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Search: su=girls
Found: 72 Record 1-72

Periodical articleChitando, Anna (2016)
Gender representation in children's literature: limits and potential in Stephen Alumenda's 'Marita goes to school' and 'Marita's great idea', and Jairos Kangira's 'The bundle of firewood'
Abstract presentJournal for Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences. Volume 5 #2. p. 87-97.

BookFynn-Thompson, Ida (2016)
No empty dream
Accra: Afram Publications (Ghana). 68p.

Periodical issueHugon, Clothilde; Dia, Hamidou; d' Aiglepierre, Rohen (eds.) (2016)
See this publicationDossier: États réformateurs et éducation arabo-islamique en Afrique
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #257. p. 11-110.

Periodical articleMuzingili, Taruvinga; Muchinako, G.A. (2016)
Factors affecting school completion by the girl-child in Binga rural district, Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 28 #1. p. 19-43.

BookNkere, Ntanda Nkingi (2016)
Clitorisation de la fille mushi: antithèse de la mutilation génitale féminine: plaidoyer pour un renouveau culturel
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines, Série anthropologie. 202p.

Periodical articleOluyemi, Joseph A.; Yinusa, Muhammed A. (2016)
Girl-child education in Nigeria: issues and implications on national development
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 28 #1. p. 44-60.

BookSperling, Gene B.; Winthrop, Rebecca; Kwauk, Christina (2016)
See this publicationWhat works in girls' education: evidence for the world's best investment
Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press. 316p.

BookAshun, Mary (2015)
Tuesday's child: a memoir
Accra: Type Publishers. 238p.

Periodical articleCouper, Scott Everett (2015)
See this publication'Where men fail, women take over': Inanda Seminary's rescue by its own
Abstract presentSouth African Historical Journal. Volume 67 #1. p. 1-31.

Periodical articleSavage-Oyekunle, Oluremi A.; Nienaber, Annelize (2015)
See this publicationFemale adolescents' evolving capacities in relation to their right to access contraceptive information and services: a comparative study of South Africa and Nigeria
Abstract presentThe Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa. Volume 48 #1. p. 98-123.

Periodical articleCouper, Scott Everett (2014)
'They have opened their doors to black children at our expense': the chronicle of Inanda Seminary during the 1990s
Historia: amptelike orgaan. Volume 59 #1. p. 88-117.

BookHadibi, Mohand Akli (ed.) (2014)
Les jeunes filles en Kabylie dans les années 2000: ces absentes omniprésentes
Abstract presentOran: Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC). Les cahiers du CRASC #31.

Periodical articleMahamba, Barbara (2014)
Views on race and gender in Roman Catholic girls' education: a case study of Embakwe 'coloured' school experiment, 1922-1965
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 26 #3. p. 382-394.

Periodical articleNanivazo, Malokele (2013)
See this publicationSocial transfer programmes and school enrolment in Malawi: a micro-simulation
Abstract presentAfrican Development Review. Volume 25 #4. p. 663-676.

Periodical articleNcube, Dingindawo (2013)
Towards achieving gender equality and equity in the provision of education to the girl child in selected secondary schools in Gwanda District
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 25 #1. p. 1-19.

Periodical articleKirway, J.N. (2012)
See this publicationSchooling Adolescent Girls' Perception and Attitude towards Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT): The Case of Morogoro Municipal in Morogoro Region
Tanzania Journal of Development Studies. Volume 12 #1. p. 37-49.

Periodical articleRukwaro, Monica W.; Otike, Japhet (2012)
Barriers to and opportunities for provision and dissemination of information on sexuality and reproductive health to girls in secondary schools in Kenya
Innovation: journal of appropriate librarianship and information work in Southern Africa. #45. p. 51-70.

Dissertation / thesisBosscher, Nynke (2011)
See this publicationAnalysis of practices: empowering aspects of a tailoring training for teenage girls in Burkina Faso

BookForum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) (2011)
See this publicationStrengthening gender research to improve girls' and womens' education in Africa
Nairobi: FAWE. FAWE research series. 148p.

BookSénégal. Ministère de l'enseignement élémentaire, du moyen secondaire et des langues nationales (MEEMSLN), Dakar. Direction de la planification et de la réforme de l'éducation. Cadre de coordination des interventions sur l'éducation des filles, Sénégal (2011)
Éducation des filles au Sénégal: document de référence
Dakar: MEEMSLN. 51p.

Periodical articleTanui, E.K.; Ndegwa, L.; Cheboi, S.; Jeruto, E. (2011)
Parenting and the girl child enrolment in secondary school education among pastoral communities: a case of the Il-Chamus of Baringo District, Kenya
International Journal of Professional Practice. Volume 2 #3. July-September. p. 274-284.

BookActionAid Ghana, Organization (2010)
A report on girl child migration in the Tain district
Accra North: ActionAd Ghana. 54p.

Periodical articleAlhassan, Eliasu (2010)
See this publicationSocio-economic and cultural determinants of girl-child education in Gushegu/Karaga district of the Northern Region of Ghana
Ghana Journal of Development Studies. Volume 7 #1. May. p. 50-72.

