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Search: su=poetry (form)
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Periodical articleMphande, Lupenga (2020)
See this publicationMalawi in Verse: Authenticity, African Literature, and Indigenous Aesthetic Forms
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 46 #2. p. 357-374.

BookBrown, Molly (ed.) (2018)
Voices of this land: an anthology of South African poetry in English
Pretoria: Van Schaik Publishers. 225p.

Periodical articleAkinyemi, Akintunde (2017)
See this publicationTwo poems by D.A. Obasa
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 87 #1. p. 16-26.

BookBoni, Tanella S. (2017)
Là où il fait si clair en moi
Paris: Bruno Doucey. L'autre langue. 90p.

BookBurns, Loretta (2017)
Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 78p.

BookCousins, Colleen Crawford (2017)
Cape Town: Modjaji Books. 63p.

BookDoh, Emmanuel Fru (2017)
In the color of my skin: poems
Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 73p.

BookDoucey, Bruno; Nimrod; Poslaniec, Christian (2017)
120 nuances d'Afrique: anthologie
Paris: Bruno Doucey. 280p.

BookElhillo, Safia (2017)
The January children
Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. African poetry book series. 63p.

BookInyang, Ekpe (2017)
Eni and other poems
Mankon: Langaa Research &Publishing CIG. 51p.

BookMhango, Nkwazi Nkuzi (2017)
Perpetual search
Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 170p.

BookMwanaka, Tendai R.; Purificação, Daniel da (eds.) (2017)
Best 'new' African poets 2016 anthology = Anthologie de 'nouveaux' meilleurs poe`tes Africains 2016 = Antologia dos melhores 'novos' poetas Africanos 2016
Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG.

BookMwanaka, Tendai Rinos; Rodriguez, Ricardo Felix (eds.) (2017)
Experimental writing: Africa vs Latin America = Literatura experimental África vs América Latina
Bamenda: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 332p.

BookMwangwegho, Lughano (2017)
Echoes of a Whisper
Bamenda: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 82p.

BookNirsimloo, Ananda Devi (2017)
Ceux du large
Paris: Bruno Doucey. L'autre langue. 82p.

BookPutuma, Koleka (2017)
Collective amnesia: poems
Cape Town: UHlanga. 111p.

BookAsobo, Prudentia Binwi (2016)
Asomne amwue nda = Sorrow in the house
Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 126p.

BookBarkhuizen le Roux, Christine (2016)
Tygervallei: Naledi. 97p.

Periodical issueBush, Ruth; Krishnan, Madhu (eds.) (2016)
See this publicationPrint activism in twenty-first century Africa
Abstract presentWasafiri. Volume 31 #4. 102p.

BookCantalupo, Charles (2016)
Where war was: poems and translations from Eritrea
Dar es Salaam: Mkuki Na Nyota Publishers Ltd. 84p.

BookFranklin, Kota J. (2016)
Memoirs of an African Poet: a poetry collection
Mustang, OK: Tate Publishing & Enterprises. 305p.

BookHavyarimana, Lynne Roxana (2016)
Sur mon chemin
Paris: Edilivre. 87p.

BookKamarah, Sheikh Umarr (2016)
Singing in exile & The child of war
Freetown, Sierra Leone: Sierra Leonean Writers Series. Sierra Leonean writers series. 115p.

BookKoroma, Ahmed (2016)
Along the Odokoko river
Freetown: Sierra Leonean Writers Series. 97p.

BookLyster, Rosa (2016)
Modern Rasputin: poems
Cape Town: uHlanga. 70p.

BookMagnier, Bernard (ed.) (2016)
Sur Fanon
Montréal: Mémoire d'encrier. Collection Chronique. 140p.

BookMala, Nsah (2016)
If you must fall bush
Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 109p.

BookMarechera, Dambudzo (2016)
Afriques 1
Abstract presentParis: Editions Belin. Po&sie #153-154. 319p.

BookMhango, Nkwazi Nkuzi (2016)
Psalm of the oppressed
Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 122p.

BookMoffett, Helen (2016)
Prunings: poems
Cape Town: uHlanga. 50p.

BookMwanaka, Tendai R. (2016)
Pearls of awareness
Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 86p.

BookMwangwegho, Lughano (2016)
Shadows of footsteps: poetry
Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 73p.

BookNdi, Bill F. (2016)
La croisée des chemins: noir ou noirci?
Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 98p.

BookNdi, Bill F. (2016)
Pride aside and other poems
Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 89p.

BookNgong, John Ngong Kum (2016)
Verses from my Roost
Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 82p.

