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Found: 179 | Record 1-100 |
Derbyshire, Samuel F.; Moore, Henrietta L.; Cheptoo, Helena; Davies, Matthew I.J. (2020) | |
'Sufurias cannot bring blessings': change, continuity and resilience in the world of Marakwet pottery, a case from western Kenya | |
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 14 #2. p. 204-226. |
Delvoye, Adrien (ed.) (2016) | |
L'art et la manière: approche technologique des céramiques de dépôt dans le mégalithisme sénégambien: le cas de la nécropole de Wanar (Sénégal) | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 14 #2. p. 115-134. |
Franke, Gabriele (2016) | |
A chronology of the Central Nigerian Nok Culture: 1500 BC to the beginning of the common era | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 14 #3. p. 257-289. |
M'Mbogori, Freda Nkirote (2016) | |
Population and ceramic traditions: revisiting the Tana Ware of coastal Kenya (7th-14th century AD) | |
Oxford: Archaeopress. BAR, International series #2717. 145p. |
Kriger, Colleen E. (ed.) (2015) | |
Material culture and commerce in precolonial Africa | |
History in Africa. Volume 42. p. 319-395. |
Saulieu, Geoffroy de; Ngouoh, François; Oslisly, Richard (2015) | |
L'âge du Fer ancien dans le bloc forestier du sud Cameroun: nouvelles données entre Sangmélima et Mintom | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 50 #3. p. 402-417. |
Wayessa, Bula Sirika; Lyons, Diane; Kooyman, Brian (2015) | |
Ethnoarchaeological study of brewing technology in Wallaga region of Western Oromia, Ethiopia | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 13 #1. p. 99-114. |
Keita, Daouda (2014) | |
Des ateliers de production de céramique pré-dogon à Kokolo (Mali) | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 49 #4. p. 463-485. |
Prendergast, Mary E. (ed.) (2014) | |
New dates for Kansyore and pastoral neolithic ceramics in the Eyasi Basin, Tanzania | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 12 #1. p. 89-98. |
Shigeta, Masayoshi; Hebo, Mamo; Nishi, Makoto (eds.) (2014) | |
Livelihood, development and local knowledge on the move | |
African Study Monographs: Supplementary Issue. #48. 123p. |
Steele, John (2014) | |
Some reflections on two rural potter's cooperatives in the Port St Johns region of the Eastern Cape, South Africa | |
Indilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems. Volume 13 #1. p. 41-50. |
Zazzaro, Chiara; Cocca, Enzo; Manzo, Andrea (2014) | |
Towards a chronology of the Eritrean Red See port of Adulis (1st-early 7th century AD) | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 12 #1. p. 43-73. |
Brass, Michael; Schwenniger, Jean-Luc (2013) | |
Jebel Moya (Sudan): new dates from a mortuary complex at the southern Meroitic frontier | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 48 #4. p. 455-472. |
Kinahan, John (2013) | |
The acquisition of ceramics by hunter-gatherers on the Middle Zambezi in the first and second millennium AD | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 11 #2. p. 197-209. |
Linstädter, Jörg; Wagner, Gregor (2013) | |
The early Neolithic pottery of Ifri Oudadane, NE Morocco: qualitative and quantitative evidence | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 11 #2. p. 155-196. |
Loukou, S.; Huysecom, E.; Mayor, A. (2013) | |
L'occupation humaine de la vallée du Guringin (plaine du Séno, Mali) | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 48 #1. p. 91-110. |
Nizésété, Bienvenu Denis (2013) | |
Apports de l'archéologie à l'histoire du Cameroun: le sol pour mémoire | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. 420p. |
Phillipson, Laurel (2013) | |
Lithic tools used in the manufacture of pre-Aksumite ceramics | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 48 #3. p. 380-402. |
Winchell, Frank (2013) | |
The Butana Group ceramics and their place in the Neolithic and post-Neolithic eras of Northeast Africa | |
