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Search: su=river basin organizations
Found: 33 Record 1-33

BookBoinet, Edouard (2013)
Hydropolitique du fleuve Sénégal: limites et perspectives d'un modèle de coopération
Paris: L'Harmattan. Inter-National. 105p.

BookThiam, Ousmane (2013)
Le barrage de Diama: évaluation des avantages sociaux et environnementaux de la retenue d'eau
Paris: L'Harmattan. 235p.

Periodical articleNgaide, Moustapha (2012)
La contribution de l'Afrique à la gestion des ressources en eau transfrontalières: l'exemple La Charte de l'eau du Bassin du Niger
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 66 #3. p. 263-316.

Periodical articleKinezero, Mathias (2011)
Politiques régionales pour la protection de l'environnement: le cas du bassin du Nil
Éthique & société. Volume 7 #2-3. p. 219-238.

BookKomakech, Hans C.; Zaag, Pieter van der (2011)
See this publicationUnderstanding the emergence and functioning of river committees in a catchment of the Pangani Basin, Tanzania

Periodical articleSambo, Armel (2011)
La pollution progressive des eaux du fleuve Logone: une potentielle source de conflits dans le bassin du Lac Tchad
Kaliao: revue pluridisciplinaire de l'École Normale Supérieure de Maroua (Cameroun), Série lettres et sciences humaines. Volume 3 #6. p. 69-82.

BookRaison, Jean-Pierre; Magrin, Géraud (eds.) (2009)
Des fleuves entre conflits et compromis: essais d'hydropolitique africaine
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 299p.

Periodical articleYohannes, Okbazghi (2009)
See this publicationHydro-politics in the Nile basin: in search of theory beyond realism and neo-liberalism
Abstract presentJournal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 3 #1. p. 74-93.

Periodical articleMikaïl, Barah (2008)
Lourds enjeux hydrauliques dans le monde nilotique, ou les risques d'une fragmentation régionale en gestation
Maghreb Machrek. #196. p. 93-108.

Periodical issueAdar, Korwa G. (ed.) (2007)
See this publicationThe riparian States of the Nile River, their national interests and regional stability
Abstract presentAfrican Sociological Review. Volume 11 #1. 106p.

Dissertation / thesisBakker, Marloes H.N. (2007)
Transboundary river floods: vulnerability of continents, international river basins and countries
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 261p.

Periodical articleKagwanja, Peter (2007)
See this publicationCalming the waters: the East African Community and conflict over the Nile resources
Abstract presentJournal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 1 #3. p. 321-337.

Periodical articleCharlery de la Masselière, Bernard (2005)
L'Afrique de l'Est et la question du Nil
L'Afrique orientale. p. 239-269.

BookUnited Nations Environment Programme (2005)
Hydropolitical vulnerability and resilience along international waters: Africa
Abstract presentNairobi: United Nations Environment Programme. 148p.

Periodical articleBa, Abdoul Samboly; Mbengue, Makane Moïse (2004)
Le régime juridique du fleuve Sénégal: aspects du droit des cours d'eau dans un contexte régional
African Yearbook of International Law. Volume 12. p. 309-347.

Periodical articleBouquet, Christian (2004)
Le bassin du Niger: retour aux frontières 'naturelles'?
Géopolitique africaine. #15-16. p. 267-280.

Periodical articleVentura, Costanza (2004)
See this publicationLa valorizzazione della valle del fiume Senegal: un'analisi socio-economica
Abstract presentAfrica: rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione. Volume 59 #1. p. 23-56.

BookMohamoda, Dahilon Yassin (2003)
See this publicationNile basin cooperation: a review of the literature
Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet. Current African issues #26. 41p.

BookAdams, Adrian (2000)
The River Senegal: flood management and the future of the valley
London: IIED. Issues paper #93. 27p.

Periodical articleDione, Olivier (2000)
Gestion des grands fleuves allogènes et logique de conflits à venir dans les milieux secs tropicaux africains
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 53 #211. p. 213-230.

Periodical articleHasler, Richard (2000)
See this publicationThe Hydro-Politics of the Okavango Delta: Property Rights and the Management Implications of Competing Land and Water Use Strategies
Abstract presentBotswana Notes and Records. Volume 32. p. 73-83.

Periodical articleKane, Ndiawar (2000)
Les enjeux économiques de l'aménagement du fleuve Sénégal
Abstract presentPrésence africaine. #161-162. p. 170-184.

Periodical articleOyat, Aggrey Odur; Amin, Mohammed Nuri el (1997)
Some Aspects of the Impact of the River Nile on the Politics of the Riparian States. Part One: Review of the Nile Valley Inter-State Relations
Sudan Notes and Records. #1. p. 189-220.

BookRangeley, Robert (ed.) (1994)
International river basin organizations in sub-Saharan Africa
Abstract presentWashington, DC: World Bank. World Bank technical paper #250. 70p.

BookSalem-Murdock, Muneera (ed.) (1994)
Les barrages de la controverse: le cas de la vallée du fleuve Sénégal
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. Collection alternatives paysannes. 318p.

BookWoodhouse, Philip; Ndiaye, Ibrahima (1991)
Structural adjustment and irrigated agriculture in Senegal
London: Irrigation Management Network (African Edition), Overseas Development Institute (ODI). Network paper #7. 30p.

Conference paperGadzama, N.M. (ed.) (1988)
Water resources of the Lake Chad Basin: management and conservation
Abstract presentIbadan: Evans Brothers. 403p.

Periodical articleSokal, R. (1987)
Les problèmes de la mise en valeur intégrée des grands bassins fluviaux: le cas du fleuve Niger
Abstract presentBulletin des séances = Mededelingen der zittingen. Volume 33 #4. p. 513-534.

BookBloch, Peter C. (1986)
Land tenure issues in river basin development in Sub-Saharan Africa
Abstract presentMadison, WI: Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconson-Madison. A research paper #90. 154p.

BookShahin, Alaa Eldine (1984)
Le Nil: un instrument de coopération inter-africaine
Abstract presentKinshasa: Institut de Recherches Économiques et Sociales. Lettre mensuelle #9-10.

Periodical articleYerokun, Olusegun (1983)
The legal regime of Lake Chad
Abstract presentAnnals of Borno. Volume 1. p. 159-167.

Periodical articleAbdel Mageed, Yahia (1981)
Integrated River Basin Development: A Challenge to the Nile Basin Countries
Abstract presentSudan Notes and Records. Volume 62. p. 69-81.

Periodical articleAndré, Jean Claude (1965)
L'évolution du statut des fleuves internationaux d'Afrique noire
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 19 #2. p. 285-310.

Search: su=river basin organizations
Found: 33 Record 1-33

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