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BookSefrioui, Kenza (2017)
Le livre à l'épreuve: les failles de la chaîne au Maroc
Casablanca: En toutes lettres. Collection enquêtes. 99p.

Periodical articleBoakye, Naomi (2016)
See this publicationThe efficacy of socio-affective teaching strategies in a reading intervention: students' views and opinions
Abstract presentLanguage Matters: Studies in the Languages of Africa. Volume 47 #3. p. 393-414.

BookCohen, Anouk (2016)
Fabriquer le livre au Maroc
Paris: Karthala. Collection terres et gens d'islam. 411p.

Periodical articleKlapwijk, Nanda (2016)
See this publicationTeachers' own use of reading strategies: does it transfer to their teaching?
Abstract presentLanguage Matters: Studies in the Languages of Africa. Volume 47 #2. p. 297-321.

Periodical articleSandwith, Corinne (2016)
See this publicationThe idea of reading in early 20th-century South Africa
Abstract presentJournal of Southern African Studies. Volume 42 #6. p. 1095-1108.

Periodical articleSkarzynski, Janusz; Nassimbeni, Mary (2016)
See this publicationEvaluating the impact of the public library book collection: a case study of two public libraries in Cape Town
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Library and Information Science. Volume 82 #1. p. 26-35.

BookBilivogui, Walaoulou (2015)
Le bonheur de lire, ou, Le combat d'un bibliothécaire guinéen
Paris: L'Harmattan. 74p.

Periodical articleMugwisi, Tinashe; Jiyane, Veli; Knoetze, Hannalie (2015)
Children's literature and reading: are they promoted in current LIS curricula in South African universities?
Innovation: journal of appropriate librarianship and information work in Southern Africa. #50. p. 85-109.

Periodical articleNey, Stephen (2015)
See this publicationSamuel Ajayi Crowther and the age of literature
Abstract presentResearch in African Literatures. Volume 46 #1. p. 37-52.

Periodical articleStoffelsma, Lieke; de Jong, John H.A.L. (2015)
See this publicationThe English reading proficiency of future teachers in Ghana
Abstract presentNordic Journal of African Studies. Volume 24 #2. p. 94-117.

BookThioune, Birahim (2015)
Manuels scolaires, environnement informatif et numérique au service de la lecture: enjeux nouveaux pour une école émergente
Paris: L'Harmattan. 161p.

BookAmela, Didier (2014)
La nouvelle en Afrique noire francophone: production, communication et réception
Paris: L'Harmattan. Critiques littéraires. 264p.

Periodical articleNewman, Linda; Le Cordeur, Michael (2014)
Opvoeders se perspektiewe rakende die gebruik van die leesperiode en skoolbiblioteke in geselekteerde skole in die Noord-Kaap = Perspectives of teachers regarding the use of the reading period and school libraries in selected schools in the Northern Cape
Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe. Volume 54 #4. p. 805-819.

Periodical articleCommeyras, M.; Ketsitlile, L.E. (2013)
See this publicationA review of the literature on reading in Botswana primary schools
Africa Education Review. Volume 10 #2. p. 204-223.

Periodical articleMatteau-Matsha, Rachel (2013)
See this publication'I Read What I Like': politics of reading and reading politics in apartheid South Africa
Abstract presentTransformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa. #83. p. 56-85.

Periodical articleNengomasha, Cathrine T.; Uutoni, Wilhelm Elinatse; Yule, Wilson (2012)
School libraries and their role in promoting a reading culture: case study of Caprivi, Omusati, Omaheke, Karas and Khomas regions in Namibia
Abstract presentJournal for Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences. Volume 1 #1. p. 159-171.

Periodical articleAmbatchew M.D. (2011)
Extensive reading: a viable option for Africa
OSSREA Bulletin. Volume 8 #1. February. p. 38-56.

Periodical articleKlaas, Anthony; Trudell, Barbara (2011)
Effective literacy programmes and independent reading in African contexts
Abstract presentLanguage Matters: Studies in the Languages of Africa. Volume 42 #1. p. 22-38.

Periodical articleKibui, A.W. (2010)
The proficiency in English vocabulary in and reading comprehension in Kenyan secondary schools learners
Fountain (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 4 #1. p. 22-37.

Periodical articleKlopper, Audrey; Nel, Carisma (2010)
Die ontwikkeling van 'n DBS-reeks ter ondersteuning van leesvaardighede = Development and integration of multimedia teaching and learning support material (LTSM) to support reading skills
Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe. Volume 50 #4. p. 541-558.

Periodical articleLe Cordeur, Michael (2010)
Die interaktiewe leesbenadering: 'n alternatief vir tradisionele maniere van leesonderrig = The interactive approach to reading instruction: an alternative to traditional ways of teaching reading
Abstract presentTydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe. Volume 50 #1. p. 104-118.

