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Found: 307 | Record 1-100 |
Gubert, Flore; Robilliard, Anne-Sophie (2008) | |
Risk and Schooling Decisions in Rural Madagascar: A Panel Data-Analysis | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 17 #2. March. p. 207-238. |
Agozino, Biko; Anyanike, Ike (2007) | |
IMY AHIA: Traditional Igbo Business School and Global Commerce Culture | |
Dialectical Anthropology. Volume 31 #1-3. November. p. 233-252. |
Cockburn, John; Dostie, Benoit (2007) | |
Child Work and Schooling: The Role of Household Asset Profiles and Poverty in Rural Ethiopia | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 16 #4. August. p. 519-563. |
Fafchamps, Marcel; Minten, Bart (2007) | |
Public Service Provision, User Fees and Political Turmoil | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 16 #3. p. 485-518. |
Fosu, Augustin K. (2007) | |
Fiscal Allocation for Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: Implications of the External Debt Service Constraint | |
World Development. Volume 35 #4. April. p. 702-713. |
Kieh, George K. (2007) | |
The Human Development Crisis in Liberia | |
Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa. Volume 9 #1. Spring. p. 78-94. |
Kifle, Temesgen (2007) | |
Do Remittances Encourage Investment in Education? Evidence from Eritrea | |
GEFAME Journal of African Studies. Volume 4 #1. |
Mahoney, Karin (2007) | |
Certification in the South African Tourism Industry: The Case of Fair Trade in Tourism | |
Development Southern Africa. Volume 24 #3. September. p. 393-408. |
Mattes, Robert; Mniki, Namhla (2007) | |
Restless Minds: South African Students and the Brain Drain | |
Development Southern Africa. Volume 24 #1. March. p. 25-46. |
Ottenberg, Simon (2007) | |
Two Renowned Nigerian Scholars: Ikenna Nzimiro and Victor Chikesie Uchendu | |
Dialectical Anthropology. Volume 31 #1-3. November. p. 11-43. |
Vally, Salim (2007) | |
From People's Education to Neo-Liberalism in South Africa | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 34 #111. March. p. 39-56. |
Van der Berg, Servaas (2007) | |
Apartheid's Enduring Legacy: Inequalities in Education | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 16 #5. November. p. 849-880. |
Weir, Sharada; Knight, John (2007) | |
Production Externalities of Education: Evidence from Rural Ethiopia | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 16 #1. January. p. 134-165. |
Kifle, Temesgen (2006-2007) | |
Education and the Gender Wage Gap in Eritrea's Formal Labour Market | |
Australasian Review of African Studies. Volume 28. p. 111-137. |
Aboites, Hugo (2006) | |
Science and Education in Mexico: Lessons for Africa from the Transition from National Capitalism to the Crisis of Globalisation | |
Journal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 4 #1. p. 45-68. |
Ainsworth, Martha; Filmer, Deon (2006) | |
Inequalities in Children's Schooling: AIDS, Orphanhood, Poverty, and Gender | |
World Development. Volume 34 #6. June. p. 1099-1128. |
Aloysius, Njong M.; Kamguia, Jean M. (2006) | |
Structural Reform Measures and Primary School Enrollment in Cameroon | |
Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa. Volume 8 #1. Spring. |
Aromolaran, Adebayo B. (2006) | |
Estimates of Mincerian Returns to Schooling in Nigeria | |
Oxford Development Studies. Volume 34 #2. June. p. 265-292. |
Berthélemy, Jean-Claude (2006) | |
To What Extent are African Education Policies Pro-Poor? | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 15 #3. September. p. 434-469. |
Coleman, Casey A. (2006) | |
The Millennium Challenge Account and Human Resources Development (HRD) of Ghana | |
Africa Update. Volume 13 #3. Summer. |
Edmonds, Eric V. (2006) | |
Child Labor and Schooling Responses to Anticipated Income in South Africa | |
Journal of Development Economics. Volume 81 #2. December. p. 386-414. |
Ejieh, M.U.C.; Adepoju, D.M. (2006) | |
Insurance Of Public Secondary Schools In Nigeria: A Case Study | |
