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BookPratt, David John; Le Gall, François; Haan, Cornelis de (1997)
Investing in pastoralism: sustainable natural resource use in arid Africa and the Middle East
Washington, DC: World Bank. World Bank technical paper #365. 159p.

Periodical articleSakupwanya, J.K. (1997)
Reassessment of catchment plan principles
Zimbabwe Engineer. Volume 62 #10. October. p. 7,9,11.

Periodical articleToumi, Mohsen; Petit, Jacques (1997)
L'eau et l'Afrique
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 52 #2710. p. 2265-2285.

Periodical articleWangoola, K. (1997)
The defiled resource
Droplets. #1. p. 11.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1996)
UN special initiative on Africa (the indegenous knowledge question)
Droplets. #3. p. 4-6.

Periodical articleCarr, Susan; Mpande, Roger (1996)
See this publicationDoes the Definition of the Issue Matter? NGO Influence and the International Convention to Combat Desertification in Africa
Abstract presentJournal of Commonwealth and Comparative Politics. Volume 34 #1. March. p. 143-160.

Periodical articleDarkoh, M.B.K. (1996)
The Human Dimension of Desertification in the Drylands of Africa
Abstract presentJournal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 11 #2. p. 89-106.

Periodical articleGulaid, A. (1996)
The role of remote sensing techology in water resources development and management
Maji. #9. December. p. 1-6.

Periodical articleMafu, H.M. (1996)
Missionary attitudes to rain rituals in Africa
Journal of Adventist Thought in Africa. Volume 2 #1. November. p. 54-64.

Periodical articleNaah, E. (1996)
News from FRIEND Groups in Africa
Bulletin (UNESCO. Nairobi Office). Volume 31 #1. January-June. p. 24-25.

Periodical articleNyaboro, F. (1996)
The underlying significance on the water sector
Droplets. #3. p. 13-14, 16.

BookReij, Chris; Scoones, Ian; Toulmin, Camilla (eds.) (1996)
Sustaining the soil: indigenous soil and water conservation in Africa
Abstract presentLondon: Earthscan. 260p.

Periodical articleWaters-Bayer, Ann (1996)
Animal Farming in African Cities
Abstract presentAfrican Urban Quarterly. Volume 11 #2-3. May-August. p. 218-228.

Periodical articleWoomer, P.L.; Muchena, F.N. (1996)
Recognising and overcoming soil constraints to crop production in tropical Africa
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 4 #4. December. p. 503-518.

Periodical articleChapa, S.R.; Dugdale, G.; Milford, J.R. (1995)
Cold cloud duration over the Sub-Sahara during the monsoon season: its climatology and operational uses
Journal of the African Meteorological Society. Volume 2 #1. June. p. 65-79.

Periodical articleMade, Patricia A. (1995)
Women and Desertification: Tillers of the Land, Keepers of Knowledge
Abstract presentSAFERE: Southern African Feminist Review. Volume 1 #1. January. p. 32-38.

Periodical articleGilguy, Christine (1994)
De nouvelles approches pour l'eau et l'assainissement
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 50 #2559. p. 2488-2499.

Periodical articleKinuthia-Njenga, C. (1994)
Women and management of water resources in Africa
Droplets. #1. p. 2.

Periodical articleMazrui, A.A. (1994)
The flawed old order: origin of food and water crisis in Africa
Resources (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 5 #1. p. 10-14.

Periodical articleNaah, E. (1994)
Water sciences' programme at ROSTA (current and future activities)
Bulletin of the UNESCO Regional Office for Science and Technology in Africa. Volume 29 #2. July-December. p. 17-20.

Periodical articleVaishnav, T. (1994)
Increasing food production in Sub-Saharan Africa through farmer-managed small scale irrigation development
Food and Agriculture in Africa. #Staff papers no. 7. p. 45-55.

