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Search: su=refugees | ||||||||
Found: 14 | Record 1-14 |
Dietz, Ton; Klaver, Wijnand (2011) | |
Honger in de Hoorn van Afrika: een drama in kaarten en grafieken | |
Leiden: African Studies Centre. ASC infosheet #11. 4p. |
Nijenhuis, Gery; Broekhuis, Annelet (eds.) (2005) | |
Space and place in development geography: geographical perspectives on development in the 21st century | |
Amsterdam: Dutch University Press. 232p. |
Wessels, Joshka (ed.) (2005) | |
Darfur: earth, wind & fire | |
London: TVE. |
Domres, Bernd; Leistikow, Knut; Manger, Andreas (1995) | |
Die Bedeutung des Trinkwassers in der medizinischen Katastrophenhilfe: am Beispiel des Einsatzes des THW um Goma/Zaire, von Juli 1994 bis März 1995 | |
Internationales Afrikaforum. Volume 31 #3. p. 277-282. |
Eltigani, Eltigani El Tahir (ed.) (1995) | |
War and drought in Sudan: essays on population displacement | |
Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida. 114p. |
Nabeth, P (1994) | |
Nutritional indicators of Mozambican refugees in Malawi during the 1992 drought | |
Malawi Medical Journal. Volume 10 #2. June. p. 31-32. |
Elias, A. (1993) | |
Acçao Agrária Alema: antes da agricultura | |
Tempo. #1185. 8 de agosto. p. 13-15. |
Elias, A. (1992) | |
Sofala e Manica, no interior nao há gota nem grao | |
Tempo. #1144. out. 25. p. 10-15. |
Oniang'o, Ruth K. (ed.) (1992) | |
Disaster management: country case study: Kenya | |
116p. |
Naife, F. (1991) | |
Refugiado africano, um problema por solucionar | |
Tempo. #1081. 30 de junho. p. 34-36. |
Nnoli, Okwudiba (1989) | |
Desertification, refugees and regional conflict in West Africa | |
In: Ecology and politics: environmental stress and security in Africa / ed. by Anders Hjort af Ornäs and M.A. Mohamed Salih. - Uppsala: Scandinavian Institute of African Studies. p. 169-179. |
Stefanis, B. De; Lucia, A.G. (1983) | |
The experience of a foreign intervention in Somalia Refugee Camps: Italian teams in the Ogaden Refugee Camps at Qoorioley | |
Africa: rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione. Volume 38 #3. p. 468-473. |
Tucker, Jonathan B. (1982) | |
The Politics of Refugees in Somalia | |
Horn of Africa. Volume 5 #3. p. 20-31. |
Amselle, J.-L. (1981) | |
Famine, prolétarisation et création de nouveaux liens de dépendance au Sahel: les réfugiés de Mopti et de Léré au Mali | |
Politique africaine. #1. p. 5-22. |
Search: su=refugees | ||||||||
Found: 14 | Record 1-14 |
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