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Search: su=Mythology
Found: 45 Record 1-45

Periodical articleAnonymous (2009)
A hundred years of Napolo
WASI: [bulletin]. Volume 19 #2. April. p. 15-19.

Periodical articleSchmidt, Sigrid (2009)
Haiseb, the mythical trickster of the Damara, and his relatives, the tricksters of the /Xam and the Baka
Abstract presentJournal - Namibia Scientific Society. Volume 57. p. 21-29.

Periodical articleVan der Merwe, Jan P. (2009)
An anthropological perspective on Afrikaner narrative and myths
Identity, Culture and Politics: an Afro-Asian Dialogue. Volume 10 #1. July. p. 30-50.

Periodical articleNdege, P.O. (2008)
Making texts speak: the interpretation and significance of Jok, Simbi, and Nyamgondho in the historical experience of the Luo of Southern Nyanza
Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education. Volume 7 #2-3. p. 48-63.

Periodical articleDiandue, B.K.P. (2006)
Quand on accepte, on dit oui: le roman entre mythe et histoire, un roman pluriel?
Éthiopiques: revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine. #76. 1er semestre. p. 157-168.

Periodical articleRaymond, A. (2006)
The soteriological meaning of Caiaphas' prophecy concerning Jesus' death (Jn 11: 49b-50) in the light of two African myths
African Christian Studies. Volume 22 #1. March. p. 52-78.

Periodical articleKayishema, J. (2005)
Mythes et croyances au couer du génocide de 1994 au Rwanda
Etudes rwandaises. Volume 9. September. p. 38-68.

Periodical articleAttuquayefio, D.K. (2004)
See this publicationThe snakes of Ghana: myth, science and reality
Ghana Journal of Science. Volume 44. p. 73-86.

Periodical articleChondoka, Y.A. (2004)
The missionary factor, the Balowoka and the Ngoni myth in the Tumbuka historiography
Zambia Journal of History. Volume 1 #9. p. 72-82.

Periodical articleOreyo, O. (2004)
Omieri - the 'rain-bringer'
Swara. Volume 27 #2. April-June. p. 28-30.

Periodical articleKayishema, J. (2003)
La dimension mythico-rituelle de huis-clos de Jean-Paul Sartre
Etudes rwandaises. Volume 7. September. p. 117-137.

Periodical articleKiiru, M. (2003)
As flies to boys are we to the Gods: human identity in Kenyan myths
Nairobi Journal of Literature. #1. March. p. 15-22.

Periodical articleMwamula-Lubandi (2002)
Origins of people: clan and tribal leadership romanticisation
African Journal of Leadership and Conflict Management. Volume 1 #1. March. p. 77-96.

Periodical articleOgunleye, Foluke (2002)
Preserving culture through new artistic forms: the case of Duro Ladipo's folkloric theatre
Abstract presentResearch Review. Volume 18 #2. p. 63-71.

Periodical articleBundjoko B. (2001)
La canne de Mobutu et le sens de l'histoire
Likundoli. Histoire et devenir. Volume 3 #1. p. 56-108.

Periodical articleEssono, J.M. (2001)
L'expression du temps chez les Beti
African Journal of Applied Linguistics. #2. April. p. 152-163.

Periodical articleKpeebi, K. (2000)
The concept of the supreme being among the Koma people of northern Ghana
Research Review. #14. June. p. 29-33.

Periodical articleMenyomo, E. (2000)
What is peace?
Dialogue & Reconciliation. #1. 2nd semester. p. 77-80.

Periodical articleKaranja, F. (1999)
Kikuyu culture revisited
NMK Horizons. Volume 3 #3. November. p. 3-6.

Periodical articleSchoffeleers, Matthew (1999)
Protest against Political Despotism: Mbona and the Sacred Pangolin
Religion in Malawi. #9. November. p. 23-27.

Periodical articleSankharé, O. (1998)
Senghor et la mythologie grecque dans 'Chants d'ombres'
Éthiopiques: revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine. #60. p. 25-27.

