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Periodical articleDube, Luyanda; Onyancha, Omwoyo Bosire; Makhubela, Salmon (2014)
A profile of the geographies of students in the Department of Information Science at the University of South Africa (UNISA)
Innovation: journal of appropriate librarianship and information work in Southern Africa. #48. p. 20-45.

BookCentral Statistical Office, Lusaka (2013)
See this publicationReport on characteristics of households and housing
Lusaka: Central Statistical Office. 62p.

BookCentral Statistical Office, Lusaka (2013)
See this publicationOrphanhood and fosterhood report
Lusaka: Central Statistical Office. 53p.

BookCentral Statistical Office, Lusaka (2013)
See this publicationPost enumeration survey (PES)
Lusaka: Central Statistical Office. 25p.

BookChateau, Thierry (2013)
Citoyens du monde: les Mauriciens sont des gens comme les autres
Mauritius: Osman Publishing. 61p.

BookGhana Statistical Service (2013)
Children, adolescents & young people in Ghana: 2010 population and housing census report
Accra: Ghana Statistical Service.

BookGhana Statistical Service (2013)
See this publicationWomen & men in Ghana: 2010 population and housing census report
Accra: Ghana Statistical Service. 157p.

BookGhana Statistical Service (2013)
See this publicationThe elderly in Ghana: 2010 population and housing census report
Accra: Ghana Statistical Service. 100p.

BookCentral Statistical Office, Lusaka (2012)
See this publicationZambia: 2010 census of population and housing: population summary report
Lusaka: Central Statistical Office. 142p.

BookCentral Statistical Office, Lusaka (2012)
See this publicationNational analytical report
Lusaka: Central Statistical Office. 117p.

BookCongo (Brazzaville). Ministère de l'Economie, des Finances, du Plan, du Portefeuille Public et de l'Intégration (2012)
Recensement général de la population et de l'habitation de 2007 (RGPH-07)
Brazzaville: Ministère de l'Économie, des Finances, du Plan, du Portefeuille Public et de l'Intégration, République du Congo. 78p.

BookMinistry of Finance and Economic Development (2012)
Housing and population census republic of Mauritius 2011: analytical reports
Port Louis: Ministry of Finance and Economic Development.

BookGhana Statistical Service (2011)
See this publication2010 population and housing census of Ghana: provisional results: summary of findings
Accra: Ghana Statistical Service. 22p.

BookGhana Statistical Service (2011)
See this publication2010 population and housing census of Ghana: summary report of final results
Accra: Ghana Statistical Service. 120p.

BookMinistry of Finance and Economic Development (2011)
See this publication2011 population census: main results
Port Louis: Ministry of Finance and Economic Development. 23p.

BookMinistry of Finance and Economic Development (2011)
Housing and population census republic of Mauritius 2011
Port Louis: Ministry of Finance and Economic Development.

Periodical articleNel, Etienne (2011)
See this publicationDemographic and economic changes in small towns in South Africa's Karoo: looking from the inside out
Abstract presentUrban Forum. Volume 22 #4. p. 395-410.

Periodical articleBerthier, Colette (2010)
Migrations: l'impact démographique et économique
Économie de la Réunion. #136. p. 11-22.

BookFederal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Population Census Commission, Central Statistical Agency, Addis Ababa (2010)
The 2007 population and housing census of Ethiopia
Addis Ababa: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Population Census Commission, Central Statistical Agency. 398p.

PeriodicalKenya National Bureau of Statistics (2010)
See this publicationThe 2009 Kenya population and housing census
Nairobi: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics.

BookKenya National Bureau of Statistics (2010)
See this publicationKenya 2009 population and housing census highlights
Nairobi: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics. 8p.

BookNational Population Commission (2010)
See this publicationPopulation and housing census of the federal republic of Nigeria 2006
Abuja: National Population Commission.

Periodical articleSimelane, Thokozani (2010)
Interpreting the transformation of the city centres of South Africa through system dynamics: how different are they from other African cities?
Africa Insight. Volume 40 #4. p. 168-186.

