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Search: su=Banks and banking
Found: 160 Record 1-100 Next Last

Periodical articleNg'etich, J.C.; Wanjau, K. (2011)
The effects of interest rate spread on the level of non-performing assets: a case of commercial banks in Kenya
International Journal of Business and Public Management. Volume 1 #1. April. p. 139-157.

Periodical articleNjeru, B.W. (2011)
Assessing non-performing loans in commercial banks in Kenya
International Journal of Professional Practice. Volume 2 #1. January-March. p. 40-50.

Periodical articleTeimet, P.R.; Ochieng, D.O.; Aywa, M. (2011)
Income source diversification and financial performance of commercial banks in Kenya
International Journal of Business and Public Management. Volume 1 #1. April. p. 69-89.

Periodical articleAnonymous (2010)
Reigning in the banks
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). November-December. p. 16-21.

Periodical articleGatabaki, N. (2010)
The Central Bank of Kenya: major initiatives towards financial inclusion for all
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). November-December. p. 22-27.

Periodical articleGatabaki, P. (2010)
Bridging the last mile
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). November-December. p. 28-32.

Periodical articleMakoto, R.; Rwavsya, E.; Maphosa, N. (2010)
Bank capital regulation, bank capital and risk-taking: an analysis of commercial banks in Zimbabwe
Journal of Strategic Studies (Harare, Zimbabwe). Volume 1 #1. p. 16-36.

Periodical articleAkinola, G.O.; Adetayo, J.O. (2009)
Globalization and the structure of the Nigerian banking industry
African Journal of Public Administration and Management. Volume 20 #2. July. p. 115-133.

Periodical articleLumala, S.M. (2009)
Banking ethics
Ugandan Banker. Volume 19 #1. p. 32-34.

Periodical articleMoffat, Boitumelo (2009)
See this publicationThe banking environment in Botswana: an overview
Abstract presentBotswana Notes and Records. Volume 41. p. 95-103.

Periodical articleMuhimbise, J. (2009)
Competition in the banking industry: we shall be winners only if ...
Ugandan Banker. Volume 19 #1. p. 29-31.

Periodical articleMawa, M. (2008)
The challenges of promoting ethical banking in Uganda
Nkumba Business Journal. Volume 7. p. 93-105.

Periodical articleMuhimbise, J. (2008)
Challenges of operating in a globalised banking environment
Ugandan Banker. Volume 18 #1. p. 10-11.

Periodical articleAssad, M.J.; Nanyaro, Z. (2007)
Interest rate spreads: empirical evidence from Tanzanian banks
African Journal of Finance and Management. Volume 15 #2. January. p. 58-76.

Periodical articleGatabaki, P.; Munyiva, R. (2007)
Can a sleeping giant awaken?
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). January-February. p. 46-52.

Periodical articleGichaga, D.; Mutiso, A. (2007)
Kenya Commercial Bank, the change experience
Accountant (Nairobi, Kenya). September-October. p. 22-25.

Periodical articleKigenyi, C. (2007)
Retail banking: opportunities and challenges
Ugandan Banker. Volume 17 #2. p. 30-35.

Periodical articleMbabazi, P. (2007)
Perceived quality of loan appraisal reports and loan performance: a survey of selected banks in Rwanda
Etudes rwandaises. Volume 13. août. p. 93-103.

Periodical articleUganda. Ministry of Finance, Planning, and Economic Development. (2007)
Status of electronic funds transfer (EFT) implementation
Ugandan Banker. Volume 17 #2. p. 20.

Periodical articleGatabaki, P. (2006)
The making of a Kenyan phenomenon
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). November. p. 60-69.

Periodical articleKigenyi, C. (2006)
Operational risk management in banking
Ugandan Banker. Volume 16 [i.e. 14]. December. p. 4-15.

Periodical articleMboma, L.M. (2006)
See this publicationATM and customer satisfaction: a case of the banking industry in Tanzania
African Journal of Finance and Management. Volume 15 #1. July. p. 48-70.

Periodical articleMunyiva, R. (2006)
SACCOs: the new face of banking?
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). November. p. 70.

Periodical articleMuremwa, J. (2006)
Managing technological risks in financial services
Ugandan Banker. Volume 16 [i.e. 14]. December. p. 16-17.

Periodical articleMuriithi, N. (2006)
Credit scoring, reporting and referencing
Ugandan Banker. Volume 16 [i.e. 14]. December. p. 18-20.

