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Search: ge=Sierra Leone
Found: 103 Record 1-100 Next Last

Periodical articleSamarakoon, Shanil; Christiansen, Amé; Munro, Paul G. (2017)
See this publicationEquitable and Quality Education for All of Africa? The Challenges of Using ICT in Education
Abstract presentPerspectives on Global Development and Technology. Volume 16 #6. p. 645-665.

BookRöschenthaler, Ute; Schulz, Dorothea Elisabeth (eds.) (2016)
Cultural entrepreneurship in Africa
Abstract presentNew York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Routledge African studies #20. 317p.

BookCrentsil, Perpetual (2015)
See this publicationEbola, accurate information prevents rumours and panic educating leaders is one measure - along with distributing soap
Uppsala: The Nordic Africa Institute. NAI Policy Note.

Periodical articleKühne-Thies, Rahel (2015)
See this publicationAfrican identity? Mother and daughter between the currents in colonial West Africa
Abstract presentStichproben - Vienna Journal of African Studies. Volume 15 #29. p. 49-67.

BookWenz, Sebastian (2015)
Repair vs. Replacement: Ethnografie einer Kfz-Werkstatt in Kenema/Sierra Leone
Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. Topics in interdisciplinary African studies. 158p.

Periodical articleLahai, John Idriss; Ware, Helen (2013)
See this publicationEducating for Peace: The Sociocultural Dimensions of Grassroots Peace Education as a Tool for National Reconciliation and Social Forgetting in Sierra Leone
African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review. Volume 3 #2. p. 69-90.

Periodical articleSamura, Fatmata (2013)
See this publicationPeace Education for Reconstruction and Peacebuilding in Postwar African Societies
African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review. Volume 3 #2. p. 24-46.

BookJohnson, Omotunde E.G. (ed.) (2012)
Economic challenges and policy issues in early twenty-first century Sierra Leone
Abstract presentLondon: International Growth Centre. 562p.

BookKroma, Siaka (2012)
Manners maketh man: adventures of a Bo school boy
Freetown: Sierra Leonean Writers Series. Sierra Leonean writers series. 105p.

Periodical articleStrickrodt, Silke (2010)
See this publicationAfrican girls' samplers from mission schools in Sierra Leone (1820s to 1840s)
Abstract presentHistory in Africa. Volume 37. p. 189-245.

Dissertation / thesisDawson, Aprill Zanetta (2007)
Analyses of maternal and child mortality rates of five West African countries: Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Liberia, Senegal, Sierra Leone
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 32p.

Periodical articleKanu, Yatta (2007)
See this publicationTradition and Educational Reconstruction in Africa in Postcolonial and Global Times: The Case for Sierra Leone
African Studies Quarterly. Volume 9 #3. Spring. p. 65-84.

Periodical articleMcGinn, T.; Allen, K. (2006)
See this publicationImproving Refugees' Reproductive Health through Literacy in Guinea
Global Public Health. Volume 1 #3. October. p. 229-248.

Book chapterSteady, Filomina (2006)
Women's Associations and Female Education in Sierra Leone
In: Dixon-Fyle, Mac and Cole, Gibril R. (eds.). New Perspectives on the Sierra Leone Krio. New York: Peter Lang. American University Studies, Series 9 Volume 204.

BookSteady, Filomina (2006)
Women and Collective Action in Africa: Development, Democratization, and Empowerment, with Special Reference to Sierra Leone
New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 208p.

Periodical articleToure, Kathryn (2006)
Impact of Conflict in Africa
Forced Migration Review. Volume Supplement. July. p. 17.

Conference paperBeoku-Betts, Josephine (2005)
Science and Technology to Me is the Bedrock of Any Nation's Development: Perspectives and Contributions of Sierra Leone Women Scientists
Paper presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association (ASA), November 17-November 20, 2005, Washington, DC. New Brunswick, New Jersey, Rutgers University.

BookCornwall, Andrea (ed.) (2005)
Readings in Gender in Africa
Abstract presentBloomington, IN; Oxford: Indiana University Press; James Currey. 247p.

Periodical articleHeninger, Lori (2005)
See this publicationWho is Doing What and Where?
Forced Migration Review. #22. January. p. 7-8.

