003)
Ecological region mapping of Ghana using NOAA-AVHRR NDVI data
Ghana Social Science Journal. Volume 2 #1. May. p. 32-46.

Periodical articleLartigau-Roussin, Céline (2002)
Une approche de la taxonomie botanique populaire à Mayotte
Abstract presentÉtudes océan Indien. #33-34. p. 141-163.

Periodical articleVerma, T.S.; Prakash, J.; Thomas, T.A. (2002)
See this publicationA study of the environmental aerosol deposition on the plant leaves in Gaborone, Botswana
Botswana Journal of Technology. Volume 11 #1. April. p. 34-38.

Periodical articleNgala, J. (2001)
Talking fossils of Gatarakwa
NMK Horizons. Volume 5 #2-3. p. 15-17.

Periodical articleVorster, L.P. (2001)
Plants and the Concept of Maatla among the Northern Sotho
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Ethnology. Volume 24 #3. p. 75-80.

Periodical articleAnonymous (2000)
Fossil plants start talking!
NMK Horizons. Volume 4 #2. July. p. 12-13.

Periodical articleHussein, M.A.; Bjornstad, A.; Aastveit, A.H.; Berg, T.; Haile G. (2000)
See this publicationThe effect of plant population and water conservation methods on grain yield of early-maturing maize varieties in the moisture-stress areas of southern Ethiopia
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 8 #2. June. p. 159-170.

Periodical articleMhlanga, L.; Mapaure, I. (2000)
A preliminary checklist of flowering plants of islands in Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe
Kirkia. Volume 17 #pt. 2. p. 171-188.

Periodical articleSetshogo, M.P. (2000)
Notes on the grass subtribe sorghinae (Poaceae: Andropogoneae) in the Flora Zambesiaca area
Kirkia. Volume 17 #pt. 2. p. 127-145.

Periodical articleTatlhego, L. (2000)
Useful and dangerous plants of Tsodilo
Zebra's Voice. Volume 27 #1. p. 17-20.

Periodical articleAmeka, G.K.; Adomako, J.K.; De Graft-Johnson, K.A.A.; Cheek, M.; Swaine, M.D. (1999)
See this publicationRheophytes of Africa: a review
Journal of the Ghana Science Association. Volume 1 #3. July. p. 133-146.

Periodical articleKuhn, G. (1999)
Half mens: half plant
Ewi N.A.M.D.E.B.. 2nd quarter. p. 21-23.

Periodical articleNdiaye, S. (1999)
Trade in wild species in Senegal
Nature et Faune. Volume 15 #2. July-December. p. 28-38.

Periodical articleQuaye, E.C. (1999)
The vanishing species: a tale of the forgotten plants
Journal of Natural Sciences. Volume 1 #1. December. p. 69-73.

Periodical articleSchoeman, A. (1998-1999)
The desert coast
Namibia Yearbook. #6. p. 24-30.

Periodical articleMulengera, M.K.; Payron, R.W. (1998)
Development and evaluation of a new soil erosion-productivity index model (SEPIM)
Uhandisi Journal. Volume 22 #1. March. p. 68-80.

Periodical articleNjeru, R.W.; Mukunya, D.M.; Gathuru, E.M. (1998)
The influence of host plant age and inoculum concentration on severity of cercospora leaf spot of molucella laevis L
Kenya Journal of Sciences. Series B, Biological Sciences. Volume 12 #1-2. p. 83-90.

Periodical articleTafangenyasha, C. (1998)
See this publicationPhenology and mortality of common woody plants during and after severe drought in South-Eastern Zimbabwe
Transactions of the Zimbabwe Scientific Association. Volume 72. p. 1-6.

Periodical articleMarshall, B.E. (1997)
New plant and animal species described in the Journals of the Zimbabwe Scientific Association, 1899-1995
Transactions of the Zimbabwe Scientific Association. Volume 71. p. 1-4.

Periodical articleMashonja, J. (1997)
Relationship between the association of insects and plants
Zebra's Voice. Volume 24 #1-2. p. 19-20.

Periodical articleSmith, P.P. (1997)
A preliminary checklist of the vascular plants of the North Luangwa National Park, Zambia
Kirkia. Volume 16 #pt. 2. p. 205-245.

Periodical articleStiles, D. (1997)
Cycad conservation
Kenya Past and Present. #29. p. 21-25.

