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Search: su=Economic performance
Found: 117 Record 1-100 Next Last

Periodical articleMulugeta, Solomon (2004)
See this publicationSocio-Economic Determinants of Wetland Cultivation in Kemise, Illubabor Zone, Southwestern Ethiopia
Abstract presentEastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 20 #1. January. p. 93-114.

Periodical articleOkech, S.H.; Van Asten, P.; Gold, C.S.; Ssali, H. (2004)
Effects of potassium deficiency, drought and weevils on banana yield and economic performance in Mbarara, Uganda
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 9 #1, pt. 2. September. p. 511-519.

Periodical articleOuma, E.A.; Obare, G.A.; Staal, S.J. (2004)
The socio-economic dimensions of smallholder livestock management in Kenya and its effects on competitiveness of crop-livestock systems
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 9 #1, pt. 1. September. p. 31-37.

Periodical articleKibet, L.K.; Elijah, C.M. (2003)
The economic performance in Kenya's manufacturing sector
Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education. Volume 4 #2-3. July. p. 238-255.

Periodical articleMbeche, I.M.; Nyamwange, S.O. (2003)
Operations strategies applied for the competitiveness of Kenyan large manufacturing firms
Hekima. Volume 2 #1. p. 23-40.

Periodical articleNyong'o, P.A. (2003)
Economic recovery: the overall goal of our society
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). June 30. p. 39-41.

Periodical articleJambiya, G. (2001)
The economic benefits of forest conservation in the Udzungwa Mountain National Park and Kilombero Valley, Tanzania
Innovation (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 8 #2. July. p. 24-27.

Periodical articleSambo, M. (2001)
Impacts des valeurs socio-culturelles et traditionnelles sur la performance des PME au Caméroun
Revue africaine des sciences économiques et de gestion. Volume 3 #1. janvier-juin. p. 113-143.

Periodical articleMwebya, E. (2000)
The strategic approach to payment system development in Uganda
Ugandan Banker. Volume 8 #3. September-October. p. 29-33.

Periodical articleN'Guettia Kouassi, René (2000)
See this publicationLes contre-performances de l'agro-industrie ivoirienne: un essai de justification par l'approche structuraliste du paradigme structure-comportement-performance (SCP)
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 25 #1-2. p. 49-73.

Periodical articleSeife D. (2000)
Prudential performance of the Ethiopian banking sector (1991/92-1997/98)
Economic Focus (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). Volume 3 #4. August-September. p. 27-31.

Periodical articleAbbas, A. (1999)
The debate behind the currency crisis in Zimbabwe
Southern Africa Political & Economic Monthly. Volume 12 #4. April. p. 31-35.

Periodical articleAbbas, A. (1999)
Inflation trends in Sudan
Southern Africa Political & Economic Monthly. Volume 12 #2. January-February. p. 40-44.

Periodical articleAdedeji, A. (1999)
The future competitiveness of African economics: issues and prospects for 2000 and beyond
Southern Africa Political & Economic Monthly. Volume 12 #5. May. p. 31-35,51.

Periodical articleChikwanha-Dzenga, A. (1999)
The political dimension of transforming state owned enterprises in Zimbabwe
Southern Africa Political & Economic Monthly. Volume 12 #8. August. p. 33-40.

Periodical articleChipeta, C. (1999)
The Malawian economy under the first multi-party government
Southern Africa Political & Economic Monthly. Volume 12 #5. May. p. 3642.

Periodical articleFoming, C. (1999)
Chocs extérieurs, desalignement du taux de change reel et croissance économique au Cameroun
Economie et gestion appliquées. Volume 1 #2. juil.-déc.. p. 47-65.

Periodical articleMaliti, T.; Kantai, P.; Muchai, E. (1999)
Promise keepers ... promise breakers
Executive (Nairobi, Kenya). February. p. 19-30.

Periodical articleMbanga, G.N. (1999)
The impact of trade liberalisation on the external debt burden of Cameroon
Revue africaine des sciences économiques et de gestion. Volume 1 #2. déc.. p. 93-106.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1998)
It's the economy, stupid!
East African Alternatives. September-October. p. 29-31.

Periodical articleMashimi, J.B. (1998)
See this publicationModel for evaluating social factors in national and international government policies
African Journal of Finance and Management. Volume 7 #1. July. p. 69-83.

