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Search: su=government policy | ||||||||
Found: 47 | Record 1-47 |
Tchuwa, Isaac (2018) | |
The 'poisoned chalice' of state ownership of water infrastructure in contemporary Blantyre, Malawi | |
Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 36 #1. p. 1-22. |
Trefon, Theodore; De Putter, Thierry (eds.) (2017) | |
Ressources naturelles et développement: le paradoxe congolais | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Cahiers africains #90. 195p. |
Awortwi, Nicholas; Musahara, Herman (eds.) (2015) | |
Implementation of the millennium development goals: progresses and challenges in some African countries | |
Addis Ababa: Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA). 272p. |
Kemerink-Seyoum, Jeltsje Sanne (2015) | |
Policies lost in translation? Unravelling water reform processes in African waterscapes | |
Leiden: CRC Press/Balkema. 180p. |
Besbes, Mustapha; Chahed, Jamel; Hamdane, Abdelkader (2014) | |
Sécurité hydrique de la Tunisie: gérer l'eau en conditions de pénuries | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Histoire et perspectives méditerranéennes. 354p. |
Adamczewski, Amandine; Jamin, Jean-Yves; Tonneau, Jean-Philippe (2013) | |
'Appel aux investisseurs': quelles conséquences sur les rapports fonciers à l'Office du Niger au Mali? | |
Territoires d'Afrique. #5. p. 11-26. |
East African Sustainability Watch (2013) | |
Progress and level of implementation of the East African Community Climate Change Policy commitments in the Lake Victoria Basin with respect to water and sanitation | |
Kampala: Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development. Lake Victoria climate change readiness brief #2. 45p. |
Bomfie, Edmond Mokuinema (2012) | |
Géopolitique de l'eau et gouvernance en Province orientale: République démocratique du Congo | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Géopolitique mondiale. 100p. |
Republic of Ghana. Water Resources Commission, Accra (2012) | |
National integrated water resources management (IWRM) plan | |
Accra: Water Resources Commission of Ghana. 83p. |
République du Mali. Ministère de l'énergie, des mines et de l'eau, Direction nationale de l'hydraulique, Bamako (2012) | |
Bilan 2012 et perspectives | |
Bamako: Ministère de l'énergie, des mines et de l'eau, Direction nationale de l'hydraulique. |
Dinokopila, Bonolo Ramadi (2011) | |
The right to water in Botswana: a review of the Matsipane Mosetlhanyane case | |
African Human Rights Law Journal. Volume 11 #1. p. 282-295. |
Mtisi, Sobona (2011) | |
Water reforms during the crisis and beyond: understanding policy and political challenges of reforming the water sector in Zimbabwe | |
London: Overseas Development Institute (ODI). ODI working paper #333. 27p. |
Thiam, Mame Demba (2011) | |
Le syndrome des inondations au Sénégal | |
Dakar: Presses universitaires du Sahel. 225p. |
Republic of Rwanda. Ministry of Infrastructure, Kigali (2010) | |
National policy & strategy for water supply and sanitation services | |
Kigali: Ministry of Infrastructure, Republic of Rwanda. 100p. |
Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Nairobi (2009) | |
Ministerial strategic plan 2009-2012: water for all | |
Nairobi: Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources. 81p. |
Namibia. Ministry of Agriculture, Water, and Forestry (2009) | |
Namibia: national sanitation strategy 2010/11 - 2014/15 second draft | |
Windhoek: Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry, Directorate of Water Supply and Sanitation Co-ordination. 68p. |
Republic of Namibia. Ministry of Agriculture, Water, and Forestry. Directorate of Water Supply and Sanitation Co-ordination (2009) | |
Namibia: national sanitation strategy 2010/11 - 2014/15 | |
Windhoek: Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry, Directorate of Water Supply and Sanitation Co-ordination. 78p. |
Stewart, Amy Eleanor (2009) | |
The governance of water and sanitation in Africa: achieving sustainable development through partnerships | |
London: Tauris Academic Studies. International library of African studies #27. 286p. |
Malawi Government (2008) | |
National sanitation policy | |
Lilongwe: Ministry of Irrigation and Water Development. 82p. |
République du Bénin, Cotonou (2008) | |
Politique nationale de l'eau (version definitive) | |
Cotonou: Ministère des mines, de l'énergie et de l'eau, Direction générale de l'eau. 51p. |
Thompson, Lisa; Nleya, Ndodana (2008) | |
Millennium development goals and water service delivery strategies: reflections on the fit between national and local policies on water in the context of global poverty alleviation initiatives | |
Africanus. Volume 38 #2. p. 115-128. |
Ministère des mines, de l'énergie et de l'eau (MMEE). Comité de pilotage de la stratégie de l'AEP en milieu urbain, Cotonou (2007) | |
Stratégie nationale de l'approvisionnement en eau potable en milieu urbain 2006-2015 | |