African Symposium: An On-Line African Educational Research Journal. Volume 6 #1-2. June. p. 33-39. |
Glick, Peter; Sahn, David E. (2006) | |
The Demand for Primary Schooling in Madagascar: Price, Quality, and the Choice between Public and Private Providers | |
Journal of Development Economics. Volume 79 #1. February. p. 118-145. |
Glick, Peter; Razakamanantsoa, Mamisoa (2006) | |
The Distribution of Education and Health Services in Madagascar over the 1990s: Increasing Progressivity in an Era of Low Growth | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 15 #3. September. p. 399-433. |
Gravenir, F.Q.; Ouma, Gerald W.; Mse, G.S.; Njihia, Mukirae (2006) | |
Re-Thinking the Financing of Kenya's Higher Education: Options for Enhancing Equity, Access and Quality | |
African Symposium: An On-Line African Educational Research Journal. Volume 6 #3-4. December. p. 35-46. |
Gyimah-Brempong, Kwabena; Paddison, Oliver; Mitiku, Workie (2006) | |
Higher Education and Economic Growth in Africa | |
Journal of Development Studies. Volume 42 #3. April. p. 509-529. |
Handa, Sudhanshu; Simler, Kenneth R. (2006) | |
Quality or Quantity? The Supply-Side Determinants of Primary Schooling in a Poor Rural Economy | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 15 #1. March. p. 59-90. |
Kakwani, Nanak; Soares, Fabio; Son, Hyun H. (2006) | |
Cash Transfers for School-Age Children in African Countries: Simulation of Impacts on Poverty and School Attendance | |
Development Policy Review. Volume 24 #5. September. p. 553-569. |
Larson, Bruce; Minten, Bart; Razafindralambo, Ramy (2006) | |
Unraveling the Linkages between the Millennium Development Goals for Poverty, Education, Access to Water and Household Water Use in Developing Countries: Evidence from Madagascar | |
Journal of Development Studies. Volume 42 #1. January. p. 22-40. |
Morris, Mike; Barnes, Justin (2006) | |
Organising Cluster Cooperation and Learning Networks in South Africa | |
African Studies. Volume 65 #1. July. p. 79-104. |
Okpala, Amon; Okpala, Comfort (2006) | |
The Effects of Public School Expenditure and Parental Education on Youth Literacy in Sub-Saharan Africa | |
Journal of Third World Studies. Volume 23 #2. Fall. p. 203-214. |
Perry, Beth; May, Tim (2006) | |
Excellence, Relevance and the University: The 'Missing Middle' in Socio-Economic Engagement | |
Journal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 4 #3. p. 69-91. |
Prinsloo, Paul; Beukes, Cecilia; De Jongh, Derick (2006) | |
Corporate Citizenship Education for Responsible Business Leaders | |
Development Southern Africa. Volume 23 #2. June. p. 197-211. |
Sobhee, Sanjeev K. (2006) | |
On the Efficiency and Equity Effects of Public Sector Investment in Education in Mauritius | |
Canadian Journal of Development Studies. Volume 27 #3. p. 351-364. |
Söderbom, Måns; Teal, Francis; Wambugu, Anthony; Kahyarara, Godius (2006) | |
The Dynamics of Returns to Education in Kenyan and Tanzanian Manufacturing | |
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. Volume 68 #3. June. p. 261-288. |
Takahashi, Chie (2006) | |
Partnerships, Learning, and Development: A Case Study from Ghana | |
Development in Practice. Volume 16 #1. February. p. 39-50. |
Vencovsky, Daniel (2006) | |
Economic Reintegration of Ex-Combatants | |
Conflict Trends. #4. p. 36-41. |
Zegeye, Abebe; Vambe, Maurice T. (2006) | |
Knowledge Production and Publishing in Africa | |
Development Southern Africa. Volume 23 #3. September. p. 333-349. |
Anyona, J.K.; Gravenir, F.Q.; Mse, G.S. (2005) | |
The Cost Of Private University Education and Its Implications On Access By Different Socio-Economic Groups In Kenya | |
African Symposium: An On-Line African Educational Research Journal. Volume 5 #4. December. p. 32-41. |
Asogwa, Robert C. (2005) | |
Liberalization, Consolidation and Market Structure in Nigerian Banking | |
African Review of Money, Finance and Banking - Supplement to 'Savings and Development'. p. 99-127. |
