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Search: su=Agriculture, Natural Resources and the Environment | ||||||||
Found: 375 | Record 1-100 |
Mamdouh-Salem, Marwa (2023) | |
Revisiting the Concept of 'Virtual Water' in Light of the Impact of the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on Egypt's Water Interests | |
Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies. Volume 46 #2. p. 12-38. |
Akallah, Jethron Ayumbah (2022) | |
Wells and Boreholes: Resilient Water Provision in Nairobi | |
Journal of History of Science and Technology. Volume 16 #1. p. 48-72. |
Breitinger, Jan C. (2022) | |
A Lake to Serve: The Exploration, Modification, and Degradation of Lake Victoria, 1920s to 1960s | |
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. Volume 50 #1. p. 144-184. |
Caglioti, Angelo Matteo (2022) | |
'In this country, water means life'. Eritrea's erratic rivers and Italian irrigation projects between Adwa and Mussolini (1897-1934) | |
Contemporanea: Rivista di storia dell'800 e del '900. Volume 25 #2. p. 265-291. |
Castelo, Cláudia (2022) | |
Perturbações na paisagem pastoril do sudoeste angolano: ansiedade política e geografia aplicada no colonialismo tardio | |
Terra Brasilis. Volume 17. |
Edward, Frank (2022) | |
Planned Vulnerabilities? Street Flooding and Drainage Infrastructure in Colonial Dar es Salaam | |
Journal of History of Science and Technology. Volume 16 #1. p. 29-47. |
Musandu, Phoebe (2022) | |
The Elephant in the Room: The Implications of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) proliferation in Kenya for Archiving and Historical Research | |
History in Africa. Volume 49. p. 159-183. |
Parker, James D. (2022) | |
Ecologies of Development: Ecophilosophies and Indigenous Action on the Tana River | |
History in Africa. Volume 49. p. 65-96. |
Pimenta, José Ramiro (2022) | |
A Geografia colonial de Silva Teles (1860-1930) | |
Terra Brasilis. Volume 17. |
Rouillé-Kielo, Gaële (2022) | |
Protéger des 'eaux agitées': ce que les archives de l'association de riverains du lac Naivasha (années 1960-2010) révèlent des stratégies conservationnistes au Kenya | |
Sources. Matériaux & Terrains en études africaines. Volume 4. p. 241-281. |
Tonolo, Giovanni (2022) | |
An Environmental History of Palm Oil Development in Dahomey in the Twentieth Century | |
Comparativ: Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und Vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung. Volume 32 #6. p. 726-749. |
Capel, Chloé (2021) | |
Authority Beyond State and Tribe in the Early Medieval Maghrib: The Impact of Climate on the Economic, Social and Political Reorganisation of the Maghrib al-Aqsa in the Eighth-Ninth Centuries: The Case of Sijilmasa (Morocco) | |
Al-Masaq: Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean. Volume 33 #1. p. 47-65. |
Chipman, Leigh (2021) | |
Collapse, affluence, and collapse again: contrasting climatic effects in Egypt during the prolonged reign of al-Mustansir (1036-1094) | |
Mediterranean Historical Review. Volume 36 #2. p. 199-215. |
Chloé, Capel (2021) | |
Histoire hydraulique et histoire urbaine: Lorsque les pratiques d'irrigation renseignent les dynamiques de peuplement des villes. L'exemple de Sijilmassa | |
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 56 #4. p. 177-206. |
Come, Sérgio Feliciano; Nhongo, Eufrásio João Sozinho; Ferreira, Fernanda Machado (2021) | |
Mineração industrial e conflitos socio-ambientais: o caso da província de Tete, centro de Moçambique | |
