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Search: su=culture contact
Found: 10 Record 1-10

Periodical articleNyemb, Bertin (ed.) (2016)
Literatur der Interkulturalität und Kompetenzförderung: Konzepte, Ansätze und didaktische Möglichkeiten in der Hochschulpraxis = Litérature de l'interculturalité et promotion des compétences: concepts, approches et possibilités didactiques dans la pratique universitaire
Abstract presentMont Cameroun: Afrikanische Zeitschrift für interkulturelle Studien zum deutschsprachigen Raum. #12. p. 11-81.

BookTabensky, Pedro Alexis; Matthews, Sally (eds.) (2015)
Being at home: race, institutional culture and transformation at South African higher education institutions
Abstract presentPietermaritzburg: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press. 322p.

Periodical articleMessaoudi, Alain (2011)
See this publicationDes médiateurs effacés? Les professeurs d'arabe des collèges et lycées d'Algérie (1840-1940)
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 99 #370-371. p. 149-159.

Periodical articleMayer, Claude-Hélène; Boness, Christian (2003)
Südafrikanische Kulturstandards: Handlungsrelevantes Wissen für Fach- und Führungskräfte
Abstract presentAfrika Spectrum. Volume 38 #2. p. 173-196.

BookBrock-Utne, Birgit (2000)
Whose education for all? The recolonization of the African mind
New York: The Falmer Press. Garland reference library of social science 1445. 340p.

Periodical articleJacolin, Pierre (1980)
Culturally alienating messages
Abstract presentAfrican Environment: Environmental Studies and Regional Planning Bulletin. Volume 4 #14-16. p. 325-340.

Periodical articleJahoda, Gustav (1976)
Culture Conflict and Education: Some Comments in the Light of Psychological Research
Abstract presentAfrika Spectrum. Volume 11 #2. p. 173-185.

Periodical articleLeunmi, Benjamin (1975)
Kulturkonflikt und erziehung in Afrika
Abstract presentAfrika Spectrum. Volume 10 #1. p. 13-34.

Periodical articleTenkorang, S. (1974)
See this publicationThe Founding of Mfantsipim, 1905-1908
Abstract presentTransactions of the Historical Society of Ghana. Volume 15 #2. December. p. 165-175.

Periodical articleMurphree, Betty Jo (1972)
See this publicationThe Acculturative Effects of Schooling on African Attitudes and Values
Abstract presentZambezia. Volume 2 #2. December. p. 11-21.

Search: su=culture contact
Found: 10 Record 1-10

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