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Search: ge=Sudan | ||||||||
Found: 139 | Record 1-100 |
Abazeed, Abeer R.Y. (2021) | |
Is it one Nile? Civic engagement and hydropolitics in the Eastern Nile Basin: the case of Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia | |
Ph.D. dissertation (2021-04-21). Leiden: Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Leiden University. 297p. |
Casciarri, Barbara; Assal, Munzoul A.M.; Ireton, François (eds.) (2015) | |
Multidimensional change in the Republic of Sudan (1989-2011): reshaping livelihoods, conflicts, and identities | |
New York: Berghahn Books. 374p. |
Kalpakian, Jack (2015) | |
Ethiopia and the Blue Nile: development plans and their implications downstream | |
ASPJ: Africa and Francophonie. Volume 6 #2. p. 40-57. |
Bashri, Maha (2014) | |
The use of ICTs and mobilisation in the age of parallel media - an emerging fifth estate? A case study of Nafeer's flood campaign in the Sudan | |
Ecquid novi: African journalism studies. Volume 35 #2. p. 75-91. |
Mahgoub, Farida (2014) | |
Current status of agriculture and future challenges in Sudan | |
Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet. Current African issues #57. 98p. |
Twigger, Robert (2014) | |
Red Nile: a biography of the world's greatest river | |
London: Orion Books. 466p. |
Aubriot, Olivia; Riaux, Jeanne (eds.) (2013) | |
Savoirs sur l'eau: techniques, pouvoirs | |
Autrepart. #65. 199p. |
Ministry of the Cabinet. Central Bureau of Statistics, Khartoum (2013) | |
Sudan in figures 2008-2012 | |
Khartoum: Ministry of the Cabinet, Central Bureau of Statistics. 50p. |
Jiskoot, Nanno (ed.) (2011) | |
Peace beyond borders: a documentary about conflict in the border region of Sudan, Uganda and Kenya and the quest for peaceful alternatives | |
Utrecht: Jisk Film. |
Mathot, Koen Antonius (2011) | |
Rummaging through reform: strategies of Gezira irrigation scheme actors to cope with irrigation management reforms in the face of strict State control, Sudan | |
MSc Thesis. Wageningen University. 129p. |
Spaulding, Jay (ed.) (2010) | |
Sudan's wars and peace agreements | |
Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 288p. |
Raison, Jean-Pierre; Magrin, Géraud (eds.) (2009) | |
Des fleuves entre conflits et compromis: essais d'hydropolitique africaine | |
Paris: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 299p. |
Gershoni, Israel; Hatina, Meir (eds.) (2008) | |
Narrating the Nile: politics, cultures, identities | |
Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers. 275p. |
Mikaïl, Barah (2008) | |
Lourds enjeux hydrauliques dans le monde nilotique, ou les risques d'une fragmentation régionale en gestation | |
Maghreb Machrek. #196. p. 93-108. |
Salih, Muhamed Kheir; Babiker, Hashim Hussein; Wahab Bob, Issam Abdel (2008) | |
An assessment of groundwater potential for investigation guidelines in greater Darfur | |
Khartoum: International Center for African Studies. 194p. |
Salman, Salman M.A. (2008) | |
Water resources in the Sudan North-South peace process: past experience and future trends | |
African Yearbook of International Law. Volume 16. p. 299-328. |
Ahmed, Allam (ed.) (2007) | |
Science, technology and sustainability in the Middle East and North Africa | |
Genève: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. 380p. |
Deng, B.K. (2007) | |
Cooperation between Egypt and Sudan over the Nile River waters: the challenges of duality | |
African Sociological Review. Volume 11 #1. p. 38-62. |
Derman, Bill; Odgaard, Rie; Sjaastad, Espen (eds.) (2007) | |
Conflicts over land & water in Africa | |
Oxford: James Currey. 244p. |
Wessels, Joshka (ed.) (2005) | |
Darfur: earth, wind & fire | |
London: TVE. |