AbeÁfrica: revista da associação brasileira de estudos africanos. Volume 5. p. 198-215. |
Pepicelli, Renata (2021) | |
'People Want a Clean Environment': Historical Roots of the Environmental Crisis and the Emergence of Eco-Resistances in Tunisia | |
Studi Magrebini. Volume 19 #1. p. 37-62. |
Vilela, João de Sousa; Pires, Cristiano; Geldenhuys, Coert J.; Figueiredo, Albano (2021) | |
Dependência, pressão e recuperação de recursos florestais no Parque Nacional do Limpopo (Moçambique) o caso das florestas de Mopane | |
Cadernos de Geografia. Volume 44. p. 21-35. |
Bargach, Jamila (2020) | |
Fog in Seven Movements: Connecting Anti-Atlas Villages to Fog Water | |
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 55 #4. p. 293-318. |
Fernández García-Valcárcel, Aida; Regueiro Dubra, Raquel (2020) | |
El derecho al agua limpia y saneamiento y su influencia en la violencia de género en el campo de refugiados de Dadaab (Kenia) | |
Miscelánea Comillas: Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales. Volume 78 #153. p. 703-729. |
Kalb, Martin (2020) | |
The Dowsing Debate: Water, Science and Colonialism in German Southwest Africa | |
German History. Volume 38 #4. p. 568-593. |
Kamaljanova, Takhira A.; Burakanova, Galiya M. (2020) | |
Natural resource management (NRM) and peacebuilding in case of Liberia | |
Opción: Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales. Volume 91. p. 1-832. |
Nascimento Júnior, Lindberg; Neto, João Lima Sant'Anna (2020) | |
Risco climático em Maputo: uma análise a partir da produção do espaço urbano | |
AbeÁfrica: revista da associação brasileira de estudos africanos. Volume 4. p. 255-276. |
Parker, James (2020) | |
A Wasted Eden: Colonial Water Management and Ecological Change in Kitui, Kenya 1948-63 | |
Les Cahiers d'Afrique de l'Est / The East African Review. Volume 55. |
Soubira, Thomas (2020) | |
L'eau à Sigilmasa (Maroc): témoins écrits et matériels pour une hydro-histoire du Tafilalt (VIIIe-XVe siècles) | |
Afriques. Volume 11. |
Catarino, Luís (2019) | |
Parque Natural das Lagoas de Cufada, Guiné-Bissau. Desafios, ameaças e perspetivas | |
Revista Internacional em Língua Portuguesa. Volume 35. p. 17-30. |
d'Eeckenbrugge, Geo Coppens; Schiavo, Michele; Caron, Elisa; Ongwen, Dismas; Kamau, Joseph Ireri; Rono, Bernard; Leclerc, Christian (2019) | |
Worldwide interconnections of Africa using crops as historical and cultural markers | |
Les Cahiers d'Afrique de l'Est / The East African Review. Volume 52. p. 7-41. |
Muhale, Izidro Justino; Ferreira, Leila da Costa; Zullo Júnior, Jurandir (2019) | |
Reconstrução dos eventos e documentos da institucionalização ambiental em Moçambique: uma contribuição para a História Ambiental | |
Em Tempo de Histórias. Volume 35. p. 22-44. |
Nzualo, Teodósio das Neves Milisse; Silvestre, Vanilza Flora (2019) | |
Avaliação da vulnerabilidade costeira na costa Moçambicana: Índice de Vulnerabilidade Costeira simplificado | |
AbeÁfrica: revista da associação brasileira de estudos africanos. Volume 3. p. 111-137. |
Abderrahmane, Oujamaa (2018) | |
Consommation du patrimoine hydraulique par le activités touristiques: Cas de La Haute Vallee du DRAA | |
digitAR - Revista Digital de Arqueologia, Arquitectura e Artes. Volume 5. p. 133-57. |
Askour, Khadija (2018) | |
Développement d'un écosystème territorial d'innovation sociale dans les zones touristiques vulnérables au Maroc: Cas des territoires oasiens | |
digitAR - Revista Digital de Arqueologia, Arquitectura e Artes. Volume 5. p. 17-29. |
