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Search: su=educational reform | ||||||||
Found: 144 | Record 101-144 |
Henning, S.; Horn, A.C. (1995) | |
Aspekte van die demokratisering van blanke onderwys in Suid-Afrika, 1990-1992 | |
Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe. Volume 35 #1. p. 37-51. |
Amoussou-Yeye, Dénis (1994) | |
Diagnostic du système éducatif béninois: éléments pour une réforme novatrice des systèmes éducatifs africains | |
Africa Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 19 #4. p. 165-178. |
Eshiwani, George S. (1994) | |
Education Reform and Development in Kenya since 1963: A Critical Appraisal | |
Africana Journal. Volume 16. Spring. p. 174-191. |
Hugon, Philippe (1994) | |
La crise des systèmes éducatifs dans un contexte d'ajustement | |
Afrique contemporaine. #172. p. 260-279. |
Retief, F.P. (1994) | |
Die demokratisering van onderwys en opleiding | |
Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe. Volume 34 #2. p. 138-148. |
Souissi, Mohammed (1994) | |
Science européenne et enjeux éducatifs en Tunisie de 1850 à l'indépendance | |
Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée. #72. p. 53-59. |
Sraieb, Noureddine (1994) | |
Aux origines de la modernité en Tunisie: le cheikh Mahmud Qabadu (1815-1871) | |
Maghreb Review. Volume 19 #3-4. p. 319-326. |
Steyn, H.J. (1994) | |
Education for Kagisano as a Determinant of the Educational System of Botswana | |
Africana Journal. Volume 16. p. 138-143. |
Urch, George E. (1994) | |
Education in Tanzania: A New Direction? | |
Africana Journal. Volume 16. p. 215-230. |
Mamdani, Mahmood (1993) | |
University Crisis and Reform: A Reflection on the African Experience | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 20 #58. November. p. 7-19. |
Mkandawire, Donton S.J. (1993) | |
Maintaining and comparing standards of academic performance of learners in an integrated Namibian senior secondary school system | |
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 5 #3. November. p. 231-250. |
Saint, William S. (1993) | |
Initiating university reform: experience from sub-Saharan Africa | |
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 5 #1. March. p. 1-20. |
Weeks, Sheldon G. (1993) | |
Reforming the Reform: Education in Botswana | |
Africa Today. Volume 40 #1. 1st Quarter. p. 49-60. |
Chisholm, Linda (1991) | |
Education, Punishment and the Contradictions of Penal Reform: Alan Paton and Diepkloof Reformatory, 1934-1948 | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 17 #1. March. p. 23-42. |
Dzvimbo, K.P. (1991) | |
Education for liberation and development: a comparison of Cuban and Zimbabwean educational practices | |
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 3 #3. November. p. 281-308. |
Anonymous (1990) | |
Donnees sur l'education de base | |
Niamey: UNICEF. |
Cissé, Issa (1990) | |
Les médersas au Burkina: l'aide arabe et la croissance d'un système d'enseignement arabo-islamique | |
Islam et sociétés au Sud du Sahara. #4. p. 57-72. |
Horace, G. (1990) | |
Le système éducatif malgache en voie de redressement | |
Revue Madagascar, Océan Indien. #2. p. 92-106. |
Kallaway, P. (1990) | |
Apartheid and education: the present situation | |
Genève-Afrique: acta africana. Volume 28 #2. p. 30-38. |
Mashamba, George (1990) | |
A Conceptual Critique of the People's Education Discourse | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 17 #48. Autumn. p. 50-65. |
Nyati-Ramahobo, L. (1990) | |
Education planning in a changing education system: the case of Botswana | |
Genève-Afrique: acta africana. Volume 28 #2. p. 52-62. |
Floriani, E. (1987) | |
Qui a peur de la philosophie? | |
Politique africaine. #27. p. 67-72. |
Mpinda Mutombo; Mujangi Tshiamala (1985) | |
Quelle école pour l'enfant zaïrois? | |
Zaïre-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 25 #194. p. 209-217. |
Mwepu Kazadi Kayobaila (1985) | |
Le point sur les réformes d'enseignement au Zaïre | |
Problèmes sociaux zaïrois. #128-129. p. 101-113. |
Belloncle, Guy (1984) | |
La question éducative en Afrique noire | |
Paris: Karthala. Collection Afrique et développement. 271p. |
Clerq, F. de (1984) | |
Education and training in the homelands: a separate development? a case study of Bophuthatswana | |
Africa Perspective. #24. p. 20-40. |
Gardiner, M. (1984) | |
Redefining education: the White Paper on the provision of education | |
Africa Perspective. #24. p. 3-19. |
Samoff, Joel (1983) | |
Schooling and socialism: educational reform in Tanzania | |
Genève-Afrique: acta africana. Volume 21 #1. p. 55-72. |
Isango Idi Wanzila (1982) | |
Quelle reforme pour l'enseignement secondaire au Zaïre? | |
Zaïre-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 22 #170. p. 603-616. |
Schoeman, Stan (1981) | |
Education and Training in Multi-Cultural Societies: The Feedback from Africa | |
Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 1 #1. October. p. 41-80. |
Ahiabele-Addo, C.H. (1980) | |
Educational reform and failure in Ghana, 1920-1951 | |
West African Journal of Education. Volume 21 #3. p. 107-133. |
Kolawole, D.O. (1980) | |
Primary Education Improvement Project (PEIP): a major curriculum innovation 1968-78 | |
West African Journal of Education. Volume 21 #1. p. 39-52. |
Ekwa, bis Isal (1979) | |
Réflexions sur les réformes scolaires en Afrique après vingt ans d'independance | |
Zaïre-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 19 #139. p. 535-552. |
Gasibirege Rugema, Simon (1979) | |
A la recherche d'une réforme scolaire adeptée | |
Zaïre-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 19 #134. p. 221-237. |
Moisset, Jean J. (1979) | |
Les politiques d'integration des systèmes économiques et scolaires dans les pays africains: le cas du Mali | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 13 #3. p. 461-469. |
Dufour, Dany (1978) | |
L'enseignement en Algérie | |
Maghreb Machrek: monde arabe. #80. p. 33-53. |
Colclough, Christopher (1974) | |
Educational Expansion or Change? Some Choices for Central and Southern Africa | |
Journal of Modern African Studies. Volume 12 #3. September. p. 457-490. |
Gardiner, R. (1974) | |
Strategies for educational change | |
Education in Eastern Africa. Volume 4 #1. p. 1-11. |
Hoerr, O.D. (1974) | |
Educational Returns and Educational Reform in Ethiopia | |
Eastern Africa Economic Review. Volume 6 #2. December. p. 18-34. |
Njunji, A. (1974) | |
Transformation of education in Kenya since independence | |
Education in Eastern Africa. Volume 4 #1. p. 107-125. |
Moock, Joyce Lewinger (1973) | |
Pragmatism and the primary school: the case of a non-rural village | |
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 43 #4. p. 302-316. |
Mathiani, Joseph (1972) | |
Dysfunctional Education in Africa: Problems of Policy-Making and Planning for Relevant Education | |
Pan-African Journal. Volume 5 #1. Spring. p. 45-54. |
Rugumayo, E.B. (1971) | |
Education for character training | |
Mawazo. Volume 3 #3. p. 11-18. |
Wandira, Asavia (1971) | |
Changing the education profession | |
Education in Eastern Africa. Volume 2 #2. p. 38-54. |
Search: su=educational reform | ||||||||
Found: 144 | Record 101-144 |
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