Tvedt, Terje (2004) | |
The River Nile in the age of the British: political ecology and the quest for economic power | |
London: IB Tauris. 456p. |
Amin, Khalid A. El (2003) | |
Drought and the evolution of well-irrigated wadi agriculture: implications for sustainable food security systems in Northern Darfur, Sudan | |
African Studies Bulletin. #65. p. 49-62. |
Collins, Robert O. (2001) | |
Uganda, Egypt, and the Owen Falls Dam | |
Uganda Journal. Volume 47. November. p. 1-9. |
Zabek, Maciej (2001) | |
Modernisation and desertification in the Sahel region, based on the example of Central Kordofan in the Sudan | |
Africana Bulletin. #49. p. 89-106. |
Bushra, El-Sayed El-; Taha, Mahgoub Obeid (2000) | |
A model for the distribution of waters of international rivers among sharing countries | |
Sudan Notes and Records. #4. p. 159-171. |
Dione, Olivier (2000) | |
Gestion des grands fleuves allogènes et logique de conflits à venir dans les milieux secs tropicaux africains | |
Les cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 53 #211. p. 213-230. |
Hassan, Rashid M. (2000) | |
The Trade-Off between Economic Efficiency and Food Self-Sufficiency in Using Sudan's Irrigated Land Resources | |
Food Policy. Volume 25 #1. February. p. 35-54. |
Fadul, H.M.; Ali, I-e.A.; Inanaga, S. (1999) | |
Salt-affected soils of the Nile higher terraces and traditional reclamation in northern Sudan | |
Desertification Control Bulletin. #35. p. 21-29. |
Swain, Ashok (1997) | |
Ethiopia, the Sudan, and Egypt: The Nile River Dispute | |
Journal of Modern African Studies. Volume 35 #4. December. p. 675-694. |
Al-Atawy, Mohamed-Hatem (1996) | |
Nilopolitics: a hydrological regime 1870-1990 | |
Cairo: American University in Cairo Press. Cairo papers in social science 19. 62p. |
Ohtsuka, Kazuo (1996) | |
Water, land and labor in irrigation agriculture along the Nile: cases from the northern Sudan | |
Senri Ethnological Studies. #43. p. 59-75. |
Bernal, Victoria (1995) | |
Cotton and colonial order in Sudan: a social history with emphasis on the Gezira Scheme | |
In: Cotton, colonialism, and social history in sub-Saharan Africa / ed. by Allen Isaacman and Richard Roberts. - Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann. p. 96-118. |
Bertoncin, Marina; Bicciato, Francesco; Bonollo, Leonardo (1995) | |
Irrigazione, Stato e territorio in Sudan: il gioco della posta in gioco | |
Terra d'Africa. p. 15-58. |
Burr, J. Millard; Collins, Robert O. (1995) | |
Requiem for the Sudan: war, drought, and disaster relief on the Nile | |
Boulder, CO: Westview Press. 385p. |
Cheeseboro, Anthony (1995) | |
The Influence of the Gezira Scheme on Later Development Plans in the Sudan: The Breadbasket Strategy | |
Northeast African Studies. Volume 2 #1. p. 107-117. |
Dijk, Johan A. van (1995) | |
Taking the waters: soil and water conservation among settling Beja nomads in eastern Sudan | |
Aldershot: Avebury. Research series #4. 324p. |
Eltigani, Eltigani El Tahir (ed.) (1995) | |
War and drought in Sudan: essays on population displacement | |
Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida. 114p. |
Ahmed, Taha Eltayeb (1994) | |
Cost recovery, equity, and inefficiency in irrigation schemes in Sudan | |
In: Issues in African rural development 2. p. 139-154. |
Eldaw, Ahmed Mohamed (1994) | |
Market and price policy setting to expand the production of milk in the Gezira | |
Berlin: Köster. Schriften zur internationalen Agrarentwicklung #8. 347p. |
Howell, P.P.; Allan, J.A. (eds.) (1994) | |
The Nile: sharing a scarce resource: a historical and technical review of water management and of economic and legal issues | |
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 408p. |
Mallat, C. (1994) | |
