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Search: su=literature (form) | ||||||||
Found: 4 | Record 1-4 |
Sicherman, Carol (1995) | |
The Leeds-Makerere Connection and Ngugi's Intellectual Development | |
Ufahamu. Volume 23 #1. p. 3-20. |
Choonoo, R. Neville (1994) | |
Fighting with Their Might Pens: A Comparison of the Education and Literary Works of the Black Writers of Sophiatown and Soweto Generations in the Republic of South Africa, 1950-1980 | |
Africana Journal. Volume 16. p. 102-119. |
Lisembe, Elébé (1976) | |
La mission de l'écrivain zaïrois dans l'éducation des masses | |
Comptes rendus trimestriels des séances de l'Académie des Sciences d'Outre-mer. Volume 36 #2. p. 245-254. |
Goody, J. (1971) | |
The Impact of Islamic Writing on the Oral Cultures of West Africa | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 11 #43. p. 455-466. |
Search: su=literature (form) | ||||||||
Found: 4 | Record 1-4 |
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