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Book chapterManuh, Takyiwaa (2007)
Doing Gender Work in Ghana
In: Cole, Catherine M. and Manuh, Takyiwaa and Miescher, Stephan (eds.). Africa After Gender? Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press. p. 125-149.

BookVan den Bergh-Collier, Edda (2007)
See this publicationTowards Gender Equality in Mozambique: A Profile on Gender Relations: Update 2006
Stockholm: SIDA. January. 69p.

BookBritwum, Akua O.; Anokye, Nana A. (2006)
Confronting Sexual Harassment in Ghanaian Universities
Accra: Ghana Universities Press. 143p.

BookChege, Fatuma N. (2006)
See this publicationTeacher Identities and Empowerment of Girls against Sexual Violence
New York: United Nations. Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW). 13p.

Periodical articleChiroro, Patrick; Viki, Tendayi G.; Frodi, Ann; Muromo, Tinashe; Tsigah, Alwin (2006)
Nature and Prevalence of Childhood Sexual Abuse among High School Girls and College Students in Zimbabwe
Journal of Psychology in Africa. Volume 16 #1. p. 17-26.

BookChou Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam (2006)
Gender Policy
Dar es Salaam: University of Dar es Salaam. 18p.

BookDevTech Systems; Centre for Educational Research and Training (2006)
See this publicationSafe Schools Program: Quantitative Research Instrument to Measure School-Related Gender-Based Violence: Assessing the Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices and Experiences of Boys, Girls and Teachers with Physical, Psychological and Sexual Violence
Washington, D.C./Zomba, Malawi: DevTech Systems Inc. and the University of Malawi, Centre for Educational Research and Training. December. 55p.

BookHaffejee, Sadiyya (2006)
See this publicationWaiting Opportunities: Adolescent Girls' Experiences of Gender-Based Violence at Schools
Johannesburg/Cape Town: Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation (CSVR), Gender-Based Violence Program.

Periodical articleKongolo, M.; Bojuwoye, O. (2006)
South African Experience of Gender and Affirmative Action: A Research Report
Gender, Technology and Development. Volume 10 #3. November. p. 361-381.

Periodical articleLeach, Fiona (2006)
See this publicationResearching Gender Violence in Schools: Methodological and Ethical Considerations
World Development. Volume 34 #6. June. p. 1129-1147.

Dissertation / thesisMabusela, Ntombentle (2006)
Leaners' Perspectives on Gender Based Violence in Semi-Rural Secondary Schools
M.A. Thesis: Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. 107p.

Dissertation / thesisMoult, Kelley (2006)
Paradigm Busters or Poor Cousins? University-Based Research Units Undertaking Legislative and Procedural Reform on Gender Issues in South Africa
M.A. Thesis: George Washington University, Washington, DC. 111p.

BookOnsomu, Eldah N.; Kosimbei, George; Ngware, Moses W. (2006)
Impact of Gender and Socio-Economic Factors on Learning Achievements in Primary Education in Kenya: Empirical Evidence
Nairobi: Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA). Discussion Paper #56. January. 44p.

Periodical articlePeabody, Stanton (2006)
Women Who Made a Difference: A Special Record
Abstract presentLiberian Studies Journal. Volume 31 #1. p. 63-89.

BookRihani, May A.; Kays. Lisa; Psaki, Stephanie (2006)
See this publicationKeeping the Promise: Five Benefits of Girls' Secondary Education
Washington, D.C.: Academy for Educational Development (AED), Center for Gender Equity. 92p.

BookWomen's Law and Human Rights Institute; Ark Foundation, Ghana (2006)
Women's Law and Human Rights Institute: (Established February, 2000): (A Training and Capacity-Building School for Women's Leadership, Human Rights and Social Development in Ghana)
Accra: The Ark Foundation, Ghana. 55p.

BookAnnan-Yao, Elisabeth (ed.) (2005)
Gender, Economies and Entitlements in Africa
Dakar: Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA). CODESRIA Gender Series #2. 179p.

Conference paperAppiah, Estelle M. (2005)
New and Emerging Legislation Affecting Women and Children in Ghana
Paper presented at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, June 23, 2005. 54p.

BookBennet, Jane; Beja, Nontle (eds.) (2005)
Killing a Virus with Stones? Research on the Implementation of Policies against Sexual Harassment in Southern African Higher Education
Cape Town: University of Cape Town, African Gender Institute. 213p.

BookBennett, Jane; Beja, Nontle (eds.) (2005)
Killing a Virus with Stones? Research on the Implementation of Policies against Sexual Harassment in Southern African Higher Education
Cape Town: University of Cape Town, African Gender Institute. 213p.