Bernardo, Bernardino José (2018) | |
A influência da dinâmica urbana e a ocupação de áreas inundáveis no bairro Magoanine-A (Moçambique): uma reflexão sobre o zoneamento ambiental | |
Revista Internacional em Língua Portuguesa. Volume 35. p. 61-68. |
Carvalho, Rik Apolo de (2018) | |
Corrida ao mar? O desafio da segurança marítima nos pequenos Estados insulares: o Caso de Cabo Verde | |
CesContexto: Debates. Volume 20. p. 149-178. |
Costa, Esperança da; Adão, Tomásia; Catarino, Sílvia; Pedro, Manuela; Romeiras, Maria (2018) | |
Plantas ameaçadas em Angola - estado actual | |
Revista Internacional em Língua Portuguesa. Volume 35. p. 31-43. |
Ismail, Shehab (2018) | |
Epicures and Experts: The Drinking Water Controversy in British Colonial Cairo | |
Arab Studies Journal. Volume 26 #2. p. 8-43. |
Okeke, Remi (2018) | |
The Oduche Complex and the Public Policy Environment in Africa: A Nigerian Case Study | |
Ufahamu. Volume 40 #1. p. 131-154. |
Blouin, Katherine (2017) | |
Beyond the Nile: Orientalism, environmental history, and ancient Egypt's Mareotide (northwestern Nile Delta) | |
History Compass. Volume 15 #10. |
Frey, Marc (2017) | |
Doctrines and Practices of Agrarian Development: The Case of the Office du Niger in Mali | |
Comparativ: Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und Vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung. Volume 27 #2. p. 15-34. |
Haug, Brendan (2017) | |
Water and power: Reintegrating the state into the study of Egyptian irrigation | |
History Compass. Volume 15 #10. |
Capel, Chloé (2016) | |
Une grande hydraulique saharienne à l'époque médiévale. L'oued Ziz et Sijilmassa (Maroc) | |
Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez. Volume 46 #1. p. 139-165. |
Zaato, Joshua (2015) | |
'Look before You Leap': Lessons from Urban Water Sector Reforms in Ghana | |
Journal of Asian and African studies. Volume 50 #6. p. 683-701. |
Fernandes, Raúl Mendes (2014) | |
Paisagens, pescas e pescadores no litoral da Guiné-Bissau | |
Revista Internacional em Língua Portuguesa. Volume 27. p. 65-82. |
Lima, Dudene Vaz (2014) | |
A comunidade marítima de São Tomé e Príncipe e o tratamento domiciliar de água | |
Revista Internacional em Língua Portuguesa. Volume 27. p. 145-158. |
Taithe, Alexandre (2014) | |
Le changement climatique dans la région des Grands Lacs | |
Les Cahiers d'Afrique de l'Est / The East African Review. Volume 48. p. 37-50. |
Tesfaye, Aaron (2014) | |
Conflict and Cooperation and the Evolution of the Nascent Nile Basin Regime | |
Northeast African Studies. Volume 14 #1. p. 123-144. |
Diallo, Rozenn (2013) | |
Conservation, international aid and state power. Case studies from Mozambique | |
CesContexto: Debates. Volume 1. p. 175-212. |
Rahman, Majeed A. (2013) | |
Water Security: Ethiopia-Egypt Transboundary Challenges over the Nile River Basin | |
Journal of Asian and African studies. Volume 48 #1. p. 35-46. |
Weiss, Lindsay Moira (2013) | |
Intellectual property rights and sovereign claims; water, diamonds and rights in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve | |
Settler Colonial Studies. Volume 3 #2. p. 157-171. |
Yohannes, Okbazghi; Yohannes, Keren (2013) | |
Turmoil in the Nile River Basin: Back to the Future? | |
Journal of Asian and African studies. Volume 48 #2. p. 195-208. |
Bauchspies, Wenda K. (2012) | |
The Community Water Jar: Gender and Technology in Guinea | |
Journal of Asian and African studies. Volume 47 #4. p. 392-403. |
