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Search: su=libraries
Found: 27 Record 1-27

BookKohn, Karen C. (2015)
Collection evaluation in academic libraries: a practical guide for librarians
Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. Practical guides for librarians #16. 185p.

Periodical articleTetteh, Evelyn O. Apronti (2015)
The awareness of the copyright law among library users in tertiary institutions in Ghana
Globus: journal of Methodist University College Ghana. #3. p. 30-48.

Periodical articleMajinge, Rebecca M.; Stilwell, Christine (2014)
ICT use in information delivery to people with visual impairment and on wheelchairs in Tanzanian academic libraries
African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science. Volume 24 #2. p. 151-159.

Periodical articleMaredi Mojapelo, Samuel; Dube, Luyanda (2014)
See this publicationInformation access in high school libraries in Limpopo Province, South Africa
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Library and Information Science. Volume 80 #2. p. 8-17.

Periodical articleHart, Genevieve; Nassimbeni, Mary (2013)
See this publicationFrom borders and landscape to ecosystem: reconfiguring library services to meet the needs of South African youth
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Library and Information Science. Volume 79 #1. p. 13-21.

BookTouré, Abdoulaye (2010)
Les fonds documentaires de l'IFAN Cheikh Anta Diop, un trésor pour l'école: dossiers didactiques et fiches pédagogiques
Dakar: Institut fondamental d'Afrique noire Cheikh Anta Diop. Catalogues et documents. 137p.

Periodical articleStilwell, Christine (2009)
See this publicationMapping the fit: library and information services and the national transformation agenda in South Africa, part II
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Library and Information Science. Volume 75 #1. p. 1-11.

Periodical articleHrycko, Katarzyna (2007)
See this publicationAn Outline of the National Archives and Library of Ethiopia
Abstract presentAethiopica: International Journal of Ethiopian Studies. Volume 10. p. 92-105.

BookAmaeshi, Basil (ed.) (2003)
Classical readings in African library development
Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press. 459p.

BookSchifano, Elsa (2003)
L'édition africaine en France: portraits
Paris: L'Harmattan. 233p.

Periodical articleAhwoi, E.; Entsua-Mensah, C. (2001)
Functional libraries for purposeful education in Ghana: the need for a school library policy
Ghana Library Journal. Volume 13. p. 23-32.

Periodical articleNyerembe, M.P. (2001)
See this publicationUser needs in Tanzania's academic institutions
African Journal of Finance and Management. Volume 10 #1. July. p. 43-48.

BookStilwell, Christine; Leach, Athol; Burton, Simon (eds.) (2001)
Knowledge, information and development: an African perspective
Abstract presentPietermaritzburg: School of human and social studies, University of Natal. 247p.

Periodical articleNgulube, P. (2000)
Current challenges to the library and information services (LIS) profession in the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) region
ESARBICA Journal. Volume 19. p. 59-63.

Periodical articleAmare A. (1999)
Availability and use of instructional materials in Tigray primary schools
I.E.R. Flambeau. Volume 7 #1. December. p. 53-66.

Periodical articleArikewuyo, M.O. (1999)
Students' perceptions and utilisation of university services: the case of a Nigerian university
Ethiopian Journal of Education. Volume 19 #2. December. p. 1-13.

Periodical articleNamhila, E.N. (1997)
The development of Namibian libraries and the role of women as librarians and users
NIWA-Info. Volume 7 #1-4. March. p. 13-16.

Periodical articleZiba M. (1994)
La bibliothèque publique pour Congolais à Elisabethville, 1946-1960: rappel bibliographique et réflexions critiques
Likundoli. Archives et documents. Volume 15 #1-2. p. 15-22.

Periodical articleMwanakatwe, J.M. (1992)
Funding for libraries
Journal (Zambia Library Association). Volume 20. July. p. 12-20.

Periodical articleGlover, V.; Ramdoyal, R.; Meetoo, J.; Boull+, E.; Jeetun, A.; Lam, H.C. (1991-1992)
Commentaires critiques sur le Master Plan Education for the Year 2000
Journal of the Mauritius Institute of Education. #12. p. 13-30.

Periodical articleBrothers, Sue Coker (1991)
See this publicationThe Development of Botswana's National Library Service
Abstract presentBotswana Notes and Records. Volume 23. p. 69-81.

Periodical articleTawete, F. (1991)
The plight of school libraries in Africa
Information Trends. Volume 4 #3. October. p. 123-138.

Periodical articleAgaja, James Abayomi. (1990)
Nigerian University Libraries (1848-1988): Their Role in Nation Building
Abstract presentAfricana Marburgensia. Volume 23 #1. p. 36-47.

Periodical articleBosa, J. (1990)
The primary school library
Primary Education News. #8. p. 4-5.

Periodical articlePriestley, C. (1990)
Higher education learning resource materials: the state of play of libraries and books development
Zimbabwe Librarian. Volume 22 #1-2. p. 16-26.

Periodical articleKagan, Alfred (1982)
Literacy, Libraries and Underdevelopment: With Special Attention to Tanzania
Abstract presentAfricana Journal. Volume 13 #4. p. 1-23.

Periodical articleNyangoni, C.K. (1981)
See this publicationLibraries for National Development: The Zimbabwe Case
Abstract presentZambezia. Volume 9 #1. p. 49-58.

Search: su=libraries
Found: 27 Record 1-27

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