Law and the Nile river: Emerging international rules and the Shari'a | |
In: The Nile: sharing a scarce resource. A historical and technical review of water management and of economic and legal issues. p. 365-384. |
Meekels, Miriam (1994) | |
Egypte ziet betrekkingen met Soedan verslechteren: Iran debet aan spanningen in het Nijldal | |
Internationale spectator: tijdschrift voor internationale politiek. Volume 48 #7-8. p. 349-354. |
Whittington, D.; Waterbury, J.; McClelland, E. (1994) | |
Towards a new Nile Waters Agreement among riparians | |
Ethioscope. Volume 1 #1. September. p. 11-17. |
Faggi, Pierpaolo (1993) | |
Il deserto avanza: interpretazione geografica e falsificazionismo scientifico nell'esempio del Sudan | |
Terra d'Africa. p. 207-228. |
Gray, Leslie (1993) | |
The Effect of Drought and Economic Decline on Rural Women in Western Sudan | |
Geoforum. Volume 24 #1. February. p. 89-98. |
Gray, Leslie; Kevane, Michael (1993) | |
For Whom is the Rural Economy Resilient? Initial Effects of Drought in Western Sudan | |
Development and Change. Volume 24 #1. January. p. 159-176. |
Allan, J. Anthony (1992) | |
The changing geography of the Lower Nile: Egypt and Sudan as riparian States | |
In: The changing geography of Africa and the Middle East. p. 165-190. |
Ayeb, Habib (1992) | |
La vallée du Nil: un grand axe géopolitique | |
Monde arabe: Maghreb Machrek. #138. p. 64-73. |
Darkoh, Michael B.K. (ed.) (1992) | |
African river basins and dryland crises | |
Uppsala: OSSREA and the Research Programme on Environment and International Security, Departments of Human and Physical Geography, Uppsala University. 168p. |
Deng, Francis M.; Minear, Larry (1992) | |
The challenges of famine relief: emergency operations in the Sudan | |
Washington, DC: Brookings Institution. 165p. |
Fre, Zeremariam (1992) | |
Pastoralists and agropastoralists loosing ground: a Horn of Africa perspective | |
In: Security in African drylands: research, development and policy. p. 159-182. |
Johnson, Douglas H. (1992) | |
Reconstructing a History of Local Floods in the Upper Nile Region of the Sudan | |
International Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 25 #3. p. 607-649. |
Loevinsohn, Michael E. (ed.) (1992) | |
News from the field: a collection of short papers | |
London: Irrigation Management Network, Overseas Development Institute (ODI). Network paper #13. 28p. |
Davies, H.R.J. (1991) | |
Irrigation development programmes | |
In: The Agriculture of the Sudan. p. 339-364. |
Gillard-Byers, T.E. (1991) | |
Marketing activities of the Baggara transhumants: some effects of drought on market behavior | |
In: Pastoral economies in Africa and long-term responses to drought. p. 170-184. |
Johnson, D.H. (1991) | |
Political ecology in the Upper Nile: the twentieth century expansion of the pastoral 'common economy' | |
In: Herders, warriors, and traders: pastoralism in Africa / ed. by John G. Galaty and Pierre Bonte. - Boulder, Col. [etc.]: Westview Press. p. 89-117. |
Teklu, Tesfaye; Braun, Joachim von; Zaki, Elsayed Ali Ahmed (1991) | |
Drought and famine relationships in Sudan: policy implications | |
Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Research report #88. 135p. |
Tvedt, Terje (1991) | |
The management of water and irrigation: the Blue Nile | |
The Hague: Institute of Social Studies. 28p. |
Walsh, R.P.D. (1991) | |
Climate, hydrology, and water resources | |
In: The Agriculture of the Sudan. p. 19-53. |
Bernal, V. (1990) | |
Agricultural development and food production on a Sudanese irrigation scheme | |
In: Anthropology and development in North Africa and the Middle East. p. 197-227. |
Osman, Mohamed (1990) | |
Verwüstung: die Zerstörung von Kulturland am Beispiel des Sudan | |
