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Periodical articleKamga, Serges Djoyou (2016)
See this publicationInclusion of learners with severe intellectual disabilities in basic education under a transformative constitution: a critical analysis
Abstract presentThe Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa. Volume 49 #1. p. 24-52.

Periodical articleMotala, Rashid; Govender, Sumeshni; Nzima, Dumisani (2015)
See this publicationAttitudes of Department of Education district officials towards Inclusive education in South African primary schools
Abstract presentAfrica Education Review. Volume 12 #4. p. 515-532.

Periodical articleMunikwa, Simbarashe; Chinamasa, Emmanuel (2013)
An assessment of the vacation school conduct: stakeholders' views
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 25 #1. p. 61-76.

Periodical articleStone-MacDonald, Angela; Stone, Ruth M. (2012)
See this publicationThe feedback interview and video recording in African research settings
Abstract presentAfrica Today. Volume 59 #4. p. 3-22.

Periodical articleTichagwa, K. (2012)
An evaluation of the mushrooming of new 'independent colleges' in Zimbabwe with special emphasis on the education of the urban child, 2000-2009
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 24 #1. p. 36-46.

Periodical articleHay, J.; Beyers, C. (2011)
See this publicationAn analysis of the South African model of inclusive education with regard to social justice
Abstract presentAfrica Education Review. Volume 8 #2. p. 234-246.

Periodical articleAdon, Kouadio Patrick (2010)
Interventions socio-éducatives par des jeux de communication pour la formation des handicapés sensoriels d'Abidjan
Annales de la Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines. #40. p. 109-128.

Periodical articleTungaraza, Frida D. (2010)
Accomplishments and challenges facing students with disabilities at the University of Dar es Salaam: thirty years of navigating The Hill
Papers in Education and Development. #29. p. 134-155.

Periodical articleMaher, Marguerite (2009)
See this publicationInformation and advocacy: forgotten components in the strategies for achieving inclusive education in South Africa?
Abstract presentAfrica Education Review. Volume 6 #1. p. 19-36.

BookMinistry of Basic and Secondary Education (MOBSE). Directorate of Basic and Secondary Education, Banjul (2009)
See this publicationThe special needs education and inclusive policy framework 2009-2015
Banjul: Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education (MOBSE). 41p.

Periodical articleMosia, Paseka Andrew (2009)
Multidisciplinary teams in addressing special educational needs within the inclusive context in South Africa: what are the constraints in Motheo district?
Abstract presentLesotho Social Sciences Review. Volume 13 #1-2. December. p. 18-29.

Periodical articleShumba, Almon; Taukobong, Ethel (2009)
See this publicationAn evaluation of policies and programmes related to children with disabilities in Botswana
Abstract presentAfrica Education Review. Volume 6 #1. p. 123-139.

Periodical articleBhattacharya, G.C.; Wamutitu, J.M. (2008)
The role of the family in promoting social inclusion of children with special needs
Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education. Volume 7 #2-3. p. 226-235.

Periodical articleMukhopadhyay, S.; Nwaogu, P.O. (2008)
Use of augmentative and alternative communication systems for learners with intellectual impairments in Botswana Primary schools
Mosenodi. Volume 16 #1. p. 16-26.

Periodical articleMuola, J.M.; Sindabi, A.M.; Kathuri, N.J. (2008)
A comparative study of the self-concept of blind children in integrated and special schools in Kenya
Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education. Volume 7 #2-3. p. 214-225.

Periodical articleMwenisongole, Kevin Burton (2008)
The effectiveness of juvenile rehabilitation institutions in changing juvenile delinquency behaviour: the case of Irambo Approved School
Papers in Education and Development. #28. p. 61-82.

Periodical articleMöwes, A. (2007-2008)
Educators' preferred forms of schooling for learners with special needs in Namibia
NERA Journal. p. 56-67.

Periodical articleMalatsi, N.M; Okumbe, M.A. (2007)
The need for inclusive educational practices in Botswana: the case of learners with special educational needs
Educator (Eldoret, Kenya). Volume 1 #2. p. 7-16.

Periodical articleMnyanyi, C.B.F. (2007)
Special needs education: some experiences from Tanzania
Journal of Issues and Practice in Education. Volume 2 #1. June. p. 62-72.

Periodical articleNdirangu, M.; Mwangi, J.K.; Changeiywo, J. (2007)
See this publicationEducational provision for the academically gifted: rhetoric or reality? Case of primary schools in Nyandarua District, Kenya
Abstract presentEastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 23 #2. June. p. 55-69.

Periodical articlePossi, M.K. (2007)
Perceptions on giftedness and talentedness by students in media and public relations studies: can media practitioners play a role?
Huria. Volume 7 #1. June. p. 1-24.