Cotonou: Ministère des mines, de l'énergie et de l'eau, Direction générale de l'eau. 28p. |
República de Moçambique. Conselho de Ministros, Maputo (2007) | |
Estratégia nacional de gestão de recursos hídricos | |
Maputo: Ministério das Obras Públicas e Habitação. 33p. |
République du Mali. Ministère de l'énergie, des mines et de l'eau, Bamako (2007) | |
Plan d'action national de gestion intégrée des ressources en eau (2ème partie): rapport final | |
Stockholm: Global Water Partnership Host. 169p. |
République du Mali. Ministère de l'énergie, des mines et de l'eau, Bamako (2007) | |
Plan d'action national de gestion intégrée des ressources en eau (1ère partie): état des lieux des ressources en eau et de leur cadre de gestion: rapport final | |
Stockholm: Global Water Partnership Host. 142p. |
African Ministers' Council on Water, AMCOW (2006) | |
Getting Africa on track to meet the MDGs on water and sanitation: a status review of sixteen African countries | |
Nairobi: Water and Sanitation Program - African Region. 117p. |
Genin, Didier (ed.) (2006) | |
Entre désertification et développement: la Jeffara tunisienne | |
El Menzah: Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD). 351p. |
République du Bénin. Ministère des mines, de l'énergie et de l'hydraulique, Direction générale de l'hydraulique, Cotonou (2005) | |
Stratégie nationale de l'approvisionnement en eau potable en milieu rural de Bénin 2005-2015 | |
Cotonou: Ministère des mines, de l'énergie et de l'eau, Direction générale de l'eau. 21p. |
Sokile, C.S.; Mongula, B.; Van Koppen, B. (2005) | |
Water governance and local participation: from policy to practice with experiences from Tanzania and South Africa | |
Tanzanian Journal of Development Studies. Volume 6 #1. March. p. 77-86. |
Lévite, H.; Faysse, N.; Ardorino, F. (2003) | |
Resolving water use conflicts through stakeholder participation: issues and examples from the Steelpoort Basin in South Africa | |
African Water Journal. December. p. 30-42. |
Dialla, Basga Émile (2002) | |
La sécurité foncière sur les périmètres irrigués du Burkina Faso: le cas de la vallée du Sourou | |
Africa Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 27 #1-2. p. 62-83. |
Ngatangue, E.; Selebogo, M. (2002) | |
North-south carrier water project: a success story | |
Kutlwano. Volume 40 #7. July. p. 11-13. |
Wambua, S.M. (2001) | |
Innovative ways of financing community based water supply and sanitation projects | |
Kenya Engineer. Volume 22 #1. January-February. p. 31-32. |
Abwao, P. (2000) | |
Overcoming the water crisis | |
EcoNews Africa. July. p. 3-5. |
Cadribo, Ron (2000) | |
Drought management and food security in the SADC region: an overview of strategies and challenges | |
Lesotho Law Journal: A Journal of Law and Development. Volume 13 #1-2. p. 199-228. |
Gakubia, R.N. (2000) | |
Water for the 21st century: managing Kenya's water resources is a concern for all | |
Kenya Engineer. Volume 21 #3. May-June. p. 31-32. |
Wambua, S.M. (2000) | |
Community management of water supplies and sanitation | |
Kenya Engineer. Volume 21 #2. March-April. p. 17-18. |
Hitchcock, Robert K. (1999) | |
Water Resource Use and Management in the Okavango System of Southern Africa: The Political Economy of State, Community and Private Resource Control | |
Botswana Notes and Records. Volume 31. p. 83-92. |
Odihi, John Onu (1998) | |
Excavation-water harvesting in Sudano-Sahelian Nigeria: problems and prospects | |
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 10 #1-2. June. p. 88-94. |
Kendie, S.B. (1997) | |
Participation without sustainability: a case study of the CUSO-Togo maritime region water supply project | |
Bulletin of the Ghana Geographical Association. #20. July. p. 36-51. |
Mukuzunga, F. (1997) | |
Government takes steps to reform water sector | |
Zimbabwe Engineer. Volume 62 #8. August. p. 19,21,23. |
Centro de Formação Profissional de Agua e Saneamento. Direcção Nacional de Águas-Maputo (1996) | |
Polítíca nacional de águas | |
Agua (Maputo, Mozambique). #especial. fev.. p. 1-14. |
Centro de Formação Profissional de Agua e Saneamento. Direcção Nacional de Águas-Maputo (1996) | |
Situação actual do sector da água em Moçambique: anexo 1 | |
Agua (Maputo, Mozambique). #especial. fev.. p. 1-10. |
Nyaoro, W. (1996) | |
Environmental constraints to sustainable water supply development in Kenya: towards a planning alternative | |
Independent Review (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 1 #1. p. 51-64. |
Waters-Bayer, Ann (1996) | |
Animal Farming in African Cities | |
African Urban Quarterly. Volume 11 #2-3. May-August. p. 218-228. |
Government of Botswana. Ministry of Finance and Development Planning. Rural Development Coordination Division (1994) | |
Drought and disaster management: improving efficiencies within Botswana's drought relief programmes: report of the workshop proceedings | |
31p. |
Appassamy, F. (1993) | |
Les sautes d'humeur de madame | |
Prosi. #293. juin. p. 10-11. |
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