Oxford: Archaeopress. BAR, International series #2459. 223p. |
Clist, Bernard (2012) | |
Pour une archéologie du royaume Kongo: la tradition de Mbafu | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 47 #2. p. 175-209. |
Fredriksen, Per Ditlef (2012) | |
Material knowledges, thermodynamic spaces and the Moloko sequence of the late Iron Age (AD 1300-1840) in Southern Africa | |
Oxford: Archaeopress. BAR, International series #2387. 133p. |
Gallay, Alain (2012) | |
Potières du Sahel: à la découverte des traditions céramiques de la boucle du Niger (Mali) | |
Gollion: Infolio. 373p. |
Giblin, John D.; Remigius, Kigongo (2012) | |
The social and symbolic context of the royal potters of Buganda | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 47 #1. p. 64-80. |
Soriano, Sylvain; Huysecom, Eric (2012) | |
Lithic industry as an indicator of ceramic diffusion in the Early Neolithic of West Africa: a case study at Ounjougou | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 10 #1. p. 85-101. |
Corniquet, Claire (2011) | |
Cadres de pratiques et circulation des connaissances chez les potières de l'Arewa (Niger) | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 51 #201. p. 87-114. |
Gijanto, Liza A.; Ogundiran, Akin (eds.) (2011) | |
Special issue: ceramics in the African Atlantic: new perspectives on social, economic, political and other everyday interactions | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 46 #3. p. 243-362. |
Haour, Anne; Manning, Katie (eds.) (2011) | |
Special issue: identity, fashion and exchange: pottery in West Africa | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 46 #1. 119p. |
Insoll, Timothy (2011) | |
The Iron Age ceramics from the Tong Hills, Northern Ghana: sequence and comparative perspectve | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 9 #1. p. 15-39. |
Mayor, Anne (2011) | |
Traditions céramiques dans la boucle du Niger: ethnoarchéologie et histoire du peuplement au temps des empires précoloniaux | |
Frankfurt am Main: Africa Magna Verlag. Peuplement humain & paléoenvironment en Afrique de l'Quest #2. 292p. |
Ngalim, Aloysius Nyuymengka (2011) | |
The crafts of the North West Region of Cameroon: using history to inform the present | |
Kaliao: revue pluridisciplinaire de l'École Normale Supérieure de Maroua (Cameroun), Série lettres et sciences humaines. Volume 3 #5. p. 23-36. |
Radimilahy, Chantal; Rajaonarimanana, Narivelo (eds.) (2011) | |
Civilisations des mondes insulaires: (Madagascar, îles du canal de Mozambique, Mascareignes, Polynésie, Guyanes): mélanges en l'honneur du professeur Claude Allibert | |
Paris: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 877p. |
Rakotoarisoa, Jean-Aimé; Allibert, Claude (eds.) (2011) | |
Vohémar, cité-état malgache | |
Études océan Indien. #46-47. 409p. |
Wayessa, Bula S. (2011) | |
Socialization, symbolism, and social structure: aspects of traditional pottery making among the Jimma Oromo, Western Oromia | |
The journal of Oromo studies. Volume 17 #2. p. 75-100. |
Ali, Vincent Egwu (2010) | |
An investigation into the influence of modernity on the traditional pottery industry of the Igbo of Southeastern Nigeria during the colonial and post-colonial eras | |
Research Review. Volume 26 #2. p. 75-89. |
Fauvelle-Aymar, François-Xavier (ed.) (2010) | |
Découvertes archéologiques aux environs de Dessié (Éthiopie) | |
Annales d'Éthiopie. Volume 25. p. 261-268. |
Gallay, Alain (2010) | |
Sériation chronologique de la céramique mégalithique sénégambienne (Sénégal, Gambie), 700 cal BC - 1700 cal AD | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 8 #1. p. 99-129. |
Jesse, Friederike (2010) | |
Early pottery in Northern Africa: an overview | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 8 #2. p. 219-238. |
Kohtamaki, Marjaana (2010) | |
An ethnoarchaelogical study of Twa potters in southern Rwanda | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 45 #3. p. 298-320. |