Periodical articleBotha, Nina (2010)
'Sick' with child
Abstract presentAnthropology Southern Africa. Volume 33 #1-2. p. 1-8.

BookWebster, Kate L. (2010)
Difficulties African women face in accessing education: the plight of school girls in Kakamega, Kenya
Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press. 220p.

Periodical articleKasomo, D. (2008)
Factors militating against the education and aspirations of girls in lower Eastern Province, Kenya
Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education. Volume 7 #2-3. p. 236-251.

Periodical articleMuleyi, G.; Ongeti, K.; Korir, D. (2008)
Home factors type of school and academic performance of secondary school girls in Kenya
Educator (Eldoret, Kenya). Volume 2 #1. p. 233-239.

BookChua-oon, Chuanpit (2007)
Girls' education and social change: a study of Kel Tamashek society in Timbuktu
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 384p.

Periodical articleEminah, J.K. (2007)
Under-representation of girls in basic education in Ghana: an unconsidered factor and possible remedial action
Ghana Policy Journal. Volume 1. March. p. 95-105.

Periodical articleKea, Pamela (2007)
See this publicationGirl farm labour and double-shift schooling in The Gambia: the paradox of development intervention
Abstract presentCanadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 41 #2. p. 258-288.

Dissertation / thesisMalu Muswamba, Rosalie (2007)
L'accession des femmes congolaises au savoir dans une perspective historique
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 163p.

Periodical articleNegrón, Laura A. (2007)
See this publicationGender and education in post-apartheid South Africa: possibilities and limitations of the international human rights framework
Abstract presentEast African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 13 #2. p. 166-189.

Periodical articleKajawu, Gift P.; Mwakiwa, Emmanuel (2006)
Innovative approaches to empowering Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children (OVC): CRS/ZW STRIVE Education Initiatives
Journal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 21 #1. January. p. 67-84.

Periodical articleRubadiri, G. (2006)
See this publicationThe education of girls as I have experienced it over the past 25 years
The Society of Malawi Journal. Volume 59 #2. p. 50-52.

Periodical articleYungungu, M.A.; Wambua, K.B. (2006)
The perception of society on the education of girls in Kenya: a case of secondary schools in Ainabkoi Division, Uasin Gishu District, Kenya
Educator (Eldoret, Kenya). Volume 1 #1. p. 145-152.

Periodical articleArnoulet, François (2005)
La scolarisation des filles tunisiennes musulmanes dans l'enseignement laïc au début du protectorat
Revue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 32 #118. p. 161-170.

Dissertation / thesisDiko, Nolutho Ndengane (2005)
School reform and the education of girls in South Africa
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI.

BookJallade, Lucila; Cavicchioni, Vittoria; D'Amico, Sabrina (eds.) (2005)
Agir pour l'éducation des filles en Afrique subsaharienne francophone
Paris: L'Harmattan. Éducations et sociétés. 199p.

Periodical articleKern, Magdalena (2005)
See this publicationCheza salama: play it safe: das Jugendmagazin FEMINA als Medium der HIV/AIDS-Aufklärung in Tansania
Abstract presentStichproben - Vienna Journal of African Studies. Volume 5 #9. p. 103-121.

BookNuamah, Ishaak Ibrahim (2005)
A case for educating the Muslim girl-child

Periodical articleBaya, Banza (2004)
See this publicationFréquentation scolaire des jeunes filles et risques d'infection à VIH: espoir ou inquiétude?; le cas de Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso
Abstract presentAfrican Population Studies. Volume 19 Supplement B. p. 81-101.

Periodical articleTilaye K. (2004)
Girls' achievement in mathematics in the upper primary school of Addis Ababa
Ethiopian Journal of Education. Volume 24 #2. December. p. 67-100.

Dissertation / thesisKane, Rakhmatou (2003)
The education of young girls: the case of Fouta Toro, Senegal
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 205p.

Periodical articleKapungwe, Augustus K. (2003)
See this publicationTraditional Cultural Practices of Imparting Sex Education and the Fight against HIV/AIDS: The Case of Initiation Ceremonies for Girls in Zambia
Abstract presentAfrican Sociological Review. Volume 7 #1. p. 35-52.

Periodical articleNwonwu, F.O.C. (2002)
Empowering Women through Education. The Better Life for Rural Women Programme in Nigeria Offers Insight into the Role of Adult Education in Women's Empowerment
Africa Insight. Volume 32 #1. p. 50-57.

Periodical articleOkech, J.B. (2002)
Education for the girl-child with special needs
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 7 #1. March. p. 21-25.

BookKiluva-Ndunda, Mutindi Mumbua (2001)
Women's agency and educational policy: the experiences of the women of Kilome, Kenya
Albany: State University of New York Press. SUNY series, the social context of education. 194p.

Periodical articleOmari, Issa M. (2001)
Gender Equity: Issues and Interventions in Girls Education in Tanzania
Papers in Education and Development. #21. p. 52-83.

Periodical articleEl-Ghoul, Yahya (2000)
L'école dans la ville: l'école française de filles de Nabeul (1889-1956): instruction, nationalités, et nationalisme
Revue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 27 #97-98. p. 63-85.

