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Search: su=water shortage | ||||||||
Found: 65 | Record 1-65 |
Ainuson, Kweku (2021) | |
Acquiring water rights in mineral operations in Ghana | |
KAS African Law Study Library. Volume 8 #3. p. 303-320. |
Turhan, Yunus (2021) | |
The hydro-political dilemma in Africa water geopolitics: The case of the Nile river basin | |
African Security Review. Volume 30 #1. p. 66-85. |
Chitonge, Horman (2020) | |
Urbanisation and the water challenge in Africa: Mapping out orders of water scarcity | |
African Studies. Volume 79 #2. p. 192-211. |
Kalb, Martin (2020) | |
The Dowsing Debate: Water, Science and Colonialism in German Southwest Africa | |
German History. Volume 38 #4. p. 568-593. |
Ngwaru, Farai; Niboye, Elliott P. (2020) | |
Local Resilience to Natural Hazards in Zimbabwe: Experiences from Mhondoro-Ngezi Rural Communities | |
Tanzania Journal of Development Studies. Volume 18 #1. p. 116-132. |
Sarkar, Anindita (2020) | |
Everyday practices of poor urban women to access water: Lived realities from a Nairobi slum | |
African Studies. Volume 79 #2. p. 212-231. |
Gambe, Tazviona Richman (2019) | |
The Gender Dimensions of Water Poverty: Exploring Water Shortages in Chitungwiza | |
Journal of Poverty. Volume 23 #2. p. 105-122. |
Sadoff, Claudia (ed.) (2017) | |
Beyond scarcity: water security in the Middle East and North Africa: conference edition | |
Washington, DC: World Bank. MENA development report. |
Debas, Mezegebu Getnet (2016) | |
Crop intensification options and trade-offs with the water balance in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia | |
Wageningen: Wageningen University. 178p. |
Mbereko, Alexio; Scott, Dianne; Chimbari, Moses John (2016) | |
The relationship between HIV and AIDS and water scarcity in Nyamakate resettlements land, north-central Zimbabwe | |
African Journal of AIDS Research. Volume 15 #4. p. 349-357. |
Ndadoum, Nadmian; Tatoloum, Amane; Marambaye, Doumdé (2016) | |
Les litiges fonciers dans le bassin du lac Tchad: le cas des populations du canton de Bol au Tchad | |
Territoires d'Afrique. #8. p. 77-87. |
Nodem, Jean-Emet (2015) | |
Eau, capitaux et pauvreté dans le versant sud des monts Bambouto | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. 242p. |
Besbes, Mustapha; Chahed, Jamel; Hamdane, Abdelkader (2014) | |
Sécurité hydrique de la Tunisie: gérer l'eau en conditions de pénuries | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Histoire et perspectives méditerranéennes. 354p. |
Manzungu, Emmanuel (ed.) (2012) | |
Social development and sustainable development in Zimbabwe | |
Journal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 27 #1. 197p. |
Oestigaard, Terje (2012) | |
Water scarcity and food security along the Nile: politics, population increase and climate change | |
Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet. Current African issues #49. 92p. |
Walsh, Martin (2012) | |
The not-so-Great Ruaha and hidden histories of an environmental panic in Tanzania | |
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 6 #2. p. 303-335. |
Jiskoot, Nanno (ed.) (2011) | |
Peace beyond borders: a documentary about conflict in the border region of Sudan, Uganda and Kenya and the quest for peaceful alternatives | |
Utrecht: Jisk Film. |
Rufaro Chikoore, Mavis; Bowora, John (2011) | |
The impact of water shortages on educational delivery in selected schools in Harare East District | |
Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 23 #3. p. 259-275. |
