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Search: su=environmental degradation
Found: 26 Record 1-26

Periodical articleOkafor-Yarwood, Ifesinachi; Adewumi, Ibukun Jacob (2020)
See this publicationToxic waste dumping in the Global South as a form of environmental racism: Evidence from the Gulf of Guinea
African Studies. Volume 79 #3. p. 285-304.

BookTrefon, Theodore (2016)
Congo's environmental paradox: potential and predation in a land of plenty
London: Zed Books Ltd. African arguments. 194p.

BookNodem, Jean-Emet (2015)
Eau, capitaux et pauvreté dans le versant sud des monts Bambouto
Paris: L'Harmattan. 242p.

BookLejju, Julius B. (2012)
The influence of climate change and human-induced environmental degradation on Lake Victoria
Addis Ababa: OSSREA. 104p.

Periodical articleNdiaye, Aminata (2011)
Contraintes environnementales et désarticulation spatiale au Sénégal: exemple des inondations récurrentes à Pikine
Territoires d'Afrique. #2. p. 62-69.

Periodical articleNdiaye, Aminata (2011)
Vulnérabiblité au changement climatique: adaptions et conséquences dans le Sahel rural sénégalais
Abstract presentAcross disciplinary boundaries: humanities, social sciences and Anglophone literature. #2. p. 305-317.

BookInyang, Ekpe (2010)
The hill barbers
Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 72p.

Periodical articleOnuoha, Freedom C. (2008)
See this publicationEnvironmental degradation, livelihood and conflicts: a focus on the implications of the diminishing water resources of Lake Chad for North-Eastern Nigeria
Abstract presentAfrican Journal on Conflict Resolution. Volume 8 #2. p. 35-61.

BookRuysschaert, Denis; Sébastien, Léa (2007)
Gestion des ressources naturelles
Abstract presentNairobi: Institut français de recherche en Afrique. Les cahiers de l'IFRA #34. 92p.

Periodical articleAnonymous (2006)
The disastrous effects of flooding in Africa
Accountant (Nairobi, Kenya). November-December. p. 30-31.

Periodical articleFauquet, François; Morel, Alain (2006)
Résilience des communautés rurales face à la crise écologique et foncière du Sahel: l'exemple de la vallée d'Arewa (Niger central)
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #217. p. 77-89.

BookOdada, E.O. (ed.) (2006)
East African Rift Valley lakes
Kalmar: University of Kalmar on behalf of United Nations Environment Programme. GIWA regional assessment #47. 141p.

Periodical articleRobert, E. (2005)
Death of a river
Kutlwano. Volume 46 #9. September. p. 13.

BookZwiers, Ciska (2002)
World without water: a study on the scarcity of water in the village of Muyako, Lake Liambezi area, East Caprivi, Namibia
Utrecht: UNITWIN, Utrecht University. UNITWIN-series for Namibia #15. 96p.

Periodical articleBogatsu, Y.; Atekwana, E.; Ekosse, G.; Atekwana, E.; Totolo, O. (2000)
See this publicationHydrogeochemical impacts of the Gaborone landfill on its surrounding subsurface environments
Botswana Notes and Records. Volume 32. p. 159-164.

Periodical articleGoldsmith, P. (2000)
The land of Jilali
Ecoforum. Volume 24 #3. cold season. p. 39-41.

Periodical articleOsei-Hwedie, Kwaku (1998)
See this publicationFood Policy: Managing Drought and the Environment in Botswana
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 23 #2. p. 61-83.

Periodical articleOtieno, D. (1998)
Desertification: how big a problem is it?
Impact (Nairobi, Kenya). #23. June. p. 4,6,9.

Periodical articleThirugnanasambanthar, S.; Romano, P.; Angelakis, A. (1998)
Water resources in Yemen and their degradation: the risk for an extensive desertification
Desertification Control Bulletin. #32. p. 51-61.

Periodical articleKharin, N. (1997)
Social aspects of land degradation in Central Asia
Desertification Control Bulletin. #31. p. 55-59.

Periodical articleLetsoisa, K.W. (1997)
Water and wind erosion: like thieves in the night
Splash. Volume 13 #1. December. p. 9.

Periodical articleGicheru, P.T. (1996)
Water erosion indicators
Desertification Control Bulletin. #29. p. 23-28.

Periodical articleKithiia, Shadrack Mulei; Musingi, John Kioko (1995)
Effects of Land Use Systems on the Water Quality within the Nairobi River Sub-Catchment
Abstract presentEastern and Southern Africa Geographical Journal. Volume 6 #1. December. p. 17-36.

Periodical articleHenrique, A. (1992)
Seca, experiência do inferno
Tempo. #1147. November 15. p. 20-25.

Periodical articleKassas, M.; Ahmad, Y.; Rozanov, B. (1991)
Desertification and drought: an ecological and economic analysis
Desertification Control Bulletin. #20. p. 19-29.

Periodical articleShisanya, C.A. (1990)
The 1983-1984 drought in Kenya
Abstract presentJournal of Eastern African Research and Development. Volume 20. p. 127-148.

Search: su=environmental degradation
Found: 26 Record 1-26

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