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Search: su=orphans
Found: 11 Record 1-11

Conference paperGolaz, Valérie; Thibon, Christian (eds.) (2015)
Enfants et jeunes hors les liens en Afrique de l'Est
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. Questions d'enfances. 333p.

Periodical articleStambach, Amy; Kwayu, Aikande C. (2013)
See this publicationTake the gift of my child and return something to me: on children, Chagga trust, and a new American evangelical orphanage on Mount Kilimanjaro
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 43 #4. p. 379-395.

Periodical articleRazy, Elodie; Rodet, Marie (eds.) (2011)
Migration dans l'enfance, migrations de l'enfance: regards pluridisciplinaires
Abstract presentJournal des africanistes. Volume 81 #2. p. 5-200.

Periodical articleOzegbe, Roseline O.; Babatunde, M. Adetunji (2010)
Estimating the effects of HIV/AIDS on orphanhood and school enrolment in sub-Saharan Africa
Abstract presentIbadan journal of the social sciences. Volume 8 #1. p. 31-46.

Periodical articleKimengi, I.N.; Chepkuto, P.K. (2009)
Socialization of the orphaned children in child care institutions in Kenya: challenges and way forward for educational administrators
Educator (Eldoret, Kenya). Volume 2 #2. p. 67-78.

Periodical articleGould, William T.S.; Huber, Ulli S. (2008)
Orphanhood, vulnerability and primary school attendance: evidence from a school-based survey in two regions of Tanzania
Abstract presentAfrican Population Studies. Volume 23 #2. p. 249-271.

Periodical articleWaiswa Amongin, H.C.; Oonyu, J.C.; Baguma, P.K. (2008)
Orphan-hood, self esteem, assertiveness and attitudes towards education of adolescent secondary school girls
Makerere University Research Journal. Volume 3 #1. March. p. 43-58.

Periodical articleEvans, David K.; Miguel, Edward (2007)
See this publicationOrphans and Schooling in Africa: A Longitudinal Analysis
Demography. Volume 44 #1. p. 35-57.

Periodical articleKajawu, Gift P.; Mwakiwa, Emmanuel (2006)
Innovative approaches to empowering Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children (OVC): CRS/ZW STRIVE Education Initiatives
Journal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 21 #1. January. p. 67-84.

Periodical articleDoctor, Henry V. (2004)
Parental Survival, Living Arrangements and School Enrollment of Children in Malawi in the Era of HIV/AIDS
Abstract presentJournal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 19 #1. January. p. 31-56.

Periodical articleNyamukapa, Constance A.; Foster, Geoff; Gregson, Simon (2003)
Orphans' Household Circumstances and Access to Education in a Maturing HIV Epidemic in Eastern Zimbabwe
Abstract presentJournal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 18 #2. p. 7-32.

Search: su=orphans
Found: 11 Record 1-11

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