Periodical articleHoffman, Danny (2005)
Violent Events as Narrative Blocs: The Disarmament at Bo, Sierra Leone
Anthropological Quarterly. Volume 78 #2. Spring. p. 329-353.

Periodical articleJackson, Michael (2005)
Storytelling Events, Violence, and the Appearance of the Past
Anthropological Quarterly. Volume 78 #2. Spring. p. 355-375.

BookForum for African Women Educationalists (2004)
Ensuring the Education of Girls during Conflict: Sierra Leone
Nairobi: Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE). FAWE Best Practices #4. 20p.

Periodical articleJones, Eldred D. (2004)
See this publicationAspects of African Diaspora: Blood Letting or Transfusion?
GEFAME Journal of African Studies. Volume 1 #1.

Periodical articleRippon, Thomas J.; Willow, Stan (2004)
Sierra Leone: A Model for a Program for Action for a Culture of Peace
Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution. Volume 6 #1. Fall. p. 152-169.

Dissertation / thesisParacka, jr., Daniel J. (2003)
The Athens of West Africa: a history of international education at Fourah Bay College, Freetown, Sierra Leone (1816-2001)
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 524p.

Conference paperGraboyes, Melissa (2002)
The Abeokuta Women's Union: Conflicting Interpretations
Paper presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association (ASA), December 5-8, 2002, Washington, DC. New Brunswick, New Jersey.

Book chapterOjukutu-Macauley, Sylvia V. (2002)
British Colonial Policy Toward Education and the Roots of Gender Inequality in Sierra Leone, 1896-1961
In: Stepping Forward: Black Women in Africa and the Americas. p. 3-16.

Periodical articleKamara, John M.; Kargbo, Stephen B. (1999)
See this publicationInitiatives for sustainable community development in Sierra Leone
Abstract presentThe Community Development Journal: An International Journal for Community Workers. Volume 34 #2. p. 108-121.

Periodical articleNwauwa, Apollos O. (1999)
See this publicationFar Ahead of His Time: James Africanus Horton's Initiatives for a West African University and His Frustrations, 1862-1871
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 39 #153. p. 107-121.

Book chapterDay, Lynda R. (1998)
Rites and Reason: Precolonial Education and its Relevance to the Current Production and Transmission of Knowledge
In: Bloch, Marianne N. and Beoku-Betts, Josephine A. and Tabachnick, B. Robert (eds.). Women and Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: Power, Opportunities, and Constraints. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers. p. 49-72.

Conference paperConteh, Adama (1997)
The American Women's Missionary Association, and Women's Education in Sierra Leone: The Harford School for Girls
Paper presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association (ASA), November 13-16, 1997, Columbus, Ohio. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University.

Periodical articleJalloh, A. (1997)
The Fula and Islamic education in Freetown, Sierra Leone
American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences. Volume 14 #4. p. 51-68.

BookLahai, Bernadette A.N. (1997)
Small-Plot Farming among Women in Sierra Leone
Arlington, Virginia/Morrilton, Arkansas: Winrock International.

Book chapterOjukutu-Macauley, S. (1997)
Religion, gender, and education in northern Sierra Leone, 1896-1992
In: Jalloh, A.; Skinner, D.E. (eds.), Islam and trade in Sierra Leone. Trenton: Africa World Press. p. 87-117.

Periodical articleRashid, Ishmail (1997)
See this publicationSubaltern Reactions: Lumpens, Students, and the Left
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 22 #3-4. p. 19-43.

Book chapterSkinner, D.E. (1997)
Islamic organization and influence in Sierra Leone, 1930-1990
In: Jalloh, A.; Skinner, D.E. (eds.), Islam and trade in Sierra Leone. Trenton: Africa World Press. p. 137-160.

BookCummings-John, Constance A.; Denzer, LaRay (1995)
Constance Agatha Cummings-John: Memoirs of a Krio Leader
Ibadan: Sam Bookman for the Humanities Research Centre. 218p.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1994)
A Survey and Analysis of Graduate Theses and Dissertations
Sierra Leone Review. Volume 3 #1. p. 42-48.

Book chapterBrandon, Anastasia J.; Bledsoe, Caroline H. (1994)
The Effects of Education and Social Stratification on Marriage and the Transition to Parenthood in Freetown, Sierra Leone
In: Bledsoe, Caroline and Pison, Gilles (eds.). Nuptiality in Subsaharan Africa: Contemporary Anthropological and Demographic Perspectives. Oxford: Clarendon. p. 148-164.

