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BookAssaad, Ragui; Barsoum, Ghada F. (2007)
Youth Exclusion in Egypt: In Search of 'Second Chances'
Washington, D.C.: Wolfensohn Center for Development at the Brookings Institution. Middle East Youth Initiative Working Paper #2. 43p.

Periodical articleBenefo, Kofi D. (2006)
The Community-Level Effects of Women's Education on Reproductive Behavior in Rural Ghana
Demographic Research. Volume 14 #20. June 2. p. 485-508.

Periodical articleCase, Anne; Ardington, Cally (2006)
See this publicationThe Impact of Parental Death on School Outcomes: Longitudinal Evidence from South Africa
Demography. Volume 43 #3. August. p. 401-420.

Book chapterKabore, Idrissa; Pilon, Marc (2006)
Households and Schooling in Burkina Faso: Some Insights from the 1996 Census
In: Van de Walle, Etienne (ed.). African Households: Censuses and Surveys. Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe.

Periodical articleOmariba, D.W.R. (2006)
Women's Educational Attainment and Intergenerational Patterns of Fertility Behaviour in Kenya
Journal of Biosocial Science. Volume 38 #4. July. p. 449-479.

Periodical articleIkamari, L.D. (2005)
The Effect of Education on the Timing of Marriage in Kenya
Demographic Research. Volume 12 #1. February 23. p. 1-28.

Periodical articleEloundou-Enyegue, Parfait M. (2004)
See this publicationPregnancy-Related Dropouts and Gender Inequality in Education: A Life-Table Approach and Application to Cameroon
Demography. Volume 41 #3. August. p. 509-528.

Periodical articleMagadi, Monica (2004)
See this publicationMaternal and Child Health among the Urban Poor in Nairobi, Kenya
Abstract presentAfrican Population Studies. Volume 19 Supplement B. p. 179-198.

Periodical articleMuula, Adamson S.; Nyasult, Y.; Msiska, G. (2004)
Gender Distribution of Students and Staff at the University of Malawi College of Medicine, 1991-2003
South African Medical Journal. Volume 94 #8. p. 636-638.

Periodical articlePopulation Council (2004)
Uganda 2000-2001: Results from the Demographic and Health Survey
Studies in Family Planning. Volume 35 #1. March. p. 70-74.

BookYamano, Takashi; Jayne, T.S. (2004)
Working-Age Adult Mortality and Primary School Attendance in Rural Kenya
Nairobi: Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development. Tegemeo Working Paper #11. June.

BookGyimah, Stephen O-M. (2003)
Women's Educational Attainment and the Timing of Parenthood in Ghana: A Cohort Perspective
London, Ontario, Canada: University of Western Ontario, Population Studies Centre. Discussion Paper 03-04. March. 31p.

Periodical articleBerhane, Yemane; Hogberg, Ulf; Byass, Peter; Wall, Stig (2002)
Gender, Literacy and Survival among Ethiopian Adults, 1987-96
Bulletin of the World Health Organization. Volume 80 #9. p. 714-720.

Dissertation / thesisMogford, Elizabeth (2002)
The Mortality Implications of Structural Influences in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Cross-National Study of GNP, Foreign Debt, and Female Education from 1970-1997
M.P.H. Thesis: University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. 47p.

Periodical articleMurthi, Mamta (2002)
See this publicationFertility Change in Asia and Africa
World Development. Volume 30 #10. October. p. 1769-1778.

BookPalm, Malin (2002)
Education as a Development Strategy: A Case of Women's Education and the Demographic Behaviour in Tanzania
Lund, Sweden: Lund University, Department of Economics. Minor Field Study Series, #2. 51p.

Periodical articleMensch, Barbara S.; Clark, Wesley H.; Lloyd, Cynthia B.; Erulkar, Annabel S. (2001)
Premarital Sex, Schoolgirl Pregnancy, and School Quality in Rural Kenya
Studies in Family Planning. Volume 32 #4. December. p. 285-301.

Periodical articleKravdal, Oystein (2000)
See this publicationA Search for Aggregate-Level Effects of Education on Fertility, Using Data from Zimbabwe
Demographic Research. Volume 3 #3. August. 35p.

Periodical articleOroge, S.A. (2000)
The National Policy on Population and its Educational Implications for Women Development
Nigerian Journal of Gender and Development. Volume 1 #1-2. p. 67-74.

BookUganda. Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development; Uganda Bureau of Statistics (2000)
Women and Men in Uganda: Facts and Figures, Sectoral Series: Education
Kampala/Entebbe: Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development/Uganda Bureau of Statistics. November. 61p.