Thiam, Mandiomé (2010) | |
Regard ethnoarchéologique sur l'activité céramique dans l'espace sénégambien | |
Annales de la Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines. #40. p. 1-21. |
Thiaw, Ibrahima (ed.) (2010) | |
Espaces, culture matérielle et identités en Sénégambie | |
Dakar: Codesria. CODESRIA book series. 96p. |
Lyons, Diane; Freeman, Andrea (2009) | |
'I'm not evil': materialising identities of marginalised potters in Tigray region, Ethiopia | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 44 #1. p. 75-93. |
Riemer, Heiko (2009) | |
A potsherd from northwest of Abu Minqar and the dispersal of Sheikh Muftah pottery in the Western Desert of Egypt | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #20. p. 57-62. |
Thebe, Phenyo; Wilmsen, Edwin; Killick, David; Rosenstein, Dana Drake (2009) | |
Mmopi le Mmopa: making pottery in Botswana today and c. 1000 years ago | |
Botswana Notes and Records. Volume 41. p. 25-38. |
Wilmsen, Edwin N. (2009) | |
The social geography of pottery in Botswana as reconstructed by optical petrography | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 7 #1. p. 3-39. |
Ashley, Ceri; Reid, Andrew (2008) | |
A reconsideration of the figures from Luzira | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 43. p. 95-123. |
Boachie-Ansah, J. (2008) | |
Pottery traditions of the earthworks of Southern Ghana: test excavation at the site of Ngyeduam | |
West African Journal of Archaeology. Volume 38 #1-2. p. 1-37. |
Duffey, Alexander E. (2008) | |
China's contact with southern Africa: the ceramic record | |
Journal - Namibia Scientific Society. Volume 56. p. 27-42. |
Haour, Anne (2008) | |
The pottery sequence from Garumele (Niger): a former Kanem-Borno capital? | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 6 #1. p. 3-20. |
Pedersen, Ralph K. (2008) | |
The Byzantine-Aksumite period shipwreck at Black Assarca Island, Eritrea | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 43. p. 77-94. |
Sadr, Karim (2008) | |
An ageless view of first millennium AD southern African ceramics | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 6 #1. p. 103-129. |
Wynne-Jones, Stephanie; Mapunda, Bertram B.B. (2008) | |
'This is what pots look like here': ceramics, tradition and consumption on Mafia Island, Tanzania | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 43. p. 1-17. |
Ascanio Sánchez, Carmen (2007) | |
Género, tradición e identidades: estrategias de creación de valor en la alfarería de La Atalaya (Gran Canaria) | |
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Anroart Ediciones. Colección textos universitarios. 502p. |
Bostoen, Koen (2007) | |
Pots, Words and the Bantu Problem: On Lexical Reconstruction and Early African History | |
The Journal of African History. Volume 48 #2. July. p. 173-199. |
Kaneko, Morie (2007) | |
Variations in Pottery Making by Ari Potters in Southwestern Ethiopia: Analysis of the Finger Movement Patterns Used in Forming Pots | |
Nilo-Ethiopian Studies. #11. p. 1-16. |
Livingstone Smith, Alexandre (2007) | |
Histoire du décor à la roulette en Afrique subsaharienne | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 5 #2. p. 189-216. |
Livingstone Smith, Alexandre (2007) | |
Chaîne opératoire de la poterie: références ethnographiques, analyses et reconstitution | |
Tervuren: Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale. 203p. |
Boachie-Ansah, J. (2006) | |
Rescue excavations at Ladoku, Eastern Accra Plains, Ghana | |
Journal of environment and culture. Volume 3 #1. p. 27-55. |
Boachie-Ansah, J. (2006) | |
Report on excavations conducted in January 2005 at Wodoku, East Legon, Ghana | |
Ghana Social Science Journal. Volume 3-04 #1-2. June-December-7. p. 78-103. |
Bostoen, Koen (2006) | |
What comparative Bantu pottery vocabulary may tell us about early human settlement in the Inner Congo Basin | |