Periodical articleIrbouh, Hamid (2000)
French Colonial Art Education and the Moroccan Feminine Milieu: A Case Study from Fez, 1927-1930
Maghreb Review. Volume 25 #3-4. p. 275-288.

Periodical articleMakoni, Roselyn D. (2000)
See this publicationEffects of the Economic Structural Adjustment Programme (1991-1993) on the Participation of Secondary School Girls in Zimbabwe
Abstract presentZambezia. Volume 27 #2. p. 221-234.

Periodical articleThomas, Samuel S. (2000)
See this publicationTransforming the Gospel of Domesticity: Luhya Girls and the Friends Africa Mission, 1917-1926
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 43 #2. September. p. 1-27.

Periodical articleKatapa, Rosalia S.; Swilla, Imani N. (1999)
Gender Differences in School Performance: Evidence from the National Form IV Examination Results and Implications for Poverty
Abstract presentEastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 15 #1. January. p. 19-32.

Periodical articleGenet Z. (1998)
Women in education: a study of the academic performance and participation of female students in the high schools of Addis Ababa region
I.E.R. Flambeau. Volume 6 #1. December. p. 26-53.

Periodical articleKinfe A. (1998)
An educational intervention model for secondary school female students
I.E.R. Flambeau. Volume 6 #1. December. p. 54-59.

Periodical articleMacJessie-Mbewe, S.L.W. (1998)
Improving rural girls' educational participation in Malawi: suggested strategies
Tizame. #6. November. p. 1-10.

Book chapterMarcoux, Richard (1998)
Entre l'école et la calebasse: sous-scolarisation des filles et mise au travail à Bamako
Abstract presentIn: L'école et les filles en Afrique: scolarisation sous conditions / sous la dir. de Marie-France Lange. - Paris: Éditions Karthala. p. 73-95.

Periodical articleMotlotle, N.P. (1998)
Bojale: girls' initiation school
Zebra's Voice. Volume 25 #2. p. 19-21.

Periodical articleMunyarugerero, W. (1998)
Here is Why Girls are Coming Tops in Exams
Arise (Kampala, Uganda). #24. September-December. p. 18-21.

Periodical articleRay, H. (1998)
Why do girls in Botswana senior secondary schools under-achieve in science? perceptions of pre-entry science course students at the University of Botswana
Mosenodi. Volume 6 #1. p. 60-70.

Periodical articleSheldon, Kathleen E. (1998)
See this publication'I Studied with the Nuns, Learning to Make Blouses': Gender Ideology and Colonial Education in Mozambique
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 31 #3. p. 595-625.

Periodical articleNyaga, G. (1997)
Education of the girl child with visual impairment in Kenya and Malawi integrated programmes
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 2 #1. March. p. 1-7.

Periodical articleReimer, L. (1997)
Running fast on one leg
Zimbabwean Review. Volume 3 #2. April-June. p. 18-20.

Periodical articleAppleton, Simon (1995)
See this publicationThe Interaction between Poverty and Gender in Human Capital Accumulation: The Case of the Primary Leaving Examination in Cote d'Ivoire
Abstract presentJournal of African Economies. Volume 4 #2. October. p. 192-224.

Periodical articleSchürings, Hildegard (1995)
Mädchen und Frauen fordern ein Recht auf Ausbildung: Berufsbildung im ländlichen Raum in Tunesien
Wuqûf: Beiträge zur Entwicklung von Staat und Gesellschaft in Nordafrika. #10-11. p. 403-423.

Periodical articleBouya, Alphonsine (1994)
See this publicationÉducation des filles: quelles perspectives pour l'Afrique subsaharienne au XXIe siècle?
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 19 #4. p. 11-34.

Periodical articleNyamongo, Isaac K.A.; Muruli, Leunita A. (1994)
Education and age at first marriage among pastoral Borana girls of Marsabit District, Kenya
Abstract presentAfrican Anthropology. Volume 1 #1-2. December. p. 69-76.

BookBeasley, Ina (1992)
Before the wind changed: people, places and education in the Sudan
Abstract presentOxford: Oxford University Press. Oriental and African archives #1. 483p.

Periodical articleMorrow, Sean (1986)
See this publication'No Girl Leaves the School Unmarried': Mabel Shaw and the Education of Girls at Mbereshi, Northern Rhodesia, 1915-1940
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 19 #4. p. 601-635.

Periodical articleTibenderana, Peter Kazenga (1985)
See this publicationThe Beginnings of Girls' Education in the Native Administration Schools in Northern Nigeria, 1930-1945
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 26 #1. p. 93-109.

Periodical articleCooksey, Brian (1982)
See this publicationEducation and Sexual Inequality in Cameroon
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 20 #1. March. p. 167-177.

Book chapterSanderson, L.M. (1975)
Girls' education in the Northern Sudan (1898-1956)
Abstract presentIn: Conflict and harmony in education in Tropical Africa / ed. by G.N. Brown and M. Hiskett. p. 29-246.

Search: su=girls
Found: 72 Record 1-72

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