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Search: pe=The Journal of Humanities (Lusaka)
Found: 12 Record 1-12

Periodical articleNkolola-Wakumelo, M.; Nkosha, D. (2008)
Challenges and practices in health information education communication in Zambia
The Journal of Humanities (Lusaka). Volume 8. p. 23-48.

Periodical articleLuanguala, J.R. (2004)
A reading culture in Zambia: an alternative explanation of its absence
The Journal of Humanities (Lusaka). Volume 4. p. 41-52.

Periodical articleCarmody, Brendan (2004)
Access and equity in Zambian education
The Journal of Humanities (Lusaka). Volume 4. p. 1-15.

Periodical articleLuangala, John R. (2000)
Previewing and syntactic complexity in cartoon narrative production
Abstract presentThe Journal of Humanities (Lusaka). Volume 3. p. 109-127.

Periodical articleAdeyemi, Michael Bamidele (2000-2001)
The effective teacher as perceived by social studies undergraduates in Botswana
Abstract presentThe Journal of Humanities (Lusaka). Volume 3. p. 74-82.

Periodical articleBabalola, J.B. (1998-1999)
Privatisation of higher education in Africa: an exploration of theories and lessons from some foreign experiences
The Journal of Humanities (Lusaka). Volume 2. p. 145-156.

Periodical articleCarmody, Brendan (1998-1999)
Catholic teachers' colleges in Zambia: 1926-1996
Abstract presentThe Journal of Humanities (Lusaka). Volume 2. p. 129-144.

Periodical articleBabalola, Joel B.; Sikwibele, Anne L. (1998-1999)
Education as aided by the World Bank in Africa: controversy, dilemma and possible initiatives
Abstract presentThe Journal of Humanities (Lusaka). Volume 2. p. 117-128.

Periodical articleAdeyinka, Augustus A. (1998-1999)
Teacher education in Nigeria: yesterday, today and tomorrow
Abstract presentThe Journal of Humanities (Lusaka). Volume 2. p. 93-116.

Periodical articleKalabula, D.M. (1998-1999)
Diversity and unity in Japanese education
The Journal of Humanities (Lusaka). Volume 2. p. 81-92.

Periodical articleKashoki, Mubanga E. (1998-1999)
Language policy in multilingual countries vis-à-vis language maintenance, language shift and language death
Abstract presentThe Journal of Humanities (Lusaka). Volume 2. p. 41-62.

Periodical articleAdeyinka, Augustus A. (1997)
The role of the Cambridge University Syndicate in the development of curriculum and examinations in Nigerian secondary schools, 1910-1960
Abstract presentThe Journal of Humanities (Lusaka). Volume 1 #1. June. p. 39-59.

Search: pe=The Journal of Humanities (Lusaka)
Found: 12 Record 1-12

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