BookBoko, Sylvain H.; Baliamoune-Lutz, Mina; Kimuna, Sitawa R. (eds.) (2005)
Women in African Development: The Challenges of Globalization and Liberalization in the 21st Century
Trenton, New Jersey: Africa World Press. 199p.

BookBurton, Patrick (2005)
Suffering at School: Results of the Malawi Gender-Based Violence in Schools Survey
Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies. October. 75p.

Book chapterByamukama, Dora K. (2005)
Legal Strategies to Increase Ugandan to Increase Ugandan Women's Access to Higher Education
In: Voices of African Women: Women's Rights in Ghana, Uganda, and Tanzania. p. 12-27.

Periodical articleFargues, Philippe (2005)
See this publicationWomen in Arab Countries: Challenging the Patriarchal System?
Reproductive Health Matters. Volume 13 #25. May. p. 43-48.

BookGrown, Caren; Gupta, Geeta R.; Kes, Aslihan (2005)
Taking Action: Achieving Gender Equality and Empowering Women
London/Sterling, Virginia: Earthscan. United Nations Development Program, Task Force on Education and Gender Equality, Millennium Project. 280p.

BookHeninger, L.; McKenna, M. (2005)
'Don't Forget Us': The Education and Gender-Based Violence Protection Needs of Adolescent Girls from Darfur in Chad
New York: Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children. July. 42p.

Periodical articleIkelegbe, Augustine (2005)
See this publicationEngendering Civil Society: Oil, Women Groups and Resource Conflicts in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 43 #2. June. p. 241-270.

Dissertation / thesisKanga, Anne W. (2005)
Gender Violence Experiences and Strategies of Resilience among High School Girls in Kenya: Reflections of Post-Secondary Kenyan Females in Two Metropolitan Cities in the Southeastern United States
Ph.D. dissertation: University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

Dissertation / thesisKubeka, Alvina M. (2005)
Tension in Developmental Intimacy: Parental Modeling and Domestic Violence in the New South Africa
M.A. Thesis: Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. 58p.

Book chapterLimbu, Mande (2005)
Women and Higher Education in Tanzania
In: Voices of African Women: Women's Rights in Ghana, Uganda, and Tanzania. p. 28-39.

Book chapterMackay, Angela (2005)
Mainstreaming Gender in United Nations Peacekeeping Training: Examples from East Timor, Ethiopia, and Eritrea
In: Mazurana, Dyan E. and Raven-Roberts, Angela and Parpart, Jane L. (eds.). Gender, Conflict and Peacekeeping. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield.

Dissertation / thesisMhina, Christine H. (2005)
Social Learning for Women's Empowerment in Rural Tanzania
Ph.D. dissertation: University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 184p.

Periodical articleMiller, Kimberly A. (2005)
T-Shirts, Testimony, and Truth: Memories of Violence Made Visible
Textiles: A Journal of Cloth and Culture. Volume 3 #3. p. 253-273.

BookMiruka, Simon O.; Wandia, Mary (2005)
Report of the Regional Training Workshop for African Women's Organisations on the Advocacy around African Women's Rights within the African Union (AU) and its Specialised Mechanisms: Nairobi, Kenya, 20-24 September, 2004: Report
Nairobi: African Women's Development and Communications Network/Ford Foundation. 156p.

BookMugawe, David; Powell, Antoinette (2005)
See this publicationBorn to High Risk: Violence against Girls in Africa
Addis Ababa: African Child Abuse Forum. 68p.

Dissertation / thesisNyirongo, Richard W. (2005)
School Participants' Perceptions of Gender Equity Issues in School Policies and Practices: An Ethnographic Case Study of a Public Secondary School in Malawi
Ph.D. dissertation: Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. 201p.

BookSchmidt, Elizabeth (2005)
Mobilizing the Masses: Gender, Ethnicity, and Class in the Nationalist Movement in Guinea, 1939-1958
Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Heinemann. 293p.

Book chapterTiamiyu, Mojisola F. (2005)
Prevalence of Wife Battering among Workers in a Nigerian University: Issues in Women's Rights (On the University of Jos)
In: Nnaemeka, Obioma and Ezeilo, Joy N. (eds.). Engendering Human Rights: Cultural and Socioeconomic Realities in Africa. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Comparative Feminist Studies Series. p. 261-284.

Book chapterWebster, Kate L. (2005)
Sociocultural Barriers to the Education of Kenyan Girls: Gender Stereotyping and Sexual Violence in Secondary Schools
In: Nnaemeka, Obioma and Ezeilo, Joy N. (eds.). Engendering Human Rights: Cultural and Socioeconomic Realities in Africa. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Comparative Feminist Studies Series. p. 179-202.