Periodical articleTungaraza, F.D. (2007)
Parents of children with disabilities in Tanzania: the challenges facing them
Huria. Volume 7 #1. June. p. 72-80.

Periodical articleJonas, Patrick; Cloete, Fanie (2006)
The governance of public special schools in the Western Cape: a comparative assessment
Abstract presentAfricanus. Volume 36 #1. p. 105-122.

Periodical articleMotlatshiping, M. (2006)
Being deaf is not being dumb
Kutlwano. Volume 47 #1. January. p. 14-15.

Periodical articleNdurumo, M.M. (2006)
The potential impact of the Children Act (2001) and the Persons with Disabilities Act (2003) on education of learners with disabilities in Kenya in the 21st century
Educator (Eldoret, Kenya). Volume 1 #1. p. 83-92.

Periodical articleOloo, J.A. (2006)
Issues in special education in Canada and Kenya
OSSREA Bulletin. Volume 3 #1. February. p. 27-33.

Periodical articlePossi, M.K. (2006)
From special to inclusive education for children in special needs in Tanzania: old wine in new bottle?
Journal of Issues and Practice in Education. Volume 1 #2. December. p. 47-63.

Periodical articleHopkin, A.G. (2004)
See this publicationSpecial Education in Botswana: Social Inclusion or Exclusion
Pula: Botswana Journal of African Studies. Volume 18 #1. p. 88-102.

Periodical articleMurinda, S. (2004)
See this publicationA critical analysis of the Nziramasanga report of inquiry into education in Zimbabwe, 1999: the case of special needs education
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 16 #2. July. p. 71-84.

Periodical articleRunhare, T. (2004)
Provision of Equal Education for Students with Disabilities at Tertiary Institutions in Zimbabwe: Prospects and Barriers
Abstract presentJournal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 19 #1. January. p. 151-167.

Periodical articleAlemayehu T. (2003)
Communication experiences of pre-lingual deaf students in the special classes
Ethiopian Journal of Education. Volume 23 #1. June. p. 95-123.

Periodical articleAvoke, M. (2003)
Experiences of self advocacy, autonomy and decision making in two special schools for children with learning difficulties in Ghana
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 8 #1. March. p. 7-16.

Periodical articleChireshe, R.; Mapfumo, J.; Dzapasi, A. (2003)
A bird's eye view of the Zimbabwe remedial programme: past and present
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 8 #1. March. p. 28-33.

Periodical articleDu Plessis, E.; Viljoen, J. (2003)
South African pre-schoolers at risk: teach them to read
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 8 #1. March. p. 17-27.

Book chapterMundia, Lawrence J.S. (2003)
The rights to education, training and employment: case of the disabled in Swaziland
In: Democracy, transformation, conflict and public policy in Swaziland. p. 19-27.

Periodical articleAdoyo, Peter Oracha (2002)
See this publicationEmergent Approaches towards Sign Bilingualism in Deaf Education in Kenya
Abstract presentStichproben - Vienna Journal of African Studies. Volume 2 #3. p. 83-96.

Periodical articleBaguwemu, A.A.; Nabirye, A. (2002)
Teachers' perception of inclusive education in Uganda: the case of rural schools
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 7 #2. September. p. 83-93.

Periodical articleChireshe, R.; Mapfumo, J. (2002)
Focus on the slow learner: the Zimbabwean scene
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 7 #2. September. p. 126-134.

Periodical articleChireshe, R.; Ndlovu, S.P.C. (2002)
Factors affecting teachers' attitudes towards the placement of slow learners into special classes
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 7 #1. March. p. 13-20.

Periodical articleKisanji, J. (2002)
Inclusive education and deaf education: should they co-exist?
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 7 #1. March. p. 26-33.

Periodical articleKristensen, K. (2002)
Can the Scandinavian perspectives on inclusive education be implemented in developing countries
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 7 #2. September. p. 104-114.

Periodical articleMushoriwa, T. (2002)
Beyond separate schooling: marginalised voices becoming louder
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 7 #1. March. p. 34-42.

Periodical articleNgara, Constantine (2002)
See this publicationTeachers' perception of giftedness and talent among primary school children
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 14 #3. November. p. 213-228.

Periodical articleNwaogu, P.O.; Abosi, C.O.; Sison, W.M. (2002)
Employability of adults with disabilities in Botswana: perceptions of the able community
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 7 #1. March. p. 43-51.

Periodical articleOkech, J.B. (2002)
Education for the girl-child with special needs
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 7 #1. March. p. 21-25.

Periodical articleOnyewadume, I.U.; Onyewadume, M.A. (2002)
Southern African physical education undergraduates' career attitudes towards adapted physical education: the University of Botswana case
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 7 #2. September. p. 73-82.

