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Found: 474 | Record 1-100 |
Delvoye, Adrien (ed.) (2016) | |
L'art et la manière: approche technologique des céramiques de dépôt dans le mégalithisme sénégambien: le cas de la nécropole de Wanar (Sénégal) | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 14 #2. p. 115-134. |
Gutierrez, Manuel; Honoré, Emmanuelle (eds.) (2016) | |
L'art rupestre d'Afrique: actualité de la recherche: actes du colloque international, Paris, 15-16-17 janvier 2014, Université Paris 1, Centre Panthéon & Musée du quai Branly | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. 326p. |
Lane, Paul J. (2016) | |
New directions for historical archaeology in Eastern Africa | |
The Journal of African History. Volume 57 #2. p. 173-181. |
Langley, Michelle C. (ed.) (2016) | |
Poison arrows and bone utensils in late Pleistocene eastern Africa: evidence from Kuumbi Cave, Zanzibar | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 51 #2. p. 155-177. |
Reid, Andrew (2016) | |
Constructing history in Uganda | |
The Journal of African History. Volume 57 #2. p. 195-207. |
Robbins, Lawrence H. (2016) | |
'Sebilo': 19th century hairdos and ancient specularite mining in Southern Africa | |
International Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 49 #1. p. 103-131. |
Schmidt, Peter R. (2016) | |
Historical archaeology in East Africa: past practice and future directions | |
The Journal of African History. Volume 57 #2. p. 183-194. |
Shipton, Ceri (ed.) (2016) | |
Reinvestigation of Kuumbi Cave, Zanzibar, reveals Later Stone Age coastal habitation, early Holocene abandonment and Iron Age reoccupation | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 51 #2. p. 197-233. |
Inesta, Ferran (2015) | |
Thot: pensée et pouvoir en Égypte pharaonique | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. 276p. |
Lenssen-Erz, Tilman (2015) | |
Cooperation or conflict? Identity and scarce resources of prehistoric Saharan pastoralists | |
African Study Monographs. Volume 36 #1. p. 5-26. |
Breunig, Peter (ed.) (2014) | |
Nok: African sculpture in archaeological context | |
Frankfurt am Main: Africa Magna Verlag. 303p. |
Ntsebeza, Lungisile; Saunders, Chris (eds.) (2014) | |
Papers from the pre-colonial catalytic project: volume 1 | |
Cape Town: Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town. Rethinking Africa series. 160p. |
Sedek So, Melki (2014) | |
Le long périple de la maât | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. 139p. |
Anquandah, James (2013) | |
The people of Ghana: their origins and cultures | |
Transactions of the Historical Society of Ghana. #15. p. 1-25. |
Bernezat, Jean-Louis (2013) | |
L'art rupestre de la Téfedest, une des richesses du Parc National de l'Ahaggar (Algérie) | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #24. p. 129-154. |
Bollig, Michael; Schnegg, Michael; Wotzka, Hans-Peter (eds.) (2013) | |
Pastoralism in Africa: past, present, and future | |
New York: Berghahn Books. 525p. |
Brass, Michael (2013) | |
Revisiting a hoary chestnut: the nature of early cattle domestication in North-East Africa | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #24. p. 65-70. |
Bravin, Alessandra (2013) | |
Nuove figure antropomorfe del Jebel Rat, Alto Atlante (Marocco) | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #24. p. 119-128. |
Buhagar, Saad; Argant, Thierry (2013) | |
L'art rupestre du Sud-Est libyen (région de Kufra) | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #24. p. 71-94. |
Gozalbes, Enrique (2013) | |
Pharusians and Nigritas, people of the northern Saharan border | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #24. p. 155-160. |
Ikram, Salima (2013) | |
A possible panel of arachnids in Kharga Oasis (Egypt's Western Desert) | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #24. p. 95-100. |
Polkowski, Pawel (ed.) (2013) | |
Rock art research in the Dakhleh Oasis Western Desert (Egypt) | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #24. p. 101-118. |
Riemer, Heiko; Bartz, Franziska; Krause, Sabine (2013) | |
New rock art sites in the Gilf Kebir, SW Egypt: a review of recent results from the Wadi Sura survey 2009-2011 | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #24. p. 7-26. |
Ben Nasr, Jaâfar (2012) | |
Des gravures rupestres de la Tunisie centrale: Jebel Ousselat | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #23. p. 113-124. |
Boularès, Habib (2012) | |
Histoire de la Tunisie: les grandes dates de la préhistoire à la révolution | |
Tunis: Cérès Éditions. 719p. |
d'Huy, Julien (2012) | |
Le motif de Pygmalion: origine afrasienne et diffusion en Afrique | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #23. p. 49-58. |
De Klerk, Pieter (2012) | |