Narsiah, Sagie; Ahmed, Waquar (2012) | |
The Neoliberalization of the Water and Energy Sectors in South Africa and India | |
Journal of Asian and African studies. Volume 47 #6. p. 679-694. |
Silva, Juliane Bernardes da (2012) | |
O Pesadelo de Darwin: um olhar reflexivo sobre as relações norte-sul desde o lago Vitória - Tanzânia | |
Revista Vernáculo. Volume 30. p. 41-65. |
Bawa, Zainab (2011) | |
Where is the State? How is the State? Accessing Water and the State in Mumbai and Johannesburg | |
Journal of Asian and African studies. Volume 46 #5. p. 491-503. |
Nilsson, David; Nyanchaga, Ezekiel Nyangeri (2008) | |
Pipes and Politics: A Century of Change and Continuity in Kenyan Urban Water Supply | |
Journal of Modern African Studies. Volume 46 #1. March. p. 133-158. |
Were, Elizabeth; Roy, Jessica; Swallow, Brent (2008) | |
Local Organisations and Gender in Water Management: A Case Study from the Kenya Highlands | |
Journal of International Development. Volume 20 #1. January. p. 69-81. |
Yilma, Tsegaye; Berg, Ernst; Berger, Thomas (2008) | |
The Agricultural Technology-Market Linkage under Liberalisation in Ghana: Evidence from Micro Data | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 17 #1. January. p. 62-84. |
Bangira, C.; Manyevere, A.; Mubvumba, P. (2007) | |
The Spatical and Temporal Variation of pH and Lead in Rain Water in Harare City, Zimbabwe | |
Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa. Volume 9 #1. Spring. p. 1-19. |
Doevenspeck, Martin (2007) | |
Lake Kivu's Methane Gas: Natural Risk, or Source of Energy and Political Security | |
Afrika Spectrum. Volume 42 #1. p. 95-110. |
Gutierrez, Eric (2007) | |
Delivering Pro-Poor Water and Sanitation Services: The Technical and Political Challenges in Malawi and Zambia | |
Geoforum. Volume 38 #5. September. p. 886-900. |
Kazimbaya-Senkwe, Barbara; Guy, Simon C. (2007) | |
Back to the Future? Privatisation and the Domestication of Water in the Copperbelt Province of Zambia, 1900-2000 | |
Geoforum. Volume 38 #5. September. p. 869-885. |
Levy, Stephanie (2007) | |
Public Investment to Reverse Dutch Disease: The Case of Chad | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 16 #3. p. 439-484. |
Mwangi, Oscar (2007) | |
Hydropolitics, Ecocide and Human Security in Lesotho: A Case Study of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 33 #1. March. p. 3-17. |
Richardson, Craig J. (2007) | |
How Much Did Droughts Matter? Linking Rainfall and GDP Growth in Zimbabwe | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 106 #424. July. p. 463-478. |
Ftaïta, Toufik (2006) | |
Structures politiques et irrigation dans le Maroc précolonial et colonial: Le cas des oasis de la tribu arabe des Oulad Jerrar | |
Socio-anthropologie. Volume 17-18. |
Little, Peter D.; Stone, M. Priscilla; Mogues, Tewodaj; Castro, A. Peter; Negatu, Workneh (2006) | |
'Moving in Place': Drought and Poverty Dynamics in South Wollo, Ethiopia | |
Journal of Development Studies. Volume 42 #2. February. p. 200-225. |
Mbata, James N. (2006) | |
Estimating Household Willingness to Pay for Water Services in a Rural Economy: The Case of Kanye in Southern Botswana | |
Development Southern Africa. Volume 23 #1. March. p. 29-43. |
Musemwa, Muchaparara (2006) | |
A Tale of Two Cities: The Evolution of the City of Bulawayo and Makokoba Township under Conditions of Water Scarcity, 1894-1953 | |
South African Historical Journal. #55. p. 186-209. |
Perret, Sylvain R.; Stevens, Joe B. (2006) | |