Afrique & histoire. #5. p. 221-263. |
Croucher, Sarah; Wynne-Jones, Stephanie (2006) | |
People, Not Pots: Locally Produced Ceramics and Identity on the Nineteenth-Century East African Coast | |
International Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 39 #1. p. 107-124. |
Oteyo, G.; Doherty, C. (2006) | |
Petrographic investigation of the provenance of pottery from Engaruka | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 41. p. 103-121. |
Sadr, Karim; Sampson, C. Garth (2006) | |
Through Thick and Thin: Early Pottery in Southern Africa | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 4 #2. p. 235-252. |
Chouin, Gérard (2005) | |
Introduction à l'archéologie de l'aire 'akan': filiations, dialogues et perspectives | |
Journal des africanistes. Volume 75 #2. p. 13-24. |
McMaster, Mary (2005) | |
Language Shift and its Reflection in African Archaeology: Cord Rouletting in the Uele and Interlacustrine Regions | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 40. p. 43-72. |
Posnansky, Merrick; Reid, Andrew; Ashley, Ceri (2005) | |
Archaeology on Lolui Island, Uganda 1964-5 | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 40. p. 73-100. |
Sall, Moustapha (2005) | |
Traditions céramiques, identités et peuplement en Sénégambie: ethnographie comparée et essai de reconstitution historique | |
Oxford: Archaeopress. BAR, International series #1407. 158p. |
Usman, Aribidesi A.; Speakman, Robert J.; Glascock, Michael D. (2005) | |
An Initial Assessment of Prehistoric Ceramic Production and Exchange in Northern Yoruba, North Central Nigeria: Results of Ceramic Compositional Analysis | |
African Archaeological Review. Volume 22 #3. September. p. 141-168. |
Czerniewicz, Maya von (2004) | |
L'évolution de la décoration et de la forme des céramiques pendant l'age du fer au nord du Burkina Faso | |
Préhistoire anthropologie méditerranéennes. Volume 13. p. 127-132. |
Gallin, Annabelle; Vernet, Robert (2004) | |
Les ensembles céramiques de la région de Nouakchott au IVe Millénaire BP: éléments de classification | |
Préhistoire anthropologie méditerranéennes. Volume 13. p. 79-86. |
Garcea, Elena A.A.; Caputo, Antonio (2004) | |
Outils statistiques pour l'étude de la production et de l'utalisation de la céramique au Sahara et au Soudan | |
Préhistoire anthropologie méditerranéennes. Volume 13. p. 87-96. |
Jesse, Friederike (2004) | |
The development of pottery design styles in the Wadi Howar Region (Northern Sudan) | |
Préhistoire anthropologie méditerranéennes. Volume 13. p. 97-107. |
Kinyera, S.O.; Kaahwa, Y.; Banda, E.J. (2004) | |
Traditional pottery in perspective of modern technology | |
Uganda Journal. Volume 50. December. p. 77-84. |
Langlois, Olivier (2004) | |
Distributions ancienne et actuelle des décors imprimés au Diamaré (Nord-Cameroun) et à ses marges | |
Préhistoire anthropologie méditerranéennes. Volume 13. p. 109-126. |
Phillips, Jacke (2004) | |
Islamic Pottery in the Middle Nile | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 39. p. 58-68. |
Smith, L.M.V. (2004) | |
Contributions of Scientific Analysis to the Study of Pottery Distribution in Eastern Africa: Case Studies of the Nubian Medieval Period | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 39. p. 305-323. |
Garcea, Elena A.A. (2003) | |
Animal Exploitation and Pottery Technology during Pastoral Times: The evidence from Uan Telocat, Libyan Sahara | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 1 #1. p. 111-126. |
Mohammed-Ali, Abbas S.; Khabir, Abdel-Rahim M. (2003) | |
The Wavy Line and the Dotted Wavy Line Pottery in the Prehistory of the Central Nile and the Sahara-Sahel Belt | |
African Archaeological Review. Volume 20 #1. March. p. 25-58. |
Sterner, Judy; David, Nicholas (2003) | |
Action on Matter: The History of the Uniquely African Tamper and Concave Anvil Pot-Forming Technique | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 1 #1. p. 3-38. |
