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Periodical articleZazzaro, Chiara; Cocca, Enzo; Manzo, Andrea (2014)
See this publicationTowards a chronology of the Eritrean Red See port of Adulis (1st-early 7th century AD)
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 12 #1. p. 43-73.

Periodical articleFaü, Jean-François (2013)
Les juifs du littoral de la Corne de l'Afrique au croisement des sources (VIe-XIIe siècles)
Annales d'Éthiopie. Volume 28. p. 241-260.

BookLejju, Julius B. (2012)
The influence of climate change and human-induced environmental degradation on Lake Victoria
Addis Ababa: OSSREA. 104p.

Periodical articlePrasad, Tribhuwan (2012)
Aksum: a great trading centre
Indian Journal of African Studies. Volume 18 #1-2. p. 17-24.

Periodical articleMarrassini, Paolo (2011)
See this publicationFrustula nagranitica
Abstract presentAethiopica: International Journal of Ethiopian Studies. Volume 14. p. 7-32.

Periodical articleLove (Jr.), Paul M. (2010)
See this publicationThe Sufris of Sijilmasa: towards a history of the Midrarids
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 15 #2. p. 173-188.

Periodical articleDonzel, Emeri van (2009)
See this publicationAbraha the Abyssinian in Islamic tradition
Abstract presentAethiopica: International Journal of Ethiopian Studies. Volume 12. p. 48-57.

Periodical articleMitchell, Peter (2009)
Hunter-gatherers and farmers: some implications of 1,800 years of interaction in the Maloti-Drakensberg region of Southern Africa
Senri Ethnological Studies. #73. p. 15-46.

Periodical articleSmidt, Wolbert G.C. (2009)
See this publicationEine weitere arabische Inschrift von der osttigrayischen Handelsroute: Hinweis auf eine muslimische Kultstätte in der 'dunklen Periode'?
Abstract presentAethiopica: International Journal of Ethiopian Studies. Volume 12. p. 126-135.

Periodical articleFlexner, James L.; Fleisher, Jeffrey B.; LaViolette, Adria (2008)
See this publicationBead grinders and early Swahili household economy: analysis of an assemblage from Tumbe, Pemba Island, Tanzania, 7th-10th centuries AD
Abstract presentJournal of African Archaeology. Volume 6 #2. p. 161-181.

Periodical articleMagnavita, Sonja (2008)
See this publicationThe oldest textiles from sub-Saharan West Africa: woolen facts from Kissi, Burkina Faso
Abstract presentJournal of African Archaeology. Volume 6 #2. p. 243-257.

Periodical articlePedersen, Ralph K. (2008)
See this publicationThe Byzantine-Aksumite period shipwreck at Black Assarca Island, Eritrea
Abstract presentAzania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 43. p. 77-94.

BookCoulibaly, Elisée (2006)
Savoirs et savoir-faire des anciens métallurgistes d'Afrique occidentale: procédés et techniques de la sidérurgie directe dans le Bwamu (Burkina Faso et Mali)
Paris: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 422p.

Periodical articleGodlewski, Wlodzimierz (2002)
Introduction to the golden age of Makuria (9th-11th centuries)
Africana Bulletin. #50. p. 75-98.

Periodical articlePouwels, Randall L. (2002)
See this publicationBibliography of Primary Sources of the Pre-Nineteenth Century East African Coast
Abstract presentHistory in Africa. Volume 29. p. 393-411.

BookBrett, Michael (1999)
Ibn Khaldun and the medieval Maghrib
Aldershot: Ashgate. Collected studies series; CS627.

Periodical articleSebti, Abdelahad (1999)
Chérifisme, symbole et histoire
Oriente moderno. Volume 79. p. 629-638.

Conference paperAguadé, Jordi; Cressier, Patrice; Vicente, Angeles (eds.) (1998)
Peuplement et arabisation au Maghreb occidental: dialectologie et histoire
Abstract presentMadrid: Casa de Velázquez. 175p.

