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Search: su=regional development
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Periodical articleAgupusi, Patricia (2021)
See this publicationThe African Union and the path to an African Renaissance
Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 39 #2. p. 261-284.

Periodical articleGaladima, Habu Shuaibu; Ogbonnaya, Ufiem Maurice (2018)
See this publicationRegional responses to security and development challenges in East and Southern Africa: lessons and way forward
African Security Review. Volume 27 #2. p. 158-176.

BookAnonymous (2017)
See this publicationL'Afrique centrale: une région en retard? Premier rapport d'évaluation stratégique sous-régionale du PNUD
Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement (PNUD). 71p.

BookSöderbaum, Fredrik; Brolin, Therese (2016)
See this publicationSupport to regional cooperation in Africa: what works and why
Stockholm: Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys. EBA-reports. 114p.

BookSöderbaum, Fredrik; Skansholm, Hanna; Brolin, Therese (2016)
See this publicationFrom top-down to flexible cooperation: rethinking regional support to Africa
Uppsala: The Nordic Africa Institute. NAI Policy Note. 7p.

BookAfrican Development Bank (2015)
See this publicationRegional development and spatial inclusion
Paris: African Development Bank. African economic outlook ... #2015. 214p.

BookBamba, Mamadou (2015)
Les menaces émergentes à la paix et à la sécurité en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre: de 1990 à nos jours
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines, Série politique. 235p.

BookDaviet, Sylvie (ed.) (2015)
L'entrepreneuriat transméditérranéen: les nouvelles stratégies d'internationalisation
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 379p.

Periodical articleFongwa, Samuel N.; Wangenge-Ouma, Gerald (2015)
See this publicationUniversity as regional development agent: a counterfactual analysis of an African university
Abstract presentAfrica Education Review. Volume 12 #4. p. 533-551.

BookOlutayo, Akinpelu O.; Adeniran, Adebusuyi I. (eds.) (2015)
See this publicationRegional economic communities: exploring the process of socio-economic integration in Africa
Abstract presentDakar: CODESRIA. 148p.

BookAdama, Hamadou (ed.) (2014)
De l'Adamawa à l'Adamaoua: histoire, enjeux et perspectives pour le Nord-Cameroun
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 284p.

BookCorreia, Miguel Anacoreta; Ornelas, Maria Eleutéria V. (eds.) (2014)
Namibe, terra da felicidade
Luanda: Caxinde. 215p.

Conference paperDemirew Getachew (ed.) (2014)
Proceedings of the Fifth Regional Conference of the Amhara Regional State Economic Development
Abstract presentAddis Ababa: Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA). 222p.

Conference paperGetnet Alemu; Demirew Getachew (eds.) (2014)
Proceedings of the Second Regional Conference of the Tigray Regional State Economic Development
Abstract presentAddis Ababa: Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA). 151p.

Periodical issueKaghoma, C. Kamala (ed.) (2014)
PME et développement: atouts, contraintes institutionnelles et perspectives dans le contexte de la République Démocratique du Congo
Abstract presentBukavu journal of economics and social sciences. #2. 285p.

BookMachrafi, Mustapha (ed.) (2014)
Régionalisation, gouvernance et développement local en Afrique: expériences comparées
Abstract presentRabat: Institut des Études Africaines, Université Mohammed V-Souissi. Publications de l'Institut des Études Africaines, Série: Colloques #18.

Periodical articleSerpantié, G.; Nianogo-Serpantié, I. (2014)
Malthus, le retour? Le diagnostic rural du schéma national d'aménagement du territoire du Burkina Faso
Territoires d'Afrique. #6. p. 57-74.

BookSimeu Kamdem, Michel; Schamp, Eike W. (eds.) (2014)
L'université africaine et sa contribution au développement local: l'exemple du Cameroun
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 377p.

BookTanko, Adamu Idris; Momale, Saleh Bashayi (2014)
Kano: environment, society and development
Abstract presentLondon: Adonis et Abbey. 513p.

Conference paperWorku Gebeyehu; Demirew Getachew (eds.) (2014)
Proceedings of the Third Regional Conference of the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State Economic Development
Abstract presentAddis Ababa: Ethiopian Economic Association (EEA). 274p.

