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Search: su=Sea transport
Found: 13 Record 1-13

Periodical articleOlukoju, Ayodeji (2001-2002)
Getting Too Great a Grip: European Shipping Lines and British West African Lighterage Services in the 1930s
Abstract presentAfrika Zamani: revue annuelle d'histoire africaine = Annual Journal of African History. #9-10. p. 19-40.

Periodical articleOmenda, M.C. (1998)
Maritime structures at the Kenyan coast
Kenya Engineer. Volume 19 #6. November-December. p. 23-25.

Periodical articleGoreeba, S. (1995)
Evolutions récentes des transports maritimes dans la région Océan Indien
Financier (Port Louis, Mauritius). #3. December. p. 12-15.

Periodical articleUdoka, Ini Akpan (1995)
See this publicationThe Shipping Industry in the Lower Cross River Region, Nigeria: 1865-1955
Abstract presentTransafrican Journal of History. Volume 24. p. 205-215.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1994)
Mieux connaître le syndicat des sucres: un entrtien avec son directeur, M. Michel Hardy
Prosi. #305. juin. p. 20-24.

Periodical articleRasoanarivo, H. (1994)
Affaire SMTM: le flou artistique
Revue de l'océan Indien Madagascar. #133. août. p. 32-33.

Periodical articleRoy, M. (1994)
The Mauritius sugar syndicate: transparently yours
Prosi. #305. juin. p. 26-28,31-34.

Periodical articleStiles, Daniel N. (1992)
The Ports of East Africa, the Comoros, and Madagascar: Their Place in Indian Ocean Trade from 1-1500 AD
Kenya Past and Present. #24. p. 27-36.

Periodical articleIleka E. (1990)
La coopération dans le domaine des transports maritimes en Afrique de l'ouest et du centre
Magazine du chargeur. #1. 2éme trimestre. p. 15-22.

Periodical articleMubili N. (1990)
Exportations Zaïroises par les ports maritimes nationaux
Magazine du chargeur. #1. 2éme trimestre. p. 36-37.

Periodical articleUnamaca M. (1990)
L'industrie maritime Zaïroise: pour quel lendemain?
Magazine du chargeur. #1. 2éme trimestre. p. 29-33.

Periodical articleMbunda, L.X. (1989)
Tanzania and international conventions on carriage of goods by sea: a historical study
Abstract presentLesotho Law Journal: A Journal of Law and Development. Volume 5 #1. p. 139-152.

Periodical articlePaiva, M. (1988)
The Lobito corridor: window on the Atlantic for Southern Africa
SADCC Energy. Volume 6 #17. p. 3-5.

Search: su=Sea transport
Found: 13 Record 1-13

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