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Search: su=gender inequality
Found: 60 Record 1-60

Periodical articleMiedema, Esther; Mat, Marielle L.J. Le; Hague, Frances (2020)
See this publicationBut is it Comprehensive? Unpacking the 'comprehensive' in comprehensive sexuality education
Health Education Journal. Volume 79 #7. p. 747-762.

Periodical articleMulwa, Martin; Gichana, Timothy (2020)
See this publicationDoes education reduce gender differentials in labor market participation? A Kenyan perspective
African Development Review. Volume 32 #3. p. 446-458.

Periodical articleRoodsaz, Rahil (2018)
See this publicationProbing the politics of comprehensive sexuality education: 'Universality' versus 'Cultural Sensitivity': A Dutch–Bangladeshi collaboration on adolescent sexuality education
Sex Education. Volume 18 #1. p. 107-121.

Periodical articleVimefall, Elin; Andrén, Daniela; Levin, Jörgen (2017)
See this publicationEthnolinguistic background and enrollment in primary education: evidence from Kenya
Abstract presentAfrican Development Review. Volume 29 #1. p. 81-91.

Periodical articleAnyanwu, John C. (2016)
See this publicationAccounting for gender equality in secondary school enrollment in Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Development Review. Volume 28 #2. p. 170-191.

BookEtim, James (ed.) (2016)
Introduction to gender studies in Eastern and Southern Africa: a reader
Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. 286p.

Conference paperNdeko, Gertrude; Mbandza, Joseph; Loumouamou, Daniel (eds.) (2016)
Population, éducation et développement au Congo-Brazzaville: actes des [deuxièmes] journées scientifiques des 3 et 4 décembre 2013 [sur 'Population et développement', à Brazzaville]
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. 305p.

Periodical articleNjifen, Issofou (2015)
See this publicationCaractéristiques et déterminants du chômage des jeunes au Cameroun: le rôle prépondérant du diplôme et du sexe
Abstract presentAfrican Development Review. Volume 27 #4. p. 443-455.

BookHadibi, Mohand Akli (ed.) (2014)
Les jeunes filles en Kabylie dans les années 2000: ces absentes omniprésentes
Abstract presentOran: Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC). Les cahiers du CRASC #31.

BookAlidou, Ousseina (2013)
Muslim women in postcolonial Kenya: leadership, representation, and social change
Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press. Women in Africa and the diaspora. 225p.

Periodical articleChabaya, Owence; Gudhlanga, Enna S. (2013)
Striving to achieve gender equity in education: a Zimbabwean experience
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 25 #1. p. 123-148.

Periodical articleNcube, Dingindawo (2013)
Towards achieving gender equality and equity in the provision of education to the girl child in selected secondary schools in Gwanda District
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 25 #1. p. 1-19.

Periodical articleBhana, Deevia; Pillay, Venitha (2012)
See this publicationHow women in higher education negotiate work and home: a study of selected women at a university in South Africa
Abstract presentJournal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 10 #2. p. 81-94.

Periodical articleLucas, Adrienne M.; Mbiti, Isaac M. (2012)
See this publicationDoes free primary education narrow gender differences in schooling? Evidence from Kenya
Abstract presentJournal of African Economies. Volume 21 #5. p. 691-722.

Periodical articleMutanga, Patrick (2012)
Gender mainstreaming in higher education: successes, challenges and lessons
OSSREA Bulletin. Volume 9 #2. p. 22-28.

Periodical issueAlhassan, Eliasu (ed.) (2011)
Special issue on basic education in Ghana
Abstract presentLegon Journal of Sociology. Volume 4 #2. 178p.

BookForum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) (2011)
See this publicationStrengthening gender research to improve girls' and womens' education in Africa
Nairobi: FAWE. FAWE research series. 148p.

Periodical articleKoda, B.O.; Kabahamba, F.A. (2011)
See this publicationEngendering Curricula at Institutions of Higher Learning in Tanzania: The Case of the University of Dar es Salaam
Tanzania Journal of Development Studies. Volume 11 #1-2. p. 1-15.

Periodical articleMoguérou, Laure (2011)
La démocratisation de l'école à Dakar: les enseignements d'une enquête biographique
Abstract presentAutrepart. #59. p. 91-108.

