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Search: su=Counseling
Found: 16 Record 1-16

Periodical articleNgumi, O.; Ngari, S.M.; Mumiukha, C.K. (2007)
Challenges facing secondary schools' guidance counselors in Kenya
Journal of Education and Human Resources. Volume 4 #1. January. p. 20-33.

Periodical articleOchieng, P.; Otunga, R.N. (2006)
Strengthening guidance and counseling services in Kenyan primary schools: a strategy for survival in the face of globalization
Educator (Eldoret, Kenya). Volume 1 #1. p. 43-49.

Periodical articleAlutu, A.N.G.; Orubu, A.O. (2005)
Barriers to successful exclusive breast-feeding practices among rural and urban nursing mothers in Edo State of Nigeria: implications for education and counselling
Abstract presentResearch Review. Volume 21 #2. p. 27-36.

Periodical articleChireshe, R.; Mapfumo, J. (2005)
See this publicationSchool counselors' perceptions of headmasters' attitudes towards guidance and counseling in Zimbabwe secondary schools
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 17 #1. March. p. 19-29.

Periodical articleNyakutse, G.; Malindzisa, S. (2005)
Integrating indigenous knowledge in guidance counselor training programmes
UNISWA Research Journal. Volume 19. December. p. 5-17.

Periodical articleGilbert, Jane (2002)
Cross-Cultural Issues in Counselling Skills Training: Lessons from Lesotho
Abstract presentJournal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 17 #1. January. p. 123-135.

Periodical articleSeleshi Z. (2000)
Major problems of counselling in Ethiopian high schools
I.E.R. Flambeau. Volume 7 #2. June. p. 17-26.

Periodical articleMuganda-Onyando, R. (1998)
Coping with AIDS in Kenya: do we care enough?
Wajibu. Volume 13 #4. p. 14-15.

Periodical articleGichaga, S.N. (1997)
Making a difference in society through the provision of guidance and counseling services to the schools
Christian Educator. Volume 10 #2. September. p. 7-9.

Periodical articleKim, Y.M.; Marangwanda, C.; Kols, A. (1997)
Quality of counselling of young clients in Zimbabwe
East African Medical Journal. Volume 74 #8. August. p. 514-518.

Periodical articleAlao, A.A. (1995)
Information for guidance and counseling in Botswana schools
African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science. Volume 5 #1. April. p. 65-69.

Periodical articleUgwuanyi, J.U. (1994)
AIDS, a threat to African survival
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 6 #1. March. p. 30-34.

Periodical articleHumes, C.W. (1992)
School counselling in Australia
Forum (Mbabane, Swaziland). Volume 15 #2. September. p. 29-32.

Periodical articleManyatsi, V.R. (1992)
Counselling in the health education program
Forum (Mbabane, Swaziland). Volume 15 #2. September. p. 10-13.

Periodical articleTumuti, S. (1991)
Needs assessment for guidance and counselling in Kenya
East African Journal of Education. Volume 1 #1. January. p. 40-46.

Periodical articleKilonzo, G.K. (1989)
Aims and objectives of educational/vocational guidance and counselling
Forum (Mbabane, Swaziland). Volume 12 #1. April. p. 3-7.

Search: su=Counseling
Found: 16 Record 1-16

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