Socio-Economic Reasons for the Low Adoption of Water Conservation Technologies by Smallholder Farmers in Southern Africa: A Review of the Literature | |
Development Southern Africa. Volume 23 #4. October. p. 461-476. |
Sam, Nana Ama Serwah Poku (2006) | |
Gender Mainstreaming and Integration of Women in Decision-Making: The Case of Water Management in Samari-Nkwanta, Ghana | |
Wagadu. #3. Summer. |
Stump, Daryl (2006) | |
The Development and Expansion of the Field and Irrigation Systems at Engaruka, Tanzania | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 41. p. 69-94. |
Turton, Anthony; Patrick, Marian; Julien, Frederic (2006) | |
Transboundary Water Resources in Southern Africa: Conflict of Cooperation? | |
Development. Volume 49 #3. September. |
Undie, Chi-Chi; John-Langba, Johannes; Kimani, Elizabeth (2006) | |
'The Place of Cool Waters': Women and Water in the Slums of Nairobi, Kenya | |
Wagadu. #3. Summer. |
Whitfield, Lindsay (2006) | |
The Politics of Urban Water Reform in Ghana | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 33 #109. September. p. 425-448. |
Yeboah, Ian (2006) | |
Subaltern Strategies and Development Practice: Urban Water Privatization in Ghana | |
The Geographical Journal. Volume 172 #1. March. p. 50-65. |
Azzam, Azzeddine; Sekkat, Khalid (2005) | |
Measuring Total-Factor Agricultural Productivity under Drought Conditions: The Case of Morocco | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 10 #1. March. p. 19-31. |
Fakayode, Sayo O. (2005) | |
Impact Assessment of Industrial Effluent on Water Quality of the Receiving Alaro River in Ibadan, Nigeria | |
African Journal of Environmental Assessment and Management. Volume 10. March. p. 1-13. |
Lemi, Adugna (2005) | |
Rainfall Probability and Agricultural Yield in Ethiopia | |
Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 21 #1. January. p. 57-96. |
Lumby, Anthony; Matete, Mampiti; Rwelamira, Juliana (2005) | |
The Management of South Africa's Water Resources with Particular Reference to the Period 1956-1998 | |
South African Journal of Economic History. Volume 20 #2. September. p. 83-108. |
Sishuta, Babalwa (2005) | |
Small-Scale Irrigation Development for Sustainable Rural Development: A Case Study of the Tyhefu Irrigation Scheme | |
African Sociological Review. Volume 9 #2. p. 184-206. |
Belay, Kassa (2004) | |
Management of Droughts and Famines in Ethiopia | |
Journal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 19 #1. January. p. 93-127. |
Chirwa, Danwood Mzikenge (2004) | |
Privatisation of Water in Southern Africa: A Human Rights Perspective | |
African Human Rights Law Journal. Volume 4 #2. p. 218-241. |
Fiki, O.C.; Lee, Bill (2004) | |
Conflict Generation, Conflict Management and Self-Organizing Capabilities in Drought-Prone Rural Communities in North-Eastern Nigeria: A Case Study | |
Journal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 19 #2. p. 25-48. |
Fonjong, Lotsmart N.; Emmanuuel, Ngwa N.; Fonchingong, Charles C. (2004) | |
Rethinking the Contribution of Indigenous Management in Small-Scale Water Provision among Selected Rural Communities in Cameroon | |
Environment, Development and Sustainability. Volume 6 #4. December. p. 429-451. |
Glockner, Heike; Mkanga, Meki; Ndezi, Timothy (2004) | |
Local Empowerment through Community Mapping for Water and Sanitation in Dar es Salaam | |
Environment and Urbanization. Volume 16 #1. April. p. 185-197. |
Hosking, Stephen Gerald; Preez, Mariodu (2004) | |
The Valuation of Water for Conservation Projects in South Africa | |