Periodical articleBrownell, Josiah (2008)
See this publicationThe hole in Rhodesia's bucket: white emigration and the end of settler rule
Abstract presentJournal of Southern African Studies. Volume 34 #3. p. 591-610.

Periodical articleMahaman, Malam Issa (2007)
Migrations, identité et construction étatique au Sahel nigérien: l'expérience des populations du Damargu précolonial (République du Niger)
Abstract presentAfrika Zamani: revue annuelle d'histoire africaine = Annual Journal of African History. #15-16. p. 63-98.

Periodical articleSaint Moulin, Léon de (2005)
Essai de recensement et perception des élections dans la commune de Ngaba à Kinshasa
Abstract presentCongo-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 45 #399. p. 485-506.

Periodical articleArtaud, Delphine (2004)
Mayotte 2002: population et conditions de vie
Économie de la Réunion. #119. p. 11-22.

Periodical articleMacLean, Lauren Morris (2004)
See this publicationMediating Ethnic Conflict at the Grassroots: The Role of Local Associational Life in Shaping Political Values in Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 42 #4. December. p. 589-617.

Periodical articleBeaujard, Philippe (2003)
Les arrivées austronésiennes à Madagascar: vagues ou continuum?
Abstract presentÉtudes océan Indien. #35-36. p. 59-147.

BookGhana Statistical Service (2003)
See this publication2000 population and housing census of Ghana: administrative report
Accra: Ghana Statistical Service. 65p.

Periodical articleLikambe L.S.D. (2003)
La fécondité dans un milieu suburbain de Lubumbashi (cas de Kabulameshi)
Cahiers congolais d'études politiques et sociales. #26. déc.. p. 122-143.

Periodical articleCahen, Michel; Waniez, Philippe; Brustlein, Violette (2002)
See this publicationPour un atlas social et culturel du Mozambique
Abstract presentLusotopie. #1. p. 305-362.

Periodical articleCrawford, David (2002)
See this publicationMorocco's Invisible Imazighen
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 7 #1. Spring. p. 53-70.

Periodical articleCurto, José C.; Gervais, Raymond R. (2002)
A história da população de Luanda no período do tráfico atlântico de escravos, 1781-1844
Abstract presentAfricana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #5. p. 75-130.

Periodical articleKimani, E.N.; Mavuti, K.M. (2002)
Abundance and population structure of the blacklip pearl oyster, pinctada margaritifera L. 1758 (Bivalvia: Pteriidae), in coastal Kenya
Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science. Volume 1 #2. July-December. p. 169-179.

BookNwafor, J.C. (2002)
Issues in population and rural development
Enugu: Fulladu Publishing Company. 190p.

Periodical articleNwauche, Eyinnaya S. (2002)
The 1999 Nigerian Constitution: accuracy and acceptability of the census results
Abstract presentVerfassung und Recht in Übersee. Volume 35 #3. p. 431-441.

Periodical articlePeterson, Brian (2002)
See this publicationQuantifying Conversion: A Note on the Colonial Census and Religious Change in Postwar Southern Mali
Abstract presentHistory in Africa. Volume 29. p. 381-392.

Periodical articleCurto, José C.; Gervais, Raymond R. (2001)
See this publicationThe Population History of Luanda during the Late Atlantic Slave Trade, 1781-1844
Abstract presentAfrican Economic History. Volume 29. p. 1-59.

Book chapterElbadawi, Ibrahim A. (2001)
Social cohesion, conflict management and economic growth in Africa
Abstract presentIn: Globalization, democracy and development in Africa: challenges and prospects. p. 39-60.

Periodical articleSpringer, S. (2001)
Household projections under the current AIDS pandemic
Habitat Debate. Volume 7 #2. June. p. 9.

Periodical articleBucyalimwe Mararo, Stanislas (1999)
La guerre des chiffres: une constante dans la politique au Nord-Kivu
Abstract presentL'Afrique des Grands Lacs. p. 225-262.