BookUnited Nations Statistics Division (2000)
The World's Women 2000: Trends and Statistics
New York: United Nations Statistics Division. Social Statistics and Indicators. Series K; #16. 16. 180p.

Dissertation / thesisEloundou-Enyegue, Parfait M. (1997)
Demographic Responses to Economic Crisis in Cameroon: Fertility, Child Schooling and the Quantity/Quality Tradeoff
Ph.D. dissertation: Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania. 202p.

BookFerreira, Monica; Kinsella, Kevin (1997)
Aging Trends: South Africa
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. International Brief 97-2.

Periodical articleKalipeni, Ezekiel; Ebisemiju, F.S. (1997)
See this publicationPopulation Pressure, Social Change, Culture and Malawi's Pattern of Fertility Transition
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 40 #2. September. p. 173-208.

BookMeekers, Dominique; Wekwete, Naomi (1997)
The Socioeconomic and Demographic Situation of Adolescent and Young Adults in Zimbabwe
Calverton, Maryland: Macro International, Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS). October. 38p.

Conference paperSultan, Dawood H. (1997)
Maternal Education Advantage Effects on the Likelihood of Morbidity among Children in Sudan: Results of Multivariate Logistic Regression
Paper presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association (ASA), November 13-16, 1997, Columbus, Ohio. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University.

BookZimbabwe. Central Statistics Office (1997)
Census 1992: In-Depth Analysis Report; Volume One
Harare: Zimbabwe. Central Statistics Office. 172p.

Periodical articleAppleton, Simon (1996)
How Does Female Education Affect Fertility? A Structural Model for the Cote d'Ivoire
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. Volume 58 #1. February. p. 139-166.

Periodical articleFamily Planning Guidance Association of Ethiopia (1996)
Unsafe/Illegal Abortion in Ethiopia
African Journal of Fertility, Sexuality, and Reproductive Health. Volume 1 #1. March. p. 68-71.

BookGoujon, Anne; Wils, Annababette (1996)
The Importance of Education in Future Population. Global Trends and Case Studies on Cape Verde, Sudan, and Tunisia
Laxenburg, Austria: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). IIASA Working Paper #96-138. November. 33p.

Periodical articleIbrahim, Mostafa H.A. (1996)
A Study of the Relationship between Women's Education and Socio-Economic Status and Demographic Development in Selected Villages of the Assiut Governorate
Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 27 #3.

Book chapterKane, Penny; Ruzicka, Lado (1996)
Women's Education and the Demographic Transition in Africa
In: Douglas, Robert M. and Jones, Gavin W. and D'Souza, Rennie M. (eds.). The Shaping of Fertility and Mortality Declines: The Contemporary Demographic Transition. Canberra: Australian National University, NCEPH, Health Transition Centre. 396p.

Periodical articleKane, Penny; Ruzicka, Lado (1996)
Women's Education and the Demographic Transition in Africa
Health Transition Review. Volume 6 Supplement. p. 101-113.

Periodical articleMauritius Family Planning Association (1996)
The Use of Induced Abortion in Mauritius: Alternative to Fertility Regulation of Emergency Procedure?
African Journal of Fertility, Sexuality, and Reproductive Health. Volume 1 #1. March. p. 72-75.

Periodical articleMosaase, M.L.; Tlebere, P. (1996)
Unsafe Abortion and Post Abortion Family Planning in Africa: The Case of Lesotho
African Journal of Fertility, Sexuality, and Reproductive Health. Volume 1 #1. March. p. 26-28.

BookObonyo, Ben (1996)
The Population Census, 1989: A Popular Report
Nairobi: Central Bureau of Statistics. 55p.

Periodical articleStephens, Torrance T.; Oriuwa, Chibuzo L. (1996)
Child Survival and Baseline Surveys: A Description of Literacy Rates of Women of Child Bearing Age in Abia and Imo States, Nigeria
International Quarterly of Community Health Education. Volume 16 #1. p. 79.

Dissertation / thesisSultan, Dawood H. (1996)
An Examination of the Effects of the Mother's Education and Household Exposure to Disease on Childhood Diarrheal Morbidity in Sudan
Ph.D. dissertation: Louisiana State University and A. and M. College, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 160p.

BookUganda. Population Secretariat (1996)
Situation Analysis and National Population Plan of Action
Kampala: Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Population Secretariat. Six Volumes. January.

