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Search: su=Cultural Roles
Found: 844 First Previous Record 801-844

Book chapterObilade, Sandra O. (1987)
Women and Leadership: Preparing Women for Leadership Positions in the Nigerian Society
In: Seminar on Women's Studies: The State of the Art Now in Nigeria.

Dissertation / thesisOka, Delia N.K. (1987)
Female Teachers in the Primary School: Work and Domestic Responsibility: A Case Study of Kumasi
B.A. Honors Thesis: University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana. 41p.

BookOppong, Christine; Abu, Katherine (1987)
Seven Roles of Women: Impact of Education Migration and Employment on Ghanaian Mothers
Geneva: International Labour Organization (ILO). Women, Work and Development Series #13. 127p.

BookOppong, Christine (1987)
African Mothers, Workers and Wives: Inequality and Segregation
Geneva: International Labour Organization (ILO). Population, Human Resources and Development Planning in Sub-Saharan Africa Working Paper Series #2. 36p.

Periodical articleOsafo-Gyima, Faustine (1987)
Today's African Woman: Her Role in Educating Her Children
Presence Africaine. #141. 1st Quarter. p. 141-145.

Periodical articleOsuala, Judith D.C. (1987)
Extending Appropriate Technology to Rural African Women
Women's Studies International Forum. Volume 10 #5. p. 481-487.

BookPorter, Mary A. (1987)
On Researching Swahili Women's Education
Nairobi: Kenyatta University, Bureau of Educational Research. October. 12p.

Periodical articleRashad, Hoda (1987)
Demographic Characteristics of Women in Islamic Countries
Population Sciences. Volume 7. p. 31-56.

Periodical articleSchuster, Ilsa (1987)
Kinship Life Cycle and Education in Lusaka
Journal of Comparative Family Studies. Volume 18 #3. Autumn. p. 363-387.

Conference paperSeckinger, Beverly A. (1987)
The Communication Gap: Language Literacy and Moroccan Women Excluded from Development
Paper presented at the 86th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), November 18-22, 1987, Chicago, Illinois. Washington, DC.

BookTruscott, Kate (1987)
Farmers Groups in the Communal Areas: The Impact of Farmer Groups on Extension Service
Harare, Zimbabwe: Ministry of Lands, Agriculture and Rural Settlements. A Contribution to National Extension Framework Study By Monitoring and Evaluation Section Agritex. 17p.

BookUnited Nations. Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) (1987)
Survey of Economic and Social Conditions in Africa, 1984-1985
New York: ECA. 72p.

Periodical articleWard, W.B.; Neumann, A.K. (1987)
Participation in Child Health and Family Planning Activities in Rural Southern Ghana
International Quarterly of Community Health Education. Volume 8 #4.

BookWeidemann, Celia J. (1987)
Agricultural Extension for Women Farmers in Kaduna State: A Report
Washington, D.C: World Bank. Consultants Report. April. 23p.

Dissertation / thesisAgboh, V.A. (1986)
Traditional Education of Indigenous Mid-Wives in Yorubaland: A Case Study in Oyo Town
M.A. Thesis: Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. 162p.

Periodical articleBatwa, Y.D.M. (1986)
See this publicationThe role of parents in family and sex education for development: with special reference to Tanzania
Abstract presentUtafiti. Volume 8 #1. p. 13-26.

Periodical articleBoxer, S. (1986)
How Some African Women Use Their Heads to Lighten Life's Load
Discover. Volume 7. May. p. 8.

Periodical articleBrindley, Marianne (1986)
The Role of Old Women in Zulu Culture: Old Women and Child-Nurture
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Ethnology. Volume 9 #1. March. p. 26-31.

Conference paperBrink, Judy H. (1986)
Changing Extended Family Relationships in an Egyptian Village
Paper presented at the 85th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA). Washington, DC.

Book chapterCallaway, Barbara J. (1986)
Law Education and Social Change: Implications for Hausa Muslim Women in Nigeria
In: Iglitzin, Lynne B. and Ross, Ruth (eds.). Women in the World, 1975-1985: The Women's Decade. Santa Barbara, California: ABD-Clio. Studies in Comparative Politics. p. 181-205.

BookCallaway, Barbara J. (1986)
Education and Emancipation of Hausa Muslim Women in Nigeria
East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State University. Office of Women in International Development (WIN). WIN Working Paper #129. 29p.

Book chapterChanaka, Teshome T. (1986)
Differential Child Mortality by Some Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Mother in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
In: Cairo Demographic Centre (CDC). Studies in African and Asian Demography: CDC Annual Seminar, 1985. Cairo: CDC. CDC Research Monograph Series #15. p. 471-498.

Book chapterEl Guindi, Fadwa (1986)
The Egyptian Woman: Trends Today Alternatives Tomorrow
In: Iglitzin, Lynne B. and Ross, Ruth (eds.). Women in the World, 1975-1985, the Women's Decade. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-Clio. Studies in Comparative Politics. p. 225-242.