Periodical articleMokibelo, Eureka (2010)
Learner reading problems: a case of Khoe learners at junior secondary school
Marang: Journal of Language and Literature. #20. p. 47-62.

Dissertation / thesisNalusiba, Priscilla (2010)
See this publicationStrategies for the development of a reading culture in Uganda primary schools: case studies of four selected universal primary education schools in Kampala district

Periodical articleAlem H. (2009)
Ill designed reading activities: the case of a unit in grade 11 English textbook
Ethiopian Journal of Education. Volume 29 #2. December. p. 131-148.

Periodical articleBarry, Oumar (2009)
Étude longitudinale de l'influence de l'apprentissage actif du vocabulaire durant la petite enfance sur les performances en lecture à l'âge scolaire
Annales de la Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines. #39. p. 331-349.

Periodical articleSissao, Alain Joseph; Compaoré, Félix; Kevane, Michael (2009)
See this publicationHabitudes de lecture et performances scolaires des élèves des classes de 3ème et de 1ère de la ville de Ouagadougou Burkina Faso
African Sociological Review. Volume 13 #2. p. 64-80.

Periodical articleDadzie, P.S. (2008)
See this publicationReading for education: the role of libraries
Ghana Library Journal. Volume 20 #1. p. 1-14.

Periodical articleSharp, A. (2008)
A reading assessment with cross-cultural implications: preliminary explorations
Nawa (Windhoek, Namibia). Volume 2 #1. June. p. 2-11.

Periodical issueDick, Archie; Hofmeyr, Isabel (eds.) (2007)
Book history in South Africa: new directions
Abstract presentInnovation: Journal of Appropriate Librarianship and Information Work in Southern Africa. #35. 127p.

Periodical articleZulu, Constance (2007)
First-year university L2 readers' patterns of performance in a test of academic reading ability
Abstract presentLanguage Matters: Studies in the Languages of Africa. Volume 38 #2. p. 316-331.

Periodical articleHofmeyr, Isabel; Kriel, Lize (2006)
See this publicationBook History in Southern Africa: What is it and Why Should it Interest Historians?
Abstract presentSouth African Historical Journal. #55. p. 1-19.

Periodical issueNthomang, K.; Monaka, K.C. (eds.) (2006)
Special issue: Research 'with' the Khoesan in Botswana: the search for a transformative research agenda
Abstract presentPula: Botswana Journal of African Studies. Volume 20 #2. p. 103-196.

Periodical articleMagara, Elisam; Batambuze, Charles (2005)
Towards a reading culture for Uganda
Abstract presentAfrican Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science. Volume 15 #1. p. 35-42.

Periodical articleOladipo, R.M.; Gachari, R.M. (2005)
Promoting reading as a means of improving proficiency in English among tertiary institutions
Perspectives (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 1 #1. June. p. 90-103.

Periodical articleCassiau, Christophe (2004)
L'État contre le livre, le cas de la RDC
Abstract presentCongo-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 44 #382. p. 104-115.

Periodical articleCohen, Abdelmajid El (2004)
Aux origines du silence de l'esprit
Revue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 31 #116. p. 79-91.

Periodical articleLuanguala, J.R. (2004)
A reading culture in Zambia: an alternative explanation of its absence
The Journal of Humanities (Lusaka). Volume 4. p. 41-52.

Periodical articleMba, G. (2004)
The Gudschinsky method yesterday and today: an appraisal of its use and development in Cameroon
Revue internationale des arts, lettres et sciences sociales. Volume 1 #1. p. 167-176.

Periodical articleMbae, J.G. (2004)
Kenya, a reading nation?
Wajibu. Volume 19 #1. April-May. p. 13-17.

Periodical articleAnonymous (2003)
Book-collecting is habit forming: an interview with Frank Johnston
WASI: [bulletin]. Volume 14 #2. April. p. 7-9.

Periodical articleBabalola, Emmanuel Taiwo (2002)
See this publicationNewspapers as Instruments for Building Literate Communities: The Nigerian Experience
Abstract presentNordic Journal of African Studies. Volume 11 #3. p. 403-410.

Periodical articleHofmeyr, Isabel (2002)
See this publicationDreams, Documents and 'Fetishes': African Christian Interpretations of 'The Pilgrim's Progress'
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 32 #4. p. 440-456.

Periodical articleIwe, J.I. (2002)
The reading culture and the Nigerian child: the role of the library in child development
University of Mauritius Research Journal. Law, Management and Social Sciences. Volume 4. p. 139-152.

Periodical articleRyanga, S.C.W.A. (2002)
Reading and writing: the connection to personal, social and economic development
Chemchemi. Volume 2 #1. p. 110-118.

Periodical articleYonas A. (2002)
Measuring the measurement: a preliminary analysis of the reading skills test items of college English
I.E.R. Flambeau. Volume 9 #2. June. p. 95-127.