BookJouini, Elyès (ed.) (2013)
Tunisie l'espoir: mode d'emploi pour une reprise
Tunis: Céres éditions. 280p.

BookMtandao wa madeni na maendeleo Tanzania=Tanzania Coalition on Debt and Development (TCDD) (2013)
See this publicationUkweli kuhusu vurugu za gesi Mtwara
Dar es Salaam: TCDD. 63p.

Periodical issueMutabazi Ngaboyeka, Augustin (ed.) (2013)
Province du Sud-Kivu (RDCongo): enjeux économiques et financiers
Abstract presentBukavu journal of economics and social sciences. #1. 229p.

Periodical articleNel, Etienne L.; Rogerson, Christian M. (2013)
See this publicationSpecial economic zones in South Africa: reflections from international debates
Abstract presentUrban Forum. Volume 24 #2. p. 205-217.

Periodical articleChindji, Mediebou; Tchotsoua, Michel (2012)
See this publicationAnalyse géographique du parcours sciences et techniques: cas de l'Université de N'Gaoundéré
Abstract presentJournal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 10 #2. p. 119-138.

BookDanda, Mahamadou (2012)
Niger: le cas du Damagaram: développement régional et identités locales
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 305p.

Periodical articleDonaldson, Ronnie (2012)
See this publicationNon-metropolitan growth potential of Western Cape municipalities
Abstract presentUrban Forum. Volume 23 #3. p. 367-389.

Periodical articleGoudiaby, Jean Alain (2012)
See this publicationComment l'université sénégalaise se territorialise: modalités d'une cohabitation dynamique
Abstract presentJournal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 10 #1. p. 73-94.

Periodical articleHanouf, Mohcin (2012)
Perspectives pour un pôle régional de la recherche au Maroc
African Administrative Studies. #79. p. 37-57.

Conference paperKituyi, Mukhisa (ed.) (2012)
Research networking and regional development policy in the East African Community (EAC)
Abstract presentNairobi: African Research and Resource Forum (ARRF). 152p.

Periodical articlePinheiro, Rómulo; Ouma, Gerald Wangenge; Pillay, Pundy (2012)
See this publicationThe dynamics of university transformation: a case study in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa
Abstract presentJournal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 10 #1. p. 95-120.

BookZelao, Alawadi; Hamman, Bouba (eds.) (2012)
Le Cameroun septentrional en transition: perspectives pluridisciplinaires
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. 350p.

Periodical articleEsuruku, Robert Senath (2011)
See this publicationHorizons of peace and development in northern Uganda
Abstract presentAfrican Journal on Conflict Resolution. Volume 11 #3. p. 111-134.

Conference paperGetnet Alemu; Demirew Getachew (eds.) (2011)
Proceedings of the Second Regional Conference of the Amhara Regional State Economic Development
Abstract presentAddis Ababa: Ethiopian Economics Association. 223p.

BookRuiters, Greg (ed.) (2011)
The fate of the Eastern Cape: history, politics and social policy
Abstract presentPietermaritzburg: University of Kwazulu-Natal Press. 352p.

BookTanga Tourism Network Association (2011)
See this publicationTanga: Tanzania's secret in-between: the ocean & the parks: tourism guide for the Tanga Region, Tanzania
Tanga Tourism Network Association. 95p.

Periodical articleAkinola, Samson Ranti (2010)
See this publicationRestructuring the public sphere for social order in the Niger Delta through polycentric planning: what lessons for Africa?
Abstract presentAfrican and Asian Studies. Volume 9 #1-2. p. 55-82.

Periodical articleGiampiccoli, Andrea; Nauright, John (2010)
See this publicationProblems and prospects for community-based tourism in the new South Africa: the 2010 FIFA World Cup and beyond
Abstract presentAfrican Historical Review. Volume 42 #1. p. 42-62.

BookPetros J. Gebeto (2010)
No more thirst: the citizens of the Nile
Nairobi: P. J. Gebeto. 271p.

Periodical articleRogerson, Christian M. (2010)
See this publicationEconomic governance and the local business environment: evidence from two economically lagging provinces of South Africa
Abstract presentUrban Forum. Volume 21 #4. p. 349-366.