Periodical articleEvans, J.E. (1986)
Malawi: Reaching Women Farmers
Reading Rural Development Bulletin. #20.

Periodical articleEzewu, E.E. (1986)
The Relative Contribution of the Extended Family System to Schooling in Nigeria
Journal of Negro Education. Volume 55 #2. p. 222-228.

Book chapterGasana, Gaspar R. (1986)
Some Aspects of Fertility in Nairobi
In: Cairo Demographic Centre (CDC). Studies in African and Asian Demography: CDC Annual Seminar, 1985. Cairo: CDC. CDC Research Monograph Series #15. p. 573-607.

BookGriesel, Hanlie (1986)
The Psycho-Social Reality of Literacy/Illiteracy for Women at Mooza a Rural Community
Durban, South Africa: University of Durban-Westville: Institute for Social and Economic Research. Occasional Paper #18. October. 28p.

Dissertation / thesisHassanein, Laila (1986)
Extension Training Needs for Rural Women in Family Development Areas, Nobar Hamlets, ALexandria Governorate
Ph.D. dissertation: Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt.

Periodical articleHevi-Yiboe, Laetitia A.P.; Fanslow, Alyce M.; Cowan, Donna L. (1986)
Ahfad Students: Attitudes and Behaviors Regarding Women's Roles in 1985
Ahfad Journal. Volume 3 #2. December. p. 28-36.

Periodical articleHoff, W.; Nhlavana, D. (1986)
Nurses and Traditional Healers Join Hands
World Health Forum. Volume 7 #4. p. 41-46.

BookHorenstein, Nadine R. (1986)
Women's Access to Agricultural Extension: Training for Local Organizations
Washington, D.C.: International Center for Research on Women. May. 25p.

Book chapterJayawardena, Kumari (1986)
Reformism and Women's Rights in Egypt
In: Jayawardena, Kumari (ed.). Feminism and Nationalism in the Third World. Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: Zed Press. p. 43-56.

Book chapterKader, S.A. (1986)
The Consciousness of Middle-Class Egyptian Women in the First Quarter of the Twentieth Century
In: AAWORD. Seminar on Research on African Women: What Type of Methodology? Dakar: Association of African Women for Research and Development (AAWORD). p. 80-87.

Dissertation / thesisKebede, Shoarega (1986)
Eradicating Female Circumcision in Ethiopia through Health Education
M.S. Thesis: University of Illinois-Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. 98p.

BookKeller, Bonnie B. (1986)
Development for Rural Zambian Women
Rome: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). FAO Economic and Social Development Series: Training for Agriculture and Rural Development, #38. p. 29-37.

Conference paperMalawi. Ministry of Forestry and Natural Resources (1986)
The Role of Women in Fuelwood Production Management and Development in Malawi
Paper presented at the Follow-Up National Workshop to the Nairobi Conference on the United Nations Decade for Women, September 9-10, 1986, Lilongwe, Malawi. Lilongwe: Ministry of Forestry and Natural Resources. 23p.

BookMarch, Kathryn S.; Taqqu, Rachelle L. (1986)
Women's Informal Associations in Developing Countries: Catalysts for Change?
Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. Women in Cross-Cultural Perspectives Series. 154p.

Dissertation / thesisMgadla, Part T. (1986)
Missionary and Colonial Education among the Bangwato, 1862-1948
Ph.D. dissertation: Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts. 367p.

Periodical articleMilimo, Mabel C. (1986)
See this publicationWomen, Population and Food in Africa: The Zambian Case
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 11 #4. p. 95-132.

Dissertation / thesisMolutsi, Patrick (1986)
Social Stratification and Inequality in Botswana: Issues in Development, 1950-1985
Ph.D. dissertation: University of Oxford, Oxford, Great Britain. 426p.

BookMoris, Jon R. (1986)
The Situation and Needs of Agricultural Policies on Women's Access to Agricultural Resources and Services
Lusaka, Zambia: Southern African Development Coordination Conference (SADCC) Conference Document. October.

BookMugabe, Robert (1986)
The Implications of Zimbabwe's Agricultural Policies on Women's Access to Agricultural Resources and Services
Lusaka, Zambia: Southern African Development Coordination Conference (SADCC) Conference Document. October.

Book chapterSenay, Eddle (1986)
Migrant Workers of Lesotho: A Comparison with Those Inside the Country
In: Cairo Demographic Centre (CDC). Studies in African and Asian Demography: CDC Annual Seminar, 1985. Cairo: CDC. CDC Research Monograph Series #15. p. 521-549.

Periodical articleTibenderana, Peter Kazenga (1985)
See this publicationThe Beginnings of Girls' Education in the Native Administration Schools in Northern Nigeria, 1930-1945
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 26 #1. p. 93-109.

Search: su=Cultural Roles
Found: 844 First Previous Record 801-844

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