Periodical articleTurner, Q. (1997)
Staugard revisited
Zebra's Voice. Volume 24 #3-4. p. 23-24.

Periodical articleKizobo O.O.; Tana di Masakidi. (1996)
Une découverte parallèle: l'Amérique et les plantes de l'ancien monde à l'époque précolombienne
Likundoli. Histoire et devenir. Volume 8 #1-2. p. 32-49.

Periodical articleKnox, E.B.; Berhe, E.V. (1996)
See this publicationThe use of LEAP in herbarium management and plant biodiversity research
Journal of East African Natural History. Volume 85 #1-2. p. 65-79.

Periodical articlePickford, M.; Strohbach, M. (1996)
Rosh Pinah after the rain
Rössing. May. p. 1-5.

Periodical articleChuah-Petiot, S. (1995)
The importance of bryophyte conservation in Kenya
Bulletin (East Africa Natural History Society). Volume 25 #3. September. p. 44-45.

BookGraafland, M.A.; Hoogendoorn, M. (1995)
Influence of waterlevel and duration of inundation on vegetation composition and productivity in the Logone floodplain of Northern Cameroon
Leiden: Centre of Environmental Science (CML), Leiden University. Environment and development student report #52. 73p.

Periodical articleHoward, G. (1995)
Freshwater wetland plants in East Africa
Swara. Volume 18 #1. January-February. p. 18-21.

Periodical articleBlench, Roger (1994-1995)
See this publicationLinguistic Evidence for Cultivated Plants in the Bantu Borderland
Abstract presentAzania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 29-30. p. 83-102.

Periodical articleGoodman, S.M.; Langrand, O. (1994)
Inventaire biologique forêt de Zombitse
Recherches pour le développement. Série sciences biologiques. #spécial. p. 1-106.

Periodical articleHargreaves, B. (1994)
How scientists name plants
Zebra's Voice. Volume 21 #1. p. 5.

Periodical articleHurskainen, Arvi (1994)
See this publicationPlant Taxonomy of the Parakuyo (Tanzania)
Abstract presentNordic Journal of African Studies. Volume 3 #2. p. 117-162.

Periodical articleMarshall, N.T. (1994)
Plant trade: a global concern
Swara. Volume 17 #5. September-October. p. 36-39.

Periodical articleMasuka, A.J. (1994)
First report of wolfiporia cocos (Polyporaceae, basidiomycetes) from Zimbabwe
Kirkia. Volume 15 #pt. 01. p. 6-9.

Periodical articlePhilippson, G.; Bahuchet, S. (1994)
See this publicationCultivated Crops and Bantu Migrations in Central and Eastern Africa: A Linguistic Approach
Abstract presentAzania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 29-30. p. 103-120.

Periodical articleTimberlake, J. (1994)
See this publicationVernacular names and uses of plants in Northern Kenya
Journal of East African Natural History. Volume 83 #1. p. 31-69.

Periodical articleJohnson, J.M.; Choinski, J.S. (1993)
The spring flush in Zimbabwe's miombo woodland
Zimbabwe Science News. Volume 27 #1-3. January-March. p. 3-6.

Periodical articleLemordant, Denis (1993)
Plantes d'Afrique
Abstract presentBulletin des études africaines de l'INALCO. Volume 10 #19-20. p. 71-110.

Periodical articleOng, C.K. (1993)
On the difference between competition and allelopathy
Agroforestry Today. Volume 5 #2. April-June. p. 12-14.

Periodical articleKelber, K.P.; Franz, L.; Stachel, T.; Lorenz, V.; Okrusch, M. (1992-1993)
Plant fossils from Gross Brukkaros (Namibia) and their biostratigraphical significance
Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia. Volume 8. p. 57-66.

Periodical articleGanda, K.J.; Wright, E.H.M. (1992)
The chemical nature and adhesive properties of gums and resins from some West African plants. Pt.2
African Journal of Science and Technology. Series B, Science. Volume 6 #1. January. p. 21-31.

Periodical articleGöttsch, E. (1992)
Purification of turbid surface water by plants in Ethiopia
Walia. #14. p. 23-28.

Periodical articleKolberg, H.; Giess, W.; Müller, M.A.N.; Strohbach, B. (1992)
List of Namibian plant species
Dinteria. #22. August. p. 1-121.