Periodical articleKubiak, Wladyslaw B. (1998)
The Nile in the urban region of Cairo
Africana Bulletin. #46. p. 23-40.

Periodical articleWright, Henry T.; Rakotoarisoa, Jean-Aimé (1998)
The context of the Flacourt settlement: the archaeological evidence of the Anosy region
Abstract presentÉtudes océan Indien. #23-24. p. 231-236.

Periodical articleEhret, Christopher (1997)
Transformations in Southern African History: Proposals for a Sweeping Overview of Change and Development, 6000 BC to the Present
Abstract presentUfahamu. Volume 25 #2. p. 54-80.

BookHaïdara, Ismaël Diadié (1997)
L'Espagne musulmane et l'Afrique subsaharienne
Bamako: Éditions Donniya. 144p.

BookTlou, Thomas (1997)
History of Botswana
Abstract presentGaborone: Macmillan Botswana Publings Co (Pty) Ltd. 432p.

Conference paperBlanks, David R. (ed.) (1996)
Images of the other, Europe and the Muslim world before 1700
Abstract presentCairo: The American University in Cairo Press. Cairo papers in social science Volume 19. 136p.

BookAhmed, Ali Jimale (ed.) (1995)
The Invention of Somalia
Abstract presentLawrenceville, NJ: Red Sea Press. 265p.

Periodical articleHamdani, Sumaiya (1994)
The Kitab Al-Majalis Wa'l-Musayarat and Fatimid Da'Wa-dawla Relations
Maghreb Review. Volume 19 #3-4. p. 266-276.

Periodical articleVelgus, Viktor A. (1993)
Chinese Voyaging to Africa and to the Persian Gulf: Hypotheses and Sources
Abstract presentSt. Petersburg Journal of African Studies. #1. p. 104-112.

Periodical articleFattovich, Rodolfo (1990)
See this publicationRemarks on the Pre-Aksumite Period in Northern Ethiopia
Abstract presentJournal of Ethiopian Studies. Volume 23. November. p. 1-33.

Periodical articleBrett, M. (1989)
Libya: some aspects of the mediaeval period, first-ninth century H/seventh-fifteenth century AD
Abstract presentLibyan Studies. Volume 20. p. 209-214.

BookKably, Mohamed (1989)
Variations islamistes et identité du Maroc médiéval
Abstract presentParis: Maisonneuve & Larose. Islam d'hier et d'aujourd'hui #33. 78p.

Periodical articleKing, G.R.D. (1989)
Islamic archaeology in Libya, 1969-1989
Abstract presentLibyan Studies. Volume 20. p. 193-207.

Periodical articlePerinbam, B. Marie (1989)
Soninke-Ibadiyya Interactions in the Western Sudan c. Ninth to c. Eleventh Century
Abstract presentMaghreb Review. Volume 14 #1-2. p. 70-90.

BookTaha, 'Abdulwahid Dhanun (1989)
The Muslim conquest and settlement of North Africa and Spain
Abstract presentLondon; New York: Routledge. Exeter arabic and islamic series; 3. 280p.

BookElfasi, M.; Hrbek, I. (eds.) (1988)
See this publicationGeneral History of Africa: Vol. 3 - Africa from the seventh to the eleventh century
Abstract presentLondon: Heinemann. 869p.

Periodical articleDakhlia, J. (1987)
See this publicationDes prophetes a la nation: la mémoire des temps anté-islamiques au Maghreb
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 27 #107-108. p. 241-267.

Periodical articleVerhaagen, A. (1987)
James Bruce et l'Abyssinie, terre d'arcanes
Abstract presentCivilisations. Volume 37 #1. p. 231-274.

Periodical articleBah, Thierno Mouctar; Ghomsi, E. (1986)
Problématique des transmissions des techniques à travers le Sahara du 8e au 16e siècle
Abstract presentAfrika Zamani: revue d'histoire africaine. #16-17. p. 22-35.