BookUnited Nations. Population Division (1996)
Population and Women: Proceedings of the United Nations Expert Group Meeting on Population and Women, Gaborone, Botswana, 22-26 June, 1992
New York: United Nations. 435p.

Periodical articleAdetunji, Jacob A. (1995)
See this publicationInfant Mortality and Mother's Education in Ondo State, Nigeria
Social Science and Medicine. Volume 40 #2. p. 253-263.

BookAinsworth, Martha; Beegle, Kathleen G.; Nyamete, Andrew (1995)
The Impact of Female Schooling on Fertility and Contraceptive Use: A Study of Fourteen Sub-Saharan Countries
Washington, D.C.: World Bank. Living Standards Measurement Study Working Paper #110. 69p.

BookEthiopia. Central Statistical Authority (1995)
The 1994 Population and Housing Census of Ethiopia. Results for Harari Region. Volume 1: Statistical Report
Addis Ababa: Ethiopia. Central Statistical Authority. September. 129p.

Conference paperHogue, Nazrul; Murdock, Steve H. (1995)
A Comparative Analysis of the Determinants of Contraceptive Practice in Africa: Evidence from Demographic and Health Survey Data
Paper presented at the 1995 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA), April 6-8, 1995, San Francisco, California. Washington, DC.

Periodical articleLesthaeghe, R.; Jolly, C. (1995)
See this publicationThe Start of the Sub-Saharan Fertility Transition: Some Answers and Many Questions
Journal of International Development. Volume 7 #1. January-February. p. 25-45.

BookPitt, Mark M. (1995)
Women's Schooling, the Selectivity of Fertility, and Child Mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa
Washington, D.C.: World Bank. Living Standards Measurement Study Working Paper #119. August. 51p.

BookScribner, Susan (1995)
Policies Affecting Fertility and Contraceptive Use: An Assessment of Twelve Sub-Saharan Countries
Washington, D.C.: World Bank. World Bank Discussion Paper #259. April. 82p.

BookSiddiq, Kamal; El Khair, Somaya; Abu-El-Yamen, Salih; Ismail, Kamal (1995)
Demographic Profile of Sudan: Analysis of the 1993 Census
Mumbai, India: International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS). 24p.

Periodical articleSmith, Johan D. (1995)
Rapid Population Growth: Effects on the Social Infrastructures of Southern Africa
Abstract presentAfrica Insight. Volume 25 #1. p. 61-66.

BookSudan. Department of Statistics (1995)
Fourth Population Census of Sudan, 1993
Khartoum: Sudan. Department of Statistics. April. 408p.

Dissertation / thesisTagoe-Darko, Eva D. (1995)
Maternal Education and Child Health and Survival in Ghana
Ph.D. dissertation: Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. 216p.

Book chapterTatoe, Eva (1995)
Maternal Education and Infant/Child Morbidity in Ghana: The Case of Diarrhoea. Evidence from the Ghana Demographic and Health Survey
In: Makinwa, Paulina A. and Jensen, An-Magritt (eds.). Women's Position and Demographic Change in Sub-Saharan Africa. Liege, Belgium: International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP). p. 169-200.

BookUganda. Statistics Department (1995)
The 1991 Population and Housing Census: Analytical Report. Volume II: Socio-Economic Characteristics
Entebbe: Uganda. Statistics Department. May. 153p.

Periodical articleAdetunji, Jacob A. (1994)
Infant Mortality in Nigeria: Effects of Place of Birth, Mother's Education and Region of Residence
Journal of Biosocial Science. Volume 26 #4. p. 469-477.

Periodical articleBenefo, Kofi D.; Tsui, Amy O.; De Graft Johnson, Joseph (1994)
Ethnic Differentials in Child-Spacing Ideals and Practices in Ghana
Journal of Biosocial Science. Volume 26 #3. July. p. 311-326.

Periodical articleBlanc, Ann K.; Rutstein, Shea O. (1994)
See this publicationThe Demographic Transition in Southern Africa: Yet Another Look at the Evidence from Botswana and Zimbabwe
Demography. Volume 31 #2. p. 209-215.

Periodical articleCourbage, Y. (1994)
Demographic Change in the Arab World: Migration, Education, and Taxes in Egypt and Morocco
MERIP Middle East Report. Volume 24 #5-190. p. 19.

BookEgypt. Central Agency for Public Mobilization; Statistics (CAPMS) (1994)
Statistical Yearbook, Arab Republic of Egypt: 1952-1993
Cairo: Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS). June. 353p.