BookArnfred, Signe (2004)
Gender Activism and Studies in Africa
Dakar: Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA). CODESRIA Gender Series #3. 171p.

BookAryeetey, Ellen B.D. (2004)
Coming to Terms with Sexual Harassment in Ghana
Legon: University of Ghana, Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER). Technical Publication Series #64. May. 71p.

Periodical articleDenga, Daniel I.; Denga, Hannah (2004)
Sexual Harassment: A Student's View from A Nigerian University
African Symposium: An On-Line African Educational Research Journal. Volume 4 #1. March.

Book chapterDu Preez, A. (2004)
Is the Subject of Science and New Technologies Still Sexed and Gendered?
In: Welpe, Isabell and Thege, Britta and Henderson, Shirley (eds.). The Gender Perspective: Innovations in Economy, Organisation, and Health Within the Southern African Development Community (SADC). New York: Peter Lang.

Book chapterFonjong, Lotsmart (2004)
Nongovernmental Organizations and the Struggle for a New Status for Rural Women in the North Western Cameroon
In: Thorne, Magdalena E. (ed.). Women in Society: Achievements, Risks, and Challenges. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Conference paperHoffman, Katherine E. (2004)
Ambivalent Vigilance: Women and the Gendering of Tashelhit Language Practices in Morocco
Paper presented at the 103rd Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), Atlanta, Georgia, December 15-19, 2004. Washington, DC.

Dissertation / thesisKawana, Irene (2004)
Inspectors of Education's Perceptions of Female Principalship in the Rundu Region of Namibia
M.Ed. Thesis: Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa. 90p.

Periodical articleMabokela, Reithumetse Obakeng; Mawila, Kaluke Felicity Ntwanano (2004)
See this publicationThe Impact of Race, Gender, and Culture in South African Higher Education
Comparative Education Review. Volume 48 #4. November. p. 396-416.

Periodical articleMariri, C.B. (2004)
SEARCWL (Southern and Eastern African Centre for Women's Law) and the Women's Law Collection, Zimbabwe
International Journal of Legal Information. Volume 32 #2. p. 379-382.

BookMitchell, Claudia; Mothobi-Tapela, Iwani C. (2004)
Taking Action: Gender-Based Violence in and around Schools in Swaziland and Zimbabwe
Nairobi: UNICEF. December. 132p.

Periodical articleMoghadam, Valentine M. (2004)
See this publicationPatriarchy in Transition: Women and the Changing Family in the Middle East
Journal of Comparative Family Studies. Volume 35 #2. Spring. p. 137-162.

Book chapterQuisumbing, Agnes R.; Estudilli, Jonna P.; Otsuka, Keijiro (2004)
Gender Equity in Intergenerational Transfers of Cocoa Land and in Schooling
In: Quisumbing, Ma Agnes R. and Estudilli, Jonna P. and Otsuka, Keijiro. Land and Schooling: Transferring Wealth Across Generations. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

BookQuisumbing, Agnes R.; Payongayong, Ellen; Otsuka, Keijiro (2004)
See this publicationAre Wealth Transfers Biased against Girls? Gender Differences in Land Inheritance and Schooling in Ghana's Western Region
Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute. Food Consumption and Nutrition Division (FCND). FCND Discussion Paper #186. 43p.

BookRussell, Mona L. (2004)
Creating the New Egyptian Woman: Consumerism, Education, and National Identity in Egypt, 1863-1922
New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 237p.

BookUNAIDS, Global Coalition on Women and AIDS (2004)
See this publicationFacing the Future Together: Report of the Secretary-General's Task Force on Women, Girls and HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa
Geneva: UNAIDS, Global Coalition on Women and AIDS. July. 55p.

Book chapterWelpe, Isabell; Henderson, S.; Thege, B; Wilken, R. (2004)
Phenomenon, Place and Perpetrator: An Investigative Study into Sexual Harassment at the University of Pretoria
In: Welpe, Isabell and Thege, Britta and Henderson, Shirley (eds.). The Gender Perspective: Innovations in Economy, Organisation, and Health Within the Southern African Development Community (SADC). New York: Peter Lang.

BookWible, Brent (2004)
See this publicationMaking Schools Safe for Girls: Combating Gender-Based Violence in Benin
Washington, D.C.: Academy of Educational Research (AED). December. 24p.

BookZewde, Bahru (2004)
Land, Gender and the Periphery: Themes in the History of Eastern and Southern Africa
Addis Ababa: Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA). 170p.