BookNwakanma, Obi (2016)
Ibadan: Kraft Books. Kraftgriots. 77p.

BookOdukoya, Seun (2016)
See this publicationThis ain't poetry
Lagos: Blacktext Publishing Nigeria. 70p.

BookPutuma, Koleka; Perez, Javier (eds.) (2016)
Imbewu Yesini
Cape Town: Uhlanga. 55p.

BookSalah, Tarik-Brahim (2016)
Une lettre en retour: poesie
Paris: Edilivre. 72p.

BookSymons, Stephen (2016)
Questions for the sea: poems
Cape Town: Uhlanga. 81p.

BookVakunta, Peter Wuteh (2016)
Gravitas: poetic consciencism for Cameroon
Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 49p.

BookWaberi, Abdourahman A. (2016)
Mon nom est aube
La Roque-d'Anthéron: Vents d'ailleurs. 105p.

BookWesley, Patricia Jabbeh (2016)
When the wanderers come home
Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. African poetry book series. 114p.

BookXaba, Makhosazana (ed.) (2016)
Like the untouchable wind: an anthology of poems
Cape Town: Modjaji Books. 48p.

BookAdeniran, Tunde (2015)
Fate and faith: poems
Abuja: Kraft Books. Kraftgriots. 118p.

BookAkombi, Sammy Oke (2015)
God the artist and other poems
Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 102p.

BookAnyokwu, Chris (2015)
Naked truth: poems
Ibadan: Kraft Books Limited. Kraftgriots. 101p.

BookAzino, Efe Paul (2015)
For broken men who cross often
Lagos: Kamsi Farafina. 70p.

BookBilissor, Cédric (2015)
Sempiternelles lamentations: poësie
Paris: L'Harmattan. 76p.

BookBrou, Kessé Marc-Antoine (2015)
Mes précieuses laudatives: poésie classique africaine moderne
Paris: L'Harmattan. 52p.

BookBékalé, Éric Joël (2015)
Le chant de ma mère II: poésie
France: Éditions Acoria. 83p.

BookCheney-Coker, Syl (2015)
The road to Jamaica: elegy for the Afro
Accra: Sierra Leonean Writers Series. 67p.

BookDavis, Abimbola Mosobalaje (2015)
Just thinking: collection of poems
Ibadan: Safari Books Ltd. 94p.

BookDewoo, Moshumee Teena; Dewoo, Nerisha Yanee (2015)
Ex absurdo sequitur quodlibet
Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 81p.

BookFasasi, Khabyr Alowonle (2015)
Spells of solemn songs: poems
Ibadan: Kraft Books. Kraftgriots. 87p.

BookFranzsen, Riël C.D. (2015)
Pretoria: Protea Boekhuis. 64p.

BookGalgut, Elisa (2015)
The attribute of poetry
Cape Town: Modjaji Books. 42p.

BookGardini, Genna (2015)
Matric rage: poems
Cape Town: Uhlanga. Uhlanga new poets series. 87p.

BookHambidge, Joan (2015)
Kaapstad: Human & Rousseau, NB-Uitgewers. 160p.

BookHead, Vernon R.L. (2015)
The laughing dove and other poems
Auckland Park: Staging Post. 70p.

BookIdrissi, Khalil Hachimi (2015)
L'intuition et la preuve: suivi de subterfuges: poésie
Casablanca: A. Retnani Croisée des Chemins. 126p.

BookImfeld, Al (ed.) (2015)
Afrika im Gedicht
Zürich: Offizin. 815p.

BookInyang, Ekpe (2015)
Dangerous pastime
Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 56p.

BookJijana, Thabo (2015)
Failing maths and my other crimes
Cape Town: uHlanga Press. Uhlanga new poets series. 65p.

BookKoffi Koffi, Lazare (2015)
Reflets d'espérance: poésie
Paris: L'Harmattan. Afrique liberté. 161p.

BookKoffigoh, Joseph Kokou (2015)
La princesse Yennenga: poésie
Lome: Editions Continents. Collection Scriptorium. 69p.

BookKoné, Abdoulaye (ed.) (2015)
Guerre contre la guerre: recueil de poèmes
Paris: L'Harmattan. 51p.

BookKraan, Tiny (2015)
See this publicationAnti-apartheid anthologie: Afrikaanse gedichten uit de apartheidsperiode
Leiden: Tiny Kraan. 245p.

BookKunene, Mazisi; Vilakazi, Benedict Wallet (2015)
Two Zulu poets: Mazisi Kunene and BW Vilakazi
Milwaukee, WI: Cissus World Press. 98p.