Bremen: Edition CON. 127p. |
Plusquellec, Hervé L. (1990) | |
The Gezira irrigation scheme in Sudan: objectives, design, and performance | |
Washington, DC: The World Bank. World Bank technical paper #120. |
Pálsson, Gísli (ed.) (1990) | |
From Water to World-Making: African Models and Arid Lands | |
Uppsala, Sweden: The Scandinavian Institute of African Studies. 206p. |
Cole, Roy (ed.) (1989) | |
Measuring drought and drought impacts in Red Sea Province, Sudan | |
Oxford: Oxfam. OXFAM research paper #2. 304p. |
Ogolla, Bondi D. (1989) | |
Water pollution control in Africa: a comparative legal survey | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 33 #2. p. 149-156. |
Sukkary-Stolba, Soheir (1989) | |
Indigenous institutions and adaptation to famine: the case of western Sudan | |
In: African Food Systems in Crisis. Part 1: Microperspectives. p. 281-293. |
Bernal, V. (1988) | |
Losing ground - women and agriculture on Sudan's irrigated schemes: lessons from a Blue Nile village | |
In: Agriculture, women, and land: the African experience / ed. by Jean Davison. - Boulder, Col. [etc.]: Westview Press. p. 131-156. |
Bernal, Victoria (1988) | |
Coercion and Incentives in African Agricultural Development: Insights from the Sudanese Experience | |
African Studies Review. Volume 31 #2. September. p. 89-108. |
Bush, Ray (1988) | |
Hunger in Sudan: The Case of Darfur | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 87 #346. January. p. 5-23. |
Walsh, R.P.D.; Hulme, M.; Campbell, M.D. (1988) | |
Recent Rainfall Changes and Their Impact on Hydrology and Water Supply in the Semi-Arid Zone of the Sudan | |
The Geographical Journal. Volume 154 #2. July. p. 181-197. |
Beely, Galal Hassan Ismail El (1987) | |
Impact of desertification on urban centres: case of Omdurman area | |
Khartoum: Development Studies and Research Centre, Faculty of Economic and Social Studies, University of Khartoum. |
Ebéné, R.T. (1987) | |
Health risks to the population of Gezira/Sudan following irrigation of cotton fields | |
In: Health and disease in tropical Africa: geographical and medical viewpoints / ed. by Rais Akhtar. p. 293-303. |
Hulme, Mike (1987) | |
Rainfall in Central Sudan: An Asset or a Liability? | |
Geoforum. Volume 18 #3. p. 321-331. |
Rahama, Amna A.; Elmusharaf, Medina O. (1987) | |
Household Water Practices Knowledge and Attitudes in Nine White Nile Villages in Sudan | |
Ahfad Journal. Volume 4 #1. June. p. 31-38. |
Shepherd, Andrew; Norris, Malcolm; Watson, John (1987) | |
Water planning in arid Sudan | |
London: Published for the Development Administration Group, Institute of Local Government Studies, University of Birmingham, by Ithaca Press. Middle East science policy studies #10. 207p. |
Asher, Michael (1986) | |
A desert dies | |
Harmondsworth: Viking. 330p. |
Briggs, John (1985) | |
Farmer's management of small-scale irrigation schemes in Central Sudan | |
In: Les politiques de l'eau en Afrique: développement agricole et participation paysanne. p. 645-660. |
Griffith, W.J. (1985) | |
Nos sources en matière d'irrigation: Nigeria et Soudan | |
In: Les politiques de l'eau en Afrique: développement agricole et participation paysanne. p. 536-549. |
Lako, George Tombe (1985) | |
The Impact of the Jonglei Scheme on the Economy of the Dinka | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 84 #334. January. p. 15-38. |
Mageed, Yahia Abd el (1985) | |
Cultures irrigueés et participation paysanne au Soudan | |
In: Les politiques de l'eau en Afrique: développement agricole et participation paysanne. p. 635-644. |
Mohamed, Yagoub Abdalla; Abusin, Mohamed el-Hadi (1985) | |
Rural population and water supplies in the Sudan | |