Voor 1652 - vakhistorici se interpretasies van die vroeë Suid-Afrikaanse geskiedenis | |
New contree: a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa. #65. p. 1-22. |
Edwards, David N.; Salih, Ali Osman Mohmed (2012) | |
The archaeology of a Nubian frontier: survey on the Nile Third Cataract, Sudan | |
Mauhaus Publishing. |
Gwasira, Goodman (2012) | |
The archaeology of the Dome Gorge in the Dâureb/Brandberg, Namibia: themes, content and context | |
Journal for Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences. Volume 1 #1. p. 1-20. |
Le Quellec, Jean-Loïc (2012) | |
Iconoclasties rupestres au Sahara | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #23. p. 59-74. |
Maestrucci, Fabio; Giannelli, Gianna (2012) | |
'Teste Rotonde' del bassopiano: il sito di Tilleline (Tassili-n-Ajjer) | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #23. p. 147-159. |
Menardi Noguera, Alessandro; Zboray, András (2012) | |
Elongated human figures, large cows and tethered wild animals from the northern Jebel Arkenu (Libya) | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #23. p. 133-146. |
Robion-Brunner, Caroline; Martinelli, Bruno (eds.) (2012) | |
Métallurgie du fer et sociétés africaines: bilans et nouveaux paradigmes dans la recherche anthropologique et archéologique | |
Oxford: Archaeopress. BAR, International series #2395. 258p. |
Vernet, Robert (2012) | |
Le Chalcolithique de Mauritanie (3000-2500 calB.P.): état de la question | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #23. p. 7-28. |
Hallier, Ulrich W.; Hallier, Brigitte C. (2011) | |
Les 'têtes rondes' d'In-Goubba (Tassili-n-Ajjer, Algérie du Sud) | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #22. p. 134-148. |
Honoré, Nicole (2011) | |
Wa-n-Kalia: an exceptional engraved site in the Aramat massif (north-west Fezzan, Libya) | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #22. p. 47-56. |
Lernia, Savino di; Gallinaro, Marina (2011) | |
Working in a UNESCO WH site: problems and practices on the rock art of Tadrart Akakus (SW Libya, Central Sahara) | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 9 #2. p. 159-175. |
Menardi Noguera, Alessandro; Zboray, András (2011) | |
Rock art in the landscape setting of the western Jebel Uweinat (Libya) | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #22. p. 85-116. |
Rifkin, Riaan F. (2011) | |
Assessing the efficacy of red ochre as a prehistoric hide tanning ingredient | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 9 #2. p. 131-158. |
Storemyr, Per (2011) | |
The ancient stone-built game traps at Gharb Aswan and beyond, Lower Nubia and Upper Egypt | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #22. p. 15-28. |
Williams, Martin; Jacobsen, Geraldine E. (2011) | |
A wetter climate in the desert of northern Sudan 9900-7600 years ago | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #22. p. 7-14. |
Wolff, Richard; De Cola, Lorenzo (2011) | |
Les gravures rupestres du djebel Ben Ghnema (Sud libyen): une relecture | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #22. p. 57-84. |
Hachid, Malika (2010) | |
Premiers résultats du projet algéro-français de datation directe et indirecte des images rupestres dans la Tassili-n-Ajjer | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #21. p. 27-58. |
Jesse, Friederike (2010) | |
Early pottery in Northern Africa: an overview | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 8 #2. p. 219-238. |
Kindermann, Karin (2010) | |
Djara: zur mittelholozänen Besiedlungsgeschichte zwischen Niltal und Oasen (Abu-Muharik-Plateau, Ägypten) | |
Köln: Heinrich-Barth-Instut. Africa praehistorica #23. |
LeQuesne, Charles; Basell, Laura S.; Sheibani, Ramadan (2010) | |
Archaeology in the Sirte Basin: preliminary results of mitigation surveys carried out for Shell 2007-2009 | |
Libyan Studies. Volume 41. p. 7-32. |
Negro, Giancarlo; Cammelli, Massimo (2010) | |
The flint quarries of Wadi El Sheikh (Eastern Desert of Egypt) | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #21. p. 107-116. |
Obenga, Théophile (ed.) (2010) | |
Histoire générale du Congo des origines à nos jours | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. |
Prendergast, Mary E. (ed.) (2010) | |
Diversity in East African foraging and food producing communities | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 45 #1. 136p. |
Sealy, Judith (2010) | |
Isotopic evidence for the antiquity of cattle-based pastoralism in southernmost Africa | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 8 #1. p. 65-81. |
Waldock, Victoria (2010) | |
The Taleschout hippos: an enigmatic site in the Messak Settafet, southwest Libya | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #21. p. 93-106. |
Barker, Graeme (2009) | |
