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Search: su=savannas
Found: 54 Record 1-54

Dissertation / thesisJonge, Inger de (2020)
See this publicationHuman impacts on the functioning of African savannas
Abstract presentPh.D. dissertation (2020-10-02). Groningen: University of Groningen. 212p.

Periodical articleYaro, Joseph Awetori; Tsikata, Dzodzi (2013)
See this publicationSavannah fires and local resistance to transnational land deals: the case of organic mango farming in Dipale, northern Ghana
Abstract presentAfrican Geographical Review. Volume 32 #1. p. 72-87.

BookReid, Robin S. (2012)
Savannas of our birth: people, wildlife, and change in East Africa
Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. 396p.

Periodical articleValea, Françoise; Ballouche, Aziz (2012)
Les feux de brousse en Afrique de l'Ouest: contraintes environnementales où outil de gestion environnementale? L'exemple du Burkina Faso
Territoires d'Afrique. #3. p. 36-47.

Periodical articleBadameli, Kossi (2010)
Impacts du changement climatique actuel sur les saisons culturales dans la région des savanes du Nord Togo
Across disciplinary boundaries: humanities, social sciences and Anglophone literature. #1. p. 131-153.

Periodical articleGraz, F. Patrick (2010)
The use of fire as a management tool in the savanna and woodland areas of Namibia
Abstract presentJournal - Namibia Scientific Society. Volume 58. p. 56-64.

BookIongh, Hans H. de; Persoon, Gerard A.; Buij, Ralph; Mvondo-Awono, Jean Pierre; Croes, Barbara; Fobuzie, Pricelia Tumenta (2010)
Savannah landscapes for the future: celebrating 20 years of environmental research and education in Northern Cameroon
Abstract presentMaroua: Centre for Environment and Development Studies in Cameroon (CEDC). 211p.

BookOlupot, William (ed.) (2010)
Conservation research in Uganda's savannas: a review of park history, applied research, and application of research to park management
Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science. Wildlife protection, destruction and extinction series. 134p.

Periodical articleAsiamah, R.D.; Dwomoh, O. (2009)
See this publicationEthno-management of plinthic and ironpan soils in the savanna regions of West Africa
Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science. Volume 42 #1-2. p. 25-29.

Conference paperMapiki, Alfred; Makgetlaneng, Sehlare (eds.) (2008)
Land and water management in Southern Africa: towards better water use in agriculture in semi-arid and arid areas
Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa. 822p.

Periodical articleSamuels, M. Igshaan; Allsopp, Nicky; Hoffman, Timm (2008)
See this publicationMobility patterns of livestock keepers in semi-arid communal rangelands of Namaqualand, South Africa
Nomadic Peoples. Volume 12 #1. p. 123-148.

Periodical articleYaro, J.A. (2008)
See this publicationAn examination of theories on savannasation and the peasant-environment debate
West African Journal of Applied Ecology. Volume 13. p. 1-19.

Periodical articleBiamah, E.K.; Sterk, G.; Stroosnijder, L. (2007)
See this publicationTillage and farmyard manure effects on crusting and compacting soils at Katumani, semi-arid Kenya
Abstract presentDiscovery and Innovation. Volume 19 #4. December. p. 38-47.

Periodical articleTubosun, B.J.; Oyelaran, Philip A.; Aleru, J.O. (2007)
Vegetation change in some parts of present-day savanna ecological zone of Nigeria
Journal of environment and culture. Volume 4 #2. p. 44-54.

Conference paperMayaka, Theodore Bileng (ed.) (2006)
Community-based conservation of natural resources in dry and sub-humid savannas: proceedings of the second RNSCC international seminar, 8 February 2006, Yaoundé, Cameroon
Abstract presentMaroua: Regional Network for the Synergy between the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Convention to Combat Desertification in West and Cental Africa (RNSCC). 186p.

BookMistry, Jayalaxshmi; Berardi, Andrea (eds.) (2006)
Savannas and dry forests: linking people with nature
Abstract presentAldershot: Ashgate. 274p.