In: Population and Development Projects in Africa. p. 254-264. |
Sammani, M.O. el- (1985) | |
The Jonglei Canal: on evolution of the project-model | |
Khartoum: University of Khartoum. 10p. |
Swan, C.H. (1985) | |
La gerance agricole, le gouvernement, les netayers et la question de la distribution de l'eau dans le perimètre de la Gezira | |
In: Les politiques de l'eau en Afrique: développement agricole et participation paysanne. p. 661-667. |
Ali, Taisier; O'Brien, Jay (1984) | |
Labor, community, and protest in Sudanese agriculture | |
In: The politics of agriculture in tropical Africa. p. 205-238. |
Ibrahim, Fouad N. (1984) | |
Ecological imbalance in the Republic of the Sudan: with reference to desertification in Darfur | |
Bayreuth: Bayreuth Verlagsgesellschaft. Bayreuther geowissenschaftliche Arbeiten 6. 215p. |
Briggs, J. (1983) | |
The use of repertory grid analysis in the study of farmers' choice of crops | |
In: Irrigation in tropical Africa; problems and problem solving. p. 109-120. |
Ebrahim, Mohammed H.S. (1983) | |
Irrigation Projects in Sudan: The Promise and the Reality | |
Journal of African Studies (UCLA). Volume 10 #1. Spring. p. 2-13. |
Kheir, Omer M.; Salam, Yassin A. (1982) | |
Groundwater Resources of the al-Qadarif Basin in the East-Central Sudan | |
Sudan Notes and Records. Volume 63. p. 113-122. |
Koch, Werner; Bischof, Friedrich (1982) | |
Weed problems in irrigation schemes in the Sudan | |
In: Problems of agricultural development in the Sudan. p. 5-22. |
Manger, L.O. (1982) | |
Cultivation systems and the struggle for household viability under conditions of desert encroachment | |
In: Problems of Savannah Development: The Sudan Case. p. 133-166. |
Shaaeldin, El Faith (1982) | |
The Controversy over Land-Water Charges and Decentralization in the Gezira Scheme | |
Sudan Notes and Records. Volume 63. p. 97-112. |
Abdel Mageed, Yahia (1981) | |
Integrated River Basin Development: A Challenge to the Nile Basin Countries | |
Sudan Notes and Records. Volume 62. p. 69-81. |
Dickinson, H.; Wedgewood, K. (1981) | |
Nile waters: the Sudan's critical resource | |
In: Post-Independence Sudan: proceedings of a Seminar held in the Centre of African Studies. p. 213-277. |
El Sammani, M.O. (1981) | |
The Impact of Water-Supply Centres on Ecosystems with a Suggested Strategy for Action | |
Sudan Notes and Records. Volume 62. p. 123-146. |
Manger, Leif O. (1981) | |
The sand swallows our land: overexploitation of productive resources and the problem of household viability in the Kheiran, a Sudanese oasis | |
Bergen: Department of Social Anhropology; Univ. of Bergen. Occasional papers from the Bergen department of social anthropology #24. 137p. |
Al-Shahi, Ahmed (1980) | |
Economic Change and Individual Initiative: The Case of a Developing Community in the Northern Sudan | |
Sudan Notes and Records. Volume 61. p. 61-76. |
Mensching, Horst (1980) | |
Desertification: ein komplexes Phänomen der Degradierung und Zerstörung des marginal-tropischen Ökosystems in der Sahelzone Afrikas | |
Geomethodica: Veröffentlichungen Basler Geomethodischen Colloquiums. Volume 5. p. 17-41. |
Ali, Ali A.G.; Sattar, Huda A. (1979) | |
On Production Relations in Sudanese Irrigated Agriculture | |
Sudan Notes and Records. Volume 60. p. 15-27. |
Waterbury, John (1979) | |
Hydropolitics of the Nile Valley | |
Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press. Contemporary issues in the Middle East. 301p. |
Doornbos, Paul (1978) | |
A review of the papers presented at the Central Bilad al-Sudan conference: the geographical characteristics of the Central Bilad al-Sudan | |
Sudan Research Information Bulletin. #8. p. 18-27. |
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