Development Southern Africa. Volume 21 #2. June. p. 385-398. |
Hutchings, Anne; Buijs, Gina (2004) | |
Problems of Water, AIDS and Home-Based Care: A Case Study from Rural Northern KwaZulu-Natal | |
Africanus. Volume 34 #2. p. 77-87. |
Kamara, Abdul B.; Sally, Hilmy (2004) | |
Water Management Options for Food Security in South Africa: Scenarios, Simulations and Policy Implications | |
Development Southern Africa. Volume 21 #2. June. p. 365-384. |
Kujinga, Krasposy; Manzungu, Emmanuel (2004) | |
Enduring Contestations: Stakeholder Strategic Action in Water Resource Management in the Save Catchment Area, Eastern Zimbabwe | |
Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 20 #1. January. p. 67-91. |
Bayliss, Kate (2003) | |
Utility Privatisation in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Case Study of Water | |
Journal of Modern African Studies. Volume 41 #4. December. p. 507-531. |
Bekele, Lemma (2003) | |
Community Perceptions and Responses to Awash Floods in the Wonji Environs, Ethiopia | |
Ethiopian Journal of Development Research. Volume 25 #2. October. p. 1-33. |
Casciarri, Barbara (2003) | |
Rare Resources and Environmental Crises: Notes on Water Management among the Ait Unzar Pastoralists in South-Eastern Morocco | |
Nomadic Peoples. Volume 7 #1. p. 177-186. |
Daifullah, A.A.M.; Shakour, A.A. (2003) | |
Chemical Composition of Rainwater in Egypt | |
African Journal of Environmental Assessment and Management. Volume 6. June. p. 32-43. |
Derman, Bill; Ferguson, Anne (2003) | |
Value of Water: Political Ecology and Water Reform in Southern Africa | |
Human Organization. Volume 62 #3. Fall. p. 277-288. |
Dube, Opha Pauline (2003) | |
Impact of climate change, vulnerability and adaptation options: exploring the case for Botswana through Southern Africa: a review | |
Botswana Notes and Records. Volume 35. p. 147-168. |
Foltz, Jeremy D. (2003) | |
The Economics of Water-Conserving Technology Adoption in Tunisia: An Empirical Estimation of Farmer Technology Choice | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 51 #2. January. p. 359-373. |
Galvin, Mary; Habib, Adam (2003) | |
The Politics of Decentralization and Donor Funding in South Africa's Rural Water Sector | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 29 #4. December. p. 865-884. |
Hassan, Rashid M. (2003) | |
Economy-Wide Benefits from Water-Intensive Industries in South Africa: Quasi-Input-Output Analysis of the Contribution of Irrigation Agriculture and Cultivated Plantations in the Crocodile River Catchment | |
Development Southern Africa. Volume 20 #2. June. p. 171-195. |
Hill, Jennifer; Woodland, Wendy (2003) | |
Contrasting Water Management Techniques in Tunisia: Towards Sustainable Agricultural Use | |
The Geographical Journal. Volume 169 #4. December. p. 342-357. |
Keraita, Bernard; Drechsel, Pay; Amoah, Philip (2003) | |
Influence of Urban Wastewater on Stream Quality and Agriculture in and around Kumasi, Ghana | |
Environment and Urbanization. Volume 15 #2. October. p. 171-178. |
Lagat, Job Kibiwot; Ithinji, Gicuru K.; Buigut, Steven K. (2003) | |
Determinants of the Adoption of Water Harvesting Technologies in the Marginal Areas of Nakuru District, Kenya: The Case of Trench and Water Pan Technologies | |
Eastern Africa Journal of Rural Development. Volume 19 #1. p. 24-32. |
Loefler, Imre (2003) | |
The Disappearing Waters of Kenya | |
Kenya Past and Present. #34. p. 64-66. |
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