Periodical articlePosel, Dorrit (2011)
Adult literacy rates in South Africa: a comparison of different measures
Abstract presentLanguage Matters: Studies in the Languages of Africa. Volume 42 #1. p. 39-49.

Periodical articleSy, Harouna (2011)
Carabins de l'université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar: diagnostic des inégalités, autopsie des parcours
Abstract presentAutrepart. #59. p. 161-179.

Periodical articleWayack-Pambè, Madeleine; Pilon, Marc (2011)
Sexe du chef de ménage et inégalités scolaires à Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
Abstract presentAutrepart. #59. p. 125-144.

Periodical articleZivengwa, Tichaona; Hazvina, Fanuel; Maphosa, Nobuhle (2011)
Tertiary education and gender disparities in a dollarised economy: a case study of the Faculty of Social Studies at the University of Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 23 #3. p. 204-221.

Periodical articleBoukinda, Agathe (2010)
Politiques de genre et université au Gabon: quelle parité à l'UOB?
Abstract presentPalabres actuelles: revue de la Fondation Raponda-Walker pour la Science et la Culture. #4. p. 285-310.

Periodical articleChivandikwa, Nehemiah; Mhako-Mutonhodza, Doricah; Sambo, Kudakwashe (2010)
Theatre education and gender equity: possibilities for the millennium
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 22 #2. p. 181-201.

Periodical articleDuffy, Valerie (2010)
Women and HIV and AIDS: a development education perspective
Abstract presentAfricanus. Volume 40 #1. p. 53-67.

BookKasente, Deborah (2010)
Manoeuvring gendered pathways to higher education: what hinders girls from progressing to higher education in Uganda?
Kampala: Fountain Publishers. 84p.

Periodical articleMuoghalu, C.O. (2010)
See this publicationPartnership for gender equity in Nigerian universities: the case of the gender equity project of Obafemi Awolowo University
Ghana Journal of Development Studies. Volume 7 #1. May. p. 1-29.

Periodical articleUkpokolo, Chinyere (2010)
See this publicationAcademic freedom and dual career academic couples: the complexities of being a woman academic in the university space
Abstract presentJournal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 8 #1. p. 49-71.

BookWebster, Kate L. (2010)
Difficulties African women face in accessing education: the plight of school girls in Kakamega, Kenya
Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press. 220p.

BookBadri, Balghis (2009)
Gender mainstreaming in Sudanese universities
Sudan: The Institute of Women, Gender, and Development Studies, Ahfad University for Women. 111p.

BookMorrell, Robert (2009)
Towards gender equality: South African schools during the HIV and AIDS epidemic
Scottsville: University of KwaZulu-Natal press. 223p.

Periodical articleMushemeza, Elijah Dickens (2009)
See this publicationContribution of women in influencing legislation and policy formulation and implementation in Uganda (1995-2005)
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 34 #3-4. p. 167-206.

BookNdulo, Muna; Grieco, Margaret (eds.) (2009)
Power, gender and social change in Africa
Abstract presentNewcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars. 397p.

Periodical articleKünzler, Daniel (2008)
'The State has resigned': transformations in the educational system of Benin, West Africa
Viva Africa. p. 251-262.

Periodical issueBarnes, Teresa; Mama, Amina; Diaw, Aminata (eds.) (2007)
See this publicationRethinking universities II
Abstract presentFeminist Africa. #9. 145p.

Periodical articleDiko, Nolutho (2007)
See this publicationChanges and continuities: implementation of gender equality in a South African high school
Abstract presentAfrica Today. Volume 54 #1. p. 107-116.

Periodical issueDube, M.W.; Berman, S.K. (eds.) (2007)
Special issue: Gender mainstreaming in the University of Botswana
Abstract presentPula: Botswana Journal of African Studies. Volume 21 #1. 196p.

Periodical articleHodes, Rebecca (2007)
See this publicationHIV/AIDS in South African Documentary Film, c.1990-2000
Abstract presentJournal of Southern African Studies. Volume 33 #1. March. p. 153-171.

Periodical articleHouria, Sadou (2007)
See this publicationScolarisation: travail et genre en Algérie
Africa Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 32 #3. p. 121-130.

Periodical articleKaale, Eliangiringa A.; Malele, Rainalds S.; Maganda, Betty (2007)
Awareness of secondary school students on various gender perspective programmes conducted by the University of Dar es Salam, Tanzania
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 19 #3. November. p. 229-239.