The Cyrenaican prehistory project 2009: the third season of investigations of the Haua Fteah cave and its landscape, and further results from the 2007-2008 fieldwork | |
Libyan Studies. Volume 40. p. 55-94. |
Barnett, Tertia; Moussa, Farès (2009) | |
DMP VII: style, symbolism and cultural identity in the Wadi al-Hayat: results of fieldwork in 2008 and 2009 | |
Libyan Studies. Volume 40. p. 155-170. |
Burrett, Rob S.; Ritchie, Adele Hamilton (2009) | |
Yellow Jacket Ruin, Chinamora | |
Heritage of Zimbabwe. #28. p. 66-74. |
Farrujia de la Rosa, A. José; Pichler, Werner; Rodrigue, Alain (2009) | |
The colonization of the Canary Islands and the Libyco-Berber and Latino-Canarian scripts | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #20. p. 83-100. |
Foutch, Amy E.; Steele, Teresa E.; O'Brien, Christopher J. (2009) | |
Faunal analysis from Kibaoni, a late precolonial Pimbwe village in Rukwa Valley, Tanzania: first reconstructions of cultural and environmental histories | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 44 #2. p. 257-267. |
Hallier, Ulrich W.; Hallier, Brigitte C. (2009) | |
L''époque des Chasseurs Anciens' dans la Tassili-n-Ajjer (Algérie du Sud) | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #20. p. 101-120. |
Hendrickx, Stan (2009) | |
Hunting and social complexity in predynastic Egypt | |
Bulletin des séances = Mededelingen der zittingen. Volume 57 #2-4. p. 237-263. |
Lahr, Marta Mirazón (2009) | |
DMP VI: preliminary results from 2009 fieldwork on the human prehistory of the Libyan Sahara | |
Libyan Studies. Volume 40. p. 133-153. |
Lernia, Savino di; Gallinaro, Marina (2009) | |
The rock art of the Acacus Mountains (SW Libya) between originals and copies | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #20. p. 13-30. |
MacDonald, Kevin C. (2009) | |
Dhar Néma: from early agriculture to metallurgy in southeastern Mauritania | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 44 #1. p. 3-48. |
Magnavita, Sonja (ed.) (2009) | |
Crossroads: cultural and technological developments in first millennium BC/AD West Africa = Carrefour Sahel: développements culturels et technologiques pendant le premier millénaire BC/AD dans l'Afrique de l'Ouest | |
Frankfurt am Main: Africa Magna Verlag. Journal of African Archaeology, Monograph Series 2. 264p. |
Orton, Jayson (2009) | |
Rescue excavations at Diaz Street Midden, Saldanha Bay, South Africa | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 44 #1. p. 107-120. |
Pearce, David G. (2009) | |
An introduction to the rock art of the Malilangwe Conservation Trust, southeastern Zimbabwe | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 44 #3. p. 331-342. |
Pradines, Stéphane (2009) | |
L'île de Sanjé ya Kati (Kilwa, Tanzanie): un mythe Shirâzi bien réel | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 44 #1. p. 49-73. |
Siiriäinen, Ari; Seitsonen, Oula; Laurén, Juha (2009) | |
Pastoralists in the northeastern Mara Plains, Kenya: archaeological investigations of the Pastoral Neolithic and the Pastoral Iron Age | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 44 #2. p. 163-193. |
Smith, Andrew B. (2009) | |
Pastoralism in the Western Cape Province, South Africa: a retrospective review | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 7 #2. p. 239-252. |
Staniforth, Amy (2009) | |
Returning Zinj: curating human origins in twentieth-century Tanzania | |
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 3 #1. p. 153-173. |
Thorp, Carolyn (2009) | |
Excavations at Hlamba Mlonga Hill, Malilangwe Trust, south-eastern Zimbabwe | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 7 #2. p. 191-218. |
Wilmsen, Edwin N. (2009) | |
The social geography of pottery in Botswana as reconstructed by optical petrography | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 7 #1. p. 3-39. |
Ashley, Ceri; Reid, Andrew (2008) | |
A reconsideration of the figures from Luzira | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 43. p. 95-123. |
Belhouchet, Lotfi (2008) | |
Les gravures sur coquilles d'oeufs d'autruche en Afrique du Nord: interprétation des décors géométriques | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. Volume 19. p. 77-84. |
Le Quellec, Jean-Loïc (2008) | |
À propos des molettes zoomorphes du Sahara central | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. Volume 19. p. 39-60. |
Louwrens, Louis J.; Taljard, Elsabé (2008) | |
Cattle and cattle colour terminology in South Africa | |
Anthropology Southern Africa. Volume 31 #3-4. p. 95-102. |
Mattingly, David; Dove, John; Lahr, Marta; Ahmed, Muftah (2008) | |
DMP II: 2008 fieldwork on burials and identity in the Wadi al-Ajal | |
Libyan Studies. Volume 39. p. 223-262. |
Menardi Noguera, Alessandro; Soffiantini, Michele (2008) | |
