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Search: ge=Benin
Found: 63 Record 1-63

BookIbikounlé, Salami Yacoubou (2016)
Politiques d'éducation/formation et coopération internationale décentralisée au Bénin
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines, Série education. 641p.

BookAttenoukon, Serge Armel (2015)
TIC, motivation et rendement académique: quels liens en contexte africain?
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 374p.

Periodical articleCharton, Hélène; Fichtner, Sarah (eds.) (2015)
Le dossier: faire l'école
Abstract presentPolitique africaine. #139. p. 7-121.

BookEyebiyi, Elieth (2015)
See this publicationLes pratiques d'éveil essentielles dans le département de l'Atlantique (Bénin): connaissances, attitudes et pratiques dans les communes de Zè et Sô Ava
Niamey: LASDEL. Études et travaux #114. 33p.

BookGohy, Gilles Expédit (2015)
Éducation et gouvernance politique au Bénin: du danxomè à l'ère démocratique
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines, Série education. 557p.

BookHazoumê, Marc Laurent (2014)
Réinventer l'université: approches de solutions pour l'emploi des jeunes au Bénin
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 159p.

BookMossi, Aziz (2014)
See this publicationL'alphabétisation comme catégorie d'intervention publique au Bénin: aperçu socio-historique
Niamey: LASDEL. Études et travaux #111. 41p.

BookPeters, Andrea (2014)
See this publicationIslamische Bildung in Benin: Lehrer als Akteure des Wandels
Mainz: Institut für Ethnologie und Afrikastudien, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität. Arbeitspapiere #145. 75p.

Periodical issueManda, Damiano K. (ed.) (2013)
See this publicationInstitutions and service delivery in Africa
Abstract presentJournal of African Economies. Volume 22. Supplement 2 (August). 83p.

BookFichtner, Sarah (2012)
The NGOisation of education: case studies from Benin
Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. Mainzer Beiträge zur Afrika-Forschung #31. 196p.

Conference paperFalola, Toyin; Fwatshak, S.U. (eds.) (2011)
Beyond tradition: African women in cultural and political spaces
Abstract presentTrenton, NJ: Africa World Press (AWP). 368p.

BookAgossou, Sohe-Ajifiôwôwe Noukpo (2008)
Évadé des prisons de K: récit
Porto-Novo: CAAREC Editions. Collection 'Témoignages. 184p.

BookKarsenti, Thierry; Tchombe, Therese M.S.; Toure, Kathryn (eds.) (2008)
ICT and changing mindsets in education = Repenser l'éducation à l'aide des TIC
Abstract presentBamenda: Langaa RPCIG. 196p.

BookKitetu, Catherine Wawasi (ed.) (2008)
Gender, science and technology: perspectives from Africa
Abstract presentDakar: CODESRIA. Gender series #6. 177p.

Periodical articleKünzler, Daniel (2008)
'The State has resigned': transformations in the educational system of Benin, West Africa
Viva Africa. p. 251-262.

Conference paperOlukoshi, Adebayo; Diarra, Mohamed Chérif (eds.) (2007)
Enjeux du financement et de la planification de l'éducation en Afrique: ce qui marche et ce qui ne marche pas = Challenges of education financing and planning in Africa
Dakar: CODESRIA. 147p.

Periodical articleAboh, Sessi S.F. (2006)
What it Means to Become Somebody: The Power of Perception and Girls' Educational Choices in Benin, Africa
Journal of Negro Education. Volume 75 #4. Fall. p. 606-620.

Dissertation / thesisCave-Lewis, Brett L. (2006)
Exploring Girls' Education and Vodoun in Bopa, Benin
M.A. Thesis: School for International Training, Brattleboro, Vermont. 49p.

Periodical articleEloundou-Enyegue, Parfait M.; Calvès, Anne-Emmanuèle (2006)
See this publicationTill Marriage Do Us Part: Education and Remittances from Married Women in Africa
Comparative Education Review. Volume 50 #1. February. p. 1-20.

Periodical articleToure, Kathryn (2006)
Impact of Conflict in Africa
Forced Migration Review. Volume Supplement. July. p. 17.

Dissertation / thesisAnderson, Sonya (2005)
Girls' Education and the 'Pedagogy of Difference': A Study of Teacher Attitudes and Gender-Equitable Pedagogy in Benin
Ed.D. Dissertation: Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

BookBoko, Sylvain H.; Baliamoune-Lutz, Mina; Kimuna, Sitawa R. (eds.) (2005)
Women in African Development: The Challenges of Globalization and Liberalization in the 21st Century
Trenton, New Jersey: Africa World Press. 199p.

