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Search: au=0000000115878578
Found: 4 Record 1-4

Periodical articleKashoki, Mubanga E. (1998-1999)
Language policy in multilingual countries vis-à-vis language maintenance, language shift and language death
Abstract presentThe Journal of Humanities (Lusaka). Volume 2. p. 41-62.

Periodical articleKashoki, Mubanga E. (1996)
The Institute for African Studies in the University of Zambia and the Future of Social Science Research into the 21st Century
African Social Research. #37-38. December-June 1997. p. 27-39.

Periodical articleKashoki, Mubanga E. (1994)
A Battle Lost in the Frontline
Abstract presentAfrica Insight. Volume 24 #4. p. 287-292.

Periodical articleKashoki, Mubanga E. (1980)
Educational Reform without Social Reform: The Case of Zambia
Third World Quarterly. Volume 2 #1. July. p. 120-125.

Search: au=0000000115878578
Found: 4 Record 1-4

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