Periodical articleEpstein, J. (2001)
Reading: the digital future
African Publishing Review. Volume 10 #5. p. 5-8.

Periodical articleHarries, Patrick (2001)
See this publicationMissionaries, Marxists and Magic: Power and the Politics of Literacy in South-East Africa
Abstract presentJournal of Southern African Studies. Volume 27 #3. September. p. 405-427.

Periodical articleAgak, J. (2000)
Gender difference in reading literacy in relation to academic achievement in Western Kenya
Maseno Journal of Education, Arts, and Science. Volume 3 #2. December. p. 23-35.

Periodical articleAnonymous (2000)
No writing culture
WASI: [bulletin]. Volume 11 #2. April. p. 15-17.

Periodical articleHofmeyr, Isabel; Mpe, Phaswane (2000)
Reading and readership in South Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Research and Documentation. #83. p. 5-8.

Periodical articleMtunda, P. (2000)
Effective use of fiction in a school library
Zimbabwe Librarian. Volume 32 #2. December. p. 27-29.

Periodical articleMugambi, J.N.K. (2000)
Acton publishers meeting the challenge of publishing for an African readership
African Publishing Review. Volume 9 #5. p. 15-17.

Periodical articleNewell, Stephanie (2000)
Reading and readership in West Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Research and Documentation. #83. p. 4-5.

Periodical articleBirhanu T. (1999)
Leisure reading and readership of books: with reference to some literate groups in Bahir Dar
Journal of Ethiopian Languages and Literature. #9. p. 89-123.

Periodical articleBloch, Carole (1999)
See this publicationThe Potential of Early Childhood for Developing and Sustaining Literacy
Abstract presentSocial Dynamics. Volume 25 #1. Winter. p. 101-129.

Periodical articleManka Ntonifor, H. (1999)
The effects of TV viewing on children's reading habits in Cameroon
Sosongo. Volume 1 #2. June. p. 33-46.

Periodical articleRassool, Naz (1999)
See this publicationLiteracy and Social Development in the Information Age: Redefining Possibilities in Sub-Saharan Africa
Abstract presentSocial Dynamics. Volume 25 #1. Winter. p. 130-149.

Periodical articleSam, J. (1999)
Community libraries: roles, sustainability and the encouragement of reading in Ghana
Ghana Library Journal. Volume 10-11. p. 39-44.

Periodical articleSpiegel, Andrew D. (1999)
See this publicationGlobalising tendencies and travelling theories: addressing social diversity in housing and literacy policies in post-apartheid South Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Anthropology. Volume 6 #1. March. p. 55-71.

Periodical articleIke, C. (1998)
Reading promotion in Nigeria
African Publishing Review. Volume 7 #6. November-December. p. 1-3.

Periodical articleLoba-Mkole, J.C. (1997)
Towards an audio-video interpretation of Mk 14:53-72
Revue africaine de communication sociale. Volume 2 #2. juin-déc.. p. 5-26.

Periodical articleOdaga, A.B. (1997)
Finding the readers in Kenya
African Publishing Review. Volume 6 #1. January-February. p. 15.

Periodical articleMilliken, P. (1996)
How to make children sit quietly for long periods of time: lessons from the children's reading tent at the Zimbabwe International Book Fair
African Publishing Review. Volume 5 #6. November-December. p. 10-11.

Periodical articleDurand, R. (1995)
UNESCOs section for books and reading: a holistic view of book development
African Publishing Review. Volume 4 #5. September-October. p. 16-17.

Periodical articleNgalula T. (1995)
Pour une lecture responsabilisante du catéchisme de l'église catholique
Revue africaine de théologie. Volume 19 #37. avril. p. 93-107.

Periodical articleNumi, D.M. (1995)
Reading difficulties: the experiences of University of Dar es Salaam freshers
Journal of Linguistics and Language in Education. Volume 1. p. 1-15.

Periodical articleOwino, O. (1995)
Providing reading materials for the visually handicapped in Kenya
African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science. Volume 5 #1. April. p. 39-45.

Periodical articleBhola, H.S. (1994)
Adult Literacy for Development in Ethiopia: A Review of Policy and Performance at Midpoint
Abstract presentAfricana Journal. Volume 16. p. 192-214.

Periodical articleHanson, B.J. (1994)
Encouraging children to read
Book Power. #2. p. 30-33.

Periodical articleKeene, B. (1994)
Book buying for the christmas season
Book Power. #3. p. 15-17.

Periodical articleLeach, A.; Stillwell, C.; Verbeek, J. (1994)
The reading of black South Africans: a historical overview
African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science. Volume 4 #1. April. p. 1-13.

Periodical articleMunowenyu, E. (1994)
Some ideas on strategies for assessing reading in geography
Geographical Education Magazine. Volume 17 #1. March. p. 54-57.