Gilarowski, Jerzy (2010) | |
Water scarcity as the reason for economic stagnation in the countries of sub-Saharan Africa (with special focus on Tanzania) | |
Africana Bulletin. #58. p. 103-115. |
Ofouémé-Berton, Yolande (2010) | |
L'approvisionnement en eau des populations rurales au Congo-Brazzaville | |
Les cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 63 #249. p. 7-29. |
Salih, Muhamed Kheir; Babiker, Hashim Hussein; Wahab Bob, Issam Abdel (2008) | |
An assessment of groundwater potential for investigation guidelines in greater Darfur | |
Khartoum: International Center for African Studies. 194p. |
Schmitz, Tobias Thabiso (2008) | |
Catching the Crocodile: organisational responses to water scarcity in South Africa's Crocodile River catchment | |
Thompson, Lisa (2008) | |
Public participation on dam building in South Africa: a case study of the Berg Water Project | |
Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa. #68. p. 1-27. |
Abdedayem, Slahedine (2007) | |
La rareté de l'eau dans les oasis littorales, insuffisance réelle ou problème de gestion? Cas de l'oasis de Gabès | |
Revue tunisienne de géographie. #38. p. 9-25. |
Rasolo, Hery A. (ed.) (2007) | |
Raketa mena = Cactus rouge | |
Izany s'Izany. |
Sosovele, Hussein (2007) | |
The Root Causes of the Declining levels of Water in the Great Ruaha River, Tanzania | |
Tanzania Journal of Development Studies. Volume 7 #1. March. p. 104-116. |
Witsenburg, Karen; Roba, Adano Wario (2007) | |
The use and management of water sources in Kenya's drylands: is there a link between scarcity & violent conflicts? | |
In: Conflicts over land & water in Africa. |
Yussif, Adam Bawa (2006) | |
Water vending in Tamale: water scarcity and its domestic implications: a case study of impacts on care | |
Legon: Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana. Studies in the culture of care #3. 60p. |
Wessels, Joshka (ed.) (2005) | |
Darfur: earth, wind & fire | |
London: TVE. |
Hutchings, Anne; Buijs, Gina (2004) | |
Problems of Water, AIDS and Home-Based Care: A Case Study from Rural Northern KwaZulu-Natal | |
Africanus. Volume 34 #2. p. 77-87. |
Alghariani, Saad A. (2003) | |
Water transfer versus desalination in North Africa: sustainability and cost comparison | |
Libyan Studies. Volume 34. p. 147-152. |
Bayonga, D.G. (2003) | |
Solutions to Ruaha National Park water shortage | |
Kakakuona. #30. July-September. p. 5-8. |
Athie, Aboubacry (2002) | |
Die politischen Implikationen der Wasserverfügbarkeit in Afrika südlich der Sahara: dargestellt am Beispiel der Sahelländer Westafrikas | |
Berlin: Wissenschaftliche Verlag Berlin. 190p. |
Showers, Kate B. (2002) | |
Water Scarcity and Urban Africa: An Overview of Urban-Rural Water Linkages | |
World Development. Volume 30 #4. April. p. 621-648. |
Yang, Hong; Zehnder, Alexander J.B. (2002) | |
Water Scarcity and Food Import: A Case Study for Southern Mediterranean Countries | |
World Development. Volume 30 #8. p. 1413-1430. |
Zwiers, Ciska (2002) | |
World without water: a study on the scarcity of water in the village of Muyako, Lake Liambezi area, East Caprivi, Namibia | |
Utrecht: UNITWIN, Utrecht University. UNITWIN-series for Namibia #15. 96p. |
Showers, Kate (2001) | |
Water scarcity and urban Africa: a preliminary mapping | |
Boston, MA: African Studies Center, Boston University. Working papers #237. 27p. |
Abwao, P. (2000) | |
Overcoming the water crisis | |
EcoNews Africa. July. p. 3-5. |
Acheampong, P.K. (2000) | |