Book chapterGage, A.; Bledsoe, Caroline H. (1994)
The Effect of Education and Social Change in Freetown, Sierra Leone
In: Bledsoe, Caroline H. and Pison, G. (eds.). Nuptiality in Sub-Saharan Africa: Contemporary Anthropological and Demographic Perspective. Oxford: Clarendon Press. p. 148-164.

Periodical articleHildebrand, Henner (1994)
Development-Oriented Adult Education Balancing between Impoverishment and Emancipatory Learning Process
Adult Education and Development. #43. p. 203-212.

Periodical articleKamara-Musa, John S. (1994)
The Origins of the Yengema Secondary School
Sierra Leone Review. Volume 3 #1. p. 49-53.

Book chapterBledsoe, Carolyn H. (1993)
The Politics of Polygyny in Mende Education and Child Fosterage Transactions
In: Miller, B.D. (ed.). Sex and Gender Hierarchies. Cambridge, Great Britain/New York: Cambridge University Press. p. 170-192.

Periodical articlePessima, Agnes (1993)
The Approach of the (National Provisional Ruling Council to Educational Development: Present Initiatives and Challenges That Lie Ahead
Sierra Leone Review. Volume 2. Spring/Summer. p. 104.

Periodical articleRobinson, Ajai N. (1993)
Preparing Sierra Leone for the 21st Century in Education
Sierra Leone Review. Volume 2. Winter. p. 102-108.

BookSierra Leone. Central Statistics Office (1993)
Report on Demographic and Social Monitoring Survey (1992)
Freetown: Sierra Leone. Central Statistics Office. November. 146p.

Periodical articleBledsoe, Caroline (1992)
See this publicationThe Cultural Transformation of Western Education in Sierra Leone
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 62 #2. p. 182-202.

BookDavies, Clarice; Thoronka, Mafila (1992)
Women of Sierra Leone: Traditional Voices
Freetown: Partners in Adult Education Women's Commission. 169p.

Periodical articleMusa, John L. (1992)
The Heritage of Liberal Arts Education at the Sierra Leone Grammar School
Sierra Leone Review. Volume 1. Winter. p. 87-93.

BookSaito, K.A.; Spurling, D. (1992)
Developing Agricultural Extension for Women Farmers
Washington, D.C.: World Bank. World Bank Discussion Paper #156.

BookSierra Leone. Central Statistics Office (1992)
Annual Statistical Digest, 1991
Freetown: Central Statistics Office. December. 68p.

BookSierra Leone. Central Statistics Office (1992)
1985 Census of Population and Housing. Volume 2: National Dissemination Seminar Report
Freetown, Sierra Leone: Central Statistics Office. July. 132p.

BookBrock, Colin; Cammish, Nadine K. (1991)
Factors Affecting Female Participation in six Developing Countries
London: Overseas Development Administration (ODA). Education Research Serial #9. 87p.

BookPartners Women's Commission in Adult Education; Sierra Leone Adult Education Association (SLADEA) (1991)
Selected Women's Programmes in Sierra Leone: A Handbook
Freetown: Sierra Leone Adult Education Association (SLADEA). 227p.

Book chapterBledsoe, Caroline H. (1990)
School Fees and the Marriage Process for Mende Girls in Sierra Leone
In: Sanday, Peggy R. and Goodenough, Ruth G. (eds.). Beyond the Second Sex: Essays in the Anthropology of Gender. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press. p. 281-309.

BookSierra Leone. Adult Education Unit (1990)
Report on Skills Training Workshop for Women Held at Kamabai, Biriwa Chiefdom from 25th-31st March, 1990
Freetown: Sierra Leone. Adult Education Unit. 28p.

Book chapterSkinner, David E. (1990)
Islam, education and politics in West Africa
Abstract presentIn: Sierra Leone Studies at Birmingham, 1988. p. 133-138.

Periodical articleBailey, Mohamed J. (1989)
Female Education and Fertility in Rural Sierra Leone: A Test of a Threshold Hypothesis
Canadian Studies in Population. Volume 16 #1. p. 87-112.