Periodical articleMarindo, Ravai (1999)
See this publicationDeath Colonized: Historical Adult Mortality in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe)
Abstract presentZambezia. Volume 26 #2. p. 145-168.

Periodical articleSuremain, Marie-Albane de (1999)
See this publicationCartographie coloniale et encadrement des populations en Afrique coloniale française, dans la première moitié du XXe siècle
Abstract presentRevue française d'histoire d'outre-mer. Volume 86 #324-325. p. 29-64.

Periodical articleStehle, Guy (1998)
Dossier: démographie et économie à l'époque de l'abolition de l'esclavage
Abstract presentÉconomie de la Réunion. #98. p. 4-19.

Periodical articleAzango, Bertha Baker (1997)
Problems and Conflicts in Liberian Education: A Road to National Peace
Abstract presentLiberian Studies Journal. Volume 22 #1. p. 67-77.

Periodical articleEmebiri, L.C.; Obiefuna, J.C.; Nwufo, M.I.; Anyim, C. (1997)
See this publicationPopulation characteristics, distribution and conservation status of the oil bean tree, pentaclethra macrophylla in Nigeria
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 9 #3-4. December. p. 143-150.

Periodical articleCahen, Michel (1994)
See this publicationMozambique, histoire géopolitique d'un pays sans nation
Abstract presentLusotopie. #1-2. p. 213-266.

Periodical articleAdandé, Alexis B.A. (1993)
Les origines lointaines des peuples de la République du Bénin: problématique et perspectives de recherche
Abstract presentAfrika Zamani: revue annuelle d'histoire africaine = Annual Journal of African History. #1. July. p. 65-92.

Periodical articleGubry, Patrick; Guérin, Valérie (1993)
Structures démographiques et fécondité urbaine
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #168. p. 125-137.

Periodical articlePouillon, François (1993)
See this publicationSimplification ethnique en Afrique du Nord: Maures, Arabes, Berbères (XVIIIe-XXe siècles)
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 33 #129. p. 37-49.

Periodical articleSrivastava, M.L. (1992)
The demographic profile of Malawi in 1990
Tizame. #3. July. p. 23-27.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1991)
La population du Rwanda au 01 janvier 1991
Imbonezamuryango = Famille, santé, développement. #20. avril. p. 27-30.

Periodical articleEngmann, E.V.T. (1991)
Nature and implications of bias of age declaration in Bauchi, Borno and Gongola
Abstract presentAnnals of Borno. Volume 8-9. p. 29-40.

Periodical articleInstitut national de la statistique (Zaire); Programme des Nations unies pour le développement (1991)
Zaïre: un aperçu démographique: résultats du recensement scientifique de la population en 1984
Abstract presentZaïre-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 31 #255. mai. p. 227-261.

Periodical articleZanamwe, Ingwani L. (1991)
Age and Sex Characteristics of the Population of Zimbabwe an Analysis Based on the 1982 Census
Geographical Journal of Zimbabwe. #22. December. p. 15-32.

Periodical articleTrotet, A.; Le Cointre, G. (1990)
La population agricole: nombreuse mais des actifs fréquemment en sous-emploi
Économie de la Réunion. #48. juillet-août. p. 13-15.

Periodical articleDe Beer, N.J.; Jacobs, P.P. (1989)
Huidige stamsamestelling van Ciskei
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Ethnology. Volume 12 #1. p. 1-10.

Periodical articleMariam, G.; Michael, W. (1989)
An Analysis of Age-Sex Data of Ethiopia in the Pre-1984 Period
Ethiopian Journal of Development Research. Volume 11 #2. October. p. 1-27.

Periodical articleSrivastava, M.L. (1989)
Growth of Malawi's population by sex 1901-87
Malawian Geographer. #28. December. p. 45-61.

Periodical articleZewde, Bahru (1988)
See this publicationGondar in the Early Twentieth Century: A Preliminary Investigation of a 1930/31 Census
Abstract presentJournal of Ethiopian Studies. Volume 21. November. p. 57-81.

