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Search: ge=Eritrea
Found: 46 Record 1-46

BookRiggan, Jennifer (2016)
The struggling state: nationalism, mass militarization, and the education of Eritrea
Philadelphia: Temple University Press. 243p.

Conference paperMafela, Lily; Musahara, Herman (eds.) (2011)
Setting of new social science research agendas for Africa in the 21st century
Addis Ababa: Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA). 205p.

Conference paperNtedika Mvumbi, Frederic (ed.) (2011)
Catholic higher education in Africa for the 21st century: proceedings of a conference held in May 2008 at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi-Kenya
Abstract presentNairobi: CUEA Press. 306p.

BookChimanikire, Donald P. (ed.) (2009)
Youth and higher education in Africa: the cases of Cameroon, South Africa, Eritrea and Zimbabwe
Abstract presentDakar: Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA). 139p.

Periodical articleMüller, Tanja R. (2008)
See this publicationBare Life and the Developmental State: Implications of the Militarisation of Higher Education in Eritrea
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 46 #1. March. p. 111-131.

BookRiggan, Jennifer (2008)
The teacher state: remaking the nation amidst political instability and policy change in Eritrean secondary schools

Periodical articleSuleman, A.; Gebreab, F.; David, R.G. (2008)
The effect of mentoring on teacher training outcomes in Eritrean elementary schools
Malawi Journal of Education and Development. Volume 2. p. 15-37.

Periodical articleKifle, Temesgen (2007)
See this publicationDo Remittances Encourage Investment in Education? Evidence from Eritrea
GEFAME Journal of African Studies. Volume 4 #1.

Periodical articleKifle, Temesgen (2006-2007)
Education and the Gender Wage Gap in Eritrea's Formal Labour Market
Australasian Review of African Studies. Volume 28. p. 111-138.

Periodical articleKifle, Temesgen (2006-2007)
Education and the Gender Wage Gap in Eritrea's Formal Labour Market
Australasian Review of African Studies. Volume 28. p. 111-137.

Periodical articleAsfaha, Yonas Mesfun; Kurvers, Jeanne; Kroon, Sjaak (2006)
Literacy use and instruction in multilingual Eritrea
African Studies Bulletin. #68. p. 70-78.

Periodical issueBarnes, Cedric (ed.) (2006)
See this publicationLanguage, power and society: orality and literacy in the Horn of Africa
Abstract presentJournal of African Cultural Studies. Volume 18 #1. 152p.

Periodical articleMüller, Tanja R. (2006)
See this publicationEducation for Social Change: Girls' Secondary Schooling in Eritrea
Development and Change. Volume 37 #2. March. p. 353-373.

Book chapterMackay, Angela (2005)
Mainstreaming Gender in United Nations Peacekeeping Training: Examples from East Timor, Ethiopia, and Eritrea
In: Mazurana, Dyan E. and Raven-Roberts, Angela and Parpart, Jane L. (eds.). Gender, Conflict and Peacekeeping. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield.

BookMüller, Tanja R. (2005)
See this publicationThe Making of Elite Women: Revolution and Nation Building in Eritrea
Leiden: Brill. Afrika-Studiecentrum series #4. 299p.

Periodical articleRena, R.V. (2005)
Eritrean education: retrospect and prospect
Eastern Africa Journal of Humanities and Sciences. Volume 5 #2. July-December. p. 1-12.

Periodical articleRena, Ravinder (2005)
Financing of Education in Eritrea: A Case Study of Zoba Maekel
African Symposium: An On-Line African Educational Research Journal. Volume 5 #3. September.

Periodical articleGhebremuse, Tecle (2004)
Survey of Eritrean Education: Traditional and Modern
Eritrean Studies Review. Volume 4 #1. p. 131-154.

Periodical articleKifle, Temesgen (2004)
Educational policy and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) development in Eritrea
African Development Perspectives Yearbook. Volume 10. p. 215-239.

Periodical articleMüller, Tanja R. (2004)
'Now I am Free' - Education and Human Resource Development in Eritrea: Contradictions in the Lives of Eritrean Women in Higher Education
Compare: A Journal of Comparative Education. Volume 34 #2. June. p. 215-229.

Dissertation / thesisJanigan, Kara (2003)
Defying the Odds: A Study of Female Students in Grade 11 in Eritrea
M.A. Thesis: University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Dissertation / thesisJanigan, Kara Patricia (2003)
Defying the odds: a study of female students in grade 11 in Eritrea
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 176p.

Periodical articleNegash, Ghirmai (2003)
Tradition of Tigrinya Oral Poetry in Eritrea
Abstract presentJournal of Eritrean Studies (Asmara). Volume 2 #1-2. May-December. p. 9-38.

