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Search: su=weaving
Found: 35 Record 1-35

Periodical articleDor, George Worlasi Kwasi (2014)
Ephraim Amu's 'Bonwere Kentenwene': a celebration of Ghanaian traditional knowledge, wisdom, and artistry
African Music Journal. Volume 9 #4. p. 7-35.

Periodical articleAfeadie, Philip Atsu (2013)
Beginnings of Ewe and Asante weaving
Abstract presentTransactions of the Historical Society of Ghana. #15. p. 27-38.

BookCochrane, Laura L. (2013)
Weaving through Islam in Senegal
Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press. Carolina Academic Press ritual studies monographs. 147p.

Periodical articleCochrane, Laura L. (2011)
See this publicationReligious motivations for local economic development in Senegal
Abstract presentAfrica Today. Volume 58 #4. p. 3-19.

Periodical articleMahama, Anatu Kande (2011)
Using intellectual property rights to promote local economic development: a case study of Bonwire
Abstract presentJournal of Local Government Studies. Volume 3 #1. p. 66-86.

Periodical articleNgalim, Aloysius Nyuymengka (2011)
The crafts of the North West Region of Cameroon: using history to inform the present
Kaliao: revue pluridisciplinaire de l'École Normale Supérieure de Maroua (Cameroun), Série lettres et sciences humaines. Volume 3 #5. p. 23-36.

Periodical articleCochrane, Laura L. (2009)
Senegalese weavers' ethnic identities, in discourse and in craft
African Identities. Volume 7 #1. p. 3-15.

BookGardi, Bernhard; Bauer, Kerstin; Bedaux, Rogier M.A. (eds.) (2009)
Woven beauty: the art of West African textiles
Abstract presentBasel: Christoph Merian Verlag. 199p.

BookDamgaard, Frédéric (2008)
Tapis et tissages: l'art des femmes berbères du Maroc
Casablanca: Croisée des Chemins. 317p.

Periodical articleMagnavita, Sonja (2008)
See this publicationThe oldest textiles from sub-Saharan West Africa: woolen facts from Kissi, Burkina Faso
Abstract presentJournal of African Archaeology. Volume 6 #2. p. 243-257.

Periodical articleSalvadori, C. (2008)
Ergams: the tie that binds
Swara. Volume 31 #3. July-September. p. 44-46.

Periodical articleAsakitikpi, Aretha O. (2006)
The rise and fall of broadloom weaving among the Yoruba: an historical overview
Abstract presentResearch Review. Volume 22 #1. p. 73-81.

Periodical articleGrosfilley, Anne (2006)
Le tissage chez les Mossi du Burkina Faso: dynamisme d'un savoir-faire traditionnel
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #217. p. 203-215.

Periodical articleAsakitikpi, Aretha O. (2001)
Historical origin and spread of the narrowloom in West Africa
Abstract presentWest African Journal of Archaeology. Volume 31 #2. p. 74-83.

Periodical articleOfori, B.D. (2000)
Exploitation and utilisation of community-based wetland reeds and sedges in the changing economy of the lower Volta Basin
Bulletin of the Ghana Geographical Association. #22. July. p. 90-100.

Periodical articleFee, Sarah (1998)
Binding ties, visible women: cloth and social reproduction in Androy (Madagascar)
Abstract presentÉtudes océan Indien. #23-24. p. 253-280.

Periodical articleGoebel, Allison; Epprecht, Marc (1995)
See this publicationWomen and Employment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Testing the World Bank and WID Models with a Lesotho Case Study
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 38 #1. April. p. 1-22.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1991)
Sisal basket: battle for survival
Business Trend Review. Volume 1 #1. June. p. 22-23.

Periodical articleOgana, W. (1991)
The kiondo, a foreign exchange earner
Resources (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 2 #1. p. 10-11.

Periodical articleGrammet, I. (1990)
Enkele weefsels uit de Marokkaanse Midden-Atlas
Abstract presentAfrica-Tervuren. Volume 32 #1-4. p. 24-41.

Periodical articleKing, B. (1990)
Wonderful weavers
Molepe. Volume 4 #19. September-October. p. 14-17.

Periodical articleMberengwa, Lois R. (1990)
Integration of weaving into the home economics curriculum in Zimbabwean secondary schools
Abstract presentZimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 2 #3. November. p. 274-286.

Periodical articleThornton, S. (1990)
Weaving a dunescape
Molepe. Volume 4 #18. July-August. p. 20-21.

Periodical articleOlaoye, R.A. (1988)
See this publicationA Study of Twentieth Century Weaving in Ilorin, Nigeria
Abstract presentAfrican Study Monographs. Volume 10 #2. p. 83-92.

Periodical articleAndrianina, M.D. (1987-1988)
Motifs traditionnels de l'akotofahana (Masinandriana)
Nouvelles du Centre d'Art et d'Archéologie. #5-6. October. p. 37-75.

Periodical articleDilley, Roy M. (1987)
See this publicationSpirits, Islam and Ideology: A Study of a Tukulor Weavers' Song (Dillere)
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 17 #3. October. p. 245-279.

Periodical articleMartin, P.M. (1987)
Power, cloth and currency on the Loango Coast
Abstract presentMuntu: revue scientifique et culturelle du CICIBA. #7. p. 135-147.

Periodical articleTerry, M. Elizabeth (1987)
See this publicationThe Anatomy of an Ngamiland Basket
Botswana Notes and Records. Volume 19. p. 151-155.

Periodical articleDilley, Roy M. (1986)
See this publicationTukulor Weavers and the Organization of Their Craft in Village and Town
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 56 #2. p. 123-147.

Periodical articleBrowne, Angela W. (1983)
See this publicationRural Industry and Appropriate Technology: The Lessons of Narrowloom Ashanti Weaving
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 82 #326. January. p. 29-41.

Periodical articleAremu, P.S.O. (1982)
Yoruba traditional weaving: Kijipa motifs, color and symbols
Abstract presentNigeria Magazine. #140. p. 3-10.

Periodical articleDavias, Serge (1979)
Weaving in Dakar: suggestion for improvement
Abstract presentAfrican Environment: Environmental Studies and Regional Planning Bulletin. Volume 3 #3-4. p. 161-172.

Periodical articleJohnson, Marion (1977)
Cloth strips and history
Abstract presentWest African Journal of Archaeology. Volume 7. p. 169-178.

Periodical articleHarries, Jeanette (1973)
See this publicationPattern and choice in Berber weaving and poetry
Abstract presentResearch in African Literatures. Volume 4 #2. p. 141-153.

BookKyerematen, A.A.Y. (1964)
Panoply of Ghana: ornamental art in Ghanaian tradition and culture
New York: Praeger. 120p.

Search: su=weaving
Found: 35 Record 1-35

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