DVD / videoL'Espérance, Sylvain (ed.) (2015)
See this publicationSur le rivage du monde = Standing on the edge of the world
Abstract presentLussas: DocNet.

BookMala, Nsah (2015)
Bites of insanity
Bamenda: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 115p.

BookMiled, Ilham Ben; Regaïeg, Najiba (eds.) (2015)
Voix de l'enfant et de la mère: ouvrage collectif
Abstract presentTunis: Arabesques éditions. 242p.

BookMphande, Lupenga (2015)
Things circular: poems of love and the mysteries of nature
Milwaukee, WI: Cissus World Press. Cissus world press poetry series. 106p.

BookMulgrew, Nick (2015)
The myth of this is that we're all in this together: poems
Cape Town: uHlanga. 67p.

BookNdi, Bill F. (2015)
One eternal sleep
Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 52p.

BookNgong Kum Ngong, John (2015)
Nuptials at vespers & other strains: poems
Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 84p.

BookNgong Kum Ngong, John (2015)
Blot on the landscape: poems
Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 78p.

BookNguema Mboumba, Janvier (2015)
A ne nah
Libreville: Odette Maganga.

BookOjaide, Tanure (2015)
Songs of myself: quartet: poems
Ibadan: Kraft Books Limited. Kraftgriots. 183p.

BookOkine, Patrick Richard (2015)
Fruits of a harvest: poems and the love letters
Accra: Pro-Lynk Media Consult Limited. 97p.

BookOkoro, Dike (2015)
In the company of the muse
Milwaukee, WI: Cissus World Press. Cissus world press poetry series. 88p.

BookOkoro, Pious (2015)
The beggars' song
Milwaukee, WI: Cissus World Press. 84p.

BookOkoumba, Dany (2015)
Rêves panachés: poèmes
Libreville: Les Éditions AMAYA. Collection MUSES. 94p.

BookOlatunji, Basil (2015)
Rainbow in my heart: poems
Johannesburg: Partridge Africa. 71p.

BookPhosa, Mathews (2015)
Chants of freedom: poems written in exile
Cape Town: Penguin Books. 45p.

BookPurifacação, Daniel da; Mwanaka, Tendai R. (eds.) (2015)
Best 'new' African poets 2015 anthology = Antologie des meilleures 'nouveaux' poetes Africains 2015 = Antologia dos melhores 'novos' poetas africanos 2015
Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 356p.

BookSall, Djibril (2015)
Je veux parler: anthologie poétique, 1967-2012
Nouakchott: Editions de la Librairie 15/21. Collection 'Lettres Mauritaniennes'. 167p.

BookSony Labou Tansi (2015)
Paris: CNRS Editions. Planète libre #6. 1252p.

BookSony Labou Tansi (2015)
La chair et l'idée: théâtre et poèmes inédits, lettres, témoignages écrits et regards critiques
Besançon: Les Solitaires intempestifs. Du désavantage du vent. 365p.

BookTraoré, Mahamadou Amadou (2015)
Jeux de mots: slam
Paris: L'Harmattan. 59p.

BookVakunta, Peter W. (2015)
Stream of consciousness: poetics of the universal
Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 144p.

BookVakunta, Peter Wuteh (2015)
Poems from Abakwa in Cameroon Pidgin English
Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 106p.

BookVakunta, Peter Wuteh (2015)
Requiem pour Ongola en camfranglais: une poétique camerounaise
Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 61p.

BookVété-Congolo, Hanétha (2015)
Mon parler de Guinée = Pale, pale Djinen-mwen: poésie
Paris: Editions L'Harmattan. Poètes des cinq continents #648. 144p.

BookWalon-Jalloh, Abdulai (2015)
Voices and passions
Freetown: Sierra Leonean Writers Series. 74p.

BookWhite, Landeg (2015)
Living in the Delta: new and collected poems
Cardigan: Parthian. 318p.

BookWoods, Joanna (2015)
From home and exile: a negotiation of ideas about home in Malawian poetry
Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 227p.

BookWoodward, Wendy (2015)
A saving bannister: poems
Rondebosch: Modjaji Books. 59p.

BookYali-Manisi, D.L.P. (2015)
D.L.P. Yali-Manisi imbongi entsha: limbali Zamanyange = Historical Poems
Pietermaritzburg: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press. Publications of the Opland Collection of Xhosa literature 2. 289p.

BookYeibo, Ebi (2015)
The fourth masquerade: poems
Ibadan: Kraftgriots. Kraftgriots. 122p.

Search: su=poetry (form)
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