Brukum, N.J.K. (2005) | |
Sir Gordon Guggisberg and Socio-Economic Development of Northern Ghana, 1919-1927 | |
Transactions of the Historical Society of Ghana. #9. p. 1-15. |
Cardoso, Carlos (2005) | |
Lusophone Africa and Higher Education Reform: Issues and Trends in the Global System | |
Journal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 3 #2. p. 154-164. |
Felleke, Getachew (2005) | |
Education and Modernization: An Examination of the Experiences of Japan and Ethiopia | |
African and Asian Studies. Volume 4 #4. p. 509-546. |
Girma, Sourafel; Kedir, Abbi (2005) | |
Heterogeneity in Returns to Schooling: Econometric Evidence from Ethiopia | |
Journal of Development Studies. Volume 41 #8. November. p. 1405-1416. |
Ikelegbe, Augustine (2005) | |
Engendering Civil Society: Oil, Women Groups and Resource Conflicts in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria | |
Journal of Modern African Studies. Volume 43 #2. June. p. 241-270. |
Lassibille, Gérard; Tan, Jee-Peng (2005) | |
The Returns to Education in Rwanda | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 14 #1. March. p. 92-116. |
Lemon, Anthony (2005) | |
Shifting Geographies of Social Inclusion and Exclusion: Secondary Education in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 104 #414. January. p. 69-96. |
Lopez, Humberto; Wodon, Quentin (2005) | |
The Economic Impact of Armed Conflict in Rwanda | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 14 #4. December. p. 586-602. |
Munene, Ishmael I.; Otieno, Wycliffe (2005) | |
Loose Coupling, Vouchers and Informal Training: What Kenya's Universities Can Learn | |
Journal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 3 #1. p. 101-130. |
Murphy, Paud (2005) | |
Education, Educators and Financing Modalities: Reflections on Experience in Uganda | |
Journal of International Development. Volume 17 #1. January. p. 131-147. |
Ofeh, Moses A. (2005) | |
Universities in Cameroon: A Key to Economic Growth and Reducer of Poverty: The Case of University of Dschang | |
Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa. Volume 7 #2. Fall. 10p. |
Orebiyi, J.S.; Ben-Chendo, N.G. (2005) | |
Determinants of Rural Agricultural Financing by the United Bank for Africa and the Need for Extension Services in Imo State, Nigeria | |
Global Approaches to Extension Practice. Volume 1 #1. p. 97-102. |
Parsons, Timothy H. (2005) | |
No More English Than the Postal System: The Kenya Boy Scout Movement and the Transfer of Power | |
Africa Today. Volume 51 #3. Spring. p. 61-80. |
Rena, Ravinder (2005) | |
Financing of Education in Eritrea: A Case Study of Zoba Maekel | |
African Symposium: An On-Line African Educational Research Journal. Volume 5 #3. September. |
Rotimi, Adewale (2005) | |
Violence in the Citadel: The Menace of Secret Cults in the Nigerian Universities | |
Nordic Journal of African Studies. Volume 14 #1. p. 79-98. |
Seebens, Holger; Wobst, Peter (2005) | |
The Impact of Increased School Enrollment on Economic Growth in Tanzania | |
African Development Review. Volume 17 #2. September. p. 274-301. |
Tjeldvoll, Arild; Welle-Strand, Anne; Bento, Fabio (2005) | |
The Complex Relations between University, Society and State: The Ethiopian Predicament in Establishing a Service University | |
Journal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 3 #1. p. 51-75. |
Viljoen, R.P. (2005) | |
The Changing Popularity of Economics at South African Universities, 1991-1999 | |
South African Journal of Economic History. Volume 20 #2. September. p. 131-144. |
Amouzou, Agbessi; Hill, Kenneth (2004) | |
Child Mortality and Socioeconomic Status in Sub-Saharan Africa | |
African Population Studies. Volume 19 #1. April. p. 1-11. |
Aromolaran, Adebayo B. (2004) | |
Wage Returns to Schooling in Nigeria | |
African Development Review. Volume 16 #3. December. p. 433-455. |
Bedi, Arjun S.; Kimalu, Paul K.; Mandab, Damiano K.; Nafula, Nancy (2004) | |