Periodical issueMama, Amina; Barnes, Teresa; Tsikata, Dzodzi (eds.) (2007)
See this publicationRethinking universities I
Abstract presentFeminist Africa. #8. 131p.

Periodical articleMukangara, Fenella; Shao, Ibrahim F. (2007)
See this publicationGender Equality and Equity at the University of Dar es Salaam: Approaches and Initiatives in Addressing and Bridging Gaps
Tanzania Journal of Development Studies. Volume 7 #1. March. p. 27-38.

Periodical articleNegrón, Laura A. (2007)
See this publicationGender and education in post-apartheid South Africa: possibilities and limitations of the international human rights framework
Abstract presentEast African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 13 #2. p. 166-189.

Periodical articleSemela, Tesfaye (2007)
See this publicationIdentification of factors contributing to gender disparity in an Ethiopian university
Abstract presentEastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 23 #2. June. p. 71-94.

Periodical articleKifle, Temesgen (2006-2007)
Education and the Gender Wage Gap in Eritrea's Formal Labour Market
Australasian Review of African Studies. Volume 28. p. 111-137.

Periodical articleBrugeilles, Carole; Cromer, Sylvie (2006)
Les manuels scolaires de mathématiques ne sont pas neutres: le système de genre d'une collection panafricaine de l'enseignement primaire
Abstract presentAutrepart. #39. p. 147-164.

Periodical articleChikunda, Charles; Marambire, Elina; Makoni, Richard (2006)
The Impact of Khomba: A Shangaan Cultural Rite of Passage: On the Formal Schooling of Girls and on Women's Space in the Chikombedzi Area in Zimbabwe
Abstract presentIndilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems. Volume 5 #2. p. 145-156.

BookKakuru, Doris Muhwezi (2006)
See this publicationThe Combat for Gender Equality in Education: Rural Livelihood Pathways in the Context of HIV/AIDS
Ph.D. dissertation (2006-10-27). Wageningen, Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers. AWLAE series #4. 221p.

Periodical articleMashingaidze, T.M. (2006)
Gender and higher education in post-colonial Zimbabwe: tentative reflections on policy issues
OSSREA Bulletin. Volume 3 #1. February. p. 33-39.

Periodical articleOloruntoba, Abayomi; Ajayi, Michael Tunde (2006)
See this publicationGender and Research Attainment in Nigerian Agricultural Universities
Abstract presentJournal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 4 #2. p. 83-98.

Periodical articleRwodzi, Manuel (2006)
Similarities and differences in attitudes towards mathematics among form 3 pupils in Gweru urban schools
Abstract presentZimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 18 #3. December. p. 420-439.

Dissertation / thesisDiko, Nolutho Ndengane (2005)
School reform and the education of girls in South Africa
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI.

Periodical articleKiyimba, Abasi (2005)
See this publicationGendering Social Destiny in the Proverbs of the Baganda: Reflections on Boys and Girls Becoming Men and Women
Abstract presentJournal of African Cultural Studies. Volume 17 #2. p. 253-270.

Periodical articleRuth, Damian (2005)
See this publicationGender and Perceptions of Academic Work in South Africa
Abstract presentJournal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 3 #3. p. 57-85.

Periodical articleSader, Saajidha B.; Odendaal, Marie; Searle, Ruth (2005)
See this publicationGlobalisation, higher education restructuring and women in leadership: opportunities or threats?
Agenda: Empowering Women for Gender Equity. #65. p. 58-74.

Periodical articleMama, Amina (2003)
See this publicationRestore, Reform but do Not Transform: The Gender Politics of Higher Education in Africa
Journal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 1 #1. Fall. p. 101-125.

Periodical articleZeleza, Paul T. (2003)
See this publicationAcademic Freedom in the Neo-Liberal Order: Governments, Globalization, Governance, and Gender
Journal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 1 #1. Fall. p. 149-194.

Periodical articleManuh, Takyiwaa (2002)
Higher education, condition of scholars and the future of development in Africa
CODESRIA Bulletin. #3-4. p. 42-48.

Periodical articleZengeya, Alfred (2002)
See this publicationEarly adolescents' self-esteem and achievement
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 14 #3. November. p. 197-212.

Search: su=gender inequality
Found: 60 Record 1-60

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