On the experience of dry spells in Ghana: the case study of the University of Cape Coast Community and the 1998 dry spell | |
Bulletin of the Ghana Geographical Association. #22. July. p. 78-89. |
Raymer, D. (2000) | |
Nor any drop to drink | |
Executive (Nairobi, Kenya). August-September. p. 10-13. |
Raymer, D. (2000) | |
The rich also stink | |
Ecoforum. Volume 24 #3. cold season. p. 15-17. |
Azevedo, Licínio (ed.) (1996) | |
The water war | |
Maputo: Ébano Multimédia. |
Cupido, B. (1995) | |
Omaheke: a region in crisis | |
Namibia Review. Volume 4 #4. June. p. 27-30. |
Cupido, B. (1995) | |
Windhoek to run dry by 1997 | |
Namibia Review. Volume 4 #4. June. p. 9-11. |
Henrique, A. (1995) | |
Falta de água no regadio de Moamba | |
Extra (Maputo, Mozambique). #16. January-April. p. 20-23. |
Luís, A. (1995) | |
Até quando Mueda nao vai beber água potável? ... | |
Tempo. #1269. 16 de abril. p. 4-7. |
Sérgio, P. (1995) | |
Zambeze: margens do rio, margens da vida | |
Tempo. #1255. 8 de jan.. p. 20-23. |
Anonymous (1994) | |
Dôa: como sobreviver sem comer? | |
Tempo. #1219. 1 de maio. p. 9-13. |
Laissone, I. (1994) | |
Chicualacuala e Massangena: duas faces da mesma moeda | |
Tempo. #1220. 8 de maio. p. 6-9. |
Mazrui, A.A. (1994) | |
The flawed old order: origin of food and water crisis in Africa | |
Resources (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 5 #1. p. 10-14. |
Githongo, J. (1993) | |
Water, water everywhere ... | |
Executive (Nairobi, Kenya). February. p. 29-31. |
Ong'wen, O. (1993) | |
Poor nations, poor water, poor people | |
Droplets. #5. November. p. 4-7. |
Titos, A. (1993) | |
Quelimane, água custa(va) suor | |
Tempo. #1159. 7 fev.. p. 4-5. |
Anonymous (1992) | |
The water crisis in Bulawayo | |
Legal Forum. Volume 4 #4. December. p. 56-64. |
Anonymous (1992) | |
Water shortages, solutions for business | |
Business Trend Review. Volume 2 #1. June. p. 19-20. |
Luis, A. (1992) | |
Cidade da Matola, quando as dificldades reinam | |
Tempo. #1126. maio 17. p. 14-19. |
Vala, S.C. (1992) | |
Chókwè, agricultura comprometida | |
Tempo. #1118. março 22. p. 24-28. |
Anonymous (1991) | |
Cabo Delgado: o preço da falta de água | |
Tempo. #1063. 24 de fev.. p. 16-21. |
Biesbrouck, Karen; Guijt, Joost (1991) | |
Where has all the water gone? Environmental problems in and around Gawar and Gadala in the north of Cameroon | |
Leiden: Programme Environment and Development, Centre of Environmental Science, Leiden University. |
Brito, R. (1991) | |
Yield reduction due to water shortage and water stress for some crops and zones in Mozambique | |
Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Conference of the SADCC-Land and Water Management Research Programme. October 7-9. p. 217-230. |
ElAmin, A. (1991) | |
Masunga: village of the man-made drought | |
Kutlwano. Volume 29 #12. December. p. 14-15. |
Kusekwa, M.L.; Rushalaza, V.G.; Kasonta, J.S. (1991) | |
Towards solving water shortage problems for livestock in semi-arid Central Tanzania | |
Tanzania Agricultural Research & Training Newsletter. Volume 6 #1-4. December. p. 11-14. |
Nkuruh, W. (1991) | |
Water, water is the cry of the Omborondo people | |
Droplets. Volume 3. December-Feb. 1992. p. 4, 6. |
Nogueira, T. (1991) | |
Massingir, a barrangem inacabada | |
Tempo. #1100. 17 de nov.. p. 10-17. |
Mangope, R. (1990) | |
Water: precious in Kgalagadi | |
Kutlwano. Volume 28 #8. August. p. 8-9. |
Search: su=water shortage | ||||||||
Found: 65 | Record 1-65 |
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