Periodical articleNandjaa, T. (1998)
Competition policy: protectionist or competitive
Namibia Review. Volume 7 #1. January. p. 15-19.

Periodical articlePereira-Lunghu, Jacob M. (1998)
See this publicationAgricultural Policy and Performance in Liberia (1920-1990): Implications for Policy in Post-Civil War Liberia
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 23 #1. p. 127-142.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1997-1998)
GDP to grow by 5% in 1997 as against 5.8% in 1996
Business Year Book (Port Louis, Mauritius). p. 8-9.

Periodical articleMauritius Chamber of Commerce and Industry (1997-1998)
Economic review for 1996
Business Year Book (Port Louis, Mauritius). p. 10-13.

Periodical articleBloch, E.W. (1997)
Economic upturn continues
Zimbabwe Chartered Accountant. Volume 3 #2. March-April. p. 19-20.

Periodical articleKimenyi, M. (1997)
Asians and the economy
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). May 13-26. p. 14-17.

Periodical articleLungu, J. (1997)
Privatising property rights: the structural adjustment programmes and land policy in Zambia
Journal of Business (Kitwe, Zambia). Volume 1 #1. January-June. p. 74-93.

Periodical articleMolefe, G.B. (1997)
What determines the performance of firms: ownership or management structure?
African Journal of Finance and Management. Volume 5 #2. January. p. 114-117.

Periodical articleNtando, B. (1997)
Enhancing productivity and competitiveness of the Swaziland economy through regional integration
Economic Digest (Mbabane, Swaziland). Volume 8 #4. December. p. 23-34.

Periodical articleRossiter, S.; Pellegrin, S.; Hill, K.; Bunting, A.; Robinson, S.; Mason, T.; Boitumelo, T.; Madiba, A. (1997)
See this publicationThe Present Importance and Future Potential of Veld Products in the Livelihoods of Villagers from the Tswapong Hills
Abstract presentBotswana Notes and Records. Volume 29. p. 9-22.

Periodical articleThisen, J.K. (1997)
The economic role of the state in Africa: past trends and future options
African Journal of Public Administration and Management. Volume 8-09 #2. July. p. 1-24, Errata.

Periodical articleWong Sak Hoi, L. (1997)
A review of the 1996 milling season
Revue agricole et sucrière de l'île Maurice. Volume 76 #1. janv.-avril. p. 31-35.

Periodical articleBloch, E.W. (1996)
1995, an economic annus horribilis
Zimbabwe Chartered Accountant. Volume 2 #2. March-April. p. 7-9.

Periodical articleDia, M. (1996)
Sub-Saharan Africa: improving institutional and economic performance
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 8 #3. September. p. 201-203.

Periodical articleKuria, K. (1996)
Taming the tiger
Executive (Nairobi, Kenya). February. p. 15-23.

Periodical articleNindi, B.C. (1996)
The performance of the public sector and economic reforms in Sub-Saharan countries
Journal of Eastern African Research and Development. Volume 26. p. 91-114.

Periodical articleShaw, N. (1996)
The future is good for the sugar industry and we have to work hard to keep the cost down
Prosi. #327. avril. p. 14-21.

Periodical articleShelley, S. (1996)
Riding the tiger
Executive (Nairobi, Kenya). December-Jan.. p. 30-33.

Periodical articleShelley, S. (1996)
The case of the vanishing tourist
Executive (Nairobi, Kenya). April. p. 20-25.

Periodical articleWachira, J.G. (1996)
Improving public sector performance
Accountant (Nairobi, Kenya). July-September. p. 15-16.

Periodical articleWong Sak Hoi, L. (1996)
A review of the 1995 milling season
Revue agricole et sucrière de l'île Maurice. Volume 75 #1. janv.-avril. p. 26-30.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1995-1996)
Tourism: slackening growth in 1995
Business Year Book (Port Louis, Mauritius). p. 32, 33-34.

Periodical articleBeekharry, D. (1995-1996)
GDP growth: 5.3 % in 1995 and forecast of 5.8 % in 1996
Business Year Book (Port Louis, Mauritius). p. 6-7.

Periodical articleMauritius Chamber of Commerce and Industry. (1995-1996)
Economic review for 1995
Business Year Book (Port Louis, Mauritius). p. 8-12.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1995)
The economy: what businessmen should expect in 1995
Business Trend Review. #47. April. p. 6-8.

