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Search: su=pricing
Found: 28 Record 1-28

Periodical articleVan Campenhout, Bjorn; Lecoutere, Els; D'Exelle, Ben (2015)
See this publicationInter-temporal and spatial price dispersion patterns and the well-being of maize producers in southern Tanzania
Abstract presentJournal of African Economies. Volume 24 #2. p. 230-253.

Periodical articleCreamer, Kenneth; Farrell, Greg; Rankin, Neil (2012)
See this publicationWhat price-level data can tell us about pricing conduct in South Africa
South African Journal of Economics. Volume 80 #4. p. 490-509.

Periodical articleOdiboh, Freeborn (2012)
Modern Nigerian art: art pricing and the Nigerian economy, 1960 to 2008
Abstract presentResearch Review. Volume 27 #2. p. 59-74.

Periodical articleAdarkwa, Kwasi Kwafo; Poku-Boansi, Michael (2009)
Determinants of urban public transport service pricing in Kumasi, Ghana
Abstract presentJournal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 24 #2. p. 51-72.

Periodical articleBezuidenhout, Andries; Cock, Jacklyn (2009)
See this publicationCorporate power, society and the environment: a case study of ArcelorMittal South Africa
Abstract presentTransformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa. #69. p. 81-105.

Periodical articleFedderke, Johannes; Kularatne, Chandana; Mariotti, Martine (2007)
See this publicationMark-Up Pricing in South African Industry
Abstract presentJournal of African Economies. Volume 16 #1. January. p. 28-69.

Periodical articleOluwaseun, K.K.; Majekodunmi, A.E. (2007)
Price policies and workers' welfare in developing countries: a study of low income earners in selected organisations in Ibadan metropolis, Nigeria
BIAC Journal. Volume 4 #1. May. p. 68-82.

Periodical articlePopoola, L.; Tee, N.T. (2007)
Pricing conduct of spatially differentiated borassus aethiopum (Mart) products markets in Northeastern Nigeria
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 19 #special ed. no. 3. March. p. 253-259.

Periodical articleWilliams, Kerry (2007)
See this publicationPharmaceutical price regulation
Abstract presentSouth African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 23 #1. p. 1-33.

Periodical articleCutts, Michela; Kirsten, Johann (2006)
See this publicationAsymmetric price transmission and market concentration: an investigation into four South African agro-food industries
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Economics. Volume 74 #2. p. 323-333.

Periodical articleVan Walbeek, Corné (2006)
See this publicationIndustry responses to the tobacco excise tax increases in South Africa
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Economics. Volume 74 #1. p. 110-122.

Periodical articleWambugu, S.K. (2006)
A review of maize marketing and pricing policies in Kenya
Chemchemi. Volume 3 #1. p. 72-85.

Periodical articleKedir, Abbi Mamo (2005)
See this publicationEstimation of Own- and Cross-Price Elasticities Using Unit Values: Econometric Issues and Evidence from Urban Ethiopia
Abstract presentJournal of African Economies. Volume 14 #1. March. p. 1-20.

Periodical articleMaponga, R. (2003)
Valuing the environment through use of the contingent, travel cost, hedonic pricing and avertive behaviour methods
Geographical Education Magazine. Volume 26 #1-2. November. p. 53-59.

Periodical articleOlaniyan, O.O. (2001)
Book pricing mechanism
African Publishing Review. Volume 10 #5. p. 13-15.

Periodical articleBaichoo, S.; Baichoo, S.D. (1999)
An automatic road pricing system to reduce traffic congestion in Mauritius
University of Mauritius Research Journal. Science and Technology. Volume 4. p. 95-116.

Periodical articleMassuyeau, Benoit (1998)
La formation des prix dans le commerce transfrontalier: les produits manufacturés nigérians sur les marchés nord-camerounais
Abstract presentAutrepart. #6. p. 163-180.

Periodical articleRabeantoandro, J. (1998)
Une analyse monétariste de la formation des prix à Madagascar
Economie de Madagascar. #3. October. p. 81-104.

Periodical articleMinten, Bart (1997)
Vivre avec des prix alimentaires variables :une analyse du marché des produits agricoles d'Antananarivo
Economie de Madagascar. #2. October. p. 129-151.

Periodical articleRoubaud, F. (1997)
La question rizicole à Madagascar: les résultats d'une décennie de libéralisation
Economie de Madagascar. #2. October. p. 37-61.

Periodical articleClaret, J.; Phadke, P.D. (1994)
Comparing pricing methods in more competitive markets
Zimbabwe Quarterly. Volume 1 #3. December. p. 5-7.

Periodical articleClaret, J.; Phadke, P.D. (1994)
Pricing: challenge to management accounting
Accountant (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania). Volume 7 #2. July-December. p. 25-27.

Periodical articleNgopya, F. (1993)
Optimisation d'une fonction de consommation collective et determination d'un système optimal de prix de référence pour l'évaluation des projets de développement rural du point de vue de la collectivité cible
Food and Agriculture in Africa. #Staff papers no. 5. p. 61-67.

Periodical articleMinvielle, J.-P. (1991)
La formation des prix au producteur: une méthodologie d'analyse des coûts de production agricoles en milieu non monétarisé
Abstract presentCahiers des sciences humaines. Volume 27 #1-2. p. 183-191.

Periodical articleMshomba, Richard E. (1989)
Price Elasticity of Supply of Tanzania's Major Export Crops
Abstract presentEastern Africa Economic Review. Volume 5 #1. June. p. 9-23.

BookMuntjewerff, C.A. (1982)
See this publicationThe producers' price system and the coffee and cocoa trade at village level in West Africa
Abstract presentLeiden: African Studies Centre. ASC working paper #6. 23p.

Periodical articleWhitworth, Alan (1980)
See this publicationMonopoly and the case for price control in poor countries
Abstract presentJournal of Development Studies. Volume 17 #1. p. 80-95.

Periodical articleKillick, Tony (1973)
See this publicationPrice controls in Africa: the Ghanaian experience
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 11 #3. p. 405-426.

Search: su=pricing
Found: 28 Record 1-28

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