Periodical articleBob, Urmilla; Swart, Kamilla (2009)
See this publicationResident perceptions of the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup stadia development in Cape Town
Abstract presentUrban Forum. Volume 20 #1. p. 47-59.

Periodical articleDarkey, Dan; Horn, André (2009)
See this publicationHoming in(n) on the economic benefits of 2010 FIFA World Cup: opportunities for and misgivings of bed-and-breakfast operators in Gauteng, South Africa
Abstract presentUrban Forum. Volume 20 #1. p. 77-91.

BookGlobal Mountain Programme (2009)
See this publicationAssessment of the strengths and weaknesses of policies, institutions and processes (PIP) to support sustainable agriculture and rural development in selected mountain/highland regions (Tigray and Amhara) in Ethiopia
Addis Ababa: Global Mountain Programme. 134p.

BookMakhan, Vijay S. (2009)
See this publicationMaking regional integration work in Africa: a reflection on strategies and institutional requirements
Harare: African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF). ACBF Development Memoirs Series #2. 48p.

BookNkaya, Michel (ed.) (2009)
Pour une approche endogène du développement au Congo-Brazzaville: des hommes et des institutions
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. Points de vue. 264p.

Periodical articleRogerson, Christian M. (2009)
See this publicationThe turn to 'new regionalism': South African reflections
Abstract presentUrban Forum. Volume 20 #2. p. 111-140.

Conference paperAmoah, C.M.; Adiku, S.G.K.; Owusu, E.O. (eds.) (2008)
New developments on health, agricultural resources and socio-economic activities in the Volta Basin
Abstract presentAccra: Volta Basin Research Project, University of Ghana. 161p.

BookBa, Boubacar (2008)
Pouvoirs, ressources et développement dans le Delta central du Niger
Paris: L'Harmattan. 171p.

Periodical articleJones, John F.; Kumssa, Asfaw (2008)
Training for human security
Abstract presentJournal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 23 #2. p. 9-31.

BookSaeed, Abdalbasit (2008)
Post-conflict peace-building and socio-economic integration issues in Southwest Kordofan
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute. Sudan report. 48p.

Periodical articleBignante, Elisa; Dansero, Egidio; Scarpocchi, Cristina (2007)
Politiche e prassi di sviluppo locale: Egitto e Senegal a confronto
Abstract presentTerra d'Africa. #16. p. 107-142.

BookDibben, Pauline (2007)
See this publicationTransport, Trade and Economic Development in Mozambique: An Agenda for Change
Maputo: Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Económicos. 22p.

Periodical articleHuchon, Jean (2007)
Dans le nord-ouest du Kenya, des lieux qui disparaissent et qui émergent au gré des politiques d'intégration
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 60 #237. p. 131-152.

Dissertation / thesisLunstrum, Elizabeth M. (2007)
The making and unmaking of sovereign territory: from colonial extraction to postcolonial conservation in Mozambique's Massingir region
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 285p.

Periodical articleParhanse, Rashnee (2007)
See this publicationPeripheral small town development: Senqu municipality, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Abstract presentUrban Forum. Volume 18 #2. p. 105-115.

Periodical articleAnonymous (2006)
Quatre microrégions aux potentialités différenciées: une contribution à la révision du schéma d'aménagement régional de la Réunion
Économie de la Réunion. #127. p. 3-34.

Periodical articleHaines, Richard (2006)
A Critical Review of Selected Topics in Development Theory and Policy in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Abstract presentAfricanus. Volume 36 #1. p. 2-22.

Periodical articleHayder, Adnane (2006)
Les dynamiques régionales en Tunisie: de la régionalisation à la métropolisation
Revue tunisienne de géographie. #37. p. 11-42.

Periodical articleDemante, Marie-Jo (2005)
Crise, développement local et décentralisation dans la région de Gao (Mali)
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #215. p. 195-217.

Conference paperEgziabher, Tegegne Gebre; Dijk, Meine Pieter van (eds.) (2005)
Issues and challenges in local and regional development: decentralisation, urban services delivery and rural-urban linkages, and inequality in developing countries
Abstract presentAddis Ababa: Regional and Local Development Studies (RLDS), Addis Ababa University. 209p.