Book chapterGage, A.; Bledsoe, Caroline H. (1994)
The Effect of Education and Social Change in Freetown, Sierra Leone
In: Bledsoe, Caroline H. and Pison, G. (eds.). Nuptiality in Sub-Saharan Africa: Contemporary Anthropological and Demographic Perspective. Oxford: Clarendon Press. p. 148-164.

BookGreen, Cynthia P. (1994)
Sustainable Development: Population and the Environment
Washington, D.C.: Academy for Educational Development. 214p.

BookLesotho. Bureau of Statistics (1994)
Lesotho Statistical Yearbook, 1993
Maseru: Bureau of Statistics. June. 174p.

Periodical articleMunyakho, Dorothy (1994)
Population and Resources: A Delicate Balance
Gender Review. Volume 1 #2. September. p. 5-7.

BookObungu, Walter; Kizito, Paul M.; Bicego, George (1994)
Trends, Age Patterns, and Determinants of Early Childhood Mortality in Kenya
Nairobi: National Council for Population and Development. May. 31p.

Periodical articleSabuni, G.G.; Mbago, M.C.Y. (1994)
The Role of Education on Marital Fertility in Zanzibar
Tanzanian Journal of Population Studies and Development. Volume 1 #2. p. 5-16.

BookSeychelles. Management and Information Systems Division (1994)
Republic of Seychelles, Statistical Abstract, 1993
Victoria: Management and Information Systems Division. 17th Edition. 132p.

BookSouth Africa. Central Statistical Service (1994)
South Africa Statistics, 1994
Pretoria: Central Statistical Service (CSS). 600p.

BookTumbo-Masabo, Zubeida; Liljestrom, Rita (eds.) (1994)
Chelewa, Chelewa: The Dilemma of Teenage Girls
Uppsala: Scandinavian Institute of African Studies. 218p.

BookUganda. Statistics Department (1994)
The 1991 Population and Housing Census-National Summary, Uganda
Entebbe: Uganda. Statistics Department. April. 44p.

BookZambia. Central Statistical Office (1994)
Census of Population, Housing and Agriculture, 1990: Descriptive Tables. Volume 10: Zambia Total
Lusaka: Zambia. Central Statistical Office. 287p.

BookZimbabwe. Central Statistics Office (1994)
Census 1992: Zimbabwe National Report
Harare: Central Statistics Office. 226p.

Conference paperAinsworth, Martha; Koda, G. (1993)
The Impact of Adult Deaths from AIDS and Other Causes on Child Schooling in Northwestern Tanzania
Paper presented at the 9th Annual International Conference on AIDS, June 6-11, 1993, Berlin, Germany. Paper #PO-D14-3811.

BookEgypt. Central Agency for Public Mobilisation; Statistics (CAPMAS) (1993)
Demographic Analysis of 1986 Census Data: Enlarged Sample
Cairo: CAPMAS. Population Studies and Research Centre. Three Volumes.

BookEl-Deeb, Bothaina (1993)
Women, Status, Fertility, and Family Planning in Egypt
Cairo: Cairo Demographic Centre. 59p.

BookGambia. Central Statistics Department (1993)
Statistical Abstract of the Gambia, 1992
Banjul: Central Statistics Department. May. 43p.

BookMadagascar. Banques des Donnees de l'etat (1993)
Madagascar in Figures, 1992
Antananarivo: Banques des Donnees de l'etat. February. 54p.

BookMauritius. Central Statistical Office; Representation, Structure and Agency: Divorce in the Frenchr (1993)
Annual Digest of Statistics, 1992
Port Louis: Central Statistical Office. Volume 37. July. 145p.

BookNamibia. Central Statistics Office (1993)
1991 Population and Housing Census. Report A: Statistical Tables
Windhoek: Namibia. Central Statistics Office. Five Volumes. August. 2000p.

BookSierra Leone. Central Statistics Office (1993)
Report on Demographic and Social Monitoring Survey (1992)
Freetown: Sierra Leone. Central Statistics Office. November. 146p.

Book chapterTagoe, Eva P. (1993)
Maternal Education and Infant/Child Morbidity in Ghana: The Case of Diarrhoea. Evidence from the Ghana Demographic and Health Survey
In: Makinwa, P.K. and Jensen, A.-M. (eds.). Women and Demographic Change in Sub-Saharan Africa. Liege, Belgium: International Union for the Scientific Study of Population. p. 169-200.