Periodical articleLionnet, G. (1992)
Le Jardin Botanique de Victoria
Seychelles Today. #13. July. p. 38-39.

BookMahmoud, Mohamed Ag (ed.) (1992)
Utilisation des plantes sauvages dans l'alimentation, la santé en l'artisanat
Oslo: Centre pour le développement et l'environnement, Université d'Oslo. 66p.

Periodical articleMhlanga, L. (1992)
The National Genebank of Zimbabwe, its role in plant genetic resource conservation
Zimbabwe Science News. Volume 26 #10-12. October-December. p. 75-76.

Periodical articleOgwang, B.H.; Bota, G.P. (1992)
Plants poisonous to livestock in Swaziland
African Livestock Research. Volume 1 #1. January. p. 15.

Periodical articleEiseb, E.; Giess, W.; Haacke, W.H.G. (1991)
A preliminary list of Khoekhoe (Nama/Damara) plant names
Dinteria. #21. Mai. p. 17-30.

Periodical articleHomaid, N.; Khan, M.; Sadiq, M. (1991)
Composition of plants: an aid in selection of sand dune stabilization species
Desertification Control Bulletin. #19. p. 56-60.

Periodical articleOhigashi, Hajime; Takagaki, Teruyoshi; Koshimizu, Koichi (1991)
See this publicationBiological activities of plant extracts from tropical Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Study Monographs. Volume 12 #4. p. 201-210.

Periodical articleRouillard, G.; Gueho, J. (1991)
Histoire des plantes d'intérêt horticole, médicinal, et économique à l'île Maurice. Pt.19
Revue agricole et sucrière de l'île Maurice. Volume 70 #1-2. janv.-août. p. 70-85.

Periodical articleBruyns, P.V. (1990)
New plant records from the Brandberg
Cimbebasia. Volume 12. December. p. 161-166.

Periodical articleMutabana Nyakabwa; Lobuna Lombe (1990)
See this publicationUtilisations des bois de quelques plantes de Bengamisa (Zaïre)
Abstract presentAfrican Study Monographs. Volume 11 #2. p. 115-124.

Periodical articleStiles, Daniel (1990)
Indigenous Dry-Land Plants for Kenyan Development
Kenya Past and Present. #22. p. 41-44.

Periodical articleJacob, M. (1989)
Obtention d'extraits secs nébulisés
Archives du Centre National de Recherches Pharmaceutiques. #8. p. 143-157.

Periodical articleOnwuka, C.F.I.; Akinsoyinu, A.O.; Tewe, O.O. (1989)
Feed value of some Nigerian browse plants: chemical composition and in vitro digestibility of leaves
East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal. Volume 54 #3. January. p. 157-163.

Periodical articleRouillard, G; Gueho, J. (1989)
Histoire des plantes d'intérêt horticole, médicinal et économique é l'île Maurice. Pt.7
Revue agricole et sucrière de l'île Maurice. Volume 68 #1-3. janvier-décembre. p. 108-144.

Periodical articleWijesekera, R.O.B. (1989)
Overview of the essential oil industry in developing countries
Archives du Centre National de Recherches Pharmaceutiques. #8. p. 209-240.

Periodical articleWijesekera, R.O.B. (1989)
Technological variants within the essential oil industry
Archives du Centre National de Recherches Pharmaceutiques. #8. p. 181-208.

Periodical articleKassam, Aneesa (1988)
La classification des plantes chez les Booran: une étude préliminaire
Abstract presentBulletin des études africaines de l'INALCO. Volume 8 #16. p. 53-72.

Periodical articleLewis, G.P. (1988)
Sesbania Adans. in the Flora Zambesiaca region
Kirkia. Volume 13 #pt. 1. p. 11-51.

Periodical articleHeine, B.; Koenig, C. (1987)
On the taxonomic status of folk botanic categories among the Samburu
Abstract presentAfrikanistische Arbeitspapiere: Schriftenreihe des Kölner Instituts für Afrikanistik. #10. p. 31-52.

Periodical articleHeine, B. (1985)
Concepts of plant taxonomy among the Samburu (Kenya): Some preliminary observations
Abstract presentAfrikanistische Arbeitspapiere: Schriftenreihe des Kölner Instituts für Afrikanistik. #3. p. 5-36.

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