BookPemagbi, Joe (1989)
Participation of Women in Adult Literacy in Sierra Leone: Research Project, General Preliminary Survey Report, Progress Report #6
Freetown: Adult Education Unit (MECAS).

Periodical articleAmara, J.M. (1987)
Indigenous Technology of Sierra Leone and the Science Education of Girls
International Journal of Science Education. Volume 9 #3. p. 317-324.

Periodical articleFyle, C. Magbaily (1987)
Culture and higher education: the Sierra Leone experience
Abstract presentEducafrica: Bulletin of the Unesco Regional Office for Education in Africa. #Special issue. p. 237-244.

BookGreene, Pamela A.S. (1987)
A Study on the Effectiveness of Agricultural Extension Services in Supporting Women's Agricultural Activities in Sierra Leone
Rome: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). 26p.

Periodical articleRhodes, Edward R. (1987)
Staff exchange, regional training programmes and research networks
Abstract presentEducafrica: Bulletin of the Unesco Regional Office for Education in Africa. #Special issue. p. 245-257.

Periodical articleTlou, Josiah; Dyasi, Hubert (1987)
Teacher Education and Higher Education for Rural Development: Introduction
Abstract presentRural Africana. Volume 28-29. Spring/Fall. p. 77-81.

Periodical articleWright, E.H. (1987)
Improvement and renewal of higher education in Africa: the Sierra Leone situation
Abstract presentEducafrica: Bulletin of the Unesco Regional Office for Education in Africa. #Special issue. p. 258-270.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1986)
The University of Sierra Leone
Abstract presentEducafrica: Bulletin of the Unesco Regional Office for Education in Africa. #Special issue. p. 279-296.

Dissertation / thesisBailey, Mohamed J. (1986)
Female Education, Intermediate Variables and Fertility in Rural Sierra Leone: A Test of the Threshold Hypothesis
Ph.D. dissertation: Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida. 107p.

Periodical articleBledsoe, Caroline H.; Robey, Kenneth M. (1986)
See this publicationArabic Literacy and Secrecy among the Mende of Sierra Leone
Man. Volume 21 #2. July. p. 202-226.

Book chapterWilliams, B.; Yumkella, F. (1986)
An Evaluation of the Training of Traditional Birth Attendants in Sierra Leone and Their Performance after Training
In: Maglacas, A.M. and Simons, G. (eds.). The Potential of the Traditional Birth Attendant. Geneva: World Health Organization. p. 35-50.

Periodical articleDavies, Theophilus C. (1985)
A survey of geological education in Sierra Leone
Abstract presentAfricana Research Bulletin. Volume 14 #1-2. p. 15-31.

Periodical articleFyle, C. Magbaily (1985)
See this publicationOral Tradition and Sierra Leone History
Abstract presentHistory in Africa. Volume 12. p. 65-72.

Periodical articleFyle, C. Magbaily (1985)
African culture and higher education: the Sierra Leone situation
Abstract presentAfricana Research Bulletin. Volume 15 #2. p. 3-19.

Periodical articleHargreaves, John D. (1985)
See this publicationBritish Policy and African Universities: Sierra Leone Revisited
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 84 #336. July. p. 323-330.

Periodical articleJones, Adam (1985)
See this publicationSome Reflections on the Oral Traditions of the Galinhas Country, Sierra Leone
Abstract presentHistory in Africa. Volume 12. p. 151-165.

Periodical articleTalabi Aisie, Lucan (1985)
Population education in Sierra Leone
Abstract presentEducafrica: Bulletin of the Unesco Regional Office for Education in Africa. #12. p. 99-110.

Periodical articleLutz, J.; Lebby, S.L. (1983)
A grass roots approach to curriculum development: the Bunumbu concept
Abstract presentEducafrica: Bulletin of the Unesco Regional Office for Education in Africa. #9. p. 22-28.

Periodical articleMambu, V.J. (1983)
Development of adult education and literacy in Sierra Leone
Abstract presentEducafrica: Bulletin of the Unesco Regional Office for Education in Africa. #9. p. 199-210.

Periodical articleSkinner, David E. (1983)
Islamic Education and Missionary Work in the Gambia, Ghana and Sierra Leone during the 20th Century
Bulletin on Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa. Volume 1 #4. October. p. 5-24.