Periodical articleYouta, J.; Bonvallot, J. (2005-2006)
Les indices floristiques et structuraux de la dynamique du contact forêt-savane au Centre Cameroun
Revue de géographie du Cameroun. Volume 17-18 #2-no 01. p. 27-37.

Periodical articleFaure, Guy (2005)
Valorisation agricole des milieux de savanes en Afrique de l'Ouest: des résultats contrastés
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 58 #229. p. 5-24.

Dissertation / thesisGoldberger, Jessica Rule (2005)
See this publicationFarming on the boundary: organic agriculture in semi-arid Kenya
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 232p.

Periodical articleKyule, M.D. (2005)
Savanna ecosystems and the origins of modern human behaviour
Hekima. Volume 3 #1. p. 27-42.

Dissertation / thesisLeliveld, Lisette (2005)
The timing of savanna burning and its influence on the grazing strategy of large grazers in Bénoué National Park, Cameroon
Environment and development student report #193.

Book chapterDijk, Han van; Bruijn, Mirjam de; Beek, Wouter van (2004)
Pathways to mitigate climate variability and climate change in Mali: the districts of Douentza and Koutiala compared
Abstract presentIn: The impact of climate change on drylands: with a focus on West Africa. p. 173-206.

BookKnoop, Daniel; Mittendorff, Jaap; Rood, Ente (2004)
Grazing in the dry season: importance of fire and hippo lawns to Kobus kob kob
Leiden: Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML). 127p.

Periodical articleOtegbeye, G.O. (2004)
Drought and desertification: challenges for afforestation in Nigerian arid and semi-arid region
Abstract presentSavanna: A Journal of the Environmental and Social Sciences. Volume 19 #1. p. 1-11.

Conference paperBassett, Thomas J.; Crummey, Donald (eds.) (2003)
African savannas: global narratives & local knowledge of environmental change
Abstract presentOxford: James Currey. 270p.

Book chapterWilliams, Martin (2003)
Changing land use & environmental fluctuations in the African savanna
Abstract presentIn: African savannas: global narratives & local knowledge of environmental change. p. 31-52.

Dissertation / thesisZougmoré, Robert B. (2003)
Integrated water and nutrient management for sorghum production in semi-arid Burkina Faso
Wageningen: Wageningen University and Research Centre. Tropical resource management papers #45. 205p.

BookAhmed, Abdel Ghaffar M. (2002)
Changing systems of livelihood in rural Sudan
Addis Abeba: Organization for Social Science Reseach in Eastern and Southern Africa. 220p.

Periodical articleBeyala, K.K.V.; Ekodeck, G.E.; Konfor, N.I.; Ouangrawa, M.; Boulange, B.; Vincens, A.; Dubois, A. (2002)
Argument pédologique de l'évolution de la mosaïque foret/savane dans le sud-est Cameroun
Journal of Applied Social Sciences (Buea, Cameroon). Volume 2 #1-2. p. 62-76.

Periodical articleAgbaje, G.O.; Oyekan, P.O. (2001)
See this publicationYield and stability of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) varieties in the derived savanna areas of South-western Nigeria
Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science. Volume 34. p. 15-20.

BookBreusers, Mark (2001)
Pathways to negotiate climate variability: land use and institutional change in the Kaya region, Burkina Faso
Leiden: African Studies Centre. Research reports #63. 237p.

Periodical articleGinsberg, P. (2001)
Savannization: a runoff agroforestry system for semi-arid and arid zone development
Agroforestry Today. Volume 13 #1-2. p. 9-13.

Conference paperBoesen, Jannik; Kikula, Idris S.; Maganga, Faustin P. (eds.) (1999)
Sustainable agriculture in semi-arid Tanzania
Abstract presentDar es Salaam: DUP (1996). 189p.

BookBoyd, Charlotte; Turton, Cathryn; Hatibu, N. (eds.) (1999)
The contribution of soil and water conservation to sustainable livelihoods in semi-arid areas of sub-Saharan Africa
London: Overseas Development Institute. AgREN network paper #102. 15p.