Periodical articleKapata, D. (1995)
Africa, whose governance
Southern Africa Political & Economic Monthly. Volume 9 #3-4. December-Jan. 1996. p. 23-24.

Periodical articleMtatifikolo, F.P. (1995)
Public and private enterprises and the reform programme in Tanzania
Abstract presentJournal of Eastern African Research and Development. Volume 25. p. 171-187.

Periodical articleTaddesse, Eshete (1995)
The State and Performance of Public Enterprises in Ethiopia
Ethiopian Journal of Economics. Volume 4 #1. April. p. 1-38.

Periodical articleBenimadhu, S. (1994-1995)
1994, an overview of world economics
Business Year Book (Port Louis, Mauritius). p. 21-27.

Periodical articleJoory, D. (1994-1995)
Developments and prospects in the Mauritian offshore sector
Business Year Book (Port Louis, Mauritius). p. 77-81.

Periodical articleKhushiram, S. (1994-1995)
The stock exchange: reaching new heights
Business Year Book (Port Louis, Mauritius). p. 51-54.

Periodical articleMayer, C. (1994-1995)
1994, a year of fundamental changes
Business Year Book (Port Louis, Mauritius). p. 29-31.

Periodical articleRajabalee, M.I. (1994-1995)
Role and evolution of the offshore sector in Mauritius
Business Year Book (Port Louis, Mauritius). p. 82-88.

Periodical articleSithanen, R. (1994-1995)
The combination of good growth rate and low inflation is a good achievement for the country
Business Year Book (Port Louis, Mauritius). p. 11-18.

Periodical articleAdadevoh, D. (1994)
The African of tomorrow
Resources (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 5 #1. p. 31-33.

Periodical articleAmlani, A. (1994)
Back to basics
Executive (Nairobi, Kenya). June. p. 15-16.

Periodical articleAmlani, A. (1994)
Serve hot
Executive (Nairobi, Kenya). July. p. 13-14.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1994)
One of the most innovative companies in the world
Business Trend Review. #43. December. p. 7-8.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1994)
Madatally Manji: the inside story of East Africa's most authentic industrialist
Business Trend Review. #39. August. p. 15-26.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1994)
Who's afraid of Diamond Systems?
Business Trend Review. #36 [i.e. 37]. June. p. 7-8.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1994)
Analyse de la récolte sucrière de 1993 par la Chambre d'agriculture
Prosi. #303. avril. p. 30-32.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1994)
Globalization of trade relations
Focus on African Industry. Volume 6 #2. December. p. 8-12.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1994)
Globalization of the industrial sector and technology: perspectives for Africa
Focus on African Industry. Volume 6 #2. December. p. 1-7.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1994)
Africa's economic performance in 1992
Ethiopian Trade Journal. Volume 11 #1. March. p. 20-23, 29.

Periodical articleCader, Y. (1994)
The export processing zone: sustained growth
Industry Focus. #13. January-February. p. 9-11.

Periodical articleChiduza, C.; Waddington, S.R.; Mariga, I.K. (1994)
Grain yield and economic performance of experimental open-pollinated varieties and released hybrids of maize in a remote semi-arid area of Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe Journal of Agricultural Research. Volume 32 #1. p. 33-43.

Periodical articleDlamini, S.A. (1994)
Swaziland Posts and Telecommunications Corporation: its economic context, vision and strategies
Economic Digest (Mbabane, Swaziland). Volume 5 #3. September. p. 46-52.

Periodical articleElbadawi, Ibrahim A. (1994)
World Bank Adjustment Lending and Economic Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa: Some Indicative Results
Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 10 #1. January. p. 1-22.

Periodical articleFeeley, S. (1994)
Avoiding the debt snare
Southern African Economist. Volume 7 #5. June. p. 13-14.

Periodical articleHardy, M. (1994)
Commercialisation de la récolte sucrière 1993
Prosi. #303. avril. p. 46-47.

Periodical articleKamidza, R. (1994)
Productivity management: the trump-card for Zimbabwe's industries
Southern Africa Political & Economic Monthly. Volume 7 #12. September. p. 28-29.

Periodical articleMabaso, C. (1994)
ESAP and the arts
Southern Africa Political & Economic Monthly. Volume 7 #6. March. p. 34-36.