The Decline in Primary School Enrollment in Kenya | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 13 #1. March. p. 1-43. |
Benziane, Abdelbaki (2004) | |
Economic Reforms in Algeria and Their Impact on Higher Education and Student Benefits | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 9 #2. Summer. p. 102-114. |
Bloom, David E.; Sevilla, Jaypee (2004) | |
Should There be a General Subsidy for Higher Education in Developing Countries? | |
Journal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 2 #1. p. 137-150. |
Byrne, Garreth (2004) | |
The Book Famine in Africa: A Former Teacher Observes | |
Contemporary Review. Volume 284 #1659. April. p. 207-213. |
Devarajan, Shantayanan; Reinikka, Ritva (2004) | |
Making Services Work for Poor People | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 13 Supplement #1. July. p. 142-166. |
Evenson, Robert E. (2004) | |
Private and Public Values of Higher Education in Developing Countries: Guidelines for Investment | |
Journal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 2 #1. p. 151-175. |
Glewwe, Paul; Kremer, Michael; Moulin, Sylvie; Zitzewitz, Eric (2004) | |
Retrospective versus Prospective Analyses of School Inputs: The Case of Flip Charts in Kenya | |
Journal of Development Economics. Volume 74 #1. June. p. 251-268. |
Gutema, Paulos; Bekele, Mekonnen (2004) | |
Does Schooling Promote Economic Growth? | |
African Development Review. Volume 16 #2. September. p. 385-398. |
Ishengoma, M. Johnson (2004) | |
Cost-Sharing in Higher Education in Tanzania: Fact or Fiction? | |
Journal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 2 #2. p. 101-133. |
Johnson, Tarnue (2004) | |
The Evaluation of Educational Reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa: 1980s-1990s | |
African Symposium: An On-Line African Educational Research Journal. Volume 4 #1. March. |
Johnstone, D. Bruce (2004) | |
Higher Education Finance and Accessibility: Tuition Fees and Student Loans in Sub-Saharan Africa | |
Journal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 2 #2. p. 11-36. |
Jolliffe, Dean (2004) | |
The Impact of Education in Rural Ghana: Examining Household Labor Allocation and Returns on and Off the Farm | |
Journal of Development Economics. Volume 73 #1. February. p. 287-314. |
Kiamba, Crispus (2004) | |
Privately Sponsored Students and Other Income-Generating Activities at the University of Nairobi | |
Journal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 2 #2. p. 53-73. |
Knight, Jane (2004) | |
Cross-Border Education as Trade: Issues for Consultation, Policy Review and Research | |
Journal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 2 #3. p. 55-81. |
Lemon, Anthony (2004) | |
Redressing School Inequalities in the Eastern Cape, South Africa | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 30 #2. June. p. 269-290. |
Mosley, Paul; Rock, June (2004) | |
Microfinance, Labour Markets and Poverty in Africa: A Study of Six Institutions | |
Journal of International Development. Volume 16 #3. March. p. 467-500. |
Musila, Jacob W.; Belassi, Walid (2004) | |
The Impact of Education Expenditures on Economic Growth in Uganda: Evidence from Times Series Data | |
Journal of Developing Areas. Volume 38 #1. Fall. p. 123-133. |
Ndirangu, Mwangi; Bosire, Joseph (2004) | |
Student Entrepreneurship on Campus: A Survival Response or a Career Rehearsal? The Case of Egerton University Student Entrepreneurs | |
Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 20 #1. January. p. 51-66. |
Okorie, Ngozi C.; Uche, Chineze M. (2004) | |
University-Industry Interface Activities: Awareness of Sponsored Research among Nigerian Academics | |
Ghana Journal of Development Studies. Volume 1 #2. p. 101-117. |
Oladele, Oladimeji I. (2004) | |
Effect of World Bank Loan Withdrawal on the Performance of Agricultural Extension in Nigeria | |
Nordic Journal of African Studies. Volume 13 #2. p. 141-145. |
Olukoju, Ayodeji (2004) | |
Economic History at the University of Lagos since the 1970s | |