The rock-art sites of the upper Wadi Waddan (Jebel Uweinat, Libya) | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. Volume 19. p. 109-128. |
Newton, Claire (2008) | |
Fuel and vegetation at Asa Koma (Republic of Djibouti) during the second millennium BC | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 6 #1. p. 87-102. |
Odede, Frederick (2008) | |
Gunda-buche: the bank-and-ditch fortified settlement enclosures of western Kenya, Lake Victoria Basin | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 43. p. 36-49. |
Peyrot, Bernard (2008) | |
Incidences écologiques, anthropiques et paléoécologiques sur l'évolution des forêts du Gabon: essai de synthèse | |
Les cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 61 #241-241. p. 111-144. |
Robbins, Lawrence H. (2008) | |
Recent archaeological research at Toteng, Botswana: early domesticated livestock in the Kalahari | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 6 #1. p. 131-149. |
Storemyr, Per (2008) | |
Prehistoric geometric rock art at Gharb Aswan, Upper Egypt | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. Volume 19. p. 61-76. |
Zboray, András (2008) | |
Some further rock art finds at Jebel Uweinat and the Gilf Kebir | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. Volume 19. p. 149-154. |
Blench, Roger (2007) | |
New palaeozoogeographical evidence for the settlement of Madagascar | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 42. p. 69-82. |
Brass, Michael (2007) | |
Reconsidering the Emergence of Social Complexity in Early Saharan Pastoral Societies, 5000-2500 B.C | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. Volume 18. May. p. 7-22. |
Dessie, Asamerew (2007) | |
Primary and current prehistoric and Aksumite archeological research in Ethiopia | |
Annales d'Éthiopie. Volume 23. p. 315-328. |
Farrujia de la Rosa, A. José; García Marín, Sergio (2007) | |
The Rock Art Site of Risco Blanco (Tenerife, Canary Islands) and the Saharan Horsemen Cycle | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. Volume 18. May. p. 69-84. |
Livingstone Smith, Alexandre (2007) | |
Histoire du décor à la roulette en Afrique subsaharienne | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 5 #2. p. 189-216. |
Sutton, J.E.G. (2007) | |
Archaeology and reconstructing history in the Kenya highlands: the intellectual legacies of G.W.B. Huntingford and Louis S.B. Leakey | |
History in Africa. Volume 34. p. 297-320. |
Swan, Lorraine M. (2007) | |
Early iron manufacturing industries in semi-arid, south-eastern Zimbabwe | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 5 #2. p. 315-338. |
Walsh, Martin T. (2007) | |
Island subsistence: hunting, trapping and the translocation of wildlife in the western Indian Ocean | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 42. p. 83-113. |
Campbell, Alec (2006) | |
Some Mauritanian rock art sites | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. Volume 17. p. 143-148. |
Clist, Bernard (2006) | |
Mise en évidence dans le nord-ouest du Gabon de la présence de l'homme au sein des forêts d'Âge Holocène | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 4 #1. p. 143-152. |
Eggert, Manfred K.H.; Hohm, A.; Kahlheber, S.; Meister, C.; Neumann, K.; Schweizer, A. (2006) | |
Pits, Graves and Grains: Archaeological and Archaeobotanical Research in Southern Cameroun | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 4 #2. p. 273-298. |
Gauthier, Yves; Gauthier, Christine (2006) | |
Nouveaux abris peints de l'Ennedi (Tchad) | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. Volume 17. p. 165-172. |
Gautier, Achilles; Neer, Wim Van (2006) | |
Animal Remains from Mahal Teglinos (Kassala, Sudan) and the Arrival of Pastoralism in the Southern Atbai | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 4 #2. p. 223-233. |
Kröpelin, Stefan (2006) | |
Discovery of an ancient fortification in northern Sudan | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. Volume 17. p. 186-190. |
Magnavita, Carlos (2006) | |
Ancient Humped Cattle in Africa: A View from the Chad Basin | |
African Archaeological Review. Volume 23 #3-4. September. p. 55-84. |
Magnavita, Carlos; Breunig, Peter; Ameje, James; Posselt, Martin (2006) | |
Zilum: A Mid-First Millennium BC Fortified Settlement Near Lake Chad | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 4 #1. p. 153-169. |
Alpern, Stanley B. (2005) | |
Did They or Didn't They Invent it? Iron in Sub-Saharan Africa | |
History in Africa. Volume 32. p. 41-94. |
Castelli, Roberto; Cremaschi, Mauro; Gatto, Maria Carmela; Liverani, Mario; Mori, Lucia (2005) | |
A Preliminary Report of Excavations in Fewet, Libyan Sahara | |
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 3 #1. p. 69-102. |
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