Periodical articleMutebile, E.T. (2006)
Bank of Uganda celebrates 40 years
Ugandan Banker. Volume 14. June. p. 17-18, 29-31.

Periodical articleOlanya, J. (2006)
The role of the academia in professional development of the banking sector in Uganda
Ugandan Banker. Volume 16 [i.e. 14]. December. p. 34-35.

Periodical articleAddeah, K. (2005)
The Banking Act, 2004 (Act 673): its motivations, intentions and core principles
Banking and Financial Law Journal of Ghana. #special ed.. August. p. 1-14.

Periodical articleAnonymous (2005)
Bank fraud: a challenge to Uganda's banking industry
Ugandan Banker. Volume 13. December. p. 4-8.

Periodical articleBuabeng, P.K. (2005)
Opportunities and challenges of the new Banking Act 2004 for the banking sector
Banking and Financial Law Journal of Ghana. #special ed.. August. p. 23-27.

Periodical articleFrance, F. (2005)
The prudential requirements under the new Banking Act and banking supervision
Banking and Financial Law Journal of Ghana. #special ed.. August. p. 15-22.

Periodical articleKan-Dapaah, A. (2005)
Future electronic transactions law and banking business in Ghana
Banking and Financial Law Journal of Ghana. #special ed.. August. p. 43-45.

Periodical articleMusah, I.; Dornoo, S. (2005)
The Ghana new Banking Act and the competitive edge of banking in Ghana from an international investors perspective
Banking and Financial Law Journal of Ghana. #special ed.. August. p. 28-30.

Periodical articleToby, A.J. (2005)
See this publicationCapital adequacy regulation and bank asset quality: the Nigerian empirical evidence
African Journal of Finance and Management. Volume 13 #2. January. p. 8-20.

Periodical articleAnonymous (2004)
Going rural: Family Finance Building Society sets the example by moving upcountry
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). April 30. p. 36-40.

Periodical articleDodzie, J.; Amarteifio, S.; Amegatcher, S.N.O. (2004)
Electronic banking in the courts of Ghana: court judgment and addresses by council
Banking and Financial Law Journal of Ghana. Volume 2 #1. January-March. p. 51-87.

Periodical articleFowdar, S.; Jogee, H.D. (2004)
An assessment of the level of diversification in the Mauritian banking and insurance sectors
University of Mauritius Research Journal. Law, Management and Social Sciences. Volume 5. p. 45-63.

Periodical articleMwenda, Kenneth Kaoma (2004)
Unified financial services supervision in Zambia: the legal and institutional frameworks
Zambia Law Journal. Volume 36. p. 67-109.

Periodical articleWilliams, A. (2004)
Legal aspects of advances and recovery management
Banking and Financial Law Journal of Ghana. Volume 2 #1. January-March. p. 1-20.

Periodical articleDikoume, A.F. (2003)
La mise en place du système bancaire au Cameroun français
Annales de la Faculté des Arts, Lettres et Sciences Humaines. Volume 1 #2. p. 5-22.

Periodical articleEije, Henk von; Fishazion, Michael; Lutz, Clemens (2002)
Accessing Bank Credit in Eritrea: Bottlenecks for Small Firms and the Commercial Bank of Eritrea
Abstract presentJournal of Eritrean Studies (Asmara). Volume 1 #1. p. 59-74.

Periodical articleKandie, K. (2002)
Auditing the Donde Act: the final balance sheet
Accountant (Nairobi, Kenya). October-December. p. 9-11.

Periodical articleLumala, S.M. (2002)
Will today's brick and mortar bank be vanquished at the onset of on-line banking
Ugandan Banker. Volume 10 #2. June. p. 24-28.

Periodical articleMutebile, E.T. (2002)
Challenges and successes in the effective management of monetary policy in Uganda
Ugandan Banker. Volume 10 #1. March. p. 5-8.

Periodical articleRao, A.M. (2002)
The impact and dangers of money laundering
Ugandan Banker. Volume 10 #1. March. p. 11-14.

Periodical articleSalami, K.A. (2002)
Impact of prudential regulation on performance of rural banks in Ghana
Journal of Management Studies. Volume 17. January. p. 76-94.

Periodical articleAnonymous (2001)
How Barclays is consolidating market leadership
Market Intelligence (Nairobi, Kenya). November-December. p. 9-14.