Van Schalkwyk, J.A.; Hanisch, E.O.M. (eds.) (2002) | |
Sculptured in clay: iron age figurines from Schroda, Limpopo province, South Africa | |
Pretoria: National Cultural History Museum. 124p. |
Aldrick, J. (2001) | |
Relics of the old dhow trade | |
NMK Horizons. Volume 5 #2-3. p. 3-4. |
Dole, Sandrine (2001) | |
Celui qui tisse les liens: relevé de voyage d'un designer | |
Gallin, Annabelle (2001) | |
Proposition d'une étude stylistique de la céramique imprimée de Kobadi: définition de classes morphométriques des vases et analyse de la composition de leurs décors | |
Préhistoire anthropologie méditerranéennes. Volume 10-11. p. 117-133. |
Linden, Marc M. Vander (2001) | |
Social Dynamics and Pottery Distribution in the Faro Department, Northern Cameroon | |
African Archaeological Review. Volume 18 #3. September. p. 135-151. |
Morrow, Seán; Vokwana, Nwabisa (2001) | |
'Shaping in Dull, Dead Earth Their Dreams of Riches and Beauty': Clay Modelling at e-Hala and Hogsback in the Eastern Cape, South Africa | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 27 #1. March. p. 137-161. |
Pradines, Stéphane (2001) | |
Les céramiques sénégalaises des collections du département d'Afrique subsaharienne du Musée de l'homme | |
Journal des africanistes. Volume 71 #2. p. 165-188. |
Raimbault, Michel; Commelin, Dominique (2001) | |
La poterie du site néolithique de Kobadi dans le Sahel malien | |
Préhistoire anthropologie méditerranéennes. Volume 10-11. p. 107-116. |
Riemer, Heiko; Kuper, Rudolph (2001) | |
Clayton Rings: Enigmatic Ancient Pottery from the Eastern Sahara | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. Volume 12. May. p. 91-100. |
Håland, Randi; Msuya, Chediel S. (2000) | |
Pottery Production, Iron Working, and Trade in the Early Iron Age: The Case of Dakawa, East-Central Tanzania | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 35. p. 75-106. |
Jesse, Friederike (2000) | |
La céramique à wavy line au Sahara: le cas du wadi Howar (nord du Soudan) | |
Préhistoire anthropologie méditerranéennes. Volume 9. p. 57-71. |
Wood, Felicity (2000) | |
The Snake in the Sky: Tornadoes in Clay and Local Narrative in the Hogsback-Alice Area | |
Critical Arts: A Journal of Media Studies. Volume 14 #2. p. 79-95. |
Florusbosch, Henrike (200*) | |
Potten kijken: status en werk van de numumusow in Narena (Mali) | |
103p. |
Chami, Felix A. (1999) | |
The Early Iron Age on Mafia Island and its Relationship with the Mainland | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 34. p. 1-10. |
Dreyer, J. (1999) | |
Samuel Makoanyane (1909-1944): A Ceramic Artist from Koalabata, Lesotho | |
South African Journal of Ethnology. Volume 22 #1. p. 32-38. |
Edwards, David N. (1999) | |
Meroitic Ceramic Chronology: Exploring the Meroe West Cemeteries | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 34. p. 25-44. |
Gosselain, Olivier P. (1999) | |
Poterie, société et histoire chez les Koma Ndera du Cameroun | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 39 #153. p. 73-105. |
Ndiiri, W. (1999) | |
Exchange systems in archaeological past: the case of the Kenyan coast | |
Chemchemi. Volume 1. December. p. 31-47. |
Oyeoku, O.K. (1999) | |
Pottery making in Nigeria | |
West African Journal of Archaeology. Volume 29 #1-2. p. 28-33. |
Pikirayi, I. (1999) | |
Great Zimbabwe tradition settlement and gold mining: local pottery from historical period mines in northern Zimbabwe | |
Zimbabwea. #6. December. p. 15-20. |
Ofori-Asare, S. (1998) | |
Appropriate technology: the construction of a cost-effective and efficient gas kiln | |
Lesotho Journal of Teacher Education. Volume 2 #3. p. 50-54. |
Aiyedun, Kolawole D. (1997) | |
Traditional pottery making industry among six contemporary rural societies in Niger State: a comparative analysis | |
West African Journal of Archaeology. Volume 27 #1. p. 69-106. |
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