Conference paperAbrahams, Naeema (2003)
School Violence: Another Burden Facing the Girl Child
Paper presented at the 2nd South African Gender Based Violence and Health Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa. Tygerberg, South Africa: Medical Research Council, Gender and Health Research Group.

Book chapterBagenda, Prince M. (2003)
Civic Education, Electoral Processes, and Gender Political Empowerment
In: Chachage, Seithy L.; Mbilinyi, Marjorie J. (eds.), Against Neoliberalism: Gender, Democracy and Development.

Conference paperBaker, Victoria J. (2003)
Struggling to Survive in a South African Township: Women as Peacemakers and Economic Buffers
Paper presented at the 102nd Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), November 19-November 23, 2003, Chicago. Illinois. Arlington, Virginia.

Periodical articleChipunza, Linda (2003)
See this publicationEqual Opportunities in Educational Management in Institutions of Higher Learning: An Agenda for Gender
Abstract presentZambezia. Volume 30 #1. p. 1-8.

BookDaddieh, Cyril K. (2003)
Gender Issues in Ghanaian Higher Education
Accra: Institute of Economic Affairs, Occasional Paper #36. 41p.

Periodical articleHames, Mary (2003)
See this publicationThe Women's Movement and Lesbian and Gay Struggles in South Africa
Feminist Africa. #2.

Dissertation / thesisHames, Mary M.P. (2003)
The Appointment of Women in Senior Management Positions at the Universities of the Western Cape and Stellenbosch: A Study of the Implementation of Equity Legislation, 1999-2002
M.Phil. Thesis: University of Port Elizabeth, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. 107p.

Periodical articleLadebo, Olugbenga Jelil (2003)
See this publicationSexual Harassment in Academia in Nigeria: How Real?
Abstract presentAfrican Sociological Review. Volume 7 #1. p. 117-130.

Periodical articleLeach, F. (2003)
Learning to be Violent: The Role of the School in Developing Adolescent Gendered Behaviour
Compare. Volume 33 #3. September. p. 385-400.

BookLeach, Fiona; Fiscian, Vivian; Kadzamira, Esme; Lemani, Eve; Machakanja, Pamela (2003)
An Investigative Study of the Abuse of Girls in African Schools
London: Great Britain. Department for International Development, Policy Division.

Periodical articleMcEwan, Cheryl (2003)
See this publicationBuilding a Postcolonial Archive? Gender, Collective Memory and Citizenship in Post-Apartheid South Africa
Abstract presentJournal of Southern African Studies. Volume 29 #3. September. p. 739-757.

Periodical articleNgoupande, Jean-Paul (2003)
In the Beginning There Was Lucy...
African Geopolitics. #10. Spring.

Periodical articleOrji, E.O.; Adeyemi, A.B.; Esimai, O.A. (2003)
Liberalisation of Abortion Laws in Nigeria: The Undergraduates' Perspective
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Volume 23 #1. January. p. 63-66.

BookRousso, Harilyn (2003)
See this publicationEducation for All: A Gender and Disability Perspective
Washington, D.C.: World Bank. 34p.

Dissertation / thesisSikhwivhilu, Avhaseli P. (2003)
Factors Influencing the Job Satisfaction of Female Educators
M.Ed. Thesis: University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. 52p.

BookSouth African Association of Women Graduates (2003)
A Tinge of Blue: 80 Years of Excellence
Cape Town: South African Association of Women Graduates. 174p.

BookTsanga, Amy S. (2003)
Taking Law to the People: Gender, Law Reform and Community Legal Education in Zimbabwe
Harare: University of Zimbabwe, Women's Law Centre with Weaver Press. 304p.

BookUnited Nations (2003)
See this publicationSudan: Special Report on Women in the South
Nairobi: United Nations/Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN). August. 5p.

BookWomen and Law in Southern Africa Research and Educational Trust (2003)
Women and Law in Southern Africa Research and Educational Trust (Malawi): Five Years in Review
Limbe, Malawi: Women and Law in Southern Africa Research and Educational Trust. 23p.

Book chapterAkande, Jadesola (2002)
Vision 2010 and Women Empowerment in Nigeria
In: Adedoja, Taoheed A. and Obani, T.C. (eds.). Social Issues, Communication, and Special Education. Ibadan: Symphony.

Periodical articleAnsell, Nicola (2002)
See this publication'Of Course We Must be Equal, But...': Imagining Gendered Futures in Two Rural Southern African Secondary Schools
Geoforum. Volume 33 #2. May. p. 179-194.

BookBennett, Jane (2002)
Southern African Higher Educational Institutions Challenging Sexual Violence, Sexual Harassment: A Handbook of Resources
Cape Town: University of Cape Town, African Gender Institute. 134p.