Periodical articleNuttall, Sarah (1994)
See this publicationReading in the Lives and Writing of South African Women
Abstract presentJournal of Southern African Studies. Volume 20 #1. p. 85-98.

Periodical articlePoulsen, A.K. (1994)
Book hunger and book sources in Zimbabwe
Book Power. p. 18-21.

Periodical articleReece, J. (1994)
Zimbabweans do not read: whose fault is it?
Book Power. p. 13-17.

Periodical articleLeach, A.; Verbeek, J. (1993)
The reading habits of adults in anglophone Sub-Saharan Africa: a historical overview
African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science. Volume 3 #2. October. p. 95-105.

Periodical articleMhone, Y. (1993)
Reading is development
Southern Africa Political & Economic Monthly. Volume 6 #10. July. p. 64-65.

Periodical articleMkhwanazi, S.G. (1993)
A study of teaching reading to dyslexic children
UNISWA Research Journal. Volume 7. December. p. 86-89.

Periodical articleMubadi S.M.; Tete W. (1993)
Plaidoyer pour une nouvelle politique nationale de la lecture publique au Zaïre
Mbegu. #26. juin. p. 1-14.

Periodical articleNgwiri, A. (1993)
What is wrong with Kenya's publishing industry?
Executive (Nairobi, Kenya). December-Jan. 1994. p. 14-15.

Periodical articleSerie, R.T. (1993)
See this publicationUn exemple de recherche sur les pratiques de lecture des étudiants Abidjanais
Africa Media Review. Volume 7 #1. p. 73-85.

Periodical articleJaji, G. (1992)
Student performance in mathematical tasks on IEA literacy study
Abstract presentZimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 4 #3. p. 271-284.

Periodical articleKayambazinthu, E. (1992)
Reading as a strategy for vocabulary acquisition in English as a second language
Improving University Teaching. #5. August. p. 19-28.

Periodical articleLiyong, T. lo (1992)
Pass time reading is a must for any society
Kenya Bookseller. #10. p. 27-28.

Periodical articleMade, S.M. (1992)
Readership patterns and characteristics of the users of rural libraries in Zimbabwe
African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science. Volume 2 #2. October. p. 127-131.

Periodical articleShilongo, T. (1992)
Ideas on how to teach reading skills
English Teaching Journal. #4. June. p. 27-30.

Periodical articleTamene K. (1992)
A preliminary survey of the reading interests of Addis Ababa University students
Ethiopian Journal of Education. Volume 13 #2. December. p. 47-77.

Periodical articleTötemeyer, A.J. (1992)
The literate teenage in Southern Africa
Logos. Volume 12 #1-2. p. 77-84.

Periodical articleAmare, Germa (1991)
See this publicationAn Appraisal of the On-Going Literacy Campaign in Ethiopia
Abstract presentNortheast African Studies. Volume 13 #2-3. p. 69-99.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1991)
Once upon a time: a teacher's advice on what, and how, to read to your children
Executive (Nairobi, Kenya). February. p. 27-29.

Periodical articleBrian, F. (1991)
Le groit des jours opaques: une lecture de Viatique de Makolo Muswaswa
Zaïre-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 31 #255. mai. p. 263-268.

Periodical articleChilambo, M.N. (1991)
Teaching graph reading skills
Malawian Geographer. #29. October. p. 72-77.

Periodical articleGodonoo, Prosper (1991)
The Perceived Role of Literacy and Its Attendant Problems in Nigeria
Abstract presentUfahamu. Volume 19 #1. p. 80-91.

Periodical articleHofmeyr, Isabel (1991)
See this publicationJonah and the Swallowing Monster: Orality and Literacy on a Berlin Mission Station in the Transvaal
Abstract presentJournal of Southern African Studies. Volume 17 #4. December. p. 633-653.

Periodical articleMoyana, R. (1991)
Evidence of acquisition of the reading skill related to comprehension of the narrative passages: data from the international literacy study pilot testing in Zimbabwe
Abstract presentZimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 3 #2. July. p. 125-143.

Periodical articleOwino, O. (1991)
Psychology of blindness and the development of tactual reading skill
Maktaba. Volume 11 #2. p. 4-6.

Periodical articlePhiri, F.J. (1991)
Curriculum at work
Education for the Child. Volume 8 #1. March. p. 5-6.

Periodical articleChimombo, M.; Kamanga, T.; Lora, E. (1990)
The availability and readability of secondary school texts: their effect on the development of good reading habits
Tizame. #2. p. 15-23.

Periodical articleColliez, J.P. (1990)
Dis moi si tu lis
Économie de la Réunion. #49. septembre-octobre. p. 25-28.

Periodical articleDaymond, M.J.; Lenta, M. (1990)
Workshop on black women's writing and reading
Abstract presentCurrent Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa. Volume 2. p. 71-89.

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