Dissertation / thesisOchonu, Moses Ebe (2005)
A colony in crisis: Northern Nigeria, British colonialism, and the Great Depression
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 404p.

Dissertation / thesisWolde-Medhin, Tesfaye (2005)
Highland farmers and the 'modernizing' state in Ethiopia: conjunctures and disjunctures
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 449p.

Periodical articleMiller, Darlene (2004)
See this publicationSouth African Multinational Corporations, NEPAD and Competing Regional Claims on Post-Apartheid Southern Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Sociological Review. Volume 8 #1. p. 176-202.

Periodical articleKnutsen, Hege M. (2003)
See this publicationBlack Entrepreneurs, Local Embeddedness and Regional Economic Development in Northern Namibia
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 41 #4. December. p. 555-586.

Dissertation / thesisSilberstein, Rachel A. (2003)
Development policy and cultural diversity: a case study of Bedouin participation in South Sinai development policies
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 179p.

BookSöderbaum, Fredrik; Taylor, Ian (eds.) (2003)
Regionalism and uneven development in Southern Africa: the case of the Maputo Development Corridor
Abstract presentAldershot: Ashgate. The Making of Modern Africa. 128p.

Periodical articleDu Pisanie, J.A. (2002)
See this publicationCompetition versus co-operation: the case of SADC's regional development corridors
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Economics. Volume 70 #2. p. 310-333.

Periodical articleMatovu, George (2002)
See this publicationPolicy options for good governance and local economic development in eastern and southern Africa
Abstract presentUrban Forum. Volume 13 #4. p. 121-133.

Periodical articleRossi, Georges; Bazzo, D.; Lauffer, M. (2002)
La Guinée Maritime aujourd'hui
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 54 #217. p. 31-62.

Periodical articleSalem, Abdelkrim (2002)
Logique anticipative et portée spatiale limitée: cas du port de Zarzis
Revue tunisienne de géographie. #33. p. 97-96.

Periodical articleAkatch, Samuel O. (2001)
See this publicationRural planning in regional development: the Kenyan experience
Abstract presentDiscovery and Innovation. Volume 13 #3-4. December. p. 123-131.

Periodical articleBernardie-Tahir, Nathalie; Omar, El-Mahaboubi (2001)
Mayotte: des parfums au tourisme: les nouveaux enjeux du littoral
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 54 #216. p. 369-395.

Periodical articleAgboola, C.O.O. (2000)
Constraints to development in a newly created State: the Kwara phenomenon, 1967-1979
Abstract presentThe Nigerian Journal of Economic History. #3. p. 60-73.

Periodical articleBoukerzaza, Hosni (2000)
Le littoral Skikdi: du désenchantement industriel à la vocation agricole et touristique
Revue tunisienne de géographie. #31. p. 39-51.

Periodical articleEgziabher, Tegegne Gebre (2000)
See this publicationRegional Development Planning in Ethiopia: Past Experience, Current Initiatives and Future Prospects
Abstract presentEastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 16 #1. January. p. 65-93.

Periodical articleLeysens, Anthony (2000)
See this publicationCritical Theory and the Southern African Region: A Framework for Discovery?
Abstract presentJournal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 18 #2. July. p. 265-276.

Periodical articleMorenikeji, Wole (2000)
The effect of distance from local government areas headquarters on the development of hinterland settlements in Ondo State
Abstract presentThe Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 42 #1. p. 85-94.

BookUniversity of Ghana. Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (200*)
See this publicationWest Gonja District human development report 2007: vulnerability and the attainment of the MDGs at the local level
Accra: Government of Ghana. 92p.

Periodical articleAkpan, Godwin E. (1999)
A comparative study of states' fiscal dependency and imbalance in Nigeria
Abstract presentThe Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 41 #2. p. 207-226.

Periodical articleAyeni, B. (1999)
Africa's experience with regional development planning and management
Habitat Debate. Volume 5 #1. p. 13-15.

Periodical articleEgziabher, Tegegne G. (1999)
Rural-Urban Relations in Rural Regions: The Case of Coffee and Non-Coffee Growing Regions in the Central and South Western Ethiopia
Ethiopian Journal of Development Research. Volume 21 #2. October. p. 103-149.