BookBennett, Jane (2002)
Southern African Higher Educational Institutions Challenging Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment: A Handbook of Resources
Cape Town: University of Cape Town, African Gender Institute. 134p.

Periodical articleBennett, Jane (2002)
See this publicationExploration of a 'gap': strategising gender equity in African universities
Abstract presentFeminist Africa. #1. p. 34-63.

Periodical articleChilisa, Bagele (2002)
See this publicationNational Policies on Pregnancy in Education Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Botswana
Gender and Education. Volume 14 #1. March. p. 21-35.

BookComm. on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (2002)
Consideration of Reports Submitted by States Parties under Article 18 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women: Initial, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Periodic Reports of States Parties: Congo
New York: United Nations. Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). 143p.

Dissertation / thesisDaniels, Peter I. (2002)
Perceptions of Sexual Harassment amongst University Students: A Case Study of the South African Military Academy
MPhil. Thesis: University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, South Africa. 53p.

Dissertation / thesisGoeken, Allyson B. (2002)
Women in Algeria and Tunisia: Family Law, Education, Labor, and Politics
M.A. Thesis: University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas. 88p.

BookIbe, Alexander N. (2002)
Nigeria: Critical Perspectives on Human Rights: Education and Development
Uwani, Enugu, Nigeria: Man-Greg Internation Co. 64p.

Periodical articleJewkes, Rachel K.; Levin, Jonathan; Mbananga, Nolwazi; Bradshaw, Debbie (2002)
Rape of Girls in South Africa
The Lancet. Volume 359 #9303. January 26. p. 319-320.

BookMulinge, Munyae M. (2002)
The Perceived Nature and Extent of Gender Discrimination in the Teaching Profession in Botswana
Addis Ababa: Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa. Gender Issues Research Report Series #18. 48p.

Periodical articleMuyakwa, Stephen I. (2002)
Gender Issues in Zambia
African Social Research. #43-44. p. 44-60.

BookOriaifo, S.O.; Ikponmwosa, Osa I. (eds.) (2002)
Gender Issues in Education for National Development
Benin City, Nigeria: University of Benin, Institute of Education. 208p.

Dissertation / thesisSchaay, Nichola R. (2002)
How Ought We to Inform Our Teachers about Gender-Based Violence? Identifying the Challenges Faced in Integrating Content around Gender-Based Violence into Classroom Teaching in Five Primary Schools in the Mitchells Plain District, Western Cape Province
M.Public Health Thesis: University of the Western Cape, Bellville, South Africa. 66p.

Periodical articleShumba, A.; Matina, A.E.M. (2002)
Sexual Harassment of College Students by Lecturers in Zimbabwe
Sex Education. Volume 2 #1. April. p. 45-59.

Periodical articleWorku, A.; Addisie, M. (2002)
See this publicationSexual Violence among Female High School Students in Debark, Northwest Ethiopia
East African Medical Journal. Volume 79 #2. February. p. 96-99.

Book chapterAcquaye-Baddoo, N.A.; Tsikata, Dzodzi (2001)
Gender Training and Trainers in Ghana
In: Tsikata, Dzodzi. Gender Training in Ghana. Politics, Issues and Tools. Accra, Ghana: Woeli Publishing Services.

Book chapterBoateng, A. Boatema (2001)
Training Women's Groups and Their Leaders
In: Tsikata, Dzodzi. Gender Training in Ghana. Politics, Issues and Tools. Accra, Ghana: Woeli Publishing Services.

Periodical articleCoetzee, Carli (2001)
See this publication'They Never Wept, the Men of My Race': Antjie Krog's 'Country of My Skull' and the White South African Signature
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 27 #4. December. p. 685-696.

Book chapterDamar, Dorah N. (2001)
Equalization of Educational Opportunities: The Place of Women
In: Aghenta, J.A. and Ismaíl, Tijjani (eds.). Equalisation of Educational Opportunity in Nigeria: Proceedings of the 13th Annual Congress of the Academy of Education. Kongo-Zaria: Tamaza. p. 117-126.

BookDe Temmerman, Els (2001)
Aboke Girls, Children Abducted in Northern Uganda
Kampala: Fountain Publications. 168p.

Book chapterDenkabe, A. (2001)
Gender Training in the Rural Setting
In: Tsikata, Dzodzi. Gender Training in Ghana. Politics, Issues and Tools. Accra, Ghana: Woeli Publishing Services.

BookHuman Rights Watch (2001)
See this publicationScared at School: Sexual Violence against Girls in South African Schools
New York: Human Rights Watch. March. 115p.

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