Periodical articleGiess, W. (1998)
A preliminary vegetation map of Namibia
Dinteria. #4. January. p. 5-114.

Periodical articleNwonwu, F.O.C. (1997)
See this publicationA comparison of gmelina arborea yields in the derived and guinea savanna zones of Nigeria
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 9 #3-4. December. p. 167-172.

BookBarnaud, Michiel (1996)
Composante 'écosystèmes des savanes': dossier d'actualisation

Periodical articleLittle, Peter D. (1996)
See this publicationPastoralism, Biodiversity, and the Shaping of Savanna Landscapes in East Africa
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 66 #1. p. 37-51.

BookJansens, Jan-Willem; Jansen, Anne; Hoekstra, Jan (1992)
Bilan des ressources naturelles et leur exploitation pastorale de la Réserve de Gadabédji

Periodical articleGreaves, N. (1991)
Joint Zimbabwe-Britain project for education and research at Chipangali
Zimbabwe Wildlife. #64. September. p. 6-7.

Periodical articleObot, E. (1991)
The savanna woodlands of Kainji Lake National Park, Nigeria: diversity, regeneration, and size class distribution
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 3 #1. March. p. 45-52.

Periodical articleOdo, P.E. (1991)
Prospects of agricultural production in drought-prone Sahel and Sudan savanna environment, with special focus on Nigeria
Abstract presentAnnals of Borno. Volume 8-9. p. 192-205.

BookNiamir, Maryam (ed.) (1990)
Community forestry: herders' decision-making in natural resources management in arid and semi-arid Africa
Rome: FAO. Community forestry note #4.

Periodical articleSchaaf, T.; Manshard, W. (1989)
See this publicationLändliche Siedlungen in der Feuchtwald- und Feuchtsavannenzone Ghanas und der Elfenbeinküste
Abstract presentPaideuma. Volume 35. p. 221-229.

Periodical articleMayumu K.; Kwagata M.; Gene N. (1988)
Contribution a l'étude de la flore agrostologique de la région de Mbeo
Pistes et recherches. Volume 3 #3. p. 387-400.

Periodical articleAbah, M. (1987)
Formations postculturales, reforestation de la savane: rôle de Chromolaena odorata dans l'évolution actuelle des paysages autour d'Essé
Abstract presentRevue de géographie du Cameroun. Volume 7 #2. p. 135-148.

Periodical articleGayibor, Nicoué Lodjou (1986)
See this publicationEcologie et histoire: les origines de la savane du Bénin
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 26 #101-102. p. 13-41.

BookZaal, F. (1986)
Veehouden in West Pokot, Kenya: een geïntegreerde benadering van het bevolkingsdraagvlak
Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam. 60p.

Periodical articleAdejuwon, J.O.; Ekanade, O. (1984)
Soil changes associated with forest/savanna boundary
Abstract presentThe Nigerian Geographical Journal. Volume 27 #1-2. p. 44-50.

BookGovernment of Republic of Kenya. Ministry of Economic Planning and Development (1983)
Arid and semi-arid lands development project: Kitui district water resources study: phase II: prefeasibility
Nairobi: Louis Berger International.

Periodical articleDelmont, Jean (1982)
See this publicationPaludisme et variations climatiques saisonnieres en savane soudanienne d'Afrique de l'ouest
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 22 #85-86. p. 117-133.

Conference paperCampbell, David; Migot-Adholla, S.E. (eds.) (1981)
The development of Kenya's semi-arid lands
Abstract presentNairobi: Institute for Development Studies, University of Nairobi. Occasional paper #36. 244p.

Book chapterScudder, T. (1980)
River-basin development and local initiative in African savanna environments
Abstract presentIn: Human ecology in savanna environments / ed. by D.R. Harris. p. 383-405.

Periodical articleCole, Monica M. (1963)
See this publicationVegetation and Geomorphology in Northern Rhodesia: An Aspect of the Distribution of the Savanna of Central Africa
The Geographical Journal. Volume 129 #3. September. p. 290-305.

Search: su=savannas
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