BookSchmidt, Monique Maria (American) (2005)
Last Moon Dancing: A Memoir of Love and Real Life in Africa
Santa Monica, CA: Clover Park Press. 227p.

Periodical articleGlynn, Judith R.; Carael, Michel; Buve, Anne; Anagonou, Severin; Zekeng, Leopold (2004)
Does Increased General Schooling Protect against HIV Infection? A Study in Four African Cities
Tropical Medicine and International Health. Volume 9 #1. January. p. 4-14.

BookWible, Brent (2004)
See this publicationMaking Schools Safe for Girls: Combating Gender-Based Violence in Benin
Washington, D.C.: Academy of Educational Research (AED). December. 24p.

Dissertation / thesisYost, Erika (2004)
The Impact of National and International Neglect of Teachers and Resulting Teacher Strikes on World Learning's Project Community Action for Girls' Education (CAGE), le Benin 2002-2003
M.A. Thesis: School for International Training, Brattleboro, Vermont. 50p.

Periodical articleKays, Lisa (2003)
Empowering Girls in Education: Fixing the Girls of Fixing the Problem?
Off Our Backs. Volume 33 #11-12. November-December. p. 19-25.

Periodical articleOtaala, Barnabas (2003)
The Universities' Response to HIV/AIDS: Selected Examples from Africa
African Symposium: An On-Line African Educational Research Journal. Volume 3 #2. July.

Periodical articlePoncelet, Marc (2003)
Afrique: crise de l'Université nationale, développement et institutionnalisation des inégalités: le cas du Bénin
Abstract presentBulletin des séances = Mededelingen der zittingen. Volume 49 #2. p. 99-119.

Book chapterAbdoulaye, Galilou (2002)
The graduates of Islamic universities in Benin: A modern elite seeking social, religious and political recognition
In: Islam in Africa. p. 129-146.

BookAssaba, Claude (2002)
L'éducation dans la société africaine
Paris: L'Harmattan. Cahiers africains de recherche en éducation #1. 161p.

BookHuannou, Adrien; Zinsou, Edgar Okiki; Gomez, Michel-Robert (2002)
Biokou Salomon: 100 ans de présence
Cotonou: Éditions du Flamboyant. Bâtisseurs de la nation #1. 108p.

BookOdotei, Irene K. (2002)
Sea Power, Money Power: Ghanaian Migrant Fisherman and Women in the Republic of Benin
Legon, Ghana: University of Ghana, Legon, Institute of African Studies. Education and Cultural Heritage Series. 130p.

BookHegeman, B.L. (2001)
Between glory and shame: A historical and systematic study of education and leadership training models among the Baatonu in North Benin
Zoetermeer: Boekencentrum. MISSION; nr. 29. 556p.

Dissertation / thesisHegeman, B.L. (2001)
Between glory and shame: a historical and systematic study of education and leadership training models among the Baatonu in North Benin
Zoetermeer: Boekencentrum. MISSION #29. 556p.

Periodical articleLagarde, Emmanuel; Carael, Michel; Glynn, Judith R.; Kanhonou, L.; Abega, S.C.; Kahindo, Maina; Musonda, Rosemary M.; Auvert, Bertran; Buve, Anne (2001)
Educational Level is Associated with Condom Use within Non-Spousal Partnerships in Four Cities of Sub-Saharan Africa
AIDS. Volume 15 #11. July 27. p. 1399-1408.

Periodical articleSeclonde, Hospice (2001)
Universities and HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Benin
African Symposium: An On-Line African Educational Research Journal. Volume 1 #3. August.

Periodical articleUchudi, Joseph M. (2001)
Spouses' Socioeconomic Characteristics and Fertility Differences in Sub-Saharan Africa: Does Spouse's Education Matter?
Journal of Biosocial Science. Volume 33 #4. October. p. 481-502.

BookBrunette, Tracy; Fair, Kristi; Padgett, Linda (2000)
DHS EdData education profiles for Africa: data from the demographic and health surveys
Washington, DC: U.S. Agency for International Development. 81p.

Periodical articleFiorelli, Costanza (2000)
See this publicationL'alfabetizzazione e l'educazione scolastica degli adepti della religione vudù in Benin
Abstract presentAfrica: rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione. Volume 55 #3. p. 363-384.

Book chapterLegonou, Fanou B. (1999)
Participation of Girls and Women in Science, Technical and Vocational Education in the Republic of Benin
In: Mariro, Augustin. 'Access of Girls and Women to Scientific, Technical and Vocational Education in Africa.' Dakar: UNESCO Regional Office for Education in Africa (BREDA).