Periodical articleThébert, Y. (1986)
Permanences et mutations des espaces urbains dans les villes de l'Afrique du Nord orientale: de la cité antique à la cité médiévale
Abstract presentLes cahiers de Tunisie: revue de sciences humaines. Volume 34 #137-138. p. 31-46.

BookLe Coeur, Marguerite (1985)
Les oasis du Kawar: une route, un pays
Abstract presentNiamey: Institut de recherches en sciences humaines. Études nigériennes #54. 136p.

Periodical articleMcDougall, E. Ann (1985)
See this publicationThe View from Awdaghust: War, Trade and Social Change in the Southwestern Sahara, from the Eighth to the Fifteenth Century
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 26 #1. p. 1-31.

Periodical articleBen Salem, Lilia (1984)
Hypotheses a propos des hierarchies sociales qui caracterisent la société tunisienne
Abstract presentLes cahiers de Tunisie: revue de sciences humaines. Volume 32 #129-130. p. 5-29.

Periodical articleMcDougall, E. Ann (1983)
See this publicationThe Sahara Reconsidered: Pastoralism, Politics and Salt from the Ninth through Twelfth Centuries
Abstract presentAfrican Economic History. Volume 12. p. 263-286.

Periodical articleCoquery-Vidrovitch, Catherine (1980)
Ou se situé l'Afrique noire dans l'histoire du système mondial
Abstract presentItinerario: European Journal of Overseas History. Volume 4 #1. p. 146-157.

Periodical articleKapita, Mengi (1980)
Notes sur l'origine et l'histoire des Ngwana du Xe au XIXe siècle
Abstract presentZaïre-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 20 #146. p. 351-364.

Periodical articleNegre, André (1979)
A propos des rapports entre les Maghrebs central et extreme et l'Espagne musulmane au Moyen Age
Abstract presentAnnales de l'Université d'Abidjan, Série I: Histoire. Volume 7. p. 139-145.

BookVikør, K.S. (1979)
The oasis of salt: the history of Kawar, a Saharan centre of salt production
Abstract presentBergen: Universitetet i Bergen. 238p.

Periodical articleDiop, Louise-Marie (1978)
Le sous-peuplement de l'Afrique noire
Abstract presentBulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Série B: Sciences humaines. Volume 40 #4. p. 718-862.

Periodical articleBoahen, A. Adu (1977)
Ghana before the coming of the europeans
Abstract presentGhana Social Science Journal. Volume 4 #2. p. 93-106.

Periodical articleDianoux, Hugues Jean de (1977)
Les relations historiques de la Chine avec l'Afrique
Abstract presentÉthiopiques: revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine. #12. p. 83-87.

BookOgot, B.A.; Ehret, C.E.; Sutton, J.E.G.; Ochieng', W.R. (eds.) (1976)
Kenya before 1900
Abstract presentNairobi: East African Publishing House. 291p.

Periodical articleObenga, Théophile (1975)
Documents imprimes arabes, source de l'histoire africaine
Abstract presentAfrika Zamani: revue d'histoire africaine. #4. p. 3-51.

Periodical articleTymowski, M. (1971)
Le développement et la regression des sociétés nigéroises à l'époque précoloniale
Abstract presentAfricana Bulletin. #14. p. 173-176.

BookConte, Carmelo (1970)
Il Sudan come nazione
Abstract presentMilano: A. Giuffrè. 208p.

BookHasan, Yusuf Fadl (1967)
The Arabs and the Sudan: from the seventh to the early sixteenth century
Abstract presentEdinburgh: Edinburgh U.P. 298p.

BookAjayi, J.F. Ade; Espie, Ian; Dike, Kenneth Onwuka (eds.) (1965)
A thousand years of West African history: a handbook for teachers and students
Abstract presentIbadan: Ibadan University Press. 543p.

BookGautier, Émile Félix (1927)
Les siècles obscurs du Maghreb: l'islamisation de l'Afrique du Nord
Abstract presentParis: Payot. Bibliothèque historique. 431p.

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