Periodical articleEleweka, J. (2001)
The integration of the visually and hearing impaired into regular school settings is indeed justifiable
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 6 #1. March. p. 58-68.

Periodical articleEleweke, C.J. (2001)
Physician heal thyself: the role of disability organisations in countries of the south towards improvements in special needs provision
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 6 #2. September. p. 107-113.

Periodical articleMushoriwa, T.D. (2001)
The views of blind pupils towards inclusive education
Abstract presentZimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 13 #3. p. 302-315.

Periodical articleOkwaput, S. (2001)
A conducive environment for inclusive education: some experiences from north-eastern Uganda
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 6 #2. September. p. 95-98.

Periodical articleUrombo, R. (2001)
Placement of children into special classes: parents' attitudes: Masvingo region, Zimbabwe
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 6 #1. March. p. 1-6.

Periodical articleUyanwa, C. (2001)
Training and recruitment of special education personnel in Nigeria
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 6 #2. September. p. 114-120.

Periodical articleAsamani, C.A. (2000)
Ghana and special educational needs (SEN) policy: a race for survival in the new millennium
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 5 #2. September. p. 103-107.

Periodical articleAyoku, A.; Ajobiewe, T. (2000)
Strategic review of special education in Nigeria as stipulated in the national policy of 1981
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 5 #1. March. p. 42-47.

Periodical articleBagandanshwa, E.T.T. (2000)
Special education co-ordination mechanisms: some experience from Tanzania
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 5 #2. September. p. 98-102.

Periodical articleMolteno, C.; Kench, E. (2000)
Distance learning and training of trainers for persons who work with children with special needs in the Western Cape Province of South Africa
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 5 #1. March. p. 27-34.

Periodical articleOswald, M.; Ackermann, C.J.; Engelbrecht, P. (2000)
Onderwysers in hoofstroomskole se houdings teenoor inklusiewe onderwys
Abstract presentTydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe. Volume 40 #4. p. 306-317.

Periodical articleTilahun T. (2000)
Encouraging giftedness and talent: one of the objectives of special needs education
Educational Journal (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). Volume 4 #10. July. p. 73-91.

Periodical articleAdedoja, T.A.; Gbegbin, J.A. (1999)
Rehabilitation programme for the blind and low vision at the Federal College of Special Education, Oyo, Nigeria
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 4 #2. September. p. 27-33.

Periodical articleBagandanshwa, E.T.T. (1999)
Some highlights in the development of educational services for visually impaired and blind people in Tanzania
Huria. Volume 2 #2. September. p. 44-57.

Periodical articleChimedza, Robert (1999)
Examining classroom discourse in an oral programme at a special school for deaf students in Zimbabwe
Abstract presentZimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 11 #3. November. p. 183-201.

Periodical articleEleweke, C.J. (1999)
Special needs profession preparation and development in Nigeria: the challenges ahead
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 4 #2. September. p. 41-49.

Periodical articleKutosi, G.W. (1999)
The production of braille in Uganda: 1955-1999
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 4 #1. March. p. 54-67.

Periodical articleNjuki, E.P. (1999)
Verbal and non-verbal interaction between mothers and their children with learning difficulties
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 4 #2. September. p. 13-26.

Periodical articleNyewe, K.; Green, L. (1999)
The attitudes of some South African parents towards the inclusive education of their children with mild to moderate mental disabilities
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 4 #1. March. p. 13-25.

Periodical articleOnyewadume, I.U.; Abosi, C.O. (1999)
The call for professionally organized physical fitness programmes for persons with disabilities
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 4 #2. September. p. 50-56.

Periodical articlePeresuh, M.; Njuki, P.; Atim, S.; Okot, D.; Semakula, P. (1999)
Update on a workshop on 'human resource development in support of inclusive education'
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 4 #1. March. p. 68-71.

Periodical articlePhillips, J.S.; Mbugua, M. (1999)
Inclusion strategies for early childhood education: the case of Kitisuru Nursery School, Nairobi, Kenya
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 4 #2. September. p. 34-40.

Periodical articlePossi, M.K. (1999)
The place of special children in educational reforms in Tanzania: a critique
Papers in Education and Development. #20. p. 1-17.

Periodical articleSemakula, P.S. (1999)
Parent-teacher partnership in educating children with mental retardation in the central region of Uganda
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 4 #2. September. p. 1-7.

Periodical articleTirussew T. (1999)
Inclusion of children with disabilities in regular schools: challenges and opportunities
Ethiopian Journal of Education. Volume 19 #1. June. p. 29-64.

Periodical articleUrombo, Regis (1999)
The effectiveness of special classes on the performance of slow learners in mathematics in primary schools in Masvingo region, Zimbabwe
Abstract presentZimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 11 #2. July. p. 114-135.