Periodical articleTafla, Bairu (2003)
See this publicationRegister of International Scholars in Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies
Aethiopica: International Journal of Ethiopian Studies. Volume 6. p. 201-202.

Periodical articleWoldemikael, Tekle M. (2003)
See this publicationLanguage, Education, and Public Policy in Eritrea
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 46 #1. April. p. 117-136.

BookKifle, Temesgen (2002)
Educational Gender Gap in Eritrea
Bremen: University of Bremen, Institut fur Weltwirtschaft und Internationales. Management. 66p.

Periodical articleMahalingam, Suba (2002)
See this publicationEducation: Protecting the Rights of Displaced Children
Forced Migration Review. #15. October. p. 22-23.

Periodical articleTafla, Bairu (2002)
See this publicationRegister of International Scholars in Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies
Aethiopica: International Journal of Ethiopian Studies. Volume 5. p. 181-203.

BookBrixiova, Zuzana; Bulir, Ales; Comenetz, Joshua (2001)
The Gender Gap in Education in Eritrea, 1991-1998: A Missed Opportunity?
Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund. IMF Working Paper 01/94. July. 24p.

BookBrixova, Zuzana; Bulir, Ales; Comenetz, Joshua (2001)
The Gender Gap in Education in Eritrea in 1991-98: A Missed Opportunity?
Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund (IMF). Policy Development and Review Department, Africa Department. IMF Working Paper WP/01/94. July. 24p.

Periodical articleGerahtu, T. (2000)
Language policy in Eritrea
African Publishing Review. Volume 9 #1. p. 8-9.

Periodical articleTafla, Bairu (2000)
See this publicationRegister of International Scholars in Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies
Abstract presentAethiopica: International Journal of Ethiopian Studies. Volume 3. p. 166-187.

BookUniversity of Asmara. Female Faculty Group (1998)
Needs Assessment of Female Students at the University of Asmara: A Survey Report
Asmara: University of Asmara. Female Faculty Group. April. 34p.

BookEritrea. Ministry of Education (1997)
Girls' Education in Eritrea
Asmara: Eritrea. Ministry of Education. October. 103p.

Periodical articleGottesman, Les (1997)
The 'Political Educator' and the Rural Eritrean
Scandinavian Journal of Development Alternatives and Area Studies. Volume 16 #3-4. September-December. p. 90-103.

Periodical articleStefanos, Asgedet (1997)
Women and Education in Eritrea: A Historical and Contemporary Analysis
Harvard Educational Review. Volume 67 #4. Winter. p. 658.

Periodical articleWolde-Yesus Ammar (1997)
The Role of Asmara Students in the Eritrean Nationalist Movement: 1958-1968
Abstract presentEritrean Studies Review. Volume 2 #1. Spring. p. 59-84.

Periodical articleGottesman, Les (1996)
Hermeneutics of Literacy during Eritrea's War of Independence
Abstract presentEritrean Studies Review. Volume 1 #2. Fall. p. 71-93.

Periodical articleRyan, Kristine (1996)
Portrait of an Eritrean Lady and Her Library: The Origins of the Research and Documentation Centre in Asmara
African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific Review and Newsletter. Volume 18 #2. December. p. 10-12.

Periodical articleSullivan-Owomoyela, Joan (1996)
New Wine in an Old Bottle: Culturally Relevant Curriculum from Eritrean Indigenous Education System
Abstract presentEritrean Studies Review. Volume 1 #2. Fall. p. 1-26.

Periodical articleTeklehaimanot, Berhane (1996)
Education in Eritrea during the European Colonial Period
Abstract presentEritrean Studies Review. Volume 1 #1. Spring. p. 1-22.

Periodical articleHaile, Merhatzion (1988)
The English Ability of Learners at Elementary Level and its General Impact on Education: Case Study of 6 Elementary Schools in Asmara
Ethiopian Journal of African Studies. Volume 5 #1. July. p. 9-19.

Periodical articleRanzato, M. (1984)
The formative years at Asmara University: historical notes
Quaderni di studi Etiopici. #5. p. 100-105.

Periodical articleAhderom, Techeste (1981)
The Development of Asmara University
Abstract presentEthiopian Journal of African Studies. Volume 1 #1. June. p. 79-147.

Periodical articleMohamed, Abdisalam Y. (1980)
See this publicationEarly Muslim Education and its Role in Northeast Africa
Journal of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs. Volume 2 #1. Winter. p. 125-131.

Periodical articleHussey, E.R.J. (1954)
See this publicationEritrea Self-Governing
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 53 #213. October. p. 320-328.

Search: ge=Eritrea
Found: 46 Record 1-46

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