Lagos Historical Review. Volume 4. p. 77-93. |
Otieno, Wycliffe (2004) | |
Student Loans in Kenya: Past Experiences, Current Hurdles, and Opportunities for the Future | |
Journal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 2 #2. p. 75-99. |
Pillay, Pundy (2004) | |
The South African Experience with Developing and Implementing a Funding Formula for the Tertiary Education System | |
Journal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 2 #3. p. 19-36. |
Rippon, Thomas J.; Willow, Stan (2004) | |
Sierra Leone: A Model for a Program for Action for a Culture of Peace | |
Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution. Volume 6 #1. Fall. p. 152-169. |
Rotich, D.C. (2004) | |
The Affordability of School Textbooks in Kenya: Consumer Experiences in the Transformation of a Liberalising Economy | |
Nordic Journal of African Studies. Volume 13 #2. p. 175-187. |
Sall, Ebrima (2004) | |
Alternative Models to Traditional Higher Education: Market Demands, Networks, and Private Secroe Challenges | |
Journal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 2 #1. p. 177-212. |
Sawyerr, Akilagpa (2004) | |
African Universities and the Challenge of Research Capacity Development | |
Journal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 2 #1. p. 213-242. |
Schultz, T. Paul (2004) | |
Social Value of Research and Technical Skills: Does it Justify Investment in Higher Education for Development? | |
Journal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 2 #1. p. 93-135. |
Schultz, T. Paul (2004) | |
Evidence of Returns to Schooling in Africa from Household Surveys: Monitoring and Restructuring the Market for Education | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 13 Supplement #2. December. p. 95-148. |
Tekleselassie, Abebayehu A.; Johnstone, D.B. (2004) | |
Means Testing: The Dilemma of Targeting Subsidies in African Higher Education | |
Journal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 2 #2. p. 135-158. |
Woodhall, Maureen (2004) | |
Student Loans: Potential, Problems, and Lessons from International Experience | |
Journal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 2 #2. p. 37-51. |
Agesa, Richard U. (2003) | |
Gender Differences in the Urban to Rural Wage Gap and the Prevalence of the Male Migrant | |
Journal of Developing Areas. Volume 37 #1. Fall. p. 13-34. |
Hofer, Katharina (2003) | |
The Role of Evangelical NGOs in International Development: A Comparative Case Study of Kenya and Uganda | |
Afrika Spectrum. Volume 38 #3. p. 375-398. |
Michaud, Pierre-Carl; Vencatachellum, Desire (2003) | |
Human Capital Externalities in South Africa | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 51 #3. April. p. 603-628. |
Mogotsi, Imogen (2003) | |
Technology and Poverty Eradication: Pre-Conditions for Effectiveness | |
Pula: Botswana Journal of African Studies. Volume 17 #2. p. 35-40. |
Quist, Hubert O. (2003) | |
Secondary Education: A 'Tool' for National Development in Ghana. A Critical Appraisal of the Post-Colonial Context | |
Africa Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 28 #3-4. p. 186-210. |
Sall, Ebrima; Lebeau, Yann; Kassimir, Ron (2003) | |
The Public Dimensions of the University in Africa | |
Journal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 1 #1. Fall. p. 126-148. |
Serumaga-Zake, Philip A.E.; Naude, Willem A. (2003) | |
Private Rates of Return to Education of Africans in South Africa for 1995: A Double Hurdle Model | |
Development Southern Africa. Volume 20 #4. October. p. 515-528. |
Woodhall, Maureen (2003) | |
Financing Higher Education: Old Challenges and New Messages | |
Journal of Higher Education in Africa. Volume 1 #1. Fall. p. 78-100. |
Aina, Olabisi I. (2002) | |
Alternative Modes of Financing Higher Education in Nigeria and the Implications for University Governance | |
Africa Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 27 #1-2. p. 236-262. |
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