Periodical articleBossuyt, M.; Munyanshongore, C. (1987)
Population et nutrition au Rwanda
Etudes rwandaises. Volume 1 #3. avril-juin. p. 248-264.

Periodical articleHickey, R. (1987)
The ethno-linguistic pattern of Fika Emirate
Abstract presentAnnals of Borno. Volume 4. p. 47-56.

Periodical articleRabetsitonta, T. (1987)
Les changements récents du régime démographique de la capitale malgache
Recherches pour le développement. Série sciences de l'homme et de la société. #4. p. 13-26.

Periodical articleSule, R.A. Olu (1987)
Ethno-Spatial Dimension of the Abuja Settlement as the New Nigerian Capital: The Dilemma of Urban Planning Policy
Abstract presentAfrican Urban Quarterly. Volume 2 #2. May. p. 87-95.

Periodical articleDike, H.I. (1986)
Towards bridging communication gap among the various linguistic groups in Nigeria: causes of breakdown in intercultural communication
Abstract presentNigeria Magazine. Volume 54 #1. p. 61-67.

Periodical articleLoucou, J.-N. (1986)
Le peuplement de la Côte d'Ivoire: problèmes et perspectives de recherche
Abstract presentAnnales de l'Université d'Abidjan, Série I: Histoire. Volume 14. p. 27-57.

BookHouse, William J. (1985)
A socio-economic and demographic profile of the population of urban Juba
Abstract presentJuba: ILO.

Periodical articleLootens-De Muynck, M.T. (1985)
La population de Lubumbashi en 1984: résultats d'une enquête
Abstract presentZaïre-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 25 #198. p. 481-489.

Periodical articleMedeiros, Eduardo (1985)
A evoluçao demografica da cidade de Lourenço Marques (1894-1975): estudo bibliográfico
Abstract presentRevista internacional de estudos Africanos. #3. p. 231-239.

Periodical articleAbegaz, Berhanu (1984)
See this publicationPapers in Ethiopian Demography I: Population Growth, Composition, and Distribution
Abstract presentNortheast African Studies. Volume 6 #3. p. 19-46.

Periodical articleAntoine, P.; Herry, C. (1983)
La population d'Abidjan dans ses murs: dynamique urbaine et évolution des structures démographiques entre 1955 et 1978
Abstract presentCahiers ORSTOM: Sciences humaines. Volume 19 #4. p. 371-395.

Periodical articleBeauvilain, Alain (1983)
Evolution démographique et faits migratoires dans les cantons Guisseye, Mousseye et Bougoudoum
Abstract presentRevue de géographie du Cameroun. Volume 4 #1. p. 45-53.

BookClarke, John I.; Kosinski, Leszek A. (eds.) (1982)
Redistribution of population in Africa
Abstract presentLondon; Exeter, NH: Heinemann. 212p.

BookBartle, P.F.W.; Sinha, V.N.P. (1980)
See this publicationEthnic heterogeneity and the migration factor in Ghana
Leiden: African Studies Centre. 14p.

Periodical articleOkpala, Donatus C.I. (1980)
Estimating Intraurban Population Size and Distribution from Residential Construction Completion Data: An Exploratory Calculation
Abstract presentAfrican Urban Studies. #8. Fall. p. 1-9.

Periodical articleObudho, Rose A. (1979)
The Nature of Kenya's Urban Geography
Abstract presentAfrican Urban Studies. #4. Spring. p. 83-103.

Periodical articleAdeokun, Lawrence A. (1976)
A framework for census administration in Nigeria
Abstract presentQuarterly Journal of Administration. Volume 11 #1-2. p. 83-96.

Periodical articleArnaud, Jean (1976)
Profils démographiques des villes de mauritanie, d'après l'enquête urbaine de 1975
Abstract presentBulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Série B: Sciences humaines. Volume 38 #3. p. 619-635.

