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Search: su=Church and social problems
Found: 28 Record 1-28

Periodical articleOpongo, E.O. (2009)
The Church on the road to Emmaus: situational analysis on conflicts, wars and instability in the AMECEA countries
AFER. Volume 51 #3. September. p. 193-215.

Periodical articleCarney, J.J. (2008)
Waters of baptism, blood of tribalism?
AFER. Volume 50 #1-2. March-June. p. 302-324.

Periodical articleLeshota, P.L. (2008)
Reading HIV and AIDS discourses in the light of the parable of a good Samaritan
Lesotho Journal of Theology. Volume 1 #1. p. 28-38.

Periodical articleLeshota, P.L. (2008)
The Church, HIV/AIDS and poverty: a liberationist approach
Lesotho Journal of Theology. Volume 1 #1. p. 1-21.

Periodical articleMoisa, M.; Khaka, L.; Sakoane, R.; Lepheana, T. (2008)
Abstinence for young people within the context of HIV & AIDS: the case of NUL
Lesotho Journal of Theology. Volume 1 #1. p. 22-27.

Periodical articleMokotso, R.I. (2008)
The challenges of HIV and AIDS on the hegemony of Eurocentric Christianity: the contest of Lesotho
Lesotho Journal of Theology. Volume 1 #1. p. 54-65.

Periodical articleRakotsoane, F. (2008)
The Christian Church and the AIDS challenge
Lesotho Journal of Theology. Volume 1 #1. p. 44-53.

Periodical articleBere, M. (2007)
A world without poverty: a challenging 'utopia' for Christian faith
Hekima Review. #37. October. p. 21-30.

Periodical articleMacharia, J.W. (2007)
Communication and gender socialization in Africa: Christianity and modern reality in conflict
AFER. Volume 49 #3-4. September-December. p. 220-234.

Periodical articleWairagu, F.; Eunice, K. (2006)
Terrorism and the contemporary church
AFER. Volume 48 #2. June. p. 2-30.

Periodical articleBakyenga, P.K. (2005)
Responses to the challenge of HIV/AIDS: a common action for the church in Eastern Africa
AFER. Volume 47-48 #4-1. December-Mar. 2006. p. 360-381.

Periodical articleCzerny, M.; Vitillo, R.J. (2005)
The Church's role and approaches in HIV/AIDS advocacy
AFER. Volume 47-48 #4-1. December-Mar. 2006. p. 274-289.

Periodical articleFiedler, K. (2005)
Access to ARVs and the role of the churches
Religion in Malawi. #12. November. p. 6-10.

Periodical articleKalilombe, A. (2005)
The contribution of theology to the struggle against HIV/AIDS
Religion in Malawi. #12. November. p. 3-6.

Periodical articleOrach, S.O. (2005)
Funding opportunities for the support of the Church's HIV/AIDS activities: the Ugandan experience
AFER. Volume 47-48 #4-1. December-Mar. 2006. p. 343-360.

Periodical articleTogarasei, L. (2005)
HIV/AIDS and the role of the churches in Zimbabwe
Africa Theological Journal. Volume 28 #1. p. 3-20.

Periodical articleVähäkangas, A. (2005)
The Church as a healing community? the case of HIV/AIDS stigma
Africa Theological Journal. Volume 28 #1. p. 48-56.

Periodical articleWaliggo, J.M. (2005)
Inculturation and the HIV/AIDS pandemic in the AMECEA region
AFER. Volume 47-48 #4-1. December-Mar. 2006. p. 290-308.

Periodical articleIsaak, P.J. (2004)
A biblical and ethical response to HIV/AIDS
Africa Theological Journal. Volume 27 #1. p. 59-75.

Periodical articleKambale Rukwata, A. (2004)
Portée théologique et pratique de discours social de l'Eglise catholique: perspectives africaines à partir de l'expérience du Congo-Kinshasa dans les années 1990
Revue africaine de théologie. Volume 28 #55. avril. p. 61-84.

Periodical articleMinaku, J. (2004)
The tenth anniversary of the African Synod: an evaluation of the Bishops' statement: need for a more participatory spirituality
Afrika Yetu. #6. April. p. 56-63.

Periodical articleVähäkangas, A. (2004)
Shame, guilt, and church discipline
Africa Theological Journal. Volume 27 #2. p. 53-69.

Periodical articleKadenge, L. (2003)
Teaching theology from an African perspective: the issues
Journal of African Christian Thought. Volume 6 #2. December. p. 35-37.

Periodical articleNakah, V. (2003)
Issues facing the church in Zimbabwe and how theological institutions can respond
Journal of African Christian Thought. Volume 6 #2. December. p. 17-20.

Periodical articleNel, Annes F. (2002)
Reconstructing Christian theology in Namibian society
Journal of Religion and Theology in Namibia. Volume 4. p. 54-76.

Periodical articleKwalongo M. (2001-2002)
Défis et attentes des Actes 6, 1-6: modèle d'une théologie de l'action sociale pour nos jeunes églises
Revue congolaise de théologie protestante. Volume 14-15 #14-15. p. 243-257.

Periodical articlePerbi, A. (2001)
Symposium: Towards a theological perspective on culture and tradition: towards a theological interpretation of historical tradition
Journal of African Christian Thought. Volume 4 #1. June. p. 12-14.

Periodical articleDe Saint Moulin, L. (2000)
Eglise et société dans l'opinion publique à Kinshasa/Kalamu
Revue africaine de théologie. Volume 24 #47-48. p. 117-148.

Search: su=Church and social problems
Found: 28 Record 1-28

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