Periodical articleTimothy-Asobele, S.J. (1998)
Le roi Christophe d'Aimé Césaire: une figure historique et une figure mythique devenue un mythe littéraire
Éthiopiques: revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine. #60. p. 41-48.

Periodical articleOdegi-Awuondo, C. (1997)
Myths and myth making
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). July 8-21. p. 26-27.

Periodical articleParry, E. (1997)
Potency and power: the painted snakes of the Matopo
Zimbabwean Prehistory. #22. April. p. 21-25.

Periodical articleRalambomanana, P. (1997)
La poule de Dieu
Talily. #5-6. p. 179-184.

Periodical articleMutema, L. (1996)
Salt making, myth and conflict in Chireya
Zimbabwea. #4. April. p. 44-53.

Periodical articleMorupisi, D. (1995)
Myths, legends and beliefs among Batswana
Kutlwano. Volume 33 #11. November. p. 4-5, 33.

Periodical articleMotoshi, M. (1995)
Le Muntu ne meurt que pour vivre
Telema. Volume 21 #82. avril-juin. p. 37-43.

Periodical articleCallinicos, S. (1994)
A man among men: the making of the Rhodesian hero
Zimbabwean Review. December. p. 26-29.

Periodical articleChapeau, B. (1994)
Eléments de mythologie méditerranéenne dans l'oeuvre de Nikos Kazantzaki
Travaux & documents (Université de la Réunion. Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines). #5. October. p. 131-138.

Periodical articleEmeghara, N. (1994)
The osu caste system in Nigeria: a Christian response
Africa Journal of Evangelical Theology. Volume 13 #1. p. 26-43.

Periodical articleHulstaert, Gustaaf (1994)
La venue des Ntomba et Bolenge
Abstract presentAnnales aequatoria. Volume 15. p. 51-58.

Periodical articleNgira-Batware C. (1994)
Lyangombe: prince de la cour céleste
Bosquet. Volume 1 #3. févr.. p. 17-20.

Periodical articleYoka L.M. (1994)
Mythologie de la violence à Kinshasa
Zaïre-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 34 #282. février. p. 83-88.

Periodical articleMuzungu, B. (1993)
La fonction ethique du conte africain
Au coeur de l'Afrique. Volume 61 #3-4. juil.-déc.. p. 401-428.

Periodical articleHoupert-Merly, D. (1992)
Approches d'un continent absent
Travaux & documents (Université de la Réunion. Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines). #1. October. p. 119-131.

Periodical articleNazombe, A. (1992)
Myth and literature in Africa, the theoretical issues
Tizame. #3. July. p. 28-36.

Periodical articleNtedika K. (1992)
A la rencontre de Dieu: considérations sur l'apport des Cahiers des religions africaines
Cahiers des religions africaines. Volume 25-26 #49-52. p. 33-47.

Periodical articleWaegeman, M. (1992)
On Semonides fragm. 7, fables and old creation myths
Journal of Humanities. #6. October. p. 43-51.

Periodical articleWainaina, P.K. (1991)
The demythologization of philosophical knowledge
Kenya Journal of Education. Volume 5 #1. p. 149-173.

Periodical articleWillis, Roy (1991)
The Great Mother and the God of the Lake: Royal and Priestly Power in Ulungu
Abstract presentZambia Journal of History. #4. p. 21-29.

Periodical articleBirigamba, J. (1990)
The role of the Banyarwanda myths
Occasional Research Papers. Volume 34. December. p. 1-23.

Periodical articleFarelius, B. (1989)
Mythology in Karagwe: a starting point for a religio-historical study about interlacustrine kingship symbolism
Abstract presentThe African Mind: A Journal of Religion and Philosophy in Africa. Volume 1 #1. p. 156-163.

Periodical articleRakotoarimanitra, E. (1987)
Note sur Nosy Lonjo
Omaly sy anio: revue d'études historiques. #25-26. p. 47-51.

Periodical articleTsitindry, J.B. (1987)
Navian'ny tsangan-tsainy
Omaly sy anio: revue d'études historiques. #25-26. p. 31-40.

Search: su=Mythology
Found: 45 Record 1-45

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