Periodical articleKasozi, A.B.K. (1999)
See this publicationRegional inequality in Uganda could lead to social conflict
Abstract presentUganda Journal. Volume 45. August. p. 1-17.

BookNel, Etienne Louis (1999)
Regional and local economic development in South Africa: the experience of the Eastern Cape
Aldershot: Ashgate. The Making of Modern Africa. 359p.

Periodical articleOsmanovic, Armin (1999)
Die Provinz Western Cape - Entwicklungsmotor im neuen Südafrika?
Abstract presentAfrika Spectrum. Volume 34 #1. p. 113-124.

Periodical articleTacoli, C. (1999)
Straddling livelihoods: emerging issues in rural-urban interactions
Habitat Debate. Volume 5 #1. p. 8-10.

Periodical articleEgziabher, Tegegne Gebre (1998)
The Influence of Decentralization on Some Aspects of Local and Regional Development Planning in Ethiopia
Abstract presentEastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 14 #1. January. p. 33-63.

Periodical articleKiteme, Boniface P.; Liniger, Hanspeter; Mathuva, Joseph M.; Wiesmann, Urs (1998)
A Multi-Level Approach for Enhancing Ecological Sustainability: Applications within a Dynamic Regional Context
Eastern and Southern Africa Geographical Journal. Volume 8. September. p. 91-96.

Periodical articleNaudé, Willem (1998)
SMMEs (Small Medium and Micro-Enterprise) and Economic Development in South Africa
Abstract presentAfrica Insight. Volume 28 #3-4. p. 133-145.

BookStiansen, Endre; Kevane, Michael (eds.) (1998)
Kordofan invaded: peripheral incorporation and social transformation in Islamic Africa
Abstract presentLeiden: Brill. Social, economic and political studies of the Middle East and Asia 63. 303p.

Periodical articleVehnämäki, Mika (1998)
The Economic Geography of Ghana's Structural Adjustment
Abstract presentScandinavian Journal of Development Alternatives and Area Studies. Volume 17 #2-3. June-September. p. 61-73.

Periodical articleBell, Trevor (1997)
See this publicationSouth African Regional Industrial Development Policy: Critical Issues
Abstract presentTransformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa. #32. p. 1-30.

Conference paperGooneratne, Wilbert; Obudho, R.A. (eds.) (1997)
Contemporary issues in regional development policy: perspectives from eastern and southern Africa
Abstract presentAldershot: Avebury. The Making of Modern Africa. 361p.

Periodical articleGuest, Bill (1997)
See this publicationThe KwaZulu-Natal Regional Economy in Retrospect and Prospect: A Brief Overview
Abstract presentSouth African Historical Journal. #37. p. 66-77.

Periodical articleLuiz, J.M.; Van der Waal, C.S. (1997)
See this publicationRe-evaluating South Africa's regional industrial development programme: case studies from Brits and Nkowankowa
Abstract presentUrban Forum. Volume 8 #1. p. 61-79.

Periodical articleAredo, Dejene (1996)
The Regional Dimension of Agricultural Planning and Policies in Ethiopia, 1960-1991: A Review and Implications for Today
Ethiopian Journal of Development Research. Volume 18 #2. October. p. 31-78.

Periodical articleDevey, Muriel (1996)
Mali: quel avenir pour le Nord?
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 51 #2617. p. 6-9.

Periodical articleMily Denda-Sakala, Dieudonné (1996)
See this publicationLes sous-régions rurales de la province orientale dans la dynamique de l'histoire récente du Zaïre: de 1960 à 1985 (cas du Bas-Uélé)
Abstract presentAfrika Focus. Volume 12 #4. p. 191-218.

Periodical articleHayder, Adnane (1995)
Les régions sahariennes dans les politiques d'aménagement du territoire
Abstract presentRevue tunisienne de géographie. #27. p. 143-165.

Periodical articleMorenikeji, Wole (1995)
Spatial pattern of development in Ondo State, Nigeria: an inter-local government area analysis
Abstract presentThe Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 37 #1. p. 41-54.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1994)
Décentralisation: accouchement difficile
Revue de l'océan Indien Madagascar. #130. mai. p. 5, 7.

Search: su=regional development
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