Periodical articleZimba, F.R. (1999)
Supporting the learning of Namibian students with special needs
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 4 #1. March. p. 37-53.

Periodical articleAnderson, D.W. (1998)
The integration of faith and learning in special education
Perspectives (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 2 #1. January. p. 30-45.

Periodical articleDraper, P. (1998)
Living in Rodrigues...as 'normal' as possible
NCRD Newsletter. #7. December. p. 36-37.

Periodical articleEleweke, J. (1998)
A review of institutional service delivery provisions in special needs education and rehabilitation in Nigeria: the best way forward
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 3 #2. September. p. 56-66.

Periodical articleMarshall, J.; Bekker, M.; McCracken, W. (1998)
The development of a pre-school unit in Tanzania, using the principles of Montessori: an innovation in special needs education
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 3 #2. September. p. 80-90.

Periodical articleOcloo, M.A. (1998)
The use of instructional technology in teaching children with low vision in Ghana
Ghana Educational Media & Technology Association Journal. Volume 2. p. 81-85.

Periodical articleOkeke, B.A. (1998)
The status of disability rehabilitation centres in Enugu State, Nigeria: an appraisal
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 3 #2. September. p. 67-74.

Periodical articleOozeer, A. (1998)
Mauritius Employers' Federation
NCRD Newsletter. #7. December. p. 20-21.

Periodical articleTirussew T. (1998)
Educational rehabilitation: a missing component of teacher education at Addis Ababa University
I.E.R. Flambeau. Volume 5 #2. July. p. 24-38.

Periodical articleWah, A.W.C. (1998)
At-risk infant and early stimulation
NCRD Newsletter. #7. December. p. 38-39.

Periodical articleZindi, F. (1998)
Open and distance learning system: a proposal for the education of persons with physical impairments
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 3 #1. March. p. 28-33.

Periodical articleEnon, J.C. (1997)
Teachers' perceptions of learning difficulties among students in Uganda
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 2 #1. March. p. 16-24.

Periodical articleKiyimba, A. (1997)
The case for special needs education in institutions of higher learning: the experience of visually impaired students on the Mass Communication Programme at Makerere University
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 2 #2. September. p. 73-85.

Periodical articleKristensen, K. (1997)
Special needs education in a school for all
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 2 #2. September. p. 69-72.

Periodical articleKristensen, K.; Kristensen, K. (1997)
School for all: a challenge to special needs education in Uganda: a brief country report
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 2 #1. March. p. 25-28.

Periodical articleLund, P.M. (1997)
The distribution and education of pupils with albinism in Zimbabwe
Transactions of the Zimbabwe Scientific Association. Volume 71. p. 9-13.

Periodical articleMoorosi, M.; Sebatane, E.M. (1997)
Including children with disabilities into regular schools for enhancing their quality
Lesotho Journal of Teacher Education. Volume 1 #2. p. 15-28.

Periodical articleMpofu, E.; Zindi, F.; Peresuh, M.; Oakland, T. (1997)
Special needs educators' perspectives on school psychology practices in East and Southern Africa
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 2 #2. September. p. 45-58.

Periodical articleNaicker, S.M. (1997)
Integrated national disability strategy of the government of national unity: the challenge ahead
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 2 #2. September. p. 60-68.

Periodical articlePeresuh, M.; Adenigba, S.A.; Ogonda, G. (1997)
Perspectives on special needs education in Nigeria, Kenya, and Zimbabwe
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 2 #1. March. p. 9-15.

Periodical articleZindi, Fred (1997)
Open and Distance Learning Systems for People with Disabilities
Abstract presentJournal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 12 #2. p. 91-97.

Periodical articleAtim, M.S. (1996)
What is special needs education with reference to Uganda?
Uganda Journal. Volume 43. December. p. 84-88.

Periodical articleCharema, J.; Peresuh, M. (1996)
Support services for special educational needs: proposed models for countries south of the Sahara
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 1 #2. September. p. 76-83.

Periodical articleGunga, S.O. (1996)
Gender imbalance in special education: a Kenyan perspective
Kenya Adult Educator. Volume 3 #1. p. 15-22.

Periodical articleKimuli, E.K. (1996)
Special needs education: the creation of the Uganda National Institute of Special Education
Uganda Journal. Volume 43. December. p. 89-91.

Periodical articleKisanji, J. (1996)
The relevance of indigenous customary education principles in the formulation of special needs education policy
African Journal of Special Needs Education. Volume 1 #2. September. p. 59-74.

Periodical articleMboya, M.W.; Possi, M.K. (1996)
The special child in Tanzania primary schools
Papers in Education and Development. #17. p. 52-75.

Periodical articleMpangi, V. (1996)
Special needs education in Uganda: the creation of 'EARS'
Uganda Journal. Volume 43. December. p. 92-93.

Search: su=special education
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