Periodical articleCampbell, Ian (1976)
See this publicationThe Nigerian Census: An Essay in Civil-Military Relations
Abstract presentJournal of Commonwealth and Comparative Politics. Volume 14 #3. November. p. 242-254.

Periodical articleHurault, Jean (1976)
Problèmes de recensement administratif en afrique tropicale: l'exemple de l'arrondissement de Banyo (Cameroun)
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 29 #114. p. 200-218.

Periodical articleMakannah, Toma J. (1976)
Some aspects of the methodology of the 1974 population census of Sierra Leone
Abstract presentAfricana Research Bulletin. Volume 7 #1. p. 3-31.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1972)
Suid-Afrika: demografiese data
Abstract presentAfrica Institute Bulletin. Volume 12 #2. p. 71-76.

Periodical articleDickson, Kwobina B. (1972)
Land and people in Ghana south of the Black Volta
Abstract presentPrésence africaine. #84. p. 21-43.

Periodical articleTaktak, Abdelmajid (1972)
Etude socio-démographique de la ville de Kairouan
Abstract presentRevue tunisienne de sciences sociales. Volume 9 #30-31. p. 43-72.

Periodical articleTaktak, Abdelmajid (1972)
Etude socio-demographique de la proche banlieue Sud de Tunis
Abstract presentRevue tunisienne de sciences sociales. Volume 9 #28-29. p. 131-151.

Periodical articleKosmin, B.A. (1971)
On the imperial frontier: the pioneer community of Salisbury in November 1897
Abstract presentRhodesian History. Volume 2. p. 25-37.

Periodical articleMarcoux, A. (1971)
La population étrangère de Tunisie, 1956-1970
Abstract presentRevue tunisienne de sciences sociales. Volume 8 #25. p. 225-233.

Periodical articleHolway, James D. (1970)
See this publicationThe Religious Composition of the Population of the Coast Province of Kenya
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 3 #3. p. 228-239.

Periodical articlePicouet, M. (1970)
Essai d'utilisation des statistiques de recensements et du concept de population type pour le calcul des soldes migratoires par âge (application à la population du Gouvernorat de Tunis)
Abstract presentRevue tunisienne de sciences sociales. Volume 7 #23. p. 209-244.

Periodical articleAgama, G.Kportufe (1969)
Population and man-power development in Ghana
Abstract presentThe Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 11 #3. p. 285-308.

Periodical articleCunningham, G.L. (1969)
Agriculture and population in Tanzania
Abstract presentMbioni: The Monthly Newsletter of Kivukoni College. Volume 5 #3. p. 35-51.

Periodical articleDonque, G. (1969)
La population de Madagascar
Abstract presentRevue française d'études politiques africaines. #40. p. 32-46.

Periodical articleEl Bushra, El Sayed (1969)
Occupational Classification of Sudanese Towns
Abstract presentSudan Notes and Records. Volume 50. p. 75-96.

Periodical articleAddo, N.O. (1968)
Spatial distribution and ecological patterns among the foreign-origin population in Ghana
Abstract presentGhana Journal of Sociology. Volume 4 #1. p. 19-35.

Periodical articleAddo, N.O. (1967)
Demographic aspects of manpower and employment in Ghana
Abstract presentThe Economic Bulletin of Ghana. Volume 11 #3. p. 3-34.

Periodical articleGamble, D.P. (1967)
The population of Kenema
Abstract presentSierra Leone Geographical Journal. #11. p. 15-25.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1966)
The demographic situation in Western Africa
Abstract presentEconomic Bulletin for Africa - ECA. Volume 6 #2. p. 89-102.

Periodical articleCrowley, Daniel J. (1966)
See this publicationThe Katangese Territorial Post in Transition
Abstract presentJournal of Asian and African Studies. Volume 1 #3. July. p. 177-182.

Periodical articleKilson, M.D. de (1966)
The Ga and Non-Ga populations of Central Accra
Abstract presentGhana Journal of Sociology. Volume 2 #2. p. 23-28.

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