Periodical articleBonu, N.S.; Palaelo, S.P. (2001)
See this publicationFinancial institutions as facilitators of economic growth: case study of Botswana
African Journal of Finance and Management. Volume 10 #1. July. p. 8-22.

Periodical articleBwire, A. (2001)
See this publicationDeposit insurance and bank failure in Kenya: what lessons can be learned by supervisors?
African Journal of Finance and Management. Volume 9 #2. January. p. 78-90.

Periodical articleChoto, K. (2001)
Investment banking: the next best thing to the 'Donde Act'
Market Intelligence (Nairobi, Kenya). September. p. 34.

Periodical articleEzé-Ezé, Donatien (2001)
See this publicationLa structure bancaire dans le processus de financement de l'économie camerounaise
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 26 #3-4. p. 1-26.

Periodical articleOloo, O. (2001)
Why interest rates should be regulated
Market Intelligence (Nairobi, Kenya). September. p. 12-14.

Periodical articleOloo, O. (2001)
The 'Donde Act': a wake up call for banks
Market Intelligence (Nairobi, Kenya). September. p. 10-12.

Periodical articleOndigo, D. (2001)
Changing fortunes
Market Intelligence (Nairobi, Kenya). September. p. 15-16.

Periodical articleOwori, M.A. (2001)
The admissibility of banker's books in Lesotho evidence law
Lesotho Law Journal: A Journal of Law and Development. Volume 14 #2. p. 237-260.

Periodical articleAbdi, A. (2000)
Towards a developed and an efficient financial sector in Ethiopia
Economic Focus (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). Volume 3 #4. August-September. p. 9-22.

Periodical articleAgundu, P.U.C. (2000)
Financial economies of corporate acquisition in developing countries: the case of Meridien Equity Bank of Nigeria
Journal of Business (Kitwe, Zambia). Volume 4 #1. January-June. p. 35-46.

Periodical articleAnonymous (2000)
Banks or casinos? bankers or shylocks?
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). November 15. p. 14-17.

Periodical articleAnonymous (2000)
Donde's Bill: why the banks are panicking
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). November 15. p. 8.

Periodical articleAwuondo, I. (2000)
Kenya Bankers Association response
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). November 15. p. 10-12.

Periodical articleChijoriga, M.M. (2000)
See this publicationPolitical interventions and bank failure in pre-liberalized Tanzania
African Journal of Finance and Management. Volume 9 #1. July. p. 14-30.

Periodical articleMuriithi, N. (2000)
Who's telling the truth
Executive (Nairobi, Kenya). October-November. p. 7-8.

Periodical articleNyakahuma, J.K. (2000)
The internet in Africa; challenges and opportunities for banking
Ugandan Banker. Volume 8 #1. March. p. 15-19.

Periodical articleRutega, S. (2000)
The current status and benefits of the securities exchange in Uganda
Ugandan Banker. Volume 8 #2. June. p. 6-8.

Periodical articleSeife D. (2000)
Prudential performance of the Ethiopian banking sector (1991/92-1997/98)
Economic Focus (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). Volume 3 #4. August-September. p. 27-31.

Periodical articleSsendaula, G.M. (2000)
Prudential supervision in emerging markets - issues for the smaller economies
Ugandan Banker. Volume 8 #1. March. p. 6-7.

Periodical articleWagacha, M. (2000)
The problems of managing interest rates in a liberalised environment
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). November 15. p. 9-10.

Periodical articleYomere, G.O.; Izedonmi, P.F. (2000)
Stemming the wave of distress in the Nigerian banking industry
Journal of Business (Kitwe, Zambia). Volume 4 #1. January-June. p. 10-34.

Periodical articleBategeka, L.N. (1999)
Uganda's achievements and challenges in the financial sector: whose interests count?
Ugandan Banker. Volume 7 #4. December. p. 6-10.

Periodical articleKibirango, L. (1999)
Banking ethics in a liberalised financial environment
Ugandan Banker. Volume 7 #3. September. p. 10-15.

Periodical articleMatete, D. (1999)
New banking legislation in Zimbabwe
Law Society of Zimbabwe Magazine. #2. p. 12, 17.

Periodical articleSedgwick, R.; McGregor, P.C. (1999)
Distance learning in banking education: an African perspective
Ugandan Banker. Volume 7 #3. September. p. 29-35.

Periodical articleAddeah, K. (1998)
The sources of banking and financial law in Ghana
Banking and Financial Law Journal of Ghana. Volume 1 #1. November. p. 1-15.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1998)
Good season for banks
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). August 30. p. 30-31.

