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Search: su=Aquatic fauna
Found: 7 Record 1-7

Periodical articleOfori-Danson, P.K. (2002)
See this publicationTrophic relationships and spawning habits of post-impoundment fish stocks of Lake Volta in Ghana
Ghana Journal of Science. Volume 42. p. 61-70.

Periodical articleKirk-Spriggs, A.H.; Ismay, J.; Ackland, M.; Rohácek, J.; Mathis, W.N.; Foster, G.; Pape, T.; Cranston, P.S.; Meier, R. (2001)
Inter-tidal Diptera of Southwestern Africa (Chironomidae, Canacidae, Chloropidae, Milichiidae, Tethinidae, Ephydridae)
Cimbebasia. Volume 17. November. p. 85-135.

Periodical articleMarshall, B. (1999)
See this publicationThe fishes of Zimbabwe: a century of change
Zimbabwe Science News. Volume 33 #2. April-June. p. 45-52.

Periodical articleHaaland, Randi (1993)
See this publicationAqualithic Sites of the Middle Nile
Abstract presentAzania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 28. p. 47-86.

Periodical articleGrenfell, S.; Robinson, L. (1992)
Whose park is this?
SADCC Natural Resources. Volume 3. October. p. 11-12.

Periodical articleHenrique, A. (1992)
Inhaca, a ilha anda ŕ deriva
Tempo. #1144. out. 25. p. 18-25.

Periodical articleOkorie, T.G.; Ogunro, O.F. (1992)
Effects of extracts and suspensions of the black pepper Piper guineense on the immature stages of Aedes aegypti (Linn) (Diptera: Culicidae) and associated aquatic organisms
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 4 #3. September. p. 59-63.

Search: su=Aquatic fauna
Found: 7 Record 1-7

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