Periodical articleMhone, G.C.Z. (1994)
Can ESAP sustainability transform the non-formal sectors in Zimbabwe?. Pt. 1, The problem
Southern Africa Political & Economic Monthly. Volume 7 #7. April. p. 47-49.

Periodical articleMinney, T. (1994)
Worries for the future
Southern African Economist. Volume 7 #5. June. p. 11-12.

Periodical articleMonyo, J.M. (1994)
The application of financial ratios in prediction of business performance
IFM Journal of Finance Management. Volume 3 #1. July. p. 87-106.

Periodical articleOjulu, E. (1994)
The 1994 budget: who's joking
Executive (Nairobi, Kenya). June. p. 31-32.

Periodical articleRead, A. (1994)
Parastatal performance under ESAP and the development of the private sector in Zimbabwe
Dialogue with Africa. May. p. 1-4.

Periodical articleRicaud, C. (1994)
La récolte sucrière 1993, les effets nefastes des perturbations climatiques
Prosi. #303. avril. p. 34-39.

Periodical articleRiedel, J. (1994)
The productive sectors in East Germany after reunification
Dialogue with Africa. May. p. 5-8.

Periodical articleRobertson, J. (1994)
A dual economy perspective
Social Change and Development. #36. December. p. 3-4.

Periodical articleRutashobya, L. (1994)
The role and performance of women's retail co-operatives
Business Management Review. Volume 3 #2. July-December. p. 74-87.

Periodical articleTyack, J.C. (1994)
Combien de sucre coûte un cyclone?
Prosi. #302. mars. p. 14-16.

Periodical articleWainaina, T. (1994)
Burnt offerings
Executive (Nairobi, Kenya). July. p. 9-10.

Periodical articleYankson, P.W.K. (1994)
The economic efficiency of urban and rural small-scale aluminium industries in Ghana
Abstract presentJournal of Eastern African Research and Development. Volume 24. p. 126-138.

Periodical articleBenimadhu, S. (1993-1994)
1993, an overview of world economics
Business Year Book (Port Louis, Mauritius). p. 24-28.

Periodical articleCurrimjee, F. (1993-1994)
Our future is not in basic classical commodities
Business Year Book (Port Louis, Mauritius). p. 56-59.

Periodical articleGujadhur, S. (1993-1994)
The Mauritian offshore centre has performed extremely well in 1993
Business Year Book (Port Louis, Mauritius). p. 79-83.

Periodical articlePochun, J. (1993-1994)
Small and medium industries in Mauritius
Business Year Book (Port Louis, Mauritius). p. 62-65.

Periodical articleAbdalla, P.M.K. (1993)
The preferential trade area: please take advantage
Executive (Nairobi, Kenya). October. p. 19-20.

Periodical articleAkolo, K. (1993)
Camel, the ideal economic option for pastoralist Maasai?
EcoNews Africa. Volume 2 #12. September. p. 4-5.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1993)
Denial of foreign aid
Business Trend Review. #29. October. p. 11-12.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1993)
The company that could find no customers
Business Trend Review. #21. February. p. 9, 18.

Periodical articleGithiora, B. (1993)
General Tyre; FK Motors: private virtues, public virtues
Executive (Nairobi, Kenya). November. p. 51-53.

Periodical articleLamusse, J.P. (1993)
A review of the 1992 milling season in Mauritius
Revue agricole et sucrière de l'île Maurice. Volume 72 #1-2. janv.-août. p. 20-24.

Periodical articleMatsebula, M.S. (1993)
Factoring the behaviour of social partners into the performance of the Swazi economy
Economic Digest (Mbabane, Swaziland). Volume 4 #1. March. p. 1-63.

Periodical articleMusa, E.A. (1993)
Comparative Performance of Public and Private Sector Companies in the Sugar Industry in Sudan
Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 9 #1. January. p. 39-58.

Periodical articleOni, J.O. (1993)
Factors of success of small and medium scale enterprises in a developing economy-lesson for Botswana
SAMS Working Paper Series. #93003. December. p. 36-61.

Periodical articleTsie, B. (1993)
The political context of Botswana's development performance
Southern Africa Political & Economic Monthly. Volume 6 #12. September. p. 35-39.

Periodical articleWarah, R. (1993)
Talking options
Overdrive (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 3 #1. January. p. 8-9.

Search: su=Economic performance
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