Periodical articleMuihia, M. (1998)
Collapse of Kiambu - Thika rural SACCO
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). December 13. p. 18-19.

Periodical articleMulira, H.-M. (1998)
The importance of information technology in financial services: is Uganda catching up?
Ugandan Banker. Volume 6 #2. June. p. 13-18.

Periodical articleMusyimi, M. (1998)
Crisis in the banking industry
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). December 13. p. 16-17.

Periodical articleMutaitina, O.R. (1998)
See this publicationCapital adequacy in banks: reflections on selected banks in Tanzania
African Journal of Finance and Management. Volume 7 #1. July. p. 13-21.

Periodical articleOkeahalam, Charles C. (1998)
See this publicationThe Political Economy of Bank Failure and Supervision in the Republic of South Africa
African Journal of Political Science. Volume 3 #2. December. p. 29-48.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1997-1998)
Mauritian banking witnesses growing sophistication
Business Year Book (Port Louis, Mauritius). p. 52-55.

Periodical articleRamphul, P.; Bissessur, H. (1997-1998)
The interbank money market in Mauritius: is it efficient?
Business Year Book (Port Louis, Mauritius). p. 57-60.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1997)
Mr. Leo Kibirango FCIB, FUIB
Ugandan Banker. Volume 5 #2. August. p. 5-8.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1997)
Trans-National's secrets
Economic Review (Nairobi, Kenya). #231. April 21-27. p. 4-7.

Periodical articleChemonges, J.K. (1997)
Bank fraud: causes, types and control
Ugandan Banker. Volume 5 #3. December. p. 21-24.

Periodical articleKibirige, H. (1997)
The challenges of financial sector regulation
Ugandan Banker. Volume 5 #1. April. p. 14-16.

Periodical articleKiggundu, S.I. (1997)
Some reflections on the recent changes in the banking industry: regulation, competition and technology
Ugandan Banker. Volume 5 #1. April. p. 19-20.

Periodical articleKihangire, D. (1997)
Are formal lending interest rates in Uganda really high
Ugandan Banker. Volume 5 #3. December. p. 25-29.

Periodical articleKikonyogo, C.N. (1997)
Significant changes and development in Uganda's banking sector and the role of the Uganda Institute of Bankers
Ugandan Banker. Volume 5 #1. April. p. 4-5.

Periodical articleMauritius Offshore Business Activities Authority (1997)
The Mauritius offshore sector facing the new millenium
Industry Focus. #33. July-August. p. 40-41.

Periodical articleMugisa, E. (1997)
The adequacy of, and main constraints to the mobilisation of domestic savings in Uganda
Ugandan Banker. Volume 5 #3. December. p. 30-35.

Periodical articleMugisa, E. (1997)
A critique of customer services in Ugandan banks
Ugandan Banker. Volume 5 #3. December. p. 13-19.

Periodical articleUrassa, O.M. (1997)
Developing a deposit insurance scheme in Tanzania: 'issues and prospects'
African Journal of Finance and Management. Volume 6 #1. July. p. 8-20.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1996)
Emmanuel Lule, ACIB: a distinguished career as a central banker
Ugandan Banker. Volume 4 #2. December. p. 5-6.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1996)
Mauritius offshore sector: taking stock and preparing for the future
Financier (Port Louis, Mauritius). #4. April. p. 3-7.

Periodical articleDonwa, P.A. (1996)
Merchant banking in a developing economy: the Nigerian experience
Journal of Management Studies. Volume 13. January-December. p. 36-50.

Periodical articleHermans, H.C. (1996)
Bank of Botswana: the first 21 years
Research Bulletin (Bank of Botswana). Volume 14 #2. September. p. 1-48.

Periodical articleJunglee, K. (1996)
Financial confidence and the 1996/97 budget
Prosi. Volume 28 #330. juillet. p. 42-45.

Periodical articleKakuru, J. (1996)
The challenge of strategic response to the changing environment of banking in Uganda
Ugandan Banker. Volume 4 #2. December. p. 31-35.

Periodical articleKilato, I.H. (1996)
The Tanzania national payments and settlements system
Tanzanian Bankers Journal. #8. December. p. 53-68.

Periodical articleMgimwa, W.A. (1996)
Risk management in banks
Professional Accountant (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania). Volume 10 #1. January-June. p. 21-24.

Search: su=Banks and banking
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