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Search: su=foreign policy
Found: 9 Record 1-9

BookCheck, Nicasius Achu (2011)
Forces nouvelles and the search for ivorité: interrogating the Côte d'Ivoire national question. Climate change and water degradation: challenges for sustaining human security in the Lake Chad Basin. France and the Linas-Marcoussis Agreement for Côte d'Ivoire: implications for Africa continental integration. ECOWAS conflict-resolution initiatives in the Ivorian crisis: challenges and prospects. Water degradation trends in the Lake Chad Basin ecosystem: implications for peace and security in the sub-region
Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa. Occasional papers #7-2011. 98p.

Periodical articleMikaïl, Barah (2008)
Lourds enjeux hydrauliques dans le monde nilotique, ou les risques d'une fragmentation régionale en gestation
Maghreb Machrek. #196. p. 93-108.

Periodical issueAdar, Korwa G. (ed.) (2007)
See this publicationThe riparian States of the Nile River, their national interests and regional stability
Abstract presentAfrican Sociological Review. Volume 11 #1. 106p.

BookTvedt, Terje (2004)
The River Nile in the age of the British: political ecology and the quest for economic power
London: IB Tauris. 456p.

BookTurton, Anthony; Henwood, Roland (eds.) (2002)
Hydropolitics in the developing world: a Southern African perspective
Abstract presentPretoria: African Water Issues Research Unit, Centre for International Political Studies, University of Pretoria. 269p.

BookAl-Atawy, Mohamed-Hatem (1996)
Nilopolitics: a hydrological regime 1870-1990
Cairo: American University in Cairo Press. Cairo papers in social science 19. 62p.

Periodical articleMeekels, Miriam (1994)
Egypte ziet betrekkingen met Soedan verslechteren: Iran debet aan spanningen in het Nijldal
Abstract presentInternationale spectator: tijdschrift voor internationale politiek. Volume 48 #7-8. p. 349-354.

Periodical articleAyeb, Habib (1992)
La vallée du Nil: un grand axe géopolitique
Abstract presentMonde arabe: Maghreb Machrek. #138. p. 64-73.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1979)
Water becomes political weapon
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of African Affairs. Volume 9 #2. p. 63.

Search: su=foreign policy
Found: 9 Record 1-9

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