Periodical articleReed, B.A.; Habicht, J.P.; Naimeogo, C. (1996)
The Effects of Maternal Education on Child Nutritional Status Depend on Socio-Environmental Conditions
International Journal of Epidemiology. Volume 25 #3. June. p. 585-592.

Periodical articleAmoussou-Yeye, Dénis (1994)
See this publicationDiagnostic du système éducatif béninois: éléments pour une réforme novatrice des systèmes éducatifs africains
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 19 #4. p. 165-178.

Periodical articleHugon, Philippe (1994)
La crise des systèmes éducatifs dans un contexte d'ajustement
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #172. p. 260-279.

BookWorld Bank. (1994)
Republic of Benin, Education Development Project: Third Education Project
Washington, D.C.: World Bank. Population and Human Resources Division. Occidental and Central Africa Department. 87p.

Periodical articleAmoussou, Joseph (1993)
Les problèmes de l'enseignement de l'histoire nationale en République du Bénin
Abstract presentAfrika Zamani: revue annuelle d'histoire africaine = Annual Journal of African History. #1. p. 265-274.

Dissertation / thesisNiameogo, Cyrille (1993)
Maternal Education Knowledge of Child Nutrition and Disease and Child Nutritional Status in the District of Ouidah, Benin
Ph.D. dissertation: Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. 352p.

BookAkindes, Adékpédjou S. (1987)
Formation technique supérieure en Afrique de l'Ouest francophone: tendances et perspectives: Bénin, Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, Sénégal
Abstract presentAbidjan: Centre Interafricain pour le Développement de la Formation Professionelle.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1986)
L'enseignement supérieur en République populaire du Bénin
Abstract presentEducafrica: Bulletin of the Unesco Regional Office for Education in Africa. #Special issue. p. 9-19.

Periodical articleMidiohouan, Guy Ossito (1986)
Le programme des etudes de lettres modernes a l'universite nationale du Benin: littérature africaine et littérature française: quel dosage?
Abstract presentPeuples noirs, peuples africains. Volume 9 #52. p. 41-55.

Conference paperSargent, Carolyn F.; Stark, Nancy (1986)
Interpreting the Cesarean Experience: Obstetrical Policy and Women's Responses to Technological Interventions in Childbirth
Paper presented at the 85th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA). Washington, DC.

Periodical articleBaba Moussa, Sidicou (1983)
Adult literacy and community education
Abstract presentEducafrica: Bulletin of the Unesco Regional Office for Education in Africa. #9. p. 127-132.

Periodical articleGiesecke, Michael; Elwert, Georg (1983)
See this publicationLiteracy and Emancipation: The Literacy Process in Two Cultural Revolutionary Movements (16th Century Germany and 20th Century Benin)
Abstract presentDevelopment and Change. Volume 14 #2. April. p. 255-276.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1981)
Definition of a basic education course for Adults and Youths: results of the Sub-Regional Seminar Bamako, 3-8 November 1980
Abstract presentEducafrica: Bulletin of the Unesco Regional Office for Education in Africa. #7. p. 29-61.

Periodical articleStewart, Marjorie H. (1980)
See this publicationThe Kisra Legend as Oral History
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 13 #1. p. 51-65.

Periodical articleAgoua, Florentin (1979)
La commercialisation des produits agricoles, facteur de développement rural
Abstract presentIFDA Dossier. #3. p. 1-12.

Periodical articleMensah, M. Laurentin (1979)
Technical training for adults
Abstract presentAfrican Environment: Environmental Studies and Regional Planning Bulletin. Volume 3 #3-4. p. 197-206.

Periodical articleAuroi, Claude (1977)
L'alphabétisation rurale au Nord Benin: la fin de l'exploitation commerciale des paysans
Abstract presentGenève-Afrique: acta africana. Volume 16 #1. p. 89-108.

Periodical articleSanwogou, Lardja (1976)
Gurmatche Tales
African Arts. Volume 9 #4. July.

Periodical articleHoueto, Colette Sénami (1975)
Education et mass-media
Abstract presentPrésence africaine. #95. p. 428-440.

Periodical articleKordes, Hagen (1975)
Zur Ruralisierung des Grunderziehung in West-Afrika
Abstract presentVierteljahresberichte Probleme der Entwicklungsländer. #60. p. 129-160.

Periodical articleGarcia, L. (1971)
See this publicationL'organisation de l'instruction publique au Dahomey 1894-1920
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 11 #41. p. 59-100.

Periodical articleTardits, C. (1962)
See this publicationRéflexion sur le problème de la scolarisation des filles au Dahomey
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 3 #10. p. 266-281.

Search: ge=Benin
Found: 63 Record 1-63

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