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Search: su=educational exchanges
Found: 8 Record 1-8

BookMüller, Tanja R. (2014)
Legacies of socialist solidarity: East Germany in Mozambique
Lanham: Lexington Books. 205p.

Periodical articleSherwood, Marika (2014)
The African Students Association of America and Canada, 1941-1945
Abstract presentLagos Historical Review. Volume 14. p. 23-54.

Periodical articleMacdonald, Helen; Spiegel, Andrew D. (2013)
'Distraction from the real difficulties': ethical deliberations in international health research
Abstract presentAnthropology Southern Africa. Volume 36 #3-4. p. 146-154.

BookAbou El Farah, Yahia (ed.) (2010)
La coopération maroco-africaine
Abstract presentRabat: Institut des Études Africaines, Université Mohammed V-Souissi. Publications de l'Institut des Études Africaines, Série: Colloques #13.

Periodical articleMpinganjira, Mercy (2008)
International flows in the education sector; trends and implications for Sub-Saharan Africa
Africa Insight. Volume 38 #2. p. 128-138.

Dissertation / thesisMourão, Daniele Ellery (2006)
See this publicationÁfrica 'na pasajen': identidades e nacionalidades guineeses e cabo-verdianas
Fortaleza: CEARÁ. 163p.

Periodical articleZeleza, Paul Tiyambe (2002)
See this publicationAfrican universities and globalisation
Abstract presentFeminist Africa. #1. p. 64-85.

Periodical articleYoloye, E.A. (1970)
Educational exchange between West African countries
Abstract presentWest African Journal of Education. Volume 14 #3. p. 172-176.

Search: su=educational exchanges
Found: 8 Record 1-8

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