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Search: su=agricultural policy | ||||||||
Found: 28 | Record 1-28 |
Pittock, Jamie; Grafton, R. Quentin; White, Chris (eds.) (2014) | |
Water, food and agricultural sustainability in southern Africa | |
Prahran, VIC: Tilde University Press. 204p. |
Pellizzoli, Roberta (2010) | |
'Green revolution' for whom? Women's access to and use of land in the Mozambique Chókwè irrigation scheme | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 37 #124. p. 213-220. |
Nyandoro, Mark (2009) | |
Development and differentiation in the post-independence era: continuity or change in ARDA-Sanyati irrigation in Zimbabwe (1980-1990) | |
African Historical Review. Volume 41 #1. p. 51-89. |
Mapiki, Alfred; Makgetlaneng, Sehlare (eds.) (2008) | |
Land and water management in Southern Africa: towards better water use in agriculture in semi-arid and arid areas | |
Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa. 822p. |
Nhira, Calvin; Mapiki, Alfred; Rankhumise, Patrick (eds.) (2008) | |
Land and water management in Southern Africa: towards sustainable agriculture | |
Pretoria: Africa institute of South Africa (AISA). 668p. |
Obirih-Opareh, Nelson (2008) | |
Strategies of poverty reduction in Africa: the case of irrigated agriculture in Ghana | |
African Renaissance. Volume 5 #2. p. 58-68. |
Yilma, Tsegaye; Berg, Ernst; Berger, Thomas (2008) | |
The Agricultural Technology-Market Linkage under Liberalisation in Ghana: Evidence from Micro Data | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 17 #1. January. p. 62-84. |
He, Lixia (2005) | |
Improving irrigation water allocation efficiency: analysis of alternative policy options in Egypt and Morocco | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 140p. |
Lerise, Fred Simon (2005) | |
Politics in land and water use management | |
Dar es Salaam: Mkuki na Nyota. 199p. |
Bolding, Alex (2004) | |
In hot water: a study on sociotechnical intervention models and practices of water use in smallholder agriculture, Nyanyadzi catchment, Zimbabwe | |
396p. |
Munro, Lauchlan T. (2003) | |
Zimbabwe's Agricultural Recovery Programme in the 1990s: An Evaluation Using Household Survey Data | |
Food Policy. Volume 28 #5-6. October-December. p. 437-458. |
Kajoba, Gear M. (1996) | |
Coping with Drought through Sustainable Agricultural Development in Zambia | |
Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 12 #1. January. p. 47-64. |
Christiansen, Sofus (1992) | |
Models for food security in the dry regions of Senegal | |
In: Security in African drylands: research, development and policy. p. 183-192. |
Fre, Zeremariam (1992) | |
Pastoralists and agropastoralists loosing ground: a Horn of Africa perspective | |
In: Security in African drylands: research, development and policy. p. 159-182. |
Pérennès, J.-J. (1992) | |
Le Maroc à portée du million d'hectares irrigués: éléments pour un bilan | |
Monde arabe: Maghreb Machrek. #137. p. 25-42. |
Keya, G.A. (1991) | |
Alternative policies and models for arid and semi-arid lands in Kenya | |
In: When the grass is gone: development intervention in African arid lands. p. 73-89. |
Cheneau-Loquay, A.; Usselmann, Pierre (1990) | |
Les aménagements hydro-agricoles en Guinée littorale: réalités des années 1950, mythe des années 1980? | |
In: Eau et aménagement dans les régions inter-tropicales; Tome 1. p. 225-245. |
Vossen, Paul (1990) | |
Rainfall and agricultural production in Botswana | |
Afrika Focus. Volume 6 #2. p. 141-155. |
Bernal, Victoria (1988) | |
Coercion and Incentives in African Agricultural Development: Insights from the Sudanese Experience | |
African Studies Review. Volume 31 #2. September. p. 89-108. |
Hogg, Richard (1987) | |
Development in Kenya: Drought, Desertification and Food Scarcity | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 86 #342. January. p. 47-58. |
Mehretu, Assefa (1987) | |
Regions under Stress: Catastrophic Collapse of the Subsistence Base in Ethiopia's Geographic Margins | |
Northeast African Studies. Volume 9 #2. p. 55-67. |
Moris, Jon (1987) | |
Irrigation as a Privileged Solution in African Development | |
Development Policy Review. Volume 5 #2. June. p. 99-123. |
Toulmin, Camilla (1987) | |
Drought and the Farming Sector: Loss of Farm Animals and Post-Drought Rehabilitation | |
Development Policy Review. Volume 5 #2. June. p. 125-148. |
Farmer, Graham (1986) | |
Rainfall variability in tropical africa: some implications for policy | |
Land Use Policy. Volume 3 #4. p. 336-342. |
Pérennès, Jean-Jacques (1986) | |
La politique hydro-agricole de l'Algérie: données actuelles et principales contraintes | |
Maghreb Machrek: monde arabe. #111. p. 57-76. |
Santoir, Christian (1983) | |
Raison pastorale et politique de développement: les Peuls sénégalais face aux aménagements | |
Paris: O.R.S.T.O.M.. Travaux et documents de l'ORSTOM #166. 185p. |
Der, B.G. (1979) | |
Agricultural policy in northern Ghana during the colonial era | |
Universitas. Volume 8. p. 3-18. |
Perraudin, R. (ed.) (1964) | |
Bulletin technique des eaux et forêts et de la conservation des sols | |
Tananarive: Ministère d'État chargé de la Forêt et du Reboisement National. Direction des Eaux et Forêts et de la Conservation des Sols. |
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Found: 28 | Record 1-28 |
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