Periodical articleThayer, J. Steel (1982)
Education - sacred and secular - in Kukuna, Sierra Leone
Abstract presentAfricana Research Bulletin. Volume 12 #1-2. p. 3-29.

Periodical articleCorby, Richard A. (1981)
See this publicationBo School and Its Graduates in Sierra Leone
Abstract presentCanadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 15 #2. p. 323-333.

Periodical articleGbamanja, S.P.T. (1980)
After that WASC/GCE, no more science for me: the swing away from science in Sierra Leone
Abstract presentAfricana Research Bulletin. Volume 11 #3. p. 19-45.

Periodical articleHair, P.E.H. (1979)
Sources on early Sierra Leone: (16) Jesuit views on a college in Africa 1609
Abstract presentAfricana Research Bulletin. Volume 10 #2-3. p. 65-77.

Periodical articleKetkar, Suhas L. (1978)
See this publicationFemale Education and Fertility: Some Evidence from Sierra Leone
Abstract presentJournal of Developing Areas. Volume 13 #1. October. p. 23-33.

Periodical articleOgundipe, O.O. (1978)
Rural Libraries in Sierra Leone
Rural Africana. #1. Spring. p. 29-33.

Book chapterSanneh, L.O. (1978)
Modern education among Freetown Muslims and the Christian stimulus
In: Christianity in independent Africa. p. 316-333.

Periodical articleTaussig, Louis (1978)
Milton Margai and adult education in Sierra Leone
Abstract presentAfricana Research Bulletin. Volume 8 #2-3. p. 55-63.

Periodical articleVanderploeg, Arie J. (1978)
Africanus Horton and the Idea of a University for Western Africa
Abstract presentJournal of African Studies (UCLA). Volume 5 #2. Summer. p. 185-204.

Periodical articleKetkar, Suhas L. (1977)
See this publicationThe economics of education in Sierra Leone
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 15 #2. p. 301-309.

Periodical articleSkinner, David E. (1976)
See this publicationIslam and Education in the Colony and Hinterland of Sierra Leone, 1750-1914
Abstract presentCanadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 10 #3. p. 499-520.

Book chapterFisher, H.J. (1975)
The modernisation of Islamic education in Sierra Leone, Gambia and Liberia: Religion and language
Abstract presentIn: Conflict and Harmony in Education in Tropical Africa. p. 187-199.

Periodical articleConteh, Kaimasa M. (1974)
Towards an improved curriculum for agricultural education at the secondary school level in Sierra Leone
Abstract presentWest African Journal of Education. Volume 18 #3. p. 383-391.

Periodical articleCorby, Richard A. (1974)
Early years at Bo school
Abstract presentAfricana Research Bulletin. Volume 5 #3. p. 3-21.

Periodical articleKetkar, Suhas L. (1974)
Benefit-cost analysis of higher education in Sierra Leone
Abstract presentJournal of Eastern African Research and Development. Volume 4 #1. p. 1-12.

Periodical articleWurie, Amadu (1974)
A history of Bo school
Abstract presentAfricana Research Bulletin. Volume 5 #3. p. 2-51.

Periodical articleSinclair, John (1971)
Educational assistance, kinship, and the social structure in Sierra Leone
Abstract presentAfricana Research Bulletin. Volume 2 #3. p. 30-62.

Periodical articleAnderson, E. Christian (1970)
Early muslim schools and British policy in Sierra Leone
Abstract presentWest African Journal of Education. Volume 14 #3. p. 177-179.

Periodical articleReeck, Darrell L. (1970)
Education and national development: church schools or Christian teachers in Sierra Leone
Abstract presentAfricana Research Bulletin. Volume 1 #4. p. 3-17.

Periodical articleFerron, O. (1969)
The progressiveness of indigenous teachers in the secondary schools of Sierra Leone
Abstract presentWest African Journal of Education. Volume 13 #1. p. 46-52.

Periodical articleSesay, S.I. (1966)
Koranic schools in the Provinces
Sierra Leone Journal of Education. Volume 1 #1. p. 24-26.

Periodical articleCharles, N. (1960)
Education problems in Sierra Leone
Abstract presentWest-African Review. Volume 31 #297. p. 41-47.

Search: ge=Sierra Leone
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