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Search: su=agricultural policy
Found: 28 Record 1-28

BookPittock, Jamie; Grafton, R. Quentin; White, Chris (eds.) (2014)
Water, food and agricultural sustainability in southern Africa
Abstract presentPrahran, VIC: Tilde University Press. 204p.

Periodical articlePellizzoli, Roberta (2010)
See this publication'Green revolution' for whom? Women's access to and use of land in the Mozambique Chókwè irrigation scheme
Abstract presentReview of African Political Economy. Volume 37 #124. p. 213-220.

Periodical articleNyandoro, Mark (2009)
See this publicationDevelopment and differentiation in the post-independence era: continuity or change in ARDA-Sanyati irrigation in Zimbabwe (1980-1990)
Abstract presentAfrican Historical Review. Volume 41 #1. p. 51-89.

Conference paperMapiki, Alfred; Makgetlaneng, Sehlare (eds.) (2008)
Land and water management in Southern Africa: towards better water use in agriculture in semi-arid and arid areas
Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa. 822p.

Conference paperNhira, Calvin; Mapiki, Alfred; Rankhumise, Patrick (eds.) (2008)
Land and water management in Southern Africa: towards sustainable agriculture
Abstract presentPretoria: Africa institute of South Africa (AISA). 668p.

Periodical articleObirih-Opareh, Nelson (2008)
Strategies of poverty reduction in Africa: the case of irrigated agriculture in Ghana
African Renaissance. Volume 5 #2. p. 58-68.

Periodical articleYilma, Tsegaye; Berg, Ernst; Berger, Thomas (2008)
See this publicationThe Agricultural Technology-Market Linkage under Liberalisation in Ghana: Evidence from Micro Data
Abstract presentJournal of African Economies. Volume 17 #1. January. p. 62-84.

BookHe, Lixia (2005)
Improving irrigation water allocation efficiency: analysis of alternative policy options in Egypt and Morocco
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 140p.

BookLerise, Fred Simon (2005)
Politics in land and water use management
Dar es Salaam: Mkuki na Nyota. 199p.

Dissertation / thesisBolding, Alex (2004)
In hot water: a study on sociotechnical intervention models and practices of water use in smallholder agriculture, Nyanyadzi catchment, Zimbabwe

Periodical articleMunro, Lauchlan T. (2003)
See this publicationZimbabwe's Agricultural Recovery Programme in the 1990s: An Evaluation Using Household Survey Data
Abstract presentFood Policy. Volume 28 #5-6. October-December. p. 437-458.

Periodical articleKajoba, Gear M. (1996)
Coping with Drought through Sustainable Agricultural Development in Zambia
Abstract presentEastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 12 #1. January. p. 47-64.

Book chapterChristiansen, Sofus (1992)
Models for food security in the dry regions of Senegal
Abstract presentIn: Security in African drylands: research, development and policy. p. 183-192.

Book chapterFre, Zeremariam (1992)
Pastoralists and agropastoralists loosing ground: a Horn of Africa perspective
Abstract presentIn: Security in African drylands: research, development and policy. p. 159-182.

Periodical articlePérennès, J.-J. (1992)
Le Maroc à portée du million d'hectares irrigués: éléments pour un bilan
Abstract presentMonde arabe: Maghreb Machrek. #137. p. 25-42.

Book chapterKeya, G.A. (1991)
Alternative policies and models for arid and semi-arid lands in Kenya
Abstract presentIn: When the grass is gone: development intervention in African arid lands. p. 73-89.

Book chapterCheneau-Loquay, A.; Usselmann, Pierre (1990)
Les aménagements hydro-agricoles en Guinée littorale: réalités des années 1950, mythe des années 1980?
Abstract presentIn: Eau et aménagement dans les régions inter-tropicales; Tome 1. p. 225-245.

Periodical articleVossen, Paul (1990)
See this publicationRainfall and agricultural production in Botswana
Abstract presentAfrika Focus. Volume 6 #2. p. 141-155.

Periodical articleBernal, Victoria (1988)
See this publicationCoercion and Incentives in African Agricultural Development: Insights from the Sudanese Experience
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 31 #2. September. p. 89-108.

Periodical articleHogg, Richard (1987)
See this publicationDevelopment in Kenya: Drought, Desertification and Food Scarcity
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 86 #342. January. p. 47-58.

Periodical articleMehretu, Assefa (1987)
See this publicationRegions under Stress: Catastrophic Collapse of the Subsistence Base in Ethiopia's Geographic Margins
Abstract presentNortheast African Studies. Volume 9 #2. p. 55-67.

Periodical articleMoris, Jon (1987)
See this publicationIrrigation as a Privileged Solution in African Development
Abstract presentDevelopment Policy Review. Volume 5 #2. June. p. 99-123.

Periodical articleToulmin, Camilla (1987)
See this publicationDrought and the Farming Sector: Loss of Farm Animals and Post-Drought Rehabilitation
Abstract presentDevelopment Policy Review. Volume 5 #2. June. p. 125-148.

Periodical articleFarmer, Graham (1986)
See this publicationRainfall variability in tropical africa: some implications for policy
Abstract presentLand Use Policy. Volume 3 #4. p. 336-342.

Periodical articlePérennès, Jean-Jacques (1986)
La politique hydro-agricole de l'Algérie: données actuelles et principales contraintes
Abstract presentMaghreb Machrek: monde arabe. #111. p. 57-76.

BookSantoir, Christian (1983)
Raison pastorale et politique de développement: les Peuls sénégalais face aux aménagements
Abstract presentParis: O.R.S.T.O.M.. Travaux et documents de l'ORSTOM #166. 185p.

Periodical articleDer, B.G. (1979)
Agricultural policy in northern Ghana during the colonial era
Abstract presentUniversitas. Volume 8. p. 3-18.

PeriodicalPerraudin, R. (ed.) (1964)
Bulletin technique des eaux et forêts et de la conservation des sols
Tananarive: Ministère d'État chargé de la Forêt et du Reboisement National. Direction des Eaux et Forêts et de la Conservation des Sols.

Search: su=agricultural policy
Found: 28 Record 1-28

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