BookUnited Nations. Comm. on the Elimination of Racial Discrim. (1993)
Consideration of Reports Submitted by States Parties under Article 9 of the Convention. Tenth Periodic Reports of States Parties Due in 1991: Addendum: Senegal
New York: United Nations. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD). May 25. 22p.

BookUnited Nations. Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) (1993)
Survey of Economic and Social Conditions in Africa, 1990-1991
Addis Ababa: ECA.

Conference paperVan de Walle, Francine; Van de Walle, Etienne (1993)
Women's Status in the Demographic Literature on Sub-Saharan Africa
Paper presented at the IUSSP Seminar on Women and Demographic Change in Sub-Saharan Africa Held at Dakar, Senegal, March 3-6, 1993. Liege, Belgium: International Union for the Scientific Study of Population.

BookWhite, Caroline (Compiler); Vincent, Anne; Madumise, Brenda (1993)
Status of South African Women: Sourcebook in Tables and Graphs: The Reasons for Change
Marshalltown, South Africa: African National Congress (ANC) Women's League Policy Division. 62p.

Periodical articleAhonsi, Babatunde A. (1992)
Developmental Implications of Early Mortality Factors in Nigeria
Abstract presentJournal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 7 #1. p. 67-85.

Conference paperAinsworth, Martha; Nyamete, Andrew (1992)
The Relationship between Women's Schooling Fertility and Contraceptive Use in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Ten Demographic and Health Surveys
Paper presented at the 61st Annual Conference of the Population Association of America (PAA), April 30-May 2, 1992, Denver, Colorado. Washington, DC.

Periodical articleDodoo, F. Nii-Amoo (1992)
See this publicationFemale Education Age Parity and Reproduction Cessation in Ghana
Social Biology. Volume 39 #1-2. Spring/Summer. p. 102-108.

Periodical articleEshete, Almaz (1992)
See this publicationPopulation and Women in Development: Gender Issues in the Context of Population and Development
African Development Review. Volume 4 #2. December. p. 79-117.

Periodical articleKalule-Sabiti, I. (1992)
See this publicationSocio-Economic Factors Affecting Fertility in Kenya
South African Journal of Sociology. Volume 23 #2. p. 46-52.

BookMahgoub, Youssef M.; Hussein, Mounira A. (1992)
Regional Urban-Rural Differentials of the Educational Impact on Fertility in Egypt
Cairo: Cairo Demographic Centre. 31p.

BookMoghadam, Valentine M. (1992)
Development and Patriarchy: The Middle East and North Africa in Economic and Demographic Transition
New York: United Nations. UN University: World Institute for Development Economics (WIDER). WIDER Working Papers Series #99. July. 79p.

BookSierra Leone. Central Statistics Office (1992)
Annual Statistical Digest, 1991
Freetown: Central Statistics Office. December. 68p.

BookSierra Leone. Central Statistics Office (1992)
1985 Census of Population and Housing. Volume 2: National Dissemination Seminar Report
Freetown, Sierra Leone: Central Statistics Office. July. 132p.

BookTanzania. Bureau of Statistics (1992)
1988 Population Census. Tanga Regional Profile
Dar es Salaam: Bureau of Statistics. March. 268p.

BookTanzania. Bureau of Statistics (1992)
1988 Population Census. National Profile. Basic Demographic and Socio-Economic Characteristics
Dar es Salaam: Bureau of Statistics. September. 141p.

Periodical articleUitto, Juha I. (1992)
See this publicationFertility Transition and Socio-Economic Change in Western Kenya
Abstract presentAfrican Study Monographs. Volume 13 #4. December. p. 185-201.

BookUnited Nations. Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) (1992)
African Socio-Economic Indicators 1989
Addis Ababa: ECA. 69p.

Periodical articleVaidyanathan, K. (1992)
See this publicationPopulation Trends, Issues and Implications
African Development Review. Volume 4 #2. December. p. 1-32.

BookWestoff, Charles F. (1992)
Age at Marriage, Age at First Birth and Fertility in Africa
Washington, D.C.: World Bank. World Bank Technical Paper Series #169. June. 61p.

BookEgypt. Central Agency for Public Mobilisation; Statistics (CAPMAS) (1991)
Census of Population Housing and Establishments 1986. Second Volume: Final Results. Complete Coverage - Population Characteristics. Total Republic
Cairo: CAPMAS. 370p.

BookEthiopia. Office of the Population and Housing Census Comm. (1991)
Population and Housing Census, 1984. Analytical Report on Urban Areas of Tigray Region
Addis Ababa: Office of the Population and Housing Census Commission. December. 224p.

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