Periodical articleAdebayo, Yinka R. (1993)
Some Significance of the City System in Evaluating and Responding to Climatic Drought
Abstract presentEastern and Southern Africa Geographical Journal. Volume 4 #1. June. p. 1-16.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1993)
Drought and desertification in the Sudano-Sahelian zone
Droplets. #1. p. 9-11.

Periodical articleDarkoh, M.B.K. (1993)
Towards sustainable development and environmental conservation in African drylands
Abstract presentJournal of Eastern African Research and Development. Volume 23. p. 1-23.

Periodical articleOng'wen, O. (1993)
Poor nations, poor water, poor people
Droplets. #5. November. p. 4-7.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1992)
Rainfall distribution over Eastern and Southern Africa April through June 1992
Impact (Nairobi, Kenya). #6. September. p. 16-17.

Periodical articleDiemer, Geert; Vincent, Linden (1992)
See this publicationIrrigation in Africa: The Failure of Collective Memory and Collective Understanding
Abstract presentDevelopment Policy Review. Volume 10 #2. June. p. 131-154.

Periodical articleGollifer, D.E. (1992)
A review of interventions aimed at increasing water supply for dryland farming with emphasis on the semi-arid tropics
Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Conference of the SADCC-Land and Water Management Research Programme. October 5-7. p. 267-277.

Periodical articleIsoun, T.T. (1992)
Water in Africa
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 4 #3. September. p. 4-6.

BookMcLynn, Frank (1992)
Hearts of darkness: the European exploration of Africa
Abstract presentLondon: Hutchinson. 390p.

Periodical articleMidha, N. (1992)
Low-cost water supply systems
Botswana Journal of Technology. #1. February. p. 29-32.

Periodical articleOdhiambo, T.R. (1992)
Fresh water resources, a growing flashpoint
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 4 #4. December. p. 13-14.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1991)
Water resources development in Africa: issues and strategies for action in the 1990s
Maji. #4. December. p. 15-18.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1991)
Water supply and sanitation decade in Africa (1981 - 1990): a brief overview of success and shortfalls
Maji. #4. December. p. 5-7.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1991)
Mar del Plata action plan implementation in Africa
Maji. #4. December. p. 2-4.

Conference paperBaxter, P.T.W. (ed.) (1991)
When the Grass is Gone: Development Intervention in African Arid Lands
Abstract presentUppsala: The Scandinavian Institute of African Studies. Seminar proceedings from the Scandinavian Institute of African Studies #25. 214p.

BookDiemer, Geert; Fall, Boubacar; Huibers, Frans (1991)
Promoting a smallholder-centered approach to irrigation: lessons from village irrigation schemes in the Senegal River Valley
London: Irrigation Management Network (African Edition), Overseas Development Institute (ODI). Network paper #6. 25p.

Book chapterHjort af Ornäs, A. (1991)
The logic of long-term development thinking seen through the eyes of pastoralists and planners
Abstract presentIn: Pastoral economies in Africa and long-term responses to drought. p. 247-258.

Periodical articleKumar, S. (1991)
Safe drinking water for the rural areas - some relevant issues
Maji. #4. December. p. 13-14.

Periodical articleNaife, F. (1991)
Refugiado africano, um problema por solucionar
Tempo. #1081. 30 de junho. p. 34-36.

Conference paperStone, Jeffrey C. (ed.) (1991)
Pastoral economies in Africa and long-term responses to drought: proceedings of a colloquium at the University of Aberdeen, April 1990
Abstract presentAberdeen: Aberdeen University African Studies Group. 287p.

BookAfrican Development Bank, Abidjan (1990)
Water supply and sanitation sector policy
Abidjan: African Development Bank. 49p.

Book chapterJallow, Saidou S. (1990)
Conflicting perceptions of hazards in African development: the case of floods and drought
Abstract presentIn: Culture and development in Africa / ed. by Stephen H. Arnold and Andre Nitecki. - Trenton, N.J.: Africa World Press. p. 63-74.

Periodical articleOyebande, Lekan (1990)
Aspects of Urban Hydrology and the Challenges for African Urban Environments
Abstract presentAfrican Urban Quarterly. Volume 5 #1-2. February-May. p. 39-68.

Periodical articleRydzewski, Janusz R. (1990)
See this publicationIrrigation in Africa. I: Irrigation: A Viable Development Strategy?
The Geographical Journal. Volume 156 #2. July. p. 175-180.

Conference paperUnited Nations. Department of Technical Co-operation for Development (1990)
River and lake basin development: proceedings of the United Nations Interregional Meeting on River and Lake Basin Development with Emphasis on the Africa Region, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 10-15 October 1988
Abstract presentNew York, NY: United Nations. Natural resources/Water Series #20. 428p.

Periodical articleAdams, W.M. (1989)
See this publicationDefinition and Development in African Indigenous Irrigation
Abstract presentAzania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 24. p. 21-27.

Conference paperAfrican Academy of Sciences, Nairobi (1989)
Environmental crisis in Africa: scientific response: proceedings of the International Conference on Drought, Desertification and Food Deficit in Africa, Nairobi, Kenya 3-6 June 1986
Abstract presentNairobi: Academy Science Publishers. 130p.

Periodical articleDarkoh, M.B.K. (1989)
Desertification in Africa
Abstract presentJournal of Eastern African Research and Development. Volume 19. p. 1-50.

Book chapterMabbut, J.A. (1989)
Desertification: the public record
Abstract presentIn: African Food Systems in Crisis. Part 1: Microperspectives. p. 73-109.

Periodical articleSutton, John E.G. (1989)
See this publicationTowards a History of Cultivating the Fields
Abstract presentAzania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 24. p. 98-112.

BookDejoux, Claude (1988)
La pollution des eaux continentales africaines: expérience acquise situation actuelle et perspectives
Abstract presentParis: Éditions de l'O.R.S.T.O.M.. Travaux et documents de l'ORSTOM #213. 513p.

Periodical articleMoris, Jon (1988)
See this publicationFailing to Cope with Drought: The Plight of Africa's Ex-Pastoralists
Abstract presentDevelopment Policy Review. Volume 6 #3. September. p. 269-294.

Periodical articleOladipo, E.O. (1988)
Drought in Africa: a synthesis of current scientific knowledge
Abstract presentSavanna: A Journal of the Environmental and Social Sciences. Volume 9 #2. p. 64-82.

BookPaalanen, Riitta; Nurmi, Arto (1988)
Sourcebook on institutes and agencies in desertification research: with special emphasis on Nordic activities in Africa: a report prepared for FINNIDA
Abstract presentHelsinki: Institute of Development Studies, University of Helsinki. Report, B. 148p.

Periodical articleMoris, Jon (1987)
See this publicationIrrigation as a Privileged Solution in African Development
Abstract presentDevelopment Policy Review. Volume 5 #2. June. p. 99-123.

Periodical articleOlufolaju, M.B. (1987)
Environmental perception for improved resource use in arid zones
Abstract presentAnnals of Borno. Volume 4. p. 135-146.

Periodical articleToulmin, Camilla (1987)
See this publicationDrought and the Farming Sector: Loss of Farm Animals and Post-Drought Rehabilitation
Abstract presentDevelopment Policy Review. Volume 5 #2. June. p. 125-148.

Periodical articleZolty, Alain (1987)
Irrigation: les technologies appropriées
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. #2162. p. 909-915.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1986)
Regional plan of action to combat the impacts of drought in Africa
Abstract presentRural Progress: Bulletin of the Economic Commission for Africa. Volume 5 #2. p. 3-14.

Periodical articleBembridge, T.J. (1986)
An Overview of Irrigation Development in Some Less-Developed Countries of Africa
Abstract presentJournal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 5 #1-2. April-October. p. 99-118.

Periodical articleBiswas, Asit K. (1986)
See this publicationIrrigation in Africa
Abstract presentLand Use Policy. Volume 3 #4. p. 269-285.

Periodical articleKelly, Hilarie (1986)
Development Priorities in Arid Areas: Who are the Experts?
Abstract presentRural Africana. Volume 25-26. Spring/Fall. p. 83-111.

Book chapterNicholson, S.E. (1986)
Climate, drought, and famine in Africa
Abstract presentIn: Food in sub-Saharan Africa / ed. by Art Hansen and Della E. McMillan.. p. 107-128.

Conference paperPhillott-Almeida, Ralphina A. (1986)
Women and Water Resources Management for Socio-Economic Development in Africa; Health Sanitation and Environment Aspects
Paper presented at the Regional Meeting on Socio-Economic and Policy Aspects on Water Management in Africa. Lusaka, Zambia.

Periodical articleTolba, Mostafa Kamal (1986)
See this publicationDesertification in Africa
Abstract presentLand Use Policy. Volume 3 #4. p. 260-268.

BookUnited Nations. Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) (1986)
Regional Meeting on Socio-Economic and Policy Aspects of Water Resources Management in Africa, June 2-7, 1986
Addis Ababa: ECA.

Conference paperConac, Gérard; Savonnet-Guyot, Claudette; Conac, Françoise (eds.) (1985)
Les politiques de l'eau en Afrique: développement agricole et participation paysanne: actes du colloque de la Sorbonne
Abstract presentParis: Economica. 767p.

BookDrijver, C.A.; Marchand, M. (1985)
Taming the floods: environmental aspects of floodplain development in Africa
Abstract presentLeiden: Centrum voor Milieukunde, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden. 87p.

Book chapterAbernethy, C.L. (1984)
Irrigation in Africa: present situation and prospects
Abstract presentIn: Advancing agricultural production in Africa / ed. by D.L. Hawksworth. p. 342-346.

Periodical articleGarbers, C.F. (1984)
Africa's needs of science, technology and manpower
Abstract presentRSA 2000: gesprek met die toekoms. Volume 6 #2. p. 13-20.

Periodical articleGherari, Habib (1984)
Les frontières maritimes des états Africains
Abstract presentLe mois en Afrique: revue française d'études politiques africaines. Volume 20 #229-230. p. 23-36.

Periodical articleLegoupil, J.-C. (1984)
Recherche-developpement pour une meilleure conception et exploitation des amenagements hydro-agricoles
Abstract presentL'agronomie tropicale. Volume 39 #2. p. 136-144.

Periodical articleBullwinkle, Davis A. (1983)
Drought and the Desertification of the African Continent: A Bibliography
Abstract presentCurrent Bibliography on African Affairs. Volume 16 #4. p. 279-297.

BookEdwards, K.A.; Classen, G.A.; Schroten, E.H.J. (1983)
The water resource in tropical Africa and its explotation
Abstract presentAddis Ababa: International Livestock Center for Africa. ILCA research report #6. 103p.

BookKing, John M. (1983)
Livestock water needs in pastoral Africa in relation to climate and forage
Abstract presentAddis Ababa, Ethiopia: International live-stock center for Africa. ILCA research report #7. 95p.

Periodical articleWisner, B. (1983)
Reflections on the political economy of water supply and sanitation programs in eight African nations
Abstract presentVierteljahres-Berichte: Probleme der internationalen Zusammenarbeit. #94. p. 323-333.

BookNissen-Petersen, Erik (1982)
Rain catchment and water supply in rural Africa: a manual
Abstract presentLondon: Hodder and Stoughton in association with the Danish National Fund for Developing Countries.

Book chapterSchiller, E.J. (1981)
Health, water and sanitation in Africa
Abstract presentIn: Into the 80's; the proceedings of the 11th annual conference of the Canadian association of African studies / ed. by D.I. Ray, P. Shinnie and D. Williams; vol. 2. p. 208-223.

Conference paperSymoens, J.J.; Burgis, Mary; Gaudet, John J. (eds.) (1981)
The ecology and utilization of African inland waters
Abstract presentNairobi: United Nations Environment Programme. UNEP reports and proceedings series #1. 191p.

Periodical articleLand, Thomas (1980)
Water: Scourge or Salvation?
Africa Report. Volume 25 #6. November-December. p. 53-55.

Periodical articlePayne, Richard J. (1980)
See this publicationAfrican Economic Problems and the African Position on the Law of the Sea in Relation to Manganese Nodules
Abstract presentJournal of Developing Areas. Volume 15 #1. October. p. 21-42.

Periodical articleNicolson, Sharon E. (1979)
See this publicationThe Methodology of Historical Climate Reconstruction and its Application to Africa
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 20 #1. p. 31-49.

Periodical articlePorter, R.S.; Walsh, M.R. (1978)
See this publicationCost-Effectiveness Analysis in Practice: A Case Study of Domestic Water Supplies in an African Country
World Development. Volume 6 #2. February. p. 195-208.

Periodical articleChouraqui, Gilles (1977)
L'Afrique et le droit de la mer
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 31 #4. p. 1129-1139.

Periodical articlePlatzöder, Renate (1977)
Beiträge afrikanischer Staaten zur Neuordung des Meeresvölkerrechts
Abstract presentAfrika Spectrum. Volume 12 #2. p. 131-154.

Book chapterKelly, T.J. (1975)
Climate and the West African drought
Abstract presentIn: Drought, famine and population movements in Africa. p. 14-31.

Book chapterMessiant, C. (1975)
Abstract presentIn: Sécheresses et famines du Sahel: II. paysans et nomades / éd. par J. Copans. p. 120-140.

BookNewman, James L. (ed.) (1975)
Drought, famine and population movements in Africa
Abstract presentSyracuse, NY: Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University. Foreign and comparitive studies, Eastern Africa #17.

Book chapterOyebande, L. (1975)
Water resource problems in Africa
Abstract presentIn: African environment; problems and perspectives / ed. by P. Richards. p. 40-54.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1974)
The Drought: Easing the Transport Bottleneck
Abstract presentAfrica Report. Volume 19 #5. September-October. p. 13-16.

Periodical articleFaniran, Adetoye (1974)
Drainage basin development and political boundaries in Africa
Abstract presentThe Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 16 #3. p. 445-459.

Periodical articleSpencer, Paul (1974)
See this publicationDrought and the Commitment to Growth
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 73 #293. October. p. 419-427.

Periodical articleStranz, Dietrich (1974)
Die Niederschlagsentwicklung in Afrika: insbesondere die Jüngste Trockenheit im Sahel
Abstract presentAfrika Spectrum. Volume 9 #3. p. 278-290.

Periodical articleCarruthers, I.D. (1972)
A New Approach to Domestic Water Rating
Abstract presentEastern Africa Economic Review. Volume 4 #2. December. p. 73-96.

Periodical articleSchliephake, K. (1972)
Ausgewählte neuere Literatur zur Wasserversorgung in Afrika
Abstract presentAfrika Spectrum. #2. p. 75-80.

Periodical articleGolkowsky, R. (1971)
Afrikanische Bewässerungsprojekte: ihre Bedeutung und Rolle im Entwicklungsprozess
Abstract presentInternationales Afrikaforum. Volume 7 #4. p. 257-260.

Periodical articleHerrington, W.W. (1971)
See this publicationOil pollution: its nature and Africa's legislative response
Abstract presentAfrican Law Studies. #4. p. 47-64.

Periodical articleKates, Robert W. (1968)
Water as a Focus for Rural Research
Rural Africana. #6. Fall. p. 23-28.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1967)
E.C.A.'s achievements in 1966
Abstract presentEast